Hello Chang’an

Chapter 346: Frame it! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Although Chang Sui'an really wanted to know what his sister said in the letter, he still retained a great deal of awe for Cui Jing, a top-level player—

So he could only shake his head: "No, no..."

Cui Jing nodded: "Now that the patrol is over, go back and rest early, and come with me to inspect the border defense tomorrow."

Chang Sui'an agreed, holding the letter in his hand, and exited the camp.

In the tent for the first time, an oil lamp was burning quietly next to the small table where official matters were piled. The warm light reflected by the flame fell on the young man's slender fingers, which opened and unfolded the letters unhurriedly, simply The movements seem to have some kind of orderly rules, and this rules are based on the cherishment of not being too hasty for fear of damaging the letter.

The light of the oil lamp also reflected on the young man's lowered eyebrows. His eyebrows were naturally superior, and the originally dark and deep eyebrows were now coated with a faint golden light by the lamp. This scene made the young man look as if he was not even in the horizon. It is transformed by the real glow of the sun, and it is like the proud work of a master of calligraphy and painting who has put countless preferences and carefully blended colors. Therefore, he can be so accurately given the ultimate beauty that the world can imagine.

The letter was written in a familiar handwriting, almost filling up the entire letter.

She must have been in a high mood when she wrote the letter. Although there was nothing too important to mention, it can be seen that she was full of interest and full of desire to share.

She will always be prosperous, and Jiang Du will surely regain his prosperity soon as soon as he is under her control, Cui Jing thought after seeing the words.

And he was honored that even though he was thousands of miles away at this moment, he could still be the one with whom she shared this flourishing heart.

In the letter, she also told him that when he wrote again in the future, if he had time, he could write more. She expected that even if there were more words, the horse delivering the letter would be able to carry it.

Cui Jing curled up the corners of his mouth as if he had received some kind of permission.

She seemed to be intentionally setting an example, showing him how to write a letter long enough, and writing whatever came to mind. She did not follow the strict letter format. She had already signed the letter, but added two lines of text. The small characters that show the crowd - [Tonight, there are huge fireworks in Jiangdu City. Last year, I knew about this thing in Dengtai Tower. This thing is very good. I am very happy about it. I am happy because it is actually grand and beautiful, and even more happy because it is beautiful. Made of gunpowder, it is used for celebration rather than casualties in war]

Finally, I add another sentence - [One more thing is that the fireworks tonight are all donated by Princess Xuan'an, and I haven't spent half of the money]

Cui Jing couldn't help but smile, and then seemed to think of something, and read the letter from beginning to end. He not only read the letter, but also counted the number of words in the letter.

Including the signature, a total of 367 words.

Cui Jing found a piece of white paper and wrote a line of words.

At this moment, Vice General Yu came to the account to report official business. Cui Jing put down his pen and listened carefully. All he heard were routine reports, and nothing unusual happened.

After Deputy General Yu finished his report, Cui Jing pushed the folded piece of paper with a line of writing on it to the edge of the desk, and half a copper talisman was pressed on the paper.

Vice General Yu stepped forward and picked it up.

"You go back to the capital during this trip, and help me with another private matter." Cui Jing said: "Go back to Xuance's army in the capital, use this bronze talisman to open my private treasury, take the full amount, and secretly send it to the governor's office in Jiangdu. "

Upon hearing this, Vice General Yu subconsciously opened the piece of paper and was slightly stunned when he saw the number written on it.

"Grand Governor, what are you..." Vice Admiral Yu seemed a little unscrupulous: "Aren't you planning to hire someone?"

"..." Cui Jing raised her eyes and stared at him.

Lieutenant General Yu gave a complicated smile: "What I mean is... you are alone now. You must keep enough for your wife."

Although they could not become the adopted sons of the Grand Governor, they were already part of the same family as the Grand Governor, so why shouldn't they help worry about it?

Cui Jing obviously didn't care about this. He just laid out another piece of letter paper, smoothed the paper with a paperweight, and said: "It's rare that she will need it, so go ahead and do it."

Vice General Yu couldn't help but trembled and gritted his teeth after hearing this. After reading a letter, he wished he could give away all his property, so he gave it away, and even said, "It's rare that she will be of use"... Listen carefully, Commander-in-Chief He even used the word "rare"!

At this moment, Lieutenant General Yu suddenly had an ominous intuition. If Mrs. Chang needs the Governor to die, the Governor would probably treat his own life with the mentality of "it is rare for her to use it"?

Forgive him for his short-sightedness... What is the difference between this and being possessed?

Lieutenant General Yu could not understand this state of affairs, so he could only pretend to bless and respect him.

Vice General Yu put away the piece of paper and the copper talisman and showed a smile: "Don't worry, Commander-in-Chief, my subordinates will handle this matter properly."

When I just retreated, I heard a soldier report through the curtain: "Grand Governor, Doctor Cao is here."

With Cui Jing's approval, Doctor Cao entered the tent and saluted.

Cui Jing had been whipped in Xingyang before, and when he returned to the north, his injury had not fully recovered. Doctor Cao, who had been responsible for treating Cui Jing's injury, took this opportunity to recommend himself again and again, and finally followed him to the north as he wished.

Cui Jing's injuries are now mostly healed, but Doctor Cao is obsessed with further treating him, so he has to check Cui Jing's pulse every half a day.

Cui Jing himself doesn't care much about this, but since he was exterminated, his subordinates have treated him with great care, and it is not uncommon for him to take care of his body.

Seeing Doctor Cao come in at this moment, Vice General Yu was not in a hurry to leave. He was ordered by the Governor to return to Beijing on errands and would leave soon. Before leaving, he wanted to hear about the Governor's recovery.

Doctor Cao, who was diagnosing Cui Jing's pulse, raised his eyebrows and said with surprise, "This is the happy pulse."

Cui Jing: "?"

Vice General Yu glared: "What kind of pulse do you like?"

This statement is undoubtedly absurd, but Lieutenant General Yu couldn't help but think of the time when he was diagnosing his pulse, the doctor Cao once said with a smile: "It's rare that if someone marries a bride in the future, he can ask the governor to press the bed the night before." . 】

At that time, apart from the Governor and Doctor Cao, he and a soldier were the only ones left in the tent. He and the soldier briefly reacted - what does it mean to ask the Governor to press the bed?


In many places, before a bride passes through the door, a boy is invited to press the bed...

So... the governor supervises him? !

Lieutenant General Yu didn't believe it at first, but when he turned around, he saw the Governor, who also understood, looking uncomfortable.

At that moment, Lieutenant General Yu couldn't help but stand in awe - not only for the governor who guarded his body like a jade, but also for the superb medical doctor Cao.

Therefore, at this moment, when he suddenly heard Doctor Cao uttering the word "happy pulse", Lieutenant General Yu's first reaction was not entirely questioning, but subconsciously thinking carefully... But he got the answer in a moment, what's the point of such a thing? Thoughtful?

Where did the boy come from... Bah, where did the man come from?

"This happy pulse is not that happy pulse." Doctor Cao smiled and stroked his beard and said: "The governor's pulse is not stable at this time, but there is joy in the chaos, which can be seen as the ups and downs of happy mood."

Lieutenant General Yu was surprised: "Can this be seen from the pulse?"

"It's natural. The pulse can be seen in the heart, and when a person is happy, the heart is free..." Doctor Cao looked at Cui Jing with a smile: "It's rare to see the governor be so cheerful." Cui Jing: "..."

Having had his pulse checked several times by this person, he no longer had any secrets in front of his subordinates.

Soon, Doctor Cao and Vice General Yu were kicked out together.

"Doctor Cao doesn't know something..." After leaving the tent, Lieutenant General Yu put his arm on Doctor Cao's shoulder and whispered: "The Governor always talks little, and he doesn't like others to talk too much. In the future, this will have nothing to do with the injury or illness. Please don’t say more in front of the Grand Governor..."

As he spoke, his voice was a little lower: "Next time, just talk to me in private."

Doctor Cao fell into introspection for a moment. What he said was really related to the Governor's injuries, but he would not say much in front of others. When it came to protecting the privacy of the injured, he had very professional ethics...

Every time he told them, they were just trivial and interesting things... Apart from his medical skills, wasn't it his humor that the Governor liked most?

While Doctor Cao was reflecting, he heard Deputy General Yu ask with some worry: "But having said that, our great governor is so easy to lose consciousness. As soon as he regains consciousness, he seems to be a different person. He is no longer shrewd and wise at all. He is willing to risk his life." You risk everything... In terms of medicine, what kind of disease is it? "

"Is this..." Doctor Cao pondered for a moment: "There may be different approaches but similar effects."

"...Sichun crazy?" Vice General Yu asked with confusion on his face: "Is it easy to cure?"

Doctor Cao shook his head regretfully.

The two of them walked away while talking. Inside the tent, a young man who had been initially diagnosed with spring madness was writing a letter seriously.

Although she was allowed to write a longer letter, Cui Jing still consciously restrained her writing. After filling two pages of letter paper intermittently, she put down the pen.

Even so, this is the longest letter he has ever written in his life. Of course, the previous useless letters cannot be counted.

After the letter paper was dried, it was sealed in an envelope and put by Cui Jing into a wooden box. There were also folded drawings and other items in the box. Those drawings were either drawn by himself or collected by some means. It has taken more than a month.

He thought this might help her fight against the Japanese.

After closing the box, Cui Jing was handed over to his subordinates and sent to Jiangdu.

Taifu Chu, who was far away in the capital, was finally able to open the letter from the student.

Chang Suining's reply to his teacher was earlier than that to Cui Jing, and the capital was closer to Jiangdu. It is said that Taifu Chu should have read this letter long ago.

Thinking of this, Taifu Chu was filled with resentment - the court was becoming more and more chaotic where he couldn't see it, and officials changed frequently. He was too busy during this period, with too many official duties, and his subordinates were as stupid as novices. Trapped by this official matter, he was tied to the Ministry of Rites and could not even return home for many days.

In the past, he made a fuss, and it was of some use, but now it doesn't work anymore. After all, he is not the only one who is about to be driven crazy by official duties.

Seeing that [I'm going to make a fuss] didn't work, the Imperial Tutor had no choice but to go a step further and use the killer move [I'm going to die]. He lay groaning in the Ministry of Rites for half a day. Caused by excessive", he was finally helped onto the sedan chair and returned home.

After returning home, Taifu actually slept until dark. He was really tired, and his age showed in it.

Sitting up from the couch with slow and stiff movements, the Taifu opened his mouth and cursed: "These people, the ink in their stomachs has stained their hearts. One by one, the other is black..."

Although he seems to be passive and slow in his work, it should be because he has never delayed his official duties. He has no choice but to have outstanding abilities.

But what he hates the most in his life is the four words "the capable work harder". Everyone has the same salary, why should he pile up all the work for him?

The Taifu got up and put on his clothes while cursing, and the old servant came forward to serve him. From time to time, he said a few words of comfort or followed by a few curses. Most of them sighed: "...the current situation is like this, everyone is uneasy."

The peasants in Daozhou revolted, and the imperial court sent troops to encircle and suppress them one after another. However, the army sent to suppress them returned news of defeat a few days ago... More than 100,000 rebel troops have now occupied Dongting, and their morale is extremely high. They are about to attack Jingzhou.

Mentioning this matter, Taifu Chu said in an old voice: "At the court today, an official proposed to recruit the leader of the thief, but the saint sternly rejected it."

In the eyes of the saint, this group of rebels acted cruelly. If the imperial court just surrendered and offered peace, wouldn't it be equivalent to telling the world that the imperial court today is weak and can be bullied? This will surely make more thieves rush to follow suit!

Therefore, Emperor Shengce has ordered Li Xian to lead troops to Dongting as soon as possible to provide support, and must stop this group of rebels from Jingzhou.

In the morning session today, the Emperor made these words to soothe and shock people: "The so-called army of more than one hundred thousand is nothing more than a rabble, and the leader of the thieves, Bian Chunliang, is nothing more than a salt seller. In terms of his family background, his strategizing skills, and his ability to lead an army." , can it still be better than Xu Zhengye? Xu Zhengye’s unfinished business is nothing more than a moth throwing himself into the fire! 】

"Xu Zhengye is just unlucky..." Mrs. Chu muttered as if without any clue, and then suddenly asked: "Have you received any letters recently?"

The old servant nodded and put all the letters he had saved on the small table by the window.

The Grand Tutor held on to the armrest of the chair and sat down in the chair. He picked through the letters one by one and finally picked out two. He opened one of them first and saw the eye-catching word "Ha" on it. He blew his beard in anger.

Immediately, the little man was seen kowtowing in the lower corner, and the gray beard that blew up in anger fell back to its original position.

The little man was painted very vividly and kowtowed very hard. The more Mr. Chu looked at it, the more he liked it. He simply asked the old servant to bring scissors and cut out the little man squarely himself.

"Tomorrow morning, find a craftsman to frame it for me..."

The old servant took the "painting" that was no bigger than a palm and asked in surprise: "How can it be framed? Even if it can be framed, what's the use?"

It's so small, it can't be given to some moving mouse as a housewarming gift, right?

"You can go ahead and frame it. Where do you come from so much talk?" Mrs. Chu glared at him and said hurriedly: "Quickly find a box and put it in it. Don't get it dirty."

The old servant said "yes", it was time to find a box. Although it wouldn't be dirty, it would be hard to find if it flew out and lost it.

The old servant went to look for the box, and the Taifu then opened the second letter, which was written by Wang Changshi.

Taifu Zhanxin saw the respectful greeting and snorted in a good mood. It turns out that everyone is more sensible than his poor student, and he did not just write the word "ha" to anger him.

But soon, Taifu no longer thought so...(End of Chapter)

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