Hello Chang’an

Chapter 340: Vulgar and superficial happiness (asking for double monthly votes)

 The distinguished guest A Che mentioned was from the Yun family in Hezhou.

Last year, Xu Zhengye attacked Hezhou. The former governor of Hezhou and his eldest son died defending the city. Mrs. Yun still brought her second son Yunhui, and even her youngest son Yungui swore to defend Hezhou together. Only then did Chang Kuo and Chang Sui Ning lead their troops. Go to the rescue.

At that time, Chang Suining still had a vivid memory of the Battle of Hezhou. It was also at that time that she killed Xu Zhengye's general Ge Zong. That battle was the beginning of her fame.

In the end, the eldest princess Xuan'an came forward and after Xu Zhengye retired, the court ordered Yun Hui to take over the post of governor of Hezhou in order to praise the Yun family's contribution, to express gratitude to the Yun family for their loyalty, and to appease the people of Hezhou.

The friendship between life and death is here, and the Yun family is in charge of Hezhou. At this moment, when he heard the name of the visitor, Chang Suining was in a good mood and came out of the study to greet him personally.

The leader was a girl of eighteen or nineteen, the same age as Li Tong, but she looked much calmer than Li Tong. She was wearing a dark blue riding outfit with sleeves that was convenient for traveling, and her hair was in the simplest bun, fixed with only a pair of white jade apricot hairpins.

The scorching sun was high at the moment, and the unpainted cheeks were red from the sun, and the lips were slightly dry, but a pair of eyes were bright and lively, and the whole person was walking vigorously. There was a jasper animal-handled riding whip around his waist, and there was a jasper handle hanging on it. Blue peace knot.

Chang Suining smiled when he saw someone: "Sister Huo Xin."

When Huo Xin saw Chang Sui Ning, his eyes brightened a little, and he quickly raised his hand to salute.

Chang Suining stepped forward and held up her arm. He felt that her limbs had strong muscles and bones, which showed that she had worked **** practicing martial arts.

Huo Xin was originally the unmarried wife of the eldest son of the Yun family. After the eldest son of the Yun family died in the battle, she still insisted on marrying into the Yun family with a memorial tablet. She also rushed to the battlefield in person. The people in Hezhou called her Mrs. Yun.

At that time, when the governor of Qianyun and his eldest son were buried, Huo Xin jumped off the tomb in public to prevent his mother-in-law, Mrs. Lou, from committing suicide. Nice talk.

After that, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law supported each other, and together with Yun Hui, they supported the Yun family and even the entire Hezhou.

"Long time no see Mrs. Chang!" Huo Xin smiled with genuine admiration in his eyes instead of joking: "No, I should call you General Chang, Governor Chang!"

Chang Sui Ning smiled and said, "Why bother Sister Huo Xin to come in person for this trip?"

Huo Xing pursed his lips and said with a smile: "That means Ah Hui is too busy to get out of his way, otherwise it would not be my turn to do such a good job."

Mrs. Chang is a great benefactor to their Yun family and the entire Hezhou. It is no exaggeration to say that without this Mrs. Chang, today's Hezhou would no longer exist.

They would never be able to repay such a huge kindness in their lifetime, let alone just a trip like this.

Speaking of Yun Hui, Huo Xin took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Chang Suining: "This is the letter Ah Hui asked me to send to Chang Suining."

Since her uncle experienced this change and succeeded his father as the governor of Hezhou, in order to obey the crowd, his temperament has become more stable, and he has gained a youthful air in front of others. But before she came, I saw that Ah It’s rare to achieve success once again—

She asked Ah Hui if there was anything she needed to bring to Mrs. Chang during this trip. Ah Hui hesitated for a long time and then said: "I will write the letter myself." 】

Chang Suining is now the governor of Jiangdu, and this trip is no longer a private matter of the Yun family. The chief historian is also beside him and said with emotion: "Now it is said outside that after the Huainan Road was devastated by the war, it went out one after another. Two young governors, one in Hezhou and one in Jiangdu, one is a man from the Yun family and the other is a daughter from the Chang family... This is a strange thing that has never happened before. 】

Hearing that he and she were mentioned together, and seeing the smile on his sister-in-law's face, Yun Hui felt a little hot for no reason. He thought he had concealed it well, and then said: "There is no need to compare me with her, I Far inferior to her. 】

She also believed in Pandao: "Her achievements will not stop here." 】

He spoke one sentence after another, different from the usual few words and serious words: "I know that some people outside are sarcastic and pessimistic, saying that Hezhou and Jiangdu have now become a place for young children to play... But I believe that, With her in Jiangdu, the entire Huainan Road will be safe. 】

[We are on Huainan Road, so I will work harder and not be a drag on her. 】

He will devote all his energy to running Hezhou, so that he and Hezhou have enough ability to help her. He will guard the Huainan Road with her, and will never let thieves set foot on it, nor will he let those who want to protect themselves. A wise man would see a joke.

Yun Hui wrote the rest of the unspoken words in the letter, and the young man's strength and determination were hidden in every word.

Chang Sui Ning Weiyou was in a hurry to open the letter, took it in his hand, and first asked about Mrs. Lou's current situation and health.

Mrs. Lou had previously lost her husband and son, and had suffered war injuries. It was difficult for her body to fully recover.

"It's okay, I've been taking care of it." Huo Xing said, "Fortunately, my energy and spirit are good. My mother often said that you should look forward and don't always look back."

Stopping at yesterday will only make people indulge in sorrow, and once submerged, people's vitality will be gone.

A person lives only with one breath, and this breath cannot be broken. Her breath was almost broken at the beginning, but Mrs. Chang supported her and Hezhou, allowing her to survive.

Only when you get through it can you have the opportunity to see the new world.

Huo Xin also talked about her current situation. She had taken over the Women's Army temporarily formed by Chang Sui Ning in Hezhou. Now it has five thousand people. They train when they are free and busy with their own affairs when they are busy.

The women she spoke of were very up to date, and those who had experienced war understood the importance of having the power to protect themselves.

Chang Suining could tell that Huo Xin now carried a responsibility, and this responsibility made her whole body strong and eye-catching from the inside out.

Since ancient times, most women have been praised for their beauty as being weak, slender, submissive and harmless. However, in Chang Sui Ning’s view, the appearance of the word strong on a woman should never be something that is against the grain, obtrusive or something worthy of avoidance and shame. Having a strong body and a firm will means having the ability to make progress independently, which is always something to be proud of.

Huo Xing took out another folded list and gave it to Chang Sui Ning to look at. It was all the things she had brought during her trip.

Chang Suining opened it and looked at it, and saw that it was full of rich supplies. He hesitated for a moment: "The life in Hezhou is not easy..."

"It's true that we can't spend too much money and can't take it out, so we can only send some usable things." Huo Xing said: "Although life in Hezhou is not as good as before, it is always much better than in Jiangdu. ”

The lucky thing about Hezhou is that it has never experienced the pain of city destruction, and it always recovers faster.

And when talking about this luck, the girl beside her cannot be avoided.

Huo Xing always had gratitude in his eyes.

"Jiangdu is the leader of Huainan Road. If Jiangdu can be restored as soon as possible, it will also be of great help to Hezhou. These things are some of Hezhou's wishes. Please accept them," Huo Xin said, with a helpless smile: " It took a lot of effort to deliver it, but it’s hard for Governor Chang to let me move it back, right?”

Chang Suining finally refused no longer: "Then I'll trouble Sister Huo Xin to say thank you to Governor Yun and the people of Hezhou on my behalf."

Nowadays, everyone is miserable, as if they are suffering in the cold winter with no end in sight, but Hezhou is still willing to give her something to keep out the cold - this shows that forming a good relationship is really useful. Of course, the so-called forming a good relationship is about the people's hearts and the purpose of friendly exchanges, but it does not mean that the other party's contribution is what it should be. She will remember this offer of help in times of need.

The two of them talked all the way to the front hall.

Wang Changshi is already waiting here and has brought Luo Guanlin over. Wang Changshi's original intention is very simple - such a distinguished guest comes to visit, and the matter involves exchanges between the two states. What a good opportunity to increase his knowledge. The so-called retainers are the eyes, ears and head of the lord, so he should listen more, see more and think more.

Mr. Luo, who was forced to gain experience, looked at Huo Xin who was welcomed in, and was quite surprised - Hezhou actually sent a woman here?

Looking back, Yao Ran followed, and those guarding the door were Sheeps purse and others...

Luo Guanlin frowned subconsciously. It was not the scene where women were surrounding the master now beside Ming Hou.

As a long-time supporter and admirer of father's rights, at this time, in addition to his instinctive discomfort, he was also more uncertain about the future. He first saw this sense of unknown in Chang Sui Ning, and now he saw it more in the women surrounding her.

Huo Xin, who was tired of life, was left to live in the Governor's Mansion by Chang Sui Ning, planning to rest for a few days before returning to Hezhou.

Shepherd's Purse and the others went to see Huo Xin in private and asked about the current situation of the Yun family and Hezhou with concern.

They are from Hezhou and are grateful for the kindness of the Yun family.

After meeting Huo Xin, seven or eight ladies, accompanied by shepherd's purse, went to meet Chang Suining. They tried to express their desire to return to Hezhou to visit relatives.

Many of them have dead husbands, but they still have blood relatives alive. They haven't seen each other for so long. One of them is missing them, and the other is... They are so successful now, so why can't they go back and show off?

Chang Suining nodded: "In that case, you can **** Sister Huo Xin back to Hezhou on my behalf."

This was approved, but the name was changed to a errand.

Qinghua and others were overjoyed, and someone else plucked up the courage to suggest: "Since we are escorts...then can the subordinates wear armor?"

It is said that they return home in fine clothes, and this majestic armor is the brocade clothes that bear witness to their military exploits.

Chang Suining smiled and nodded.

Everyone was even more happy and excited, and Qinghua simply asked: "Then... can I wear a sword, general?"

As soon as she put on the armor and hung the long knife on her waist, those gossips in the past who kept saying that she was a broom star were scared to death!

Chang Suining thought for a while, nodded, and said: "I will give each of you a horse."

Everyone was very happy: "Thank you, General!"

They all had bright eyes, some of them grinned, and were poked in the side by their companions - don't let the general think they are too vulgar and superficial!

Chang Sui Ning also smiled. Life is based on these vulgar and superficial happiness. As long as it does not hinder others, happiness does not matter.

But she still had to make one point clear: "You must abide by military regulations outside. You are allowed to wear armor and carry swords, but that doesn't mean you can run rampant, bully and hurt others, do you understand?"

Everyone put away their smiles and responded seriously: "I understand!"

At this moment, in addition to their awe of military law, they also had a subtle feeling in their hearts - so, now, do they actually "possess" the ability to run rampant, bully and hurt others?

This is a constraint on them, but it is also an affirmation in another sense. They are no longer weaklings who can be eaten by mermaids.

After everyone retreated, several ladies gathered around Shepherd's Purse and asked her why she didn't follow her back to take a look. Another person advised her: "...the hole in your house is still there. If you don't go back and take a look, you won't be afraid of what kind of flowers and plants he has outside." of?"

"I can't wait to do it!" Shepherd's Purse seemed to have heard a big joke: "As long as he dares, I will kick him out! Let's set off a bunch of firecrackers to get rid of bad luck! If the old ones don't go, the new ones won't come!"

Without a man in her way, it would be easier for her to make achievements!

She is now an effective subordinate of the general. When he returned to Yangzhou a few days ago, there was a young soldier who wanted to take a shortcut and wanted to throw himself into his arms.

It’s the men in her family who should worry about losing their status, not her!

But she is not the kind of person who likes the new and hates the old. She just asked someone to send money back a few days ago, so that the man can take the child to read and learn, so that he can come to work with the general more easily in the future.

Anyway, she gave her a chance. If this nest of chickens and dogs still doesn't live up to expectations and doesn't have the blessing of following her to heaven, then everyone has their own destiny, bridges will return to bridges, roads will return to roads, people will return to people, and animals will return to animals.

Shepherd's Purse has a simple and bright mind, and is fearless.

The general has been so busy lately, and his subordinates are the most insular. Her brain was burned by the cooked dung, so she would go back to check whether the man was involved in philandering at this time.

Shepherd's Purse no longer gossiped. As the leading captain of this women's army, she told them that they should always remember their identities after returning to Hezhou. Regardless of whether they are close or distant, they will all be punished severely.

When the sky was getting dark, Chang Sui Ning just came out of the study. As he walked down the stone steps, someone came to tell him that it was Jiang Hai who wanted to see him.

Chang Sui Ning was very polite to Jiang Jinji, who had donated a million taels and was known as the best golden rooster in Jiangdu, and immediately invited him to the flower hall to talk.

As soon as he saw the young governor, Jiang Hai felt a dull pain in his waist bag.

Fortunately, every loss has its own gain. Although the purse around my waist hurts, the head on my neck feels good.

After some pleasantries, Jiang Hai, who did not dare to sit down, stood there rubbing his hands and looking around with a smile.

Chang Sui Ning, who was sitting at the top, understood, raised his hand slightly, and screened away the people in the hall.

Jiang Hai then smiled and apologized: "Chang Jishi has heavy official duties, and villains should not come to disturb..."

After all, just counting the money and writing "generous man" by hand are enough to keep the other party busy.

He seemed hesitant to explain his intention: "I am just being entrusted by someone, I can't refuse, I can only come boldly..."

"So, Mr. Jiang's family has sent a message today?" Chang Suining looked a little curious: "I wonder what kind of person he is, and he can actually invite Mr. Jiang's family to come in person?" (End of Chapter)

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