Hello Chang’an

Chapter 333: Hopefully I won’t have to sit at the same table with Ah Dian again

Luo Guanlin suddenly realized that he had a huge misunderstanding of Chang Sui Ning.

Yes, he once roughly attributed her to being "like Xu Zhengye", and she never concealed her "different intentions" from him, but he acquiesced that everything she did and thought came from the Chang family behind her. , and the Chang family has Chang Kuo, and Chang Kuo has his parents and children...

But now he suddenly knew that the person she really wanted to support was not her father and brother, but herself!

Her ambition is so great, does Chang Kuo know?

If she knew, could she, the adopted daughter, be tolerated under such huge differences of interests?

This sudden realization made Luo Guanlin subconsciously put up a natural guard. There was more unconcealed rejection in his eyes, and his tone became colder. He even asked sarcastically: "Does the governor know that Luo has always been consistent?" What’s the opposite?”

"I know." Chang Sui Ning said calmly: "Mr. Luo is against the current saint and the empress is in charge."

She emphasized the word "female" in the word "empress" a little bit.

Mr. Luo's public remarks when he was a royal censor in the past, and the various satirical poems and essays circulated from his writings, none of them concealed his refutation and contempt for women as emperors.

Luo Guanlin frowned: "Then Governor Chang still dares to declare his ambitions in front of Luo, is he afraid that Luo will agree to Governor Chang's lobbying?"

Showing off his most taboo and repulsive dissent, where in the world could such a stupid lobbying method come from?

"This is exactly how sincere I am to your husband. I don't want to deliberately deceive you from the beginning." Chang Suining looked at him and said calmly: "They all have ambitions, and I am no worse than them. Why just because I am a woman? What if I have to cover up, deceive and deceive? If I don’t think that I can deal with the woman’s ambitions and dare not admit myself openly, then how can I let my husband or others identify with me?”

Luo Guanlin frowned, not knowing how to answer the question.

"Sir, you don't want to see a woman in power, but you are also a person who cares about the world. In this case, I also have a question for you -"

"In your mind, sir, between the struggle between men and women for power, and the safety of the world, which one is more important?" Chang Suining asked.

Luo Guanlin's eyebrows furrowed a little deeper, and he didn't answer for a long time.

Chang Suining asked again: "If all the men in the world are not as good as me, will my husband turn to men who are not as good as me just because I am a woman?"

Luo Guanlin seemed to have heard a huge joke, and finally said: "Of course Chang Jishi has outstanding qualities, but is it too naive to be so arrogant?"

Is everyone in the world inferior to her? She is just starting out, and how much of the world has she seen now?

He simply said frankly: "I do treat women with contempt! That's because they are born inferior to men. Women dominate Yin and are suspicious and changeable by nature. Moreover, they do not have the same experience and vision as men, so they create incompetence." Show the mind and means that are enough to make the world return to its heart!”

"Yes, Minghou certainly has her abilities. The fact that she can sit here is enough to prove that she is indeed as good as a man! But her origin has limited her, and it is undeniable that it is difficult for her to act as a woman. It’s a last resort, but it’s an indisputable fact that people’s lives are very difficult under her rule!”

Luo Guanlin said with a serious expression: "How many vassal generals did she kill in vain in order to centralize power? Fighting with the gentry will only hurt both sides! She is bent on gaining power, causing the world to fall apart... But the root cause is that she insists on being a woman. He became emperor and acted against his will!"

"But the fall of the world is not her fault alone." Chang Sui Ning's tone did not fluctuate at all, and was not emotional: "The prosperity of the country has declined, wars have occurred frequently, and the disputes between the gentry and the nouveau riche. Roughly speaking, since It has already appeared since the beginning of his reign, so can I say that this is all the fault of the late emperor's incompetence?"

Luo Guanlin was furious: "You..."

"Sir, please don't be upset." Chang Suining's voice was still calm: "Many times, I often think about what if someone else had been in power after Li Bing was deposed, or if someone else had succeeded him directly instead of the Ming Dynasty... Can the country and the dynasty really prosper? "

She asked seriously: "Sir, isn't it possible?"

Luo Guanlin wanted to refute her little **** how she could arbitrarily infer the overall direction of the country, but when he met those eyes, for some reason, he couldn't say the negative words for a while.

The night breeze was slightly dry, and this topic made people unable to calm down, but the girl's eyes were always as calm as water.

She said: "Before the Ming Dynasty ascended the throne, the country of Dasheng was already devastated."

Otherwise, why would she agree to the marriage in the first place?

It wasn't that she was filial and loyal, it was because she knew better than anyone else that Da Sheng was extremely exhausted at that time, and the monarch and the prince died one after another. If Beidi came to fight, there would be chaos inside and outside.

Speaking of the death of the crown prince, there was actually a knot in her heart. Ah Xiao was indeed ill at that time, but she was still there. She could have continued to be Ah Xiao. At least, for the sake of overall stability, the "Prince" would never It should immediately follow the death of the king...

But for some reason, the news of Axiao's death spread throughout the court even before she had time to know.

At that time, she suspected that her mother was responsible, and later facts proved that Minghou did have the motive to do so.

But now, Chang Sui Ning is not so sure.

"Then do you know why Li Bing succeeded to the throne in the first place?" Luo Guanlin said: "It was because of Empress Ming's promotion and permission!"

"At that time, she knew that Li Bing was not qualified for the big job, but she still pushed him to ascend the throne! It turned out later that she did this deliberately, in order to win over people and accumulate power during Li Bing's reign! Then she would do it for the 'overall situation' Abolish Li Bing and take advantage of the situation!”

"Do you know how many unethical and harming actions Li Bing did to the people during his reign? I think she paved her own road to heaven at the expense of the people in the world, so she is not worthy of being a king. Is it wrong? ?”

"Of course there is nothing wrong." Chang Suining looked at the increasingly excited Luo Guanlin and said: "But sir, her methods have been common since ancient times. There are many kings who insist on taking power and harming the people. Of course, I am not trying to excuse her. Otherwise, why would I have "different intentions"?

"I just think that all this has nothing to do with whether she is a man or a woman." Chang Sui Ning said: "She is not the best king, but she is by no means the worst."

"Even if someone else were to be the emperor, the feud between the noble families would still break out, and those who wanted to rebel would still wait for the opportunity to rebel. If there is no such name, there would be other names. My husband said that she cannot bring the world back to its heart. It is true. But what she couldn't do, was there anyone else in the Li royal family who could do it well at that time or now?" Chang Suining asked.

Luo Guanlin tried to answer, but in the end he just smiled sadly: "If there is such a person, she may not have a chance to ascend the throne."

Compared with the excitement and anger just now, his shoulders sank a little bit at this moment, his drooping eyes closed for a moment, and he said sadly: "Perhaps, since the death of His Royal Highness the former Crown Prince, Dasheng's luck... has been cut off."

After hearing this, for a moment, Chang Sui Ningcai continued: "Therefore, there is no reason for Sir to blame all his dissatisfaction on the current situation on the 'original sin' of being a woman. She has shortcomings and Fault, but all this is not just because she is a woman.”

"Nowadays, people are rioting, and many people are seizing on the 'flaw' of the female body, criticizing Minghou. But in the final analysis, most of these voices are just a cover to gather momentum. For the sake of profit, they will naturally want to make a big deal. Propaganda is just to deceive the world, but if you also fall into blind prejudice, wouldn’t it be worth the loss?”

When Luo Guanlin heard this, his eyes were uncertain.

"I am just saying this to tell you that being a woman is never a flaw in a person, and it will never be a flaw that can lead to great things -" Chang Suining finally said: "If you think words are powerless, I will act with facts." prove."

Luo Guan looked at her intently.

"Sir, please give me three years." Chang Sui Ning said: "If after three years, you still insist on your opinion, or if you find someone else to figure out the situation, I will personally send you away without any entanglement." If your husband wants to live in seclusion, I will find a place for him to retire in a beautiful place with mountains and rivers." Chang Suining said seriously: "If your husband still has the will to die, I will choose a happy way for him to die, and then I will choose another one for him. The Feng Shui treasures that can bless future generations are properly buried.”

When Luo Guanlin heard the last part, his eyebrows beat wildly - he would have to thank her for her thoughtfulness?

"Things in this world are changing rapidly. A gust of wind can move a leaf. The thoughts of one person can change the situation in front of them. The thoughts of thousands of people may not be able to shake the general trend of the world." Chang Suining sincerely invited: "If Mr. Serious I am ashamed of the past and still unwilling to accept the decline of Dasheng River, so please, sir, try to walk with me for a while."

At this moment, the fireworks have slowed down, and only a few scattered fireworks are scattered on the sky.

Luo Guanlin looked at those calm and unrestrained eyes and felt that there were infinite unknown possibilities in them.

In the endless night, the unknown actually means hope, at least it means that there may be other lives.

He actually saw this unknown in a seventeen-year-old girl.

Luo Guanlin's mood was complicated and difficult to describe. At this moment, it was difficult for him not to regretfully think about why the other party was not a man, why he was not a Li family man.

"Sir, there is no need to rush to answer me." Chang Suining said: "I have also prepared a generous gift for you. It will not be too late for you to give me an answer after you read it."

A generous gift?

Luo Guanlin looked at her.

But Chang Sui Ning didn't say anything clearly. He just smiled and said: "It's getting late. I'll have someone **** you back. After you see it with your own eyes, you will naturally know what it is."

After she was about to say what she wanted to say, she stopped talking. She raised her hands and saluted Luo Guanlin, then took the first step and left the tower.

Luo Guanlin looked at her back and muttered disdainfully, "Mysterious."

When Chang Sui Ning rode his horse back to the Governor's Mansion, it was already the second watch.

Chang Suining returned to the residence and asked Ah Zhi to carry the bamboo basket in the study to the bedroom, while he went to the ear room to take a bath and wash himself.

When Chang Suining came out of the ear room with wet hair, Ah Zhi had already placed the bamboo basket beside the couch.

There was no second thing in the basket. They were all letters sent from various places. They were accumulated day by day. Chang Sui Ning had no time to read them, so he accumulated these.

Yao Ran had already sorted out the important or official letters. Most of them were just congratulatory letters, sent by local officials in Huainan Province, or from acquaintances in the capital.

Among acquaintances, Chang Suining saw those from Yao Xia, Wu Chunbai and others, as well as those sent by the Qiao family, as well as those from Hu Huan and others.

There was also Cui Lang. Cui Lang, who is now in Qinghe, naturally wrote a letter alone. In the letter, she was very excited and happy about her appointment as the governor of Jiangdu. There were a lot of congratulatory words and a lot of complaints about her current situation in Qinghe. The life was so hard that it was a lot of bitterness—

In the words of Cui Lang's letter, his life was so miserable that if he boiled a pot of coptis water, the coptis water would come out of the pot in shame, and he would go in and lie down and bubble.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not so similar. His master who read the letter yawned at this moment.

Chang Suining put Cui Lang's bitter letter aside, thinking about taking the time to reply to him tomorrow to feel a little relieved.

Then he rummaged through the basket, and at the end, he found a letter from Cui Jing.

Holding Cui Jing's letter in his hand, Chang Suining, who was sitting on the couch with his hair disheveled, was in a daze for a while.

She was thinking that it seemed that she had not received a letter from Duan Zhenyi for a while, and she had not seen a letter from Wei Shuyi either...

It's understandable that Wei Shuyi didn't write a letter, but how could Duan Zhenyi endure such a nonsense?

Chang Sui Ning thought about it and couldn't think of the second possibility.

Apart from fear of ghosts, there is no other thing in this world that can cover Duan Zhenyi's mouth.

In addition to being afraid of ghosts, there was probably also a guilty conscience - after all, Duan Zhenyi had said too many lies in front of her, and even the torn cowhide could not fit in the bamboo basket. Now that she was doubting that she was the rightful owner, she was inevitably going through the pain in her heart. Some torture.

Don't worry, she is not the one who is being tortured anyway.

Chang Suining, whose moral bottom line was unknown, went to open Cui Jing's letter with peace of mind.

These letters came from the farthest place in the north. When he wrote, he didn't know that she had been appointed governor of Jiangdu, but he had already congratulated her in advance. As secret allies, the two still had a tacit understanding.

In addition to the words of congratulations, there were some brief greetings and a few lines about the current situation of the North and her brother.

Looking at this piece of paper with pleasing handwriting but extremely simple writing, Chang Sui Ning regretted for no reason that he had taken Yuan Xiang away, otherwise there might be some useless letters to read today - if the words on the letter in front of him were also written through Words carefully considered.

The letter was too short, so Chang Suining read it again, and then simply asked Xi'er to get a pen and paper. He sat on the couch, spread paper on the small table, and wrote a reply to Cui Jing.

She said in the letter that since she had sent people thousands of miles away to deliver the letter, she would be better off writing as many letters as possible in the future.

So he set an example and talked about Jiangdu affairs in detail.

At the end, he highlighted tonight’s new discovery: [Perhaps it’s a happy occasion, and my drinking capacity has actually increased. When we meet again, I hope I won’t have to sit at the same table with A Dian again. 】

On the side of the couch, outside the half-open window lattice, the summer night wind brings clear moonlight, which falls on the lines of the writing.

On the other side, Luo Guanlin, who was "escorted" by shepherd's purse back to his residence, had seen the "generous gift" mentioned by Chang Sui Ning. He was so surprised that he couldn't help being frightened and angry for a moment.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, thank you Xinxinzi, Miaomiao Honey Water, and book friend 20201222210711305 for your rewards. Thank you all, good night~

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