Hello Chang’an

Chapter 364: People hate dogs (please vote for me)

Wu Jue was so shocked by the sneeze that his chest hurt. He held his ribs and said "ouch". When he raised his eyes, he saw the boy making medicine rolling his eyes at him in disgust.

Wujue, who was leaning on a wicker chair to enjoy the coolness, was somewhat irritated by the white eyes, and said angrily: "...Why are you so rude, a naughty boy? I am your uncle after all!"

After saying that, he turned around and complained to the person coming: "Junior brother, what kind of disciple are you teaching?"

The visitor wore a Taoist robe with wide sleeves and tied his hair with a wooden hairpin. He looked like he was in his early forties. Hearing this, he did not help Wujue to reprimand his apprentice, but said: "Since senior brother knows that the cause of the problem is himself, he still cares about his child. what?"

"Is it about myself? What on earth have I done that is so unjust and unreasonable?" Sitting in the wicker chair, Wu Jue was so angry that he blew his beard and slapped his legs, his face full of dissatisfaction.

"..." Seeing this, the Taoist sighed and reminded: "Senior brother, please don't do this. Such an unreasonable and troublesome attitude makes it even more disgusting."

Wujue paused in slapping his thigh, with a look of pain on his face, and fell heavily on the back of the chair, looking up to the sky and lamenting.

The boy shrank his neck and said, "I'm sorry, uncle, I didn't mean it..."

When he first met this uncle who suddenly came to his door, he felt that he was very unpleasant to him. After that, no matter what the uncle did, he would always feel bored for no reason...

He was also very distressed and blamed himself for this. Once he couldn't help but go to Master to confess, and wanted Master to help him find out whether he was possessed by any evil thing.

Unexpectedly, after the master was silent for a moment, he said: "It's not your fault. Master had the same mood when he saw your uncle." 】

It turns out that Master often cannot control his feelings of boredom when he treats his uncle. It’s just that Master is older and has the good qualities of an adult to hide his likes and dislikes!

But...why? When he didn't see his uncle, he recalled what he had done, and it was clear that there was nothing disgusting about him.

He asked the master, only to hear the master sigh: "Your uncle has done something against the will of heaven. His fate has declined, and he has become disgusted and abandoned by all living creatures. These are all the consequences of the evil formation's backlash." 】

When the boy heard this, he was shocked and sympathetic, but when he saw the uncle the next day, he couldn't help but pout in anger.

At this moment, his great uncle was pointing to the sky and cursing: "... God, you may not wish me a happy death or be reincarnated in the next life, I accept it! Now you have caused me to end up as a disgusting dog. This is considered What’s the point!”

"This is the result of the evil formation's backlash. What does it have to do with the way of heaven." The Taoist held his broad sleeves and sighed: "Everything has a cause and effect. What my senior brother did went against the cycle of heaven. If he can save one life, it is the mercy of heaven. ”

Wujue's hand pointing to the sky fell down languidly, and he sighed: "It's Master who is so kind. He had already expected that I would be destined for such a disaster, so he would try every means to avoid it for me."

The Taoist subconsciously looked at the ring finger on Wujue's hand. This ring finger was made of flying stones from the sky. Things outside the sky are not disturbed by the laws of cause and effect in this world, so it has the effect of warding off evil and avoiding disasters.

This ring finger is a sacred object of his master's sect. Before his death, his master passed the position of sect leader to him, but handed the ring finger to his senior brother and asked him to go down the mountain.

Senior brother has had excellent understanding since childhood, but his temperament is unstable and he lacks awe for the way of heaven in all things. He is most likely to cause trouble and trouble. Therefore, Master has always strictly controlled senior brother and never allowed senior brother to leave the school alone -

Before the master left, when he took over the position of the sect leader, he thought that from now on, the troublesome task of "disciplining the inattentive senior brother" would fall on him, but unexpectedly, the master agreed, He even ordered his senior brother to leave.

Since his senior brother came down from the mountain, he has indeed been causing trouble constantly. However, the troubles that his senior brother caused at the beginning gave him a headache, but he also felt that it was "just that"...

It wasn't until his senior brother sent back an urgent letter more than ten years ago, claiming that his life was in danger and inviting him to come to help, that he learned about what happened to the Nv Tower that day!

At that time, he was beyond shocked, but at the same time he felt that it was "natural" - he knew that sooner or later, senior brother would make a big deal!

And today, more than ten years later, the senior brother dragged this frail body back to the master to ask for help. Only then did he realize that the senior brother had not only done something big, but had actually done it!

Therefore, he has been thinking recently, did Master have expected this as early as more than 20 years ago?

However, since Master had predicted it, why didn't he try to stop it instead of indirectly planting the seeds that led to this incident?

The master had clearly been teaching them to follow the laws of heaven before he was alive... but why did he "allow" his senior brother to do such things that were against the laws of heaven?

Or... is Master's "promoting" and "not obstructing" "complying with God's will"?

The Taoist looked up at the sky, feeling that it was difficult to understand for a moment, but what was certain at this time was that the senior brother still had a glimmer of hope, and that hope lay in the "person" that the senior brother had replaced against heaven.

He then said: "The top priority is that senior brother should go to Jiangdu as soon as possible and tell the man about the internal situation, so that senior brother can survive."

Wujue: "You first find a way to get rid of this disgusting aura from me!"

The Taoist shook his head helplessly: "Senior brother, please forgive me for my shallow skills. I have been looking through the ancient books of my sect these days, but I still can't find a way to get rid of it."

"Then you can try to suppress it. I remember that Master left a lot of treasures behind. You can lend them to me for a while. I will think of a solution and then return them!"

The Taoist was even more helpless: "The biggest treasure is already on my senior brother's body. It is expected that it has been suppressed by my senior brother to the greatest extent. If my senior brother doesn't believe it, you can take off this finger ring and give it a try."

Wu Jue pretended not to believe it, and pinched the finger to take it off, but when he glanced at his strong junior brother, his movements stopped and he didn't try anymore. He was afraid that without the finger to suppress him, he would really make people dislike him. He was immediately grabbed and beaten by his junior brother.

Not only did the stick produce a filial son, but also a good-tempered senior brother. Wujue was forced to ask with a stable mood: "Junior brother, is there really no other way?"

The reason why he returned to his master's door was to resolve this matter.

The Taoist shook his head and gave a rare word of comfort: "Although it may be a little annoying, it is the right thing to seize the chance of life. Senior brother, it is better to die than to live..."

Wu Jue's eyebrows twisted together in worry. He didn't care about the eyes of the world, but when he thought that Lao Chang and even His Highness would look at him with disgust, he felt sad and aggrieved, as if his whole life would be in vain.

A scholar dies for a confidant, but also lives for a confidant. If a confidant no longer confides in oneself, but turns against oneself and becomes disgusted with oneself...it is not necessary to avoid this kind of "reliance on living".

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that his true self will "disappear" in the eyes of his lord and friends in a soul-wiping way, so he does not dare to see each other easily.

Wujue leaned back in his chair and looked at the sky, feeling a little helpless, depressed and sad.

At this time, another boy came quickly, crossed his hands and saluted and preached: "A fellow Taoist is here to visit the sect master."

The Taoist raised his eyebrows. This place is hidden from the world. Not many people know about it, and there is a blinding formation. Who would come here to look for it?

So he asked: "Who is this person and what does he look like?"

"He is a Taoist priest with white beard and hair. He calls himself Taoist..." The boy thought for a while and then said, "Taoist name is Tianjing."

"...Celestial Mirror?" The Taoist was slightly surprised and subconsciously looked at his senior brother. He remembered that this was the Taoist name of the current national master?

Wujue sat up in shock: "Damn it, why did he find it!"

This old guy didn't go to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason. He must have noticed that he was cheating to die and followed him all the way here!

At this moment, Tianjing was talking to the two people on the left and right: "The master here doesn't like others to disturb him, so you two are waiting outside."

The two guards, who were wearing Taoist robes but had a restrained aura, said "yes" when they heard this.

They were ordered to follow the imperial master out of the capital. It is not surprising that the imperial master traveled all the way and often visited friends.

Not long after, the boy turned back and said in a childish voice that his master would invite fellow Taoists to come in and talk.

Tianjing followed the boy inside and looked along the way. He saw that the mountain courtyard here was not that big, and it was far from the famous Taoist family he remembered in the past. Tianjing soon saw the sect master here, raised his hand and smiled in greeting: "Wuwei Shanren."

Taoist Wuwei looked surprised and said with a smile: "I have been hiding from the world with my master for many years. I didn't expect to see Senior Tianjing coming today."

Tianjing's eyes fell on the empty wicker chair, then looked in the direction of the back door of the mountain courtyard, and asked with emotion: "In the past, your master's sect was in Qianzhou, and it was always famous. I don't know why you chose to escape from the world on your own?"

Wuwei had an indifferent smile on his face: "This is what my master told me before he died. I am just following orders."

Before his death, the master left two instructions. One was to ask his senior brother to come down the mountain, and the other was to ask him to take his disciples into hiding to avoid disaster.

Putting these two explanations together, it was difficult for him not to suspect that his senior brother would cause trouble that would affect his sect.

Out of trust in his senior brother's ability to cause trouble, he simply moved away from Qianzhou and came here to avoid trouble more thoroughly.

Facts have proved that the senior brother has indeed lived up to his trust. He caused troubles, big and small, and finally ran away to become a monk. He stepped on two boats and fed on two families... Such an omnivorous and unruly person is rare in ancient and modern times.

Tianjing didn't know what he thought of, and said with admiration: "The master is beyond expectations, he is a true master."

Therefore, all these causes and effects have been discovered by experts, right?

Tianjing feels insignificant and can't help but be full of curiosity about the way forward.

In order to delay his brother's escape, Wuwei raised his hand and invited Tianjing to drink tea and talk about Taoism.

The sky mirror was used only for observation, and it stayed here for half a day before leaving.

Wujue escaped successfully, but after much hesitation, he decided to head south.

But the road south was not easy to walk. He was dragging his sick body and could not go quickly. At the same time, he had to avoid those who were searching for his whereabouts - he had not yet decided how to meet His Highness.

In addition, his current bad luck and disgusting aura is also very troublesome. When buying buns, he always buys the smallest one in the cage; when asking for directions, he is deliberately pointed to the wrong way;

It was getting late that day, and I was walking on the road without incident. However, I was suddenly stopped by two officers, who said that there was a thief on the street. They saw him sneaking around and wanted to search him.

Wu Jue defended himself, but the two officers didn't listen at all. Under the watch of everyone, they dug out everything on his body, including copper coins, broken silver, and compasses, scattered on the floor.

"You two officers, look, there is nothing..." Wujue smiled apologetically and knelt down to pick up something, but the compass was picked up by an officer first.

The official frowned and said to his companion: "This thing seems to be used to predict feng shui... It seems that this person is probably a liar."

"This kind of charlatan who doesn't look like a monk has always been cunning in his methods. He might have hidden the stolen things somewhere... It's better to take him back to the Yamen for strict interrogation!"

"Master! It's really unfair!" Wu Jue was about to clasp his hands when one of the officers grabbed his arm.

Amid the pointing fingers of the surrounding people, when the two officials were about to drag Wu Jue away, a fly whisk blocked their way.

"Who are you?" The official looked over and saw that the person's appearance was unusual, and his tone suddenly became a little hesitant: "...Why are you stopping me from doing my errand?"

He was an old Taoist with a celestial spirit that made people dare not look down upon him. His temperament was completely different from that of the half-bald and sneaky man they caught.

The old Taoist smiled and took out a token.

An official took it over to check, and his expression suddenly changed: "Oh my god..."

Just as he was about to speak, the old Taoist interrupted him: "He is a fellow disciple of mine, not a thief."

The official understood and hurriedly returned the token and let Wujue go. After bowing and apologizing for a while, he hurriedly left the place.

"...Is it really the Tianjing Imperial Master from the capital?"

"Look at that aura, it doesn't look fake...it doesn't matter if it's real or fake, it's better to do less than to do more!"

After the two officials walked away, Wujue shook his painful arm, looked at the sky mirror, frowned and left.

Tian Jing followed.

Walking out of the chaotic crowd, Wujue suddenly stopped and turned around, glaring back: "What, you want to take me back to the capital to face the saint? Punish me for deceiving the emperor?"

Tian Jing shook his head and looked at him thoughtfully: "I feel relieved when I see you are fine."

Wujue rolled his eyes: "Which of your eyes saw that I was 'okay'?"

The other party followed him secretly like a dog-skin plaster. Has he been embarrassed, ostracized and disliked many times along the way? How can I pretend to be quiet for him?

Seeing Wujue's depressed face, thinking of his unfortunate experiences along the way, sympathy appeared in Tianjing's eyes: "I used meditation as an excuse to leave the people I brought here at the inn - let's sit down and talk in detail. "

He was sincerely helping, and he also had questions that needed to be confirmed.

"Who wants to talk to you in detail?" Wujue rolled up his sleeves and left.

Two-quarters of an hour later, Wujue and Tianjing sat across from each other in a private room of a restaurant, with the best wine and food in front of them.

There was no discomfort on Wujue's face. He originally planned to leave, but Tianjing suddenly said he was treating him.

Wujue, who was short of money, took the opportunity to order good wine and food, and ate and drank a lot.

The two of them had nothing worth mentioning, and Tian Jing had no intention of exposing Wu Jue's fake death. At this moment, through the drunkenness, Wu Jue briefly let go of his prejudices.

Seeing that Tianjing had always been kind and friendly to him, Wujue, who had been treated with cold looks and grievances all the way, couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Seeing that Wujue had dropped his hostility, Tianjing tried to speak.

(In view of what is written in this chapter, let me talk about the scope of "fantasy" in this article. It is only based on the scope of low-fantasy logic derived from the [heroine's rebirth] magic circle and destiny as the standard. In addition, some Tang Dynasty Feng Shui numerology theories will be used for reference. The background of the development is not intended to be fantasy, and the space occupied by the full text is very small and can be ignored) Thank you for your monthly votes, thank you to book friends Ziye Tongmomo, book friend 20211119022903334, lemon Yaoer, book book friend 001 Reward~Good night~

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