Hello Chang’an

Chapter 345: The Grand Governor’s uncle-in-law who couldn’t get anything he asked for

Chapter 345: The Grand Governor’s Unrequited Brother-in-Law

"You **** kid, can you take a good breath?"

"Why are you out of breath now..." Aman rubbed his head and cried out in dissatisfaction: "I said a hundred years from now, a hundred years later, isn't this just wishing you a long life!"

"Then you are so good at congratulations!" Shen Sanmao praised in a hurry: "You must remember to celebrate the birthday of the elders in your family in the future..."

As he spoke, he paused and said no more.

But Amang smiled "hey", put his hands on his hips and said proudly: "My father, mother, and Weng are so happy to see me living such a good life with Uncle Cat."

Shen Sanmao also imitated his actions and put his hands on his hips. He looked at the stacked walls outside the small courtyard and said with satisfaction: "Thanks to my good sense, I chose the right master."

Aman turned to look at him: "But Uncle Cat, weren't you knocked unconscious and put in a sack and carried away?"

Aman curled his lips, the word "choose" was too flattering to himself.

Shen Sanmao wanted to beat the child again: "That was the beginning, but then I chose to stay!"

Then he said: "Besides, what kind of vision does the girl have? Do you really think that anyone can be put into a sack and taken away by the girl?"

There is a threshold for a girl's sack, but not just anyone can get in if they want to!

While the two were joking around, someone soon came to deliver food, and they were also He Wuhu's men. They treated Shen Sanmao very warmly. Not long after the meal, He Wuhu also came to say hello, and before leaving, he repeatedly explained: "If you are unfamiliar with anything, or if you need someone to run errands, just call! We live next door, and we will be here from now on." My brothers don’t need to see anyone outside!”

Shen Sanmao thanked him again and again, and took Amang to **** the people out of the small courtyard in person. Watching the group of angry men walk away, Amang said with a face full of wonder: "Uncle Cat, they used to be bandits. It turns out that The bandits are not as scary as others say, but they are quite easy to get along with."

"Easy to get along with?" Shen Sanmao turned around and walked into the courtyard: "You think they are easy to get along with, that's because they are willing to get along well with you and me... In the final analysis, it is just because the girl can control them. If someone else can't control them, Yes, they are not necessarily so kind-hearted and naive."

Of course, these people may sincerely want to change their ways, but to make them change their ways, in addition to having a clear conscience, they must also be suppressed by the strong. To deal with such people, absolute suppression is required before smooth guidance can be achieved. .

Shen Sanmao said: "Just like werewolf farmers, wolves are as docile as dogs under their hands... This is not just about the deep love between humans and animals, master and servant."

After hearing this, Xiao Mang felt a little scared. He glanced in the direction of the yard where He Wuhu and the others were staying, and whispered: "Uncle Cat, after hearing what you said, why do I feel that there is a wolf den next door..."

"He has his wolf's den, and I have my cat's den." Shen Sanmao waved his sleeves freely, walked to the bedroom, and said nonchalantly: "As long as the girl doesn't want to take my cat's life, the wolf will naturally take it. Don’t leave.”

Xiao Mang followed him with bright eyes: "Then...Uncle Cat, Governor Chang said today that there is something big for you to do in the future. What big thing will it be?"

Shen Sanmao thought about it seriously: "At least I have to have a farm or a warehouse to manage it, and I have three or five people to take care of it, right?"

Xiao Mang said "Wow" excitedly, eyes filled with anticipation.

That night, Xiao Mang was so excited that he could hardly close his eyes and rolled back and forth holding the clean quilt.

Shen Sanmao rested his arms on his arms and had not slept for a long time. There was the sound of cicadas outside the window, but he never felt noisy, instead he felt it was pleasant and comfortable.

In the first half of his life, besides avoiding debts, he could not achieve anything. Food and clothing were difficult, not to mention the word ideal -

In a hurry, he had reached middle age in the blink of an eye. He originally thought that things would only get worse in the future, and that this would be the best in this life...

Until that day, he met a rich young man on the street who seemed to be easy to cheat, and bought him a basket of duck eggs...

I got lucky this time and made a big profit!

- He thought with joy at that time.

Little did he know that the real thing that would make him a lot of money was yet to come.

Shen Sanmao's eyes were filled with emotion and happiness. Perhaps, starting from the sale of the basket of duck eggs, the life that truly belongs to him, Shen Sanmao, has just begun.

The next day, all the prominent figures in Jiangdu City were invited to go to the Governor's Mansion to see the lotus flowers.

The so-called parallel-pedunculated lotus has two flowers on one stem. Each flower has a pedicle. The two flowers bloom side by side, which is called parallel-pedunculated lotus.

Therefore, the elephant is rare and is also called Ruilian. It is a symbol of auspiciousness and often appears in calligraphy, painting and embroidery.

Most of the people who came to watch this trip saw this kind of living strange lotus for the first time, so they were amazed. Jiang Hai even stepped forward and took a sniff. As a businessman, there is no such thing as too much auspiciousness. Just as he has raised himself to be so fair and fat, isn't it also for the good purpose of amassing wealth?

"...Thanks to the Governor, we are lucky enough to have this opportunity to broaden our horizons today!"

When Jiang Hai started talking, everyone agreed.

After leaving the Governor's Mansion, everyone had a steelyard in their hearts, their horizons were opened, and their eyes were fed. Next, it was the mouth's turn to work.

The strange news that Bingdilian was bloomed in the governor's palace of Jiangdu soon spread throughout Jiangdu city.

People in the world have a particularly strong interest in anecdotes. This interest lies not only in dissemination, but also in exploring and guessing why this auspiciousness arises. Does it mean that God is blessing Jiangnan? And why did he choose to stay in the governor's house?

For a time, various opinions emerged one after another, but all of them were positive.

There are even literati who wrote poems to praise this matter. One of them is to express their feelings and try to show their faces in front of the governor. This is also a reason... If the poems reach the ears of the governor and win his favor, he will be happy. So they were sent to help copy books?

Speaking of the copying of books that has caused quite a sensation among Jiangnan students recently, many literati are regretting it. It is not uncommon for classmates and friends to "turn against each other" because of this. The specific differences are mostly related to the previous Some people wanted to participate in the recruitment of the governor's office, but were dissuaded by their friends on the grounds that "someone secretly said that Chang Jishi has a flamboyant style and may not be a good leader. I'd better wait and see for a while" -

Those who uttered the above words felt regretful at this moment - I never said before that anyone who passed the recruitment assessment would have the opportunity to copy the books of the famous family! And it is said that not only can you copy it, but you can also leave your name on it after the copy is completed!

As long as you know that there is such a good thing, and the king of heaven and I came to stop it before, it will not work! But...but it happened that it was themselves who blocked the way! Therefore, in my dreams, I always want to go back to ten days ago, so I can pick up the person I was at that time and slap him one hundred and eighty times until I wake up.

How sad and ironic it is to say that previously they were worried about accidentally boarding a pirate ship, and they were still feeling uncertain about the future of those who boarded the ship. But now they watched the ship sail away, and they realized that the people on the ship had actually eaten so good!

Thinking of those people feasting on the gluttonous feast with the door closed at this moment, the people outside the door were about to shed tears of greed.

Some people thought there was still a chance and revealed a piece of gossip: "...I have a friend who is a cousin of his stepmother who lives outside the home where his third uncle is raising him. He works in the front office of the governor's office..." The listeners also said In the future, he had time to digest this bizarre relationship, and was deeply attracted by the next words: "According to what the Yamen said, the books collected by the governor Chang are to be used in Jiangdu Fuxue! As long as we are admitted to the Fuxue, we will return There is a chance to learn the manuscripts of those books!”

Most of them come from poor families, and studying is the only way out. And studying is very expensive for ordinary people. Most of them require the efforts of the whole family to support one person. The expectations they bear on their shoulders are not unreasonable.

But now we are at the juncture of the decline of the noble clan, and the sky is wide open in front of them, just waiting for them to stand up and jump... Therefore, they are always vigilant and excited, unwilling to miss any promising opportunity to compete for the first place.

This rumor spread quickly, and many students began to look through the examination questions for the admissions of previous years' government schools, just like walnuts, intending to take a look at them first.

A tung oil carriage drove slowly and leisurely, passing long streets and alleys, bookstores and schools. Along the way, I could hear the sounds of vendors hawking, arguments at street corners, craftsmen building walls, laborers paving roads, carriages and horses borrowing roads, and students reading...

These sounds mixed and alternated, steamed by the summer heat, and rose into the sky by the afternoon summer wind, twisting into an invisible air of revival above Jiangdu City.

The carriage stopped in front of a tall mansion. When they saw the people coming out of the carriage, the imperial guards guarding the gate successfully recognized the people and saluted quickly.

Chang Suining walked in with his hands behind his back without going through the call.

Hearing that Chang Suining came here, Eunuch Pan felt a dull pain in his abdominal muscles, and the shadow of a snake in the same cup seemed to have the same purpose but the same purpose.

Fortunately, today this giant Buddha is not here to **** things, but to give things away.

Chang Sui Ning brought the double-pedicled lotus. When auspicious things are found in various places, they are always reported to the court and the emperor. Chang Sui Ning is also very conscious. Anyway, she has used it up, and it is useless to keep it.

As for whether it will have withered when it is sent back to the capital, that is not something she should worry about, and things like auspiciousness are still auspicious even if they wither, and their magic power will not be affected.

After meeting Eunuch Pan, Chang Suining went to where everyone was copying books, but did not disturb him. He only looked at it quietly and saw that it was in good order. After a while, he took the people away with peace of mind.

It takes time for news to spread out of Jiangdu. Thousands of miles away in the north, the most hotly debated matter was Chang Suining's appointment as the governor of Jiangdu. The latest news that has been vaguely heard by interested people is that a wealthy businessman from Jiangdu donated money.

On this day, at sunset in Xishan, a letter from Jiangdu was delivered to the Xuance Army camp.

The soldiers in the camp who were responsible for sending and receiving letters saw that there was a letter to Governor Cui, so they did not dare to neglect it. On the way to Cui Jing's camp, they met Chang Sui'an who had just finished his patrol.

Seeing Chang Sui'an handing over the patrol matters, the soldier stepped forward and took out a letter with a smile: "Mr. Chang Lang, here is your letter! It was just delivered to the camp!"

He was very polite to Chang Sui'an in his words, or in other words, everyone in the military camp was very polite to Chang Sui'an.

A place with people is indispensable for people and sophistication. Xuance's army has strict military discipline. Although it does not give Chang Sui'an any special privileges worth mentioning, his private attitude is not within the jurisdiction of military discipline.

Of course, there are many descendants of powerful nobles or military generals in Xuance's army, but in the eyes of everyone, the husband of the Chang family is the most special one -

After all, his father, Chang Kuo, was from the Xuance Army and had taken over the post of General of the Xuance Army from His Royal Highness, the former Crown Prince. Although he was later deprived of his position, the name Chang Kuo still had prestige in the Xuance Army.

Because Chang Kuo was now granted the title of Marquis Zhongyong, some people in the camp joked and called Chang Sui'an "The Prince of Marquis Zhongyong".

But in comparison, the relationship between father and son is only secondary. What really makes Chang Sui'an's status in everyone's hearts unparalleled is [the uncle-in-law that most governors ask for] This is an unparalleled level of identity suppression.

In this regard, Chang Sui'an's heart was extremely weak. You must know that when the governor of the Lotus Flower Banquet asked to marry Ning Ning... it was just an act!

But everyone took it seriously. The governor's close military commanders often treated him privately because of this, which made him feel at a loss.

Fortunately, the governor didn't mind these rumors and told him not to take them to heart and just let those people go and ignore them.

Chang Sui'an felt relieved because of this.

At this moment, he couldn't wait to open the letter from Jiangdu. The letter was written by Li Tong. It detailed the events in Jiangdu, mostly surrounding Chang Suining and the governor's office, and also mentioned some Japanese military affairs.

Chang Sui'an took the letter and went to Cui Jing's camp. His father and sister were close friends with Governor Cui, and no one was an outsider. Moreover, Governor Cui is also paying attention to Jiangdu's recent situation and war situation. Jiangdu's letter should be shared with Governor Cui.

When Chang Sui'an came outside Cui Jing's tent and waited for the message, he saw the soldier who had just delivered the letter come out of Cui Jing's tent.

After greeting the soldier, Chang Sui'an walked into Cui Jing's tent. After bowing, he couldn't help but ask: "Director Cui, have you also received the letter from Jiangdu?"

Cui Jing, who was sitting cross-legged behind several cases, was holding the letter in her hand and nodded.

Chang Sui An just wanted to ask if it was a letter from his father or Yuan Xiang, but the young man took the initiative and said in a rare clear and gentle voice: "It's Mrs. Chang's reply."

Chang Sui'an was a little surprised that his sister didn't even reply to his letter!

Then he looked at the letter in his hand, and Chang Sui'an felt relieved. Since the letter was sent together, his sister must have known that sister Li Tong had written to him. His sister was now busy with official duties and had not written to him again. Letters are understandable.

It doesn't matter, just read what he has in his hand first.

Chang Sui'an was in a good mood and read Li Tong's letter to Cui Jing, skipping Li Tong's greetings to him.

Cui Jing listened very carefully as it related to her and Jiang Du.

Chang Sui'an finished reading the letter, put it away, and then looked at Cui Jing with a smile.

"Is there anything else?" Cui Jing asked.

Chang Sui'an was stunned: "?"

He looked at the letter that the young man had always held in his hand - so he was the only one with a strong desire to share, right?

Thank you all for your monthly votes, tips, messages, and good night.

(End of chapter)

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