Hello Chang’an

Chapter 365: Rebirth is no accident (please vote)

"...Since I learned that you escaped from the capital, I have been thinking, is the evil formation you set up in the Tiannv Tower really 'against the will of heaven'? Is there really such an oversight in the way of heaven? ?" Tianjing was asking Wujue, as if he was asking himself.

"Tiandao is not necessarily so free... If He has to intervene in everything, how busy can He be?" Wujue poured himself another glass of wine and said nonchalantly: "Fifty Dao, Tianyan forty-nine, people can't escape it. One...the first is the vitality outside of the way of heaven. We all change our lives according to our abilities and bear our own karma. Does the way of heaven have any control over it?"

Faced with these words without awe, Tian Jing was noncommittal and asked instead: "Then do you know why I was in seclusion for several years before?"

Wujue didn't have the patience to answer him, so he drank the wine and hummed: "You don't want to talk if you like."

Tian Jing was not surprised. After all, Wu Jue was willing to sit down and talk to him, which was unprecedented.

He said to himself: "I was ordered by the saint to predict the fate of the country for Da Sheng."

Wujue let out a "huh" sound: "No wonder you have to stay in seclusion for three years... What did you figure out during these three years?"

Tianjing first said: "In fact, it only took two months to predict this matter."

"Then you were in seclusion for three years?"

Tian Jing said truthfully: "The remaining two years and ten months will be spent recovering from illness."

It is absolutely clear that after two months of divination and more than two years of recuperation, this is a big deal.

At this point, a sense of solemnity appeared in Tianjing's old eyebrows, and he told Wujue the result of the divination: "... what he got is a sign of great misfortune, as shown by the hexagrams, the fate of a prosperous country will decline, and the world will appear. A rare chaos that has occurred in hundreds of years. Once this catastrophe begins, the world will be in chaos, the rivers will split, the people will be devastated, and the people will be filled with resentment. It will be like a purgatory that will last for hundreds of years. "

Wujue paused slightly with his fingers holding the wine glass, then raised his eyes to look at the sky mirror.

Tianjing said slowly: "If it is just an ordinary change of dynasty, the previous dynasty can be destroyed. As long as the world is safe, the great prosperity will also be destroyed. However, this disaster will be a hundred-year catastrophe for the people of the world. There will be no real Ziwei in a hundred years." The emperor has appeared, the world has no master, the mountains and rivers are broken, and the extraordinary change of dynasties can be compared..."

After a moment, Wu Jue asked: "What do you think of His Majesty today? Do you believe it?"

Tianjing slowly shook his head: "I have never told the saint, and I have not dared to reveal such secrets."

"...You can't do anything with money." Wu Jue looked at him with admiration.

Tianjing sighed: "Some things can be said, and some things cannot be said."

Wujue made a sound: "Anyway, the great prosperity is over, what else do you dare not say... If you really don't dare to reveal the so-called secret, why are you telling me this now?"

"Because you and I are in the same camp." Tianjing looked at him with unpredictable eyes: "What's more important is that you may be in the middle of the game."

Without waiting for Wu Jue to ask, Tianjing continued: "There is another important reason why I did not disclose this matter to the saint... In this catastrophe, I caught another glimpse of something called a 'variable' Turnaround."

"Variable?" Wu Juewei squinted his eyes and looked at the sky mirror.

Tianjing nodded: "This variable is not included in the cause and effect of heaven and earth. It is an 'unusual occurrence', so it cannot be investigated deeply -"

At this point, their eyes met, and Wujue's whole body silently felt alert.

Tianjing seemed not to notice, and continued: "Although it is only a glimmer of opportunity, for the people of the world, it is a glimmer of good omen, but for the ruling emperor..."

He did not say it clearly, but said: "Today's saints are too obsessed with it, and they are not people who are willing to follow the fate of cause and effect."

What is a savior for the common people in the world, in the eyes of the emperor, will be a disaster that threatens the imperial power.

Therefore, he could not explain the results of his divination to the emperor.

The emperor had also noticed his concealment, so in addition to him, he also set up the Immortal Hall and the Star Observation Deck in Luoyang to predict the fate of the country... Not long ago, there was indeed a rumor coming back from Luoyang that "a bad star has appeared in the world".

Wujue raised his eyebrows and asked, "In the opinion of the Imperial Master, what is the variable?"

Tianjing smiled: "Do you and I still need this unnecessary temptation now?"

He said: "I already had a premonition when I first saw her in the Furong Garden."

The feeling of "invisibility" in that girl is exactly the same as that "variable".

After that, he followed the empress to determine the girl's true "origin" step by step, and he was even more certain that it was "independent of the cause and effect of heaven and earth", which was very consistent with what the "variables" showed.

So he hinted that the emperor tried to "let go" in order to confirm his conjecture.

What are variables? It can change the course of an event, and at best it can only disrupt it. Only the determined result of something that can be changed can be called a variable.

And there is hope that the variables that can change the general trend of the world can be changed. Once one enters the world, something extraordinary will happen -

There is no way to conceal this extraordinary phenomenon.

"You and I both know who killed Xu Zhengye and changed the fate of all the people in Jiangnan." Tianjing looked at Wujue: "Who changed the fate of the stars in Heluo? You may know it better than me."

That night in Dayun Temple, on the stargazing platform, the starry sky that Wujue observed was the Heluo stars.

It was also that night that Wujue truly determined where his only remaining chance of survival lay.

Facing Tianjing, who had already made a conclusion, Wujue remained unmoved and only asked: "In that case, what does the Imperial Master want to do?"

"I don't want to do it, and I have no intention of doing it on behalf of the empress."

Tianjing answered and looked at Wujue: "So you and I are not enemies. You don't have to be wary of me to protect your old master."

Only then did Wujue's eyes show suspicion: "...You have traced the truth of the secret to this point, and you just want to do nothing?"

There was a faint smile in Tianjing's eyes: "We cultivators spend our whole lives just to understand the secrets of heaven. However, the way of heaven is constant, and variables are rare... If you are lucky enough to witness with your own eyes this small change, you can change the fate of sentient beings in purgatory for hundreds of years. Isn’t it an honor?”

Wu Jue slightly understood, oh, he is another monk who has made himself crazy in cultivation.

But he heard Tian Jing continue to say: "Furthermore, since this situation of salvation has been painstakingly laid out by the Taoist ancestors, we will have to wait and see whether this situation can defeat the destiny."

Wujue Dingding looked at him: "...the ancestor of Taoism?"

Tianjing's eyes were deep, with a hint of admiration: "More than twenty years ago, the Reverend Master probably had a glimpse of the calamity of the common people... When the Tiannv Tower was built, although the Reverend Master was no longer alive, there must be those who respected the Master among them. guidance.”

After this reminder, Wu Jue suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment. The puzzles that had been lingering in his mind in the past suddenly had answers at this moment.

The master was very ill at that time, and he once suspected whether the master had done something he shouldn't have done, but the master remained silent and ordered him to leave the master and go down the mountain to join the world.

He didn't like to be restrained by nature, and had long wanted to go down the mountain to explore, but at that time he couldn't care less about being happy, and there was only endless confusion in his heart. He tried to ask the master what he would do after going down the mountain, but the master Qu Tao - You don't have to do anything, just live your life as your heart desires.

These words sounded indulgent, but they seemed to have invisible expectations and shackles, but he had no way of knowing more, so he could only bid farewell to his master.

From then on, everything he did was to follow his heart, including setting up that evil formation to bring His Highness back.

So, is this something that Master wants him to "do as he pleases"?

Did the master really have a glimpse of the calamity of the common people, so he used his hand to let His Highness return and take on the changes of the current calamity?

Wu Jue lowered his eyes to look at the ring on his hand, sighing complicatedly in his heart, Master... "Recently, I have been guessing that Master's actions back then, or sacrificing his own body, were the only way to gain this for future generations. A glimmer of opportunity." Tian Jing's tone was almost certain: "You are in this situation, and your destiny is destined to be linked to this glimmer of opportunity."

"After the formation was formed, you were supposed to die last year, but you didn't die..." Tianjing looked at Wujue and said, "It is precisely because she is changing this catastrophe."

The Sky Mirror said in hindsight: "So you already knew the connection on the observatory that night."

At that time, the fate of the stars in Luohe was rewritten by her, and Wu Jue's body should have felt it.

"Yes." At this point, Wujue no longer denied it. He leaned heavily on the back of his chair: "No one can say how long I can live. Only my lord can say that. ”

He had indeed determined the mystery at that time - that is, every time His Highness changes the general trend of the world, it is equivalent to indirectly extending his life.

But today, through what he said through the sky mirror, he truly understood the whole truth and connection - it turned out that the master had laid out the plan a long time ago, and it turned out that His Highness's rebirth was not an accident in the true sense. His Highness had responsibilities on his shoulders, and he, as the plan The fate of the chosen one is also closely linked to the responsibilities on His Highness’s shoulders.

His Highness must save the world so that he will not die.

At this point, Tianjing asked about his doubts: "Since you already know the key to your survival, why don't you go to Jiangdu as soon as possible and His Highness the Prince explain the stakes involved?"

"Why should I make it clear to His Highness?" Wujue has regained his indifferent expression: "Unlike you, I have no intention of tracing back the will of God. I am also different from Master, in that I don't have so many good thoughts for the common people."

"I came back as Your Highness, not for the sake of the common people, not for the fate of the country, but just for the sake of my Highness."

Therefore, even though he had understood the involvement, he never intended to explain it to His Highness. He said that His Highness could do whatever he wanted, without doing it for anyone, and without the purpose of preserving his mere death.

If His Highness wants to save the people, he will save the people. If His Highness wants to choose a precious place to live in seclusion, then just go and live in seclusion.

As for whether he lives or dies, it is enough to let nature take its course.

Tianjing never expected to hear such an answer. He could not understand such loyalty that had nothing to ask for and was purely for fulfillment. Even this loyalty seemed extremely selfish before the righteousness of the world.

But it was such a person who only had selfish thoughts in his heart, but he indirectly made the most righteous act in the world.

How is there such a mystery here...

"Master must also be aware of my unworthy conduct, so he hid it from me and coaxed me to go down the mountain." Wu Despair looked toward the roof and couldn't help complaining: "Is there such a master in the world who deceives his disciples?"

Is he actually the disciple born from his master?

Now that he has been put into this miserable situation where he is half-dead and disgusted by the dog, the master should bear full responsibility!

Tianjing asked with great interest: "Now that you know that all this was set up by your ancestors, do you feel any regrets?"

Wu Wu never took it seriously: "There is nothing to regret."

Even though everything was predestined, and it was Master's intention to save the world, even though everything seemed to be illusory, in this situation, he was real, and His Highness was real.

For this word "true", he will never have any regrets.

He doesn't care about salvation or providence, he is only responsible for His Highness' return.

Now His Highness is indeed back, and his wish has been fulfilled. For the rest, it doesn't matter whether it is true or false.

After eating, drinking, and listening, Wujue held on to the armrests of the chair and planned to leave.

Seeing this, Tian Jing asked the last puzzle: "Even if you don't intend to tell the truth, even if you want to let nature take its course, why are you so reluctant to go to Jiangdu to meet your old master?"

Wujue, who stood up, turned to look at him: "You can't tell if it's closed."

Tian Jing's eyes showed confusion.

Wu Jue felt even more strange and pointed at himself: "...don't you think I'm disgusting?"

Tian Jing shook his head and smiled: "Not only did I not feel annoyed, but I felt that it was rare for you to be friendly to me today, which made me feel a little happy."

Wujue: "..."

what is this?

[I’m used to seeing you in your most uncomfortable appearance, so I think other appearances are fine], right?

So, the bad looks he threw at Tianjing in the past were considered to have raised the bar for the other party to hate him? In the eyes of the world, he is not disgusting enough to affect Tianjing anymore?

Looking at the friendly-looking Tianjing in front of him, Wujue's mood was a little subtle.

At first, he thought that the old fox was deliberately pretending to be friendly, but he didn't expect that he actually showed his true feelings.

Wu Jue was really moved now, so he started to talk bitterly with Tian Jing, talking about how difficult it was for him to have bad luck and blind eyes.

Tianjing was very sympathetic after hearing this.

It turns out that the evil retribution of this evil formation not only kills people and takes away reincarnation, but also kills people's hearts in such a way that those who start the formation are "not allowed to be reincarnated" in every sense, and are despised by heaven and earth... It is really based on all the The body, mind and soul are sacrificed.

"I have worked hard all my life and was used as a chess piece by my master, but in the end I have to be rejected by the world and my old master..." Wujue lamented: "Why is my life so miserable?"

"It's not your fault, it's the evil formation." Tianjing said a few words of relief, then asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Wujue was waiting for his words and nodded after hearing this.

The sky mirror looked like it was all ears.

So, after a while, he took out all the silver he had on him, including a jade pendant that looked very valuable.

"Thank you, thank you." Wujue said his thanks with his hands clasped, and then parted ways with Tianjing.

Tianjing didn't keep him either. After all, he was followed by a saint's spy, so it was not convenient for him to travel with Wujue for the time being.


Looking at Wujue's leaving figure, Tianjing couldn't feel relieved. After thinking for a moment, he decided to write a letter to Chang Suining.

If she needs to compete with heaven, then she at least has the right to know what kind of situation she is in, so that she can make better decisions.

How can one person change the fate of all people in the world? Whether she can win this game... no one can predict.

He was extremely curious because he had no way of knowing.

He will wait and see.

The person who arrived at Jiangdu Governor's Mansion earlier than Tianjing's secret message was Meng Lie who came from the capital.

It was noon, and a dusty carriage stopped at the back door of the Governor's Mansion.

Thank you for your monthly support, good night now^3^

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