Hello Chang’an

Chapter 339: It's all because of the strong wind

Chapter 339 It’s all because of the strong wind

"Don't worry, girl, there are no major changes for the time being." Chu Xing said: "These days, the scope of maritime patrols has been gradually increased. The girl quickly ordered all the naval forces to be integrated, and they conducted battle drills at sea every day, and a general was stationed in the camp - Those Japanese soldiers have very good noses, so they will not dare to advance for a while, and they will have to wait and see for a while. "

Chang Suining nodded, Lao Chang had also fought against Japanese soldiers, and his reputation would be more or less a deterrent among the Japanese soldiers. In addition, the sergeants practiced frequently and showed off their momentum first, which would always make the Japanese cunning and suspicious. The army should wait and see.

As long as the Japanese army waits and watches, she will have more time to train troops and coordinate various defenses.

"Even so, we must not treat it carelessly. The Japanese army can at least wait and see for a while, but they cannot be easily scared off. They have always coveted the great prosperity. It took more than ten years to wait for this opportunity, and they cannot be willing to do so. They returned without success, so a war is inevitable. Chang Suining and Chu Xing said: "The Japanese army's wait and see may be just an illusion. The movements on the sea are constantly changing, and it is often difficult to catch and control them. We must not take it lightly."

Chu Xing responded with a serious expression, "Yes", but felt a momentary trance in his heart.

I don't know if it was his misunderstanding, but he actually felt that the current girl had more and more similarities with His Highness the former Crown Prince... And the forgotten memories of His Highness the former Crown Prince, along with this period of time and "Such" The relationship with "girl" has become gradually clearer again.

Chu Xing was in a brief trance when he heard the clear voice and asked again: "Under such circumstances, the Japanese army will definitely send more spies to spy on the truth. Are there any new movements of Japanese spies captured in recent days?"

Chu Xing nodded: "It's true as the girl said. We just caught a few agents at the junction of Jiangdu and Runzhou yesterday. Now the general is asking them to be interrogated strictly to see if they can find out anything useful."

Chang Suining nodded and said: "The army must take strict precautions and ask the sergeants to be more vigilant and pay more attention to their companions. Everyone can picket on their own. If there are suspects, they will be reported once they are confirmed to be spies." Those who have done so will be credited with great merit. On the contrary, those who hide and hide will be punished with the same crime as those who commit crimes."

If those agents sneak into the military, in addition to spying on military aircraft, they will also engage in bribery and sow discord. Many times, under the temptation of sufficient interests, not everyone will choose to stick to the justice of their family and country.

People's bottom lines should not be challenged, and most people's bottom lines cannot withstand so-called challenges. Not everyone will put on a suit of armor and put the interests of their family and country first without hesitation. People's mentality and mentality are different depending on their consciousness and location. Under the armor, most of them are just ordinary people of all kinds.

When dealing with ordinary people, rather than using preaching methods to raise their awareness, large-scale close inspections and explicit praise systems are more effective and reasonable.

This is true for precautions and meticulous work, and this is true for everything in the military.

Therefore, military discipline and law are always paramount to her and must not be questioned or violated in the slightest.

Nowadays, the Xuance Army is fighting in an orderly and elite manner. Not everyone in the army is born to be an elite. When she first formed them, she relied on the strict military law with clear rewards and punishments, and then led them in a battle. In this cruel battle, he kept revising and polishing, and he was finally worthy of the title of elite division step by step.

Chu Xing thought about it for a moment, then confirmed and asked: "The girl's words 'if there are any suspects, etc.' mean..."

Chang Suining: "Everything."

Under the integration and mobilization of various places, in addition to the meticulous work of the Japanese army, some flies with unknown intentions will inevitably be mixed in. Now that the anti-Japanese army is under her full control, she must first clean up the internal affairs.

After getting the clear message, Chu Xing agreed.

Then I heard Chang Suining add: "If you find Japanese soldiers making secret moves in the market, don't rush to hunt them down, just try to control their movements."

"Girl, what are you going to do..."

Chang Suining: "Even though I'm here, I have to let them hear my reputation before I leave."

Faced with this other sense of hospitality, Chu Xing smiled and said, "Yes, the girl's reputation spread throughout the Japanese army."

From all aspects, the Japanese army had the advantage in this battle, so deterrence and delay were one of the first strategies decided by the girl and the general.

The longer it is delayed, the better it is for them.

After answering some questions, Chang Sui Ning then asked Chu Xing: "If the war situation is not different, why did Uncle Chu come back in person at this time?"

Chu Xing did not explain it to her immediately, but talked to her for a long time, which showed that it was not an urgent matter.

Chu Xing then showed a smile and took out a letter from his arms: "The general heard that the girl's calligraphy and painting business has been very prosperous recently, so he asked his subordinates to come back and buy a calligraphy from the girl."

Xi'er had already taken the letter and handed it to her girl.

"Two hundred thousand taels." Chang Suining read the amount in the letter and said in surprise: "My dad is really generous."

In the study room, because Chang Sui Ning had just explained military affairs to Chu Xing, the quiet and solemn atmosphere relaxed at this moment.

This was mainly due to Lu Xiucai's flattery.

Chu Xing smiled and said: "The general said, this is to gain a good reputation by doing good deeds, and we cannot let outsiders take all the opportunities."

Chang Suining knew that the reason why Lao Chang took out the 200,000 taels from his pension money was because he sincerely wanted to help Jiangdu recover as soon as possible and allow her to gain a better foothold in Jiangdu. At the same time, he also did not want her to be criticized. As "the governor's father", he set an example.

Chang Suining then thought of how when she left Beijing, she sold most of Chang Kuo's property in Beijing with the help of military donations, brought them all to Huainan Road, and had them hidden in a village outside Shouzhou City -

Before Chang Kuo left the governor's office, he had sent people to transport all the things, money and food to Jiangdu, and also picked up the people assigned to Zhuangzi. He told Chang Sui Ning that as long as he could use it, he would take it. use.

As far as Chang Kuo is concerned, now that Jiangdu is owned by his daughter, His Royal Highness, he has to spend money to build his own house. What can he be stingy about?

Therefore, Chang Kuo was willing to donate more than the two hundred thousand taels. The two hundred thousand taels were specially used to go through the procedures on the surface.

"This business of forced buying and selling actually happened to my own father." Chang Sui Ning said happily: "This time everyone is treated equally."

Xi'er stepped forward at the right time and handed a brocade box to Chu Xing: "Uncle Chu, please take it."

Chu Xing took it very carefully. After all, this was probably the most valuable thing he had ever touched in his life.

Seeing this situation, the young Luo Ze was a little moved and subconsciously looked at his father.

At first, the merchants were "buying" the name Chang Prefect, so Luo Ze didn't think much about it. But now that Chang Marquis has broken this barrier, the young man suddenly felt a sudden feeling of excitement.

Since everyone can buy it, can he also treasure one?

Luo Guanlin, who was sitting aside, was frightened when he saw his son's longing eyes.

He can't afford her words!

It’s not like he hasn’t seen the list before. The starting price was seventy or eighty thousand taels. Now even if he is sold, he is not worth so much money!

Mr. Luo, who was cash-strapped, could only look at his son with warning eyes - young people should not chase vanity things that they cannot afford!

And if you ask him where his family assets are during his years as an official? Firstly, he was an upright and honest official, and secondly... he was used to support Xu Zhengye.

The result of this funding was of course a loss of money, money, spirit, and body in all senses.

The past is unbearable to mention, and every time he thinks of the person who deceived his feelings, Luo Guanlin always feels like he has been beaten to death even though he is still alive, and what follows is his debt to Jiangdu.

But now, he can't even come up with the money to save Jiang Du.

Perhaps all he can do is to assist Chang Sui Ning as much as possible... After all, she is indeed doing practical things for Jiangdu now.

Luo Guanlin, who had silently changed his mentality, looked at Lu Xiucai, who made him sneer, and the unknown girl, known as Ran Nu Shi, and thought about the shortage of talents under Chang Suining, and fell into thinking for a moment. At this moment, Chang Suining held Chang Kuo's letter in his hand, thinking that Lao Kang and his party, who went to Shouzhou to retrieve their property, should also be back.

Lao Kang and others were on their way back to Jiangdu at this time.

Their team was not small. Those placed by Chang Suining in the village outside Shouzhou included Chang Kuo's family wealth and veteran servants who had followed the Chang family for many years.

Most of them were very happy and delighted, and they kept talking about their girls along the way. Which girl can become the governor of a state? —Hey, their girl can do it!

In comparison, Chang Kuo's being named Zhongyong Hou seemed much less impressive.

Whenever everyone talks about the girl's deeds, there are always three people squatting aside and listening, with admiration, compliments and humble attitudes.

The origin of these three people begins with Chang Sui Ning sneaking into Li Yijun's army last year...

The three of them were ordered to go into Shouzhou City to purchase supplies. They went to eat flower wine that night, but were knocked unconscious and put into sacks. When they woke up again, they were in a strange place, with three shovels waiting for them.

At first they thought they had fallen into the hands of black mine diggers, but later they found out that these people were digging secret tunnels and building warehouses to hide money and materials... Combined with the vigilance style of these people, the three of them Then he began to wonder again, could it be that some big bandit leader sent people to hide stolen goods here?

Naturally, I also thought about escaping, but always ended in failure.

And they gradually discovered that the people here were not cruel people. They were given two meals a day at regular intervals, and they were well fed. They worked at sunrise and rested at sunset. In addition, they abstained from drinking and sex... One day, they looked down through the bucket and saw that Only then did I realize that everyone has become handsome.

And since they stopped trying to escape, the others have become much kinder to them, and when they have nothing to do, they all chat together.

Apart from the lack of freedom, this life can be called comfortable... more stable than fighting to the death outside.

Just when the three of them had begun to get used to this kind of life, the arrival of Lao Kang broke the peace.

On this day, the three of them suddenly found that everyone was packing their things, saying that they were preparing to leave here, and asked them to prepare quickly.

Are they about to leave this paradise... no, this prison that imprisons them?

Why so suddenly?

Is someone coming here to suppress bandits?

Or did Xu Zhengye call? !

The words they heard most these days were "don't ask questions you shouldn't ask." At this moment, the three of them suppressed their panic, and one of them had the courage to ask - [Brother, where are we going? 】

The other party replied - [Go to Jiangdu! 】

The three of them were shocked. Isn't Jiangdu the home of Xu Zhengye?

The other party seemed to be in a very good mood, and he gave them an extra gift out of kindness - "Our master is in Jiangdu!" 】

The master is in Jiangdu?

So what is the relationship between this "master" and Xu Zhengye? Xu Zhengye’s accomplice? A family of soldiers and bandits?

The position issue that they had deliberately ignored and avoided these days seemed to be suddenly placed in front of them at this moment, forcing them to make a choice.

The three of them got on a mule cart equipped with boxes and cages, and when passing through a market, they struggled a lot.

Want to run?

The opportunity is in front of you. If you don't run, you will be sorry for your conscience...

Then run!

After making up their mind, several people took advantage of the commotion in the market to jump off the mule cart and hid in the crowd. They found a commoner and hurriedly asked, "May I ask where General Li Yi is now?" Camp somewhere?”

The man in question was stunned, and then looked at his feet cautiously: "Then he must be camping in the eighteenth level of hell."

The three of them were shocked.

So, General Li Yi is dead?

What? Not only died, but also rebelled?

Oh, he was killed for rebelling, so his death was quite reasonable... was he killed by a girl? Only seventeen years old!

What, this girl also killed Xu Zhengye? So Xu Zhengye is also dead!

So who is calling the shots in Jiangdu now? —Is this the girl? !

In summary, this woman is the daughter of General Chang Kuo, who now occupies the position of governor of Jiangdu and leads the post of marshal against the Japanese!

The expressions of the three people changed in a thousand ways, and finally changed from surprise to thinking...

Therefore, the Chang family now makes the decision in Jiangdu, and those people say that their master is in Jiangdu...

Combining many clues and causes and consequences, after another struggle, the three of them chased in the direction where the mule cart left!

There are still wars going on everywhere. Even if they want to return to the capital, they still need road guides and other supplies. If they are treated as deserters or Li Yi's comrades, then they will really have to camp underneath like Li Yi!

The Chang family did not kill them for so long, so it was clear that they had no intention of harming their lives. In this case, why not take the opportunity to hug the big tree of Governor Chang!

What knocked them out and locked them up? Who didn't have any difficulties at the beginning of their success? The other party could clearly kill them all at that time, but he still took great pains to raise them... This was obviously a kind of protection out of kindness!

The three of them chased for half a day desperately before they caught up with the resting team.

The three people, sweating profusely, rushed in front of the veteran driving the mule cart and said out of breath: "Brother, you drove the cart so fast, you threw the three of us off..."

The other person immediately gave him a loud mouth: "How can you blame me for driving so fast? The wind was obviously too strong and blew us down!"

"Yes, yes...fortunately, I finally caught up!"

The veteran who had discovered that the three people had jumped out of the car did not expose them and let them follow them all the way into Jiangdu City and the Governor's Mansion.

Carloads of things were sent into the Governor's Mansion through the back door. When A Zhi, who came to help with the placement, appeared, he was recognized by one of the three people.

It was the other party who knocked him out that night, and he could recognize those eyes that turned to gray!

Of course, at this moment, his state of mind has been turned upside down. Facing A Zhi, he has gone from "an evil thief who can be recognized even after turning into ashes" to "an unforgettable noble person."

Several people found an opportunity to get close to A Zhi.

Ah Zhi didn't expect that one day someone would use the opening line "Sister, do you remember us? Last year, in Shouzhou City, you knocked out the three of us."

The next day, Azhi casually asked his daughter how to arrange the three people. Chang Suining casually said: "Let them be put into the army and handed over to the instructor Fang Da."

Previously, these three people were considered to be more conventional wine bags and rice bags among Li Yijun, but their limbs were sound and could still be used with some training.

Azhi nodded.

At this time, Ache came in from outside and said: "Girl, there are distinguished guests from Hezhou coming to see you!"

Hearing the word Hezhou, shepherd's purse became slightly more energetic. After all, that was her hometown, and it was in Hezhou that she was lucky enough to meet the general.

Thinking of the many deeds he had done following the general, he was quite successful, and he was about to see the shepherd's purse from his hometown, and he couldn't help but straighten his waist even more.

4500-word update delivered, good night~! Thank you everyone(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭

(End of chapter)

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