Hello Chang’an

Chapter 332: If there is no clear master, I will be the clear master

Chapter 332 If there is no clear master, I will be the clear master

The imperial edict stated that 80,000 troops should be left to accompany Chang Sui Ning to fight against the Japanese.

The soldiers below naturally have no right to choose whether to stay or leave, they only need to follow the military orders.

These differences appeared between the generals and the chief instructors who had a little say.

The source of this disagreement comes from the fact that everyone generally has the same idea - since someone has to stay, why can't it be me?

Wanting to follow General Ning Yuan to make achievements is indeed one thing. Who wouldn't want to follow a popular star general who cherishes his subordinates?

Of course, reverence is only a prerequisite, not everything. Yes, they are going back to the capital this time, but after returning to the capital, can they lie down and enjoy their happiness? No, we still have to fight, it’s just a different battlefield.

Since they have to fight anyway, why don't they choose to stay in Jiangdu and follow the undefeated General Ning Yuan instead of facing an unknown and unfamiliar road ahead?

The emergence of this disagreement is due to the dual effects of reverence and weighing the pros and cons.

At first, everyone was concerned about face, and their methods were still at the level of "everyone knows that the anti-Japanese war is particularly dangerous, so let me stay" and other such aspects of volunteering and leading by example to show good qualities -

But soon everyone discovered that no one would fall for this trick. If you dare to come forward, I will regard death as home. Since you sincerely "humbly" gave up the opportunity to return to Beijing, I took out the suicide note I wrote and asked you to hand it over with tears. My old mother in the capital—

After being "humility" for so long, everyone gradually couldn't continue the performance.

The secret fight began to turn into an open fight. Seeing that the matter was about to be finalized, everyone was so anxious that they could only find Xiao Min.

In Xiao Min's tent, there were a bunch of generals and instructors gathered at the moment. Some people said that since they had no father, no mother, no worries, they were the most suitable ones to stay and fight against the Japanese army;

Some people say that they are good at swimming, even showing off their glorious experience of rescuing their neighbor’s Erdan from the river ten years ago;

Some people were particularly confident that they had participated in the Battle of Bianshui with General Ningyuan, which was a solid experience of cooperation in water battles.


Looking at the noisy generals, Xiao Min sat there with a wry smile.

Doesn't anyone think this is a harm to him?

Seeing Xiao Min's expression, a general reacted and quickly explained: "Commander Xiao, don't get me wrong, we have no other intentions!"

Xiao Min: ...Why do you have other meanings?

It's normal to have other meanings, after all, he himself also has that meaning.

At this moment, he only hated that he was the coach. This status imprisoned him and prevented him from doing whatever he wanted.

As long as he has a chance to choose, how can he not join everyone?

In the fierce competition, among the people present, Captain Bai stood out for his calmness. He stood there with an indifferent expression, like an independent lotus.

As a small captain in charge of only a hundred people, he was originally not qualified to speak. But when Chang Suining killed Xu Zhengye, Lieutenant Bai was by his side the whole time and made a great contribution. Now he only needs to wait for Xiao Min to return to Beijing, and when all the soldiers in the army are discussing their merits and being rewarded, an eighth-grade general is about to run away. Can't fall off.

The credit lies here, and he is the popular person next to General Ning Yuan. Therefore, it is still okay to say a few words to recommend yourself at this moment.

But Lieutenant Bai did not say anything and did not join the competition.

Nothing else, Mrs. Gein was favored by General Ningyuan, and by accident, she had been secretly appointed.

There are many people who have been appointed without permission, such as Bai Xiaowei. Most of them have been with Chang Sui Ning and have been getting along through life and death. This is also for the sake of the war. Although it is not in compliance with the rules, Xiao Min Here, it is not difficult to arrange.

Everyone present, with a face that looks as pure as a lotus, has been determined by default.

Looking at the people arguing over each other, Lieutenant Bai, who looked like a white lotus, kindly gave advice to Coach Xiao: "The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh. If the coach wants a bowl of water to be balanced and not complain... my subordinates have A fair way.”

Hearing the word "subordinate", Coach Xiao felt a dull pain in his heart. The other party followed General Ning Yuan to pick up the credit. When they met again, he didn't know who was superior and who was inferior.

Coach Xiao suppressed the evil thought of having pink eye, listened carefully to Captain Bai's suggestion, and accepted it.

So, in the camp that day, there was a scene like this -

"I got it, I got it!"

Someone grabbed the note with the word "Chang" written in their hand, laughed, and was ecstatic, quite like Fan Jinzhongju.

That's right, Lieutenant Bai's fair proposal is to draw lots, and whether you stay or leave depends on luck.

The person who grabbed the blank note, even though he felt depressed and had his teeth broken, quickly managed his expression and came to Xiao Min's side. One of the generals laughed indifferently: "It doesn't matter if you stay or go! It's okay. !”

Xiao Min, who was also forcing a smile on his face, saw in his eyes that the other person was so smooth and heartbreaking.

In any case, the differences were finally suppressed, and after everything was settled, it was time for Xiao Min to lead his army back to Beijing.

On the eve of the army's departure, Chang Sui Ning, who had been too busy recently, still came to the army in person to see him off and practice for the soldiers who had gone through life and death together.

Chang Sui Ning had just finished discussing the matter with the Jiangdu officials, and he rode over with He Wuhu and others. He was still wearing official robes, but had taken off his official hat. His thick bun was only held up by a white jade hairpin. top of head.

When they heard that General Ning Yuan was coming, most of the soldiers in the camp were excited and surprised.

Compared with the people's admiration for Chang Sui Ning's miraculous deeds, their admiration for Chang Sui Ning is more solid and solid.

The deeds of General Ningyuan are far away from ordinary people, but very close to them.

When they followed Li Yi before, the war was not progressing well, the morale of the army was depressed, and they were forced to fight among themselves. It was this young girl who suddenly appeared next to General Chang Da who turned the situation around.

Then there was the process of improving military discipline, changing military training methods, and leading them to win battles one after another. They even made plans to intercept and kill Xu Zhengye in a very short period of time, achieving a great victory.

These are not legends, these are things that really happened to them.

Their ability to return to Beijing safely to receive their reward was largely due to General Ning Yuan.

At this moment, under countless gazes, the scarlet-robed girl stood in a noble place different from ordinary people on this battlefield where men should be respected.

Chang Suining brought several jars of Feng Zhi Ning given by the emperor.

Whether Jiangnan can be pacified or her outstanding achievements are not built by her alone, but are the result of all the soldiers working together to sacrifice their flesh and blood.

She picked up a jar of wine, uncorked it, and first paid tribute to the souls of her comrades who had died in the battle.

The aroma of wine pouring into the sky surges in the scorching sunset, carrying the evening wind, and opens a long way between heaven and earth to comfort the souls of the dead.

Chang Sui Ning carried the empty wine jar and looked at the distant sky with Xiao Min.

Changsui Ningren poured the remaining five jars of wine into the well, and all the officers and men in the army, regardless of their rank, drank from the well water.

The well water is cold and sweet, and the aroma of the wine is still there. There is a long road ahead, and the date of goodbye is uncertain, but they will always remember this bowl of practice wine.

When they put down their wine bowls, many soldiers couldn't help but have red eyes.

In this situation, Chang Sui Ning also made an exception and drank this bowl of wine.

Xi'er felt uneasy. Although the wine was mixed into the well water and the cook would put more than this when stewing fish, the girl's drinking capacity was so shocking that she couldn't help but not be afraid.

To be on the safe side, Xi'er went to scoop up another bowl of hot soup, trying to dilute it for her girl. However, after scooping up the hot soup, his girl disappeared in the blink of an eye. Xi'er inquired all the way, looked for her, and saw her girl carrying a long knife, fighting with Coach Xiao!

Xi'er's hand shook and the soup bowl dropped with a bang. She hurried forward and asked Ah Che and He Wuhu who were surrounding her: "...Why don't you guys stop the girl?"

"What are you trying to stop!" He Wuhu stared at the two people who were exchanging blows, and said distractedly: "General, he is competing with General Xiao on swordsmanship!"

Xi'er relaxed a little after hearing this, and couldn't help but think, so... whenever a girl drinks alcohol, regardless of whether it's true or not, must she have to fight with others?

Previously, Chang Suining had made a bet with Xiao Min about whether Xu Zhengye would go to Luoyang. Xiao Min said at that time that if he won the bet, he would ask Chang Suining to teach him how to use the sword.

Naturally, Xiao Min lost.

Fortunately, this sword technique was finally pointed out.

When he put the knife away, Xiao Min was sweating profusely, but his eyes were clear and he had a look of understanding.

There were beads of sweat on Chang Suining's face. He threw the knife to A Che and took the handkerchief from Xi'er to wipe the sweat. He felt that the dizzy feeling had dissipated a lot... Well, he has a good drinker.

Xiao Min raised his hand and hugged Chang Suining, with a happy and comfortable smile on his face.

Chang Sui Ning returned the favor with a smile, and piles of bonfires were lit not far away.

The hot wind blew over their ears, and the two of them stood outside the hustle and bustle, chatting for a long time on the occasion of parting.

Xiao Min thanked Chang Suining again and again, and said with a heartfelt tone: "...Nowadays, there are countless rumors outside, and those who are suspicious of the general's ulterior motives are simply nonsense!"

In the past, whether it was training troops or giving guidance to him and his subordinates, General Ning Yuan never hid his personal interests. How could he be so willing to cultivate talented generals and soldiers for the imperial court?

Faced with such trust, Chang Sui Ning was silent for a moment, then nodded calmly, took the kettle in his hand, and touched the wine bag in Xiao Min's hand.

When the bonfire was burning at its peak, with a roar, gorgeous fireworks suddenly bloomed in the night sky one after another all over the city of Yangzhou.

Countless soldiers looked up and were immersed in the grand splendor. This eve of leaving Jiangdu was destined to be unforgettable.

As the fireworks bloomed, Chang Suining got on his horse, said goodbye to Xiao Min and others and left.

A group of people and horses galloped through the night, heading towards the place where the fireworks were dazzling.

Soon, the Yangzhou city gate guard saw clearly the leader of the approaching group of people, and hurriedly bowed and gave way: "I have seen the governor!"

Chang Suining dismounted his horse after passing through the city gate, and then quickly climbed up the city tower.

On top of the city tower, shepherd's purse was waiting there. Seeing Chang Sui Ning, she cupped her fists and saluted: "General!"

Chang Suining smiled and nodded with her, walked straight to the figure standing on the top of the city tower, stood beside him, looked at the fireworks that were still going off in the city with him, and asked with a smile: "Sir, do you think it is pleasing to the eye?" ?”

Luo Guanlin, who was brought here by shepherd's purse, didn't even look at her. He put his hands behind his hands and sneered: "It's extravagant and extravagant, how can it be pleasing to the eye."

Chang Suining was not angry, and said with a slight smile: "But sir, this is what Yangzhou should be like."

When Luo Guanlin heard this, he clenched the hands behind his back slightly, and gradually tightened the corners of his mouth.

Yes, Yangzhou City looked like this in the past. It was Xu Zhengye who ruined Yangzhou like that, and he was not innocent.

"Yangzhou should not be bleak and miserable." Chang Suining turned slightly and looked back outside the city: "Such a lively Yangzhou city is what the people of Yangzhou remember. The fireworks are extravagant, but there is a sense of Zhaosu. Anger, those refugees who still dare not move back will know they can go home after seeing the fireworks tonight."

Luo Guanlin was silent for a moment, but subconsciously looked towards the outside of the city with her.

During these days in the governor's mansion, Chang Suining did not restrict his actions too much, so he was able to know a lot of news from the outside world.

Chang Sui Ning would even hand over the new actions she decided to make every day to him for "review". Regardless of whether he saw it or not, she would have it delivered to him every day.

In fact, he watched them all.

You can tell what you are doing when you see the slightest thing, not to mention that what she did was not "trivial".

After a long silence, Luo Guanlin spoke: "Can I ask Governor Chang a question?"

"Sir, just ask."

"Chang Jishi, who do you want to be?"

Chang Suining nodded approvingly: "This is a very good question, sir."

Luo Guanlin: "..."

Where would it be better?

This kind of tone of affirming the other person before answering is like trying to make a three-year-old child happy?

"It's great that your husband is willing to ask me questions." Chang Suining looked at the night outside the city and said with a smile: "My husband asked me who I wanted to be. I don't want to do anyone, I just want to be Chang Suining."

Luo Guanlin frowned slightly: "...So, what would Chang Sui Ning want to do?"

"I haven't thought about it yet."

Luo Guanlin: "?"

"So please teach me, sir." Chang Suining turned to look at him and said sincerely, "Sir, teach me how to be Chang Suining, and I will be like Chang Suining."

The look in his eyes that said, "I really need your teacher to teach me so that I don't go astray" made Luo Guanlin laugh out loud - he was full of lies!

Unexpectedly, the other party said shamelessly: "Sir, your mouth is so powerful that you can't teach me a mere Chang Sui Ning?"

Luo Guanlin sneered again: "I don't have the ability to splash the sky."

"Sir, how will you know if you don't try?"

Luo Guanlin: "I see that Chang Jishi has already made up his mind, so why should anyone else teach him?"

"Yes, I have a way to guard." Chang Suining turned around and faced the fireworks in the city. His face loomed in and out of light, and his voice rose and fell with the sound of fireworks. He was more serious than before: "But just by relying on My own strength is far from enough to accomplish this. The world is so big, and talented people like Mr. are as bright as stars. I want to gather the power of the stars, integrate them, and rearrange the chessboard of heaven and earth for the use of the world. The collapsed mountains and rivers will be restored to order as soon as possible—"

"Sir, this is what I want."

Luo Guanlin was silent for a long time, and then asked again: "Does Chang, the governor, want to be independent, or choose another Ming master?"

Soon, the girl's calm and frank voice sounded in his ears.

"If a master of enlightenment appears, I will definitely follow him." She said, "If there is no master of enlightenment, I will be the master of enlightenment."

A burst of fireworks exploded above the night sky above his head, which also shocked Luo Guanlin. He turned his head in disbelief and looked at the girl who had nothing to hide.

No...she didn't want to support her father and brother? !

Good night babies~

(End of chapter)

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