Hello Chang’an

Chapter 327: I can only promise her

Chapter 327 I can only promise her

Li Xian touched his forehead on the cold gold bricks in the Manna Hall, his posture was respectful and ashamed.

The Holy Emperor in the dragon chair above lowered his eyes and said: "I know that you have always been hostile to the nobles. Your massacre in Luoyang was not only motivated by merit, but also because you wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge. —”

Li Xian's body froze slightly, and the words of defense came to his lips, but he swallowed them back and said with shame: "Yes, Xian already knew he was wrong."

Who is his aunt? To still try to play tricks on her at this time, trying to hide the truth, is just asking for trouble.

"I never said that you shouldn't retaliate against them. This is not your fault, but that your actions were not comprehensive enough. You were blinded by the temporary advantage you had. You left others with clues when you did things, thus putting yourself in a passive situation."

After Li Xian was slightly startled, he lowered his body lower and said, "Yes, thank you for your aunt's teaching. Xian will note it down."

"But you did one thing well." There was a faint hint of approval in the emperor's majestic voice: "At least you knew how to work around it. When you faced the Zheng family in Xingyang, you never insisted on being ruthless and reckless."

She looked at the nephew in front of her who was over thirty years old and resembled her mother, the late Korean princess, and said, "You have made some progress in the past few years in the southern border."

Li Xian: "I am stupid, I still have a lot to learn."

"You indeed still have a lot to learn." The Holy Book Emperor looked at him: "Although you are a descendant of the He family, you also have the blood of the Ming family flowing in your body. The arrogant and lewd juniors of the Ming family are too incompetent, so , I have high hopes for you... Keeping you in the south these past few years is also intended to calm your temperament."

"Yes, Xian understands." Li Xian slowly straightened his upper body, raised his hands and folded them in front of him: "Xian will not disappoint his aunt."

"Tomorrow morning, there will be many unpleasant voices regarding your fault in Luoyang. You just listen and don't have to argue with them." The emperor said: "As for how to determine the punishment, I will use my discretion. . But you need to remember that you and I are truly on the same page at all times.”

Li Xian responded with a respectful expression.

"You have had a hard time on your trip, so please go back home for now."

Li Xian responded "Yes" first, but after hesitating for a moment, he still said: "Aunt, Xian has one more thing..."

"Do you want to ask about Cui Jing—"

"Exactly." Li Xianchui said with his head: "In the case of the Zheng family in Xingyang, Cui Jing seemed to be righteous in killing relatives, but in fact he was helping the Zheng family members to escape guilt..."

"How could I not know." The voice of Emperor Shengce could not hear the joy or anger: "However, now that the Cui family has exterminated him, everyone in the world now knows that he is Cui Jing, the general of the Xuance Army, not the Cui family of Qinghe. The eldest grandson Cui Jing—"

"What's more, he has always been thorough in his actions and almost never made any mistakes. Even though I wanted to take back the military power of the Xuance Army, I couldn't find a reason for it."

"There has been turmoil everywhere recently. Such major events as the change of military power can affect the whole body. Now in the eyes of the world and Xuance's army, he has betrayed the same noble family because of his loyalty to me... If I seize him for no reason at this time Military power may arouse Xuance's army to rebel. "

"So, now we still have to wait for a good opportunity, but before that, we can only figure it out slowly." Emperor Shengce looked at Li Xian and said: "So, I sent Cui Jing to still go to the northern border, and I asked you to lead Seventy thousand Xuance troops returned to the capital—"

Xuance's army totals 150,000. Cui Jing took 80,000 with him when he went to the north. These 70,000 were brought by Li Xian to Luoyang before, but now they have returned to continue to garrison the capital.

"I know what you want, but before that, you must have the ability and prestige to convince them - Li Xian, do you understand?"

Thinking of returning to Luoyang without success, and not even being able to fight Xu Zhengye's army at all, Li Xian felt an irritated feeling of bad luck in his heart. He also thought that Chang Sui Ning, who had taken all the credit, was now highly respected by the people, and even relied on his credit. Blatantly asking for the position of Jiangdu governor—

But he never showed any signs of it on his face. He only responded with shame: "Yes, I understand."

"I will give you enough opportunities to prove yourself and establish your prestige." The Holy Book Emperor finally said: "But whether you can grasp it depends on whether you have this ability."

Out of a balance of pros and cons, she prefers to hand over power to her relatives who are closely related to her own interests, but this trust will never be blind or unconditional.

After Li Xian exited the Manna Hall, the Holy Emperor said to himself: "Among these juniors, no one can compare with Ashang."

If there were one or two people with Ashang's qualifications among these people, she wouldn't settle for second best and go to the trouble of cultivating and supporting people like Li Xian who could only be called mediocre.

Only Yu Zeng, who was standing by, could hear the emperor's words to himself.

Yu Zeng vaguely felt that His Majesty seemed to have mentioned His Highness quite frequently recently... Is it because of the unstable current situation that he always thinks of His Highness's value?

Inexplicably, Yu Zeng thought of the girl who stood out in this chaos.

When he was distracted for a moment, he heard the emperor suddenly ask: "What happened to the wine I asked you to brew before?"

Yu Zeng recovered his thoughts and said, "Go back to Your Majesty. We will be able to leave the cellar in three or two days."

The Holy Emperor nodded.

As the sky outside the palace darkened, lights were lit in various places in the palace.

Someone from the palace brought the elixir and served the emperor to take it.

As night engulfed the entire palace, the Imperial Master of Tianjing, summoned by the emperor, came with his whisk in hand.

The Holy Emperor had a rare moment of free time, and talked about Taoism alone with Imperial Master Tianjing, hoping to seek answers from Taoism.

Tianjing Imperial Master heard the emperor's overtones of being outside of Taoism and asked: "Is Your Majesty hesitating about whether to agree to General Ning Yuan's appointment as the governor of Jiangdu?"

Emperor Shengce did not deny it and said: "Some of them said that if this precedent is set, everyone will follow suit in the future, take credit and claim important positions... In the long run, the majesty of the imperial court will remain."

Imperial Master Tianjing smiled: "This statement is too much to worry about. How can General Ning Yuan's achievements be imitated by 'everyone'?"

This world is big, but it is only General Ningyuan.

The Holy Emperor also smiled slightly: "Yes, that's what Taifu Chu said. Taifu said that if everyone can accomplish such a miraculous feat, not to mention the position of governor of a state, he will be asked to give up the position of Minister of Rites. It’s not a bad idea to take a seat—”

The Taifu's words were very upright and awe-inspiring, but many courtiers heard it at that time and felt that there seemed to be something private in these words... After all, the Taifu's intention to resign was obvious to everyone.

Tian Jing smoothed his silver-white beard, and his eyes were very clear: "If General Ningyuan is not His Highness, but an ordinary general, will the saint still be so hesitant in the face of such a request?"

"No matter who it is, as long as this person has hope to defend Yangzhou, in such a situation, I can only agree." The emperor said: "I cannot allow the Japanese army to wreak havoc... Otherwise, I will become a legend in the history books. Sinner."

And she knew that the one who had the best chance of repelling the Japanese army was Ashang.

Tianjing then asked: "That being the case, why is Your Majesty hesitating? Is it because he is afraid that General Ningyuan has different intentions and wants to establish himself in Jiangdu?"

The Holy Emperor said nothing for a moment, only looking at the pile of urgent reports at hand. Nowadays, it is normal for people to have different intentions.

Tianjing sighed clearly and said: "Your Majesty, sometimes you might as well change your mind and put down the rebellion of the Xu bandits and defend Jiangdu against the Japanese army... At least in terms of the overall situation at this time, General Ningyuan is helping your Majesty and working with the outside world in line with your Majesty."

"Yes, she was just helping me and exchanging me for what she wanted." The Holy Book Emperor's gaze was still on the urgent reports: "She exchanged military exploits for everything that could be used for her to strengthen herself... She is Do business with me openly, just like she did when she faced her father."

After a moment of pause, the Holy Book Emperor's voice became even lower: "So, she regards me as an emperor, not a mother."

After hearing this, Tianjing suddenly realized.

It turned out that what really made the emperor uneasy and concerned was the difference between the emperor and his mother.

Naturally, he would not be naive enough to think that this king was really just obsessed with finding the lost relationship between mother and daughter. What she really valued might be the natural benefits that the mother-daughter relationship could bring.

The emperor is good at power and is also good at using the identity of "mother".

Without this solid family relationship as a guarantee, everything brought by General Ningyuan would be uncontrollable for the emperor. He might have advised His Majesty to be more relaxed and not be so obsessed with holding everything in his hands while neglecting the true method of reconciliation. However...

Tianjing shook his head in his heart.

However, it was this extraordinary desire for control that drove his Majesty to reach this position step by step.

She exists to control.

He had tried to persuade her, but he couldn't, and no one or thing could shake her.

Tianjing could only say: "Your Majesty should focus on the present..."

"Right now..." the Holy Book Emperor said slowly, "I can only agree to her."

However, she must also get her Ashang back. Whether it's the magic of an emperor or a mother's desire to make amends, she must find Ashang.

The next day, during the morning court, Emperor Shengce finally agreed to General Ning Yuan's proposal to be appointed governor of Jiangdu.

There are still officials trying to object, but to no avail.

Hearing that the emperor had issued an order, Wei Shuyi secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Recently, the matter has been unresolved. He dreams of Chang Sui Ning almost every night, and the dream is very scary. Her head is not on her neck, but always She held it in her hand...

Her words of "come to see you with your head up" and putting her head on the gambling table may sound to others like it is just a statement of determination... but because he knows too much, this statement can't help but stick to him. The exact picture became in my mind.

To a person who is afraid of ghosts, this picture is almost vicious.

Now that she got what she wanted, the head she was holding in her hands could finally be put back in place temporarily.

Maybe he should write her a congratulatory letter...if he could muster the courage.

In the morning meeting, in addition to finalizing the appointment of Chang Sui Ning as the governor of Jiangdu, Chang Kuo's reward was also decided.

After the morning court, the decree of reward arrived at the General's Mansion in Xingningfang first - however, the plaque would soon be changed to the Mansion of the Marquis Zhongyong.

Chang Kuo was granted the title of Marquis of Zhongyong for his meritorious service, and was granted the title of a thousand households in the city.

His daughter, Chang Sui Ning, was named the third-rank governor of Jiangdu and served as the commander-in-chief of the anti-Japanese war to resist the Japanese army and protect Jiangdu.

Dr. Sun, who was called to the front hall to listen to the order, was dumbfounded.

The girl who invited him to see a doctor in the blink of an eye became the first female governor of Dasheng, and the general's mansion that he occupied became the marquis's mansion... Is his dove from such a prosperous family?

Doctor Sun quickly put this arrogant thought out of his mind. It was obvious to everyone who the Wang family was.

This girl from the Chang family is not just from the Wang family.

After Li Xian left the palace, on his way back to the Korean palace, he passed outside Xingningfang and met the chamberlain who had delivered the order coming out of Xingningfang.

A sneer flashed in Li Xian's eyes and he lowered the carriage curtain.

At the court this morning, the officials impeached him for massacring the nobles in Luoyang. His aunt followed those voices, rebuked him, and fined him three years of food and salary from the Korean government, and finally managed to calm the matter.

Even though he had said yesterday's words first, he knew that today's punishment was only for "outsiders" to see, but seeing the Chang family's father and daughter being so well-offered, it was hard to feel at ease.

Li Xian returned to the Han Dynasty's palace, and his wife Han Dynasty served him to change into court clothes.

Long before he inherited the title of Duke of South Korea, Li Xian had married a wife and had children. However, he had been far away in the south these past few years, so his wife and concubines stayed in the South Korean palace in the middle of the capital with the couple who had two and three bedrooms in the palace.

Finally, Li Xian returned to the capital, and the wives and concubines in the mansion were very happy and attentive.

But there is one thing that makes them unhappy...

While changing clothes for Li Xian, the Korean princess hesitated and talked about the alien woman Arlan.

Arlan was a foreign woman brought back by her husband. Although she was jealous, she could understand it. It was okay for a man to be away from home for many years and to have multiple women around him...

Foreign women are not uncommon. In the Western Market, such foreign women are very common. They are often traded as slaves. They are just like cats and dogs. They are just kept as toys.

But my husband is very fond of this thing. When he went back to Luoyang, he took it with him at all times... When he returned to the house yesterday, he actually let this thing live in the yard he liked!

In this way, the women in the mansion were naturally unhappy, so two aunts went to Arlan's residence last night and said some mean words, but who knew...

"... After Aunt Qing left Arlan's place yesterday, for some reason she suddenly developed a rash all over her body. If it was just her, Aunt Cheng who went with her also had a high fever for no apparent reason, and it hasn't gone away yet. Looking for her? When the doctor came to see it, he couldn't see the reason... The maids around the two aunts all said that this was some kind of witchcraft! Duke, look..."

The Korean princess wanted to continue speaking, but Li Xian's cool eyes swept over her.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb her?"

The Korean princess said in a panic: "My lord, I have never..."

The next moment, Li Xian suddenly pinched her chin: "I value Arlan, naturally because she has something worthy of my attention... Madam, you should also do your job well, take care of the back house, and be a useful person." People, do you understand?”

"Yes..." The Korean princess nodded in panic: "I have written it down."

After not seeing him for several years, the Duke had changed so much that she almost couldn't recognize him.

And that Arlan... Is it really just a coincidence that the two aunts suddenly suffered from a strange illness?

When the imperial envoy carrying the decree rushed to Yangzhou, letters of congratulations also flew to Yangzhou from various places.

On this day, the imperial envoy finally arrived in Yangzhou. Chang Suining and Chang Kuo received the order together. Behind them, a group of people knelt down.

After listening to the imperial envoy reading out the imperial edict, Chang Sui Ning took the gold and silk scrolls and the jade seal of the governor, held them in his hands, looked calm and said in a clear voice: "I, Chang Sui Ning, would like to thank you for your kindness."

"Chang Jishi, please get up quickly!" The imperial **** supported him on the left and right, with a warm and flattering smile: "Master Marquis, please get up quickly!"

When Chang Suining stood up, the imperial envoy smiled and said: "...The saint has something else. He specifically told us repeatedly that it must be handed over to Governor Chang with his own hands without any mistakes."

After saying that, he was lifted up.

Chang Suining looked around and saw two large boxes.

Chang Kuo asked: "May I ask my father-in-law, what is this?"

4400 hundred words update delivered~Thank you Miaomiao Honey Water, miya2022, mc95113, Yanzhihu 1 and other book friends for their rewards. Thank you for every precious monthly ticket and recommendation ticket. Good night~

(End of chapter)

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