Hello Chang’an

Chapter 390: After lying down for half my life, I finally met the Lord of the Ming Dynasty (please g

For a moment, Luo Guanlin lowered his eyes slightly: "Your Excellency, I have already thought carefully about this, but I am worrying too much."

"No, sir, your concern is crucial, and it reminds me not to be careless in the slightest." Chang Sui Ning said sincerely: "Even if a government-run workshop is built, all the craftsmen who master the latest skills can be used by me. However, I just mentioned The risk is still there, just reduced from 70% to 300% to 40%.”

Luo Guanlin also said in a sincere tone: "And if it is 30 to 40%, then the risk is worth taking."

If appropriate measures are taken in the future, the 30% to 40% can be gradually reduced again.

The most important thing is, as she just said, today's Dasheng needs to take this risk - if the skin is not preserved, where will the hair be?

Moreover, although she built another craftsmanship academy, she also built an agriculture academy. As Jiangdu's current decision-maker, her attitude will directly affect the people of Jiangdu. The existence of the Agricultural Science Museum shows that she is still committed to agriculture.

Wang Yue also thought through this, and suddenly understood what Luo Guanlin said yesterday, "Everything she does, she must have a plan."

"Now we can see that what your Excellency wants is that while Jiangdu is vigorously moving forward, each place can still maintain its own business." Luo Guanlin was much more relieved and said: "Your Excellency has this intention and has made arrangements in advance for this. There is nothing better. If you act with intention, you can balance the situation better.”

At the end, he said for the first time: "Although you are young and act too boldly, you can still consider the long-term pros and cons... This is rare."

Most people can't find this balance, and he doesn't think he has the ability, but she grasps it very well... Is this considered talent?

But why did this talent fall on a foreign girl?

Luo Guanlin felt unspeakable sadness and regret in his heart.

There was a trace of novelty in Chang Suining's eyes: "Sir, are you praising me for being smart?"

Luo Guanlin looked steadily and said: "... Your Excellency has always been smart. This is a well-known thing."

"But it's rare for my husband to praise me." Chang Suining nodded with self-confidence: "To be recognized by my husband, it shows that I am indeed somewhat smart."

As she spoke, she suddenly thought of something, smiled, and said, "I also feel like I have gained a lot of brains these days. It seems that the congratulatory message was quite effective."

Wang Yue took advantage of the opportunity and asked: "What is the congratulation that your Excellency said...?"

Chang Suining had a clear smile in his eyes: "I have a close friend who sent me a letter to wish me good health and wisdom before the Qiqiao Festival."

After Wang Yue was startled, he couldn't help but laugh.

Luo Guanlin felt that the friend Chang Suining mentioned was also a strange person - who could be so unreasonable and think that she was not thoughtful enough?

Wang Yue made a few jokes with these words, but Luo Guanlin did not answer. He often reminded himself that in the past three years, he only did what he should do and resolutely refused to talk about feelings with this temporary lord.

Therefore, Luo Guanlin forcibly changed the topic back to business: "Your Excellency just mentioned the government-run workshops. The plan is to let the craftsmen who have graduated from No. 2 Academy in the future to work in the workshops. Your Excellency plans to let them work in the form of military service." ?"

Historically, most of the craftsmen in government-run workshops were requisitioned by the government in the form of corvee labor. The literal meaning is that there is no pay for work and it is compulsory.

However, Jiangdu was in a difficult situation after the war, and Chang Suining had previously advocated reducing the civilian corvee.

Chang Suining: "I will requisition some service members, but only the prisoners I brought back from Bianshui. I will let people select those who meet the conditions to work in the workshop."

Previously, she had saved the 80,000 prisoners and brought them back to Jiangdu. Now they are serving in various places. When their service period is over, or they are amnesty, they will be returned to their places of origin.

"As for the craftsmen who learned from Wuer Academy, I will give them preferential treatment based on the remuneration of craftsmen on the market." Chang Sui Ning said: "But accordingly, there will be restrictions. Those who have graduated from the Second Academy must work in the workshop for at least three years. Those who master the secret skills should be given more preferential treatment and can be given full-time positions so that they can be passed down from generation to generation. The corresponding restrictions will be stricter and they need to be avoided. The possibility of the technique being leaked without authorization.”

For example, the smelting workshop and the shipbuilding workshop, where the manufacturing techniques are of great importance, must be kept confidential.

If something is really successful and the results can be promoted and used, she will not let Jiangdu monopolize it. She will also share it with the imperial court and various states according to the situation. However, some things can only be circulated among the officials and cannot be leaked to the people to prevent them from being lost. into the hands of ulterior people or aliens.

Luo Guanlin nodded. He was still worried just now. If her government-run workshop was also run using civilian service methods, such coercive measures would breed new class conflicts between the government and the people. This would be equivalent to going from an extreme to extreme. The other extreme.

She is willing to treat the craftsmen favorably and restrain them with both leniency and severity, which is good.

Speaking of the restriction called "for one's own use", Wang Yue couldn't help but ask: "In this case, will the students in the literature hall and arithmetic center also be given certain restrictions in the future, allowing them to stay and serve Jiangdu?"

If this is true, Wang Yue thinks it is reasonable. After all, Wueryuan was built by his family’s governor with real money and silver from his own pocket. Those precious books must be taught in a real way, and so much effort has been put into it. Human and financial resources, if the talents cultivated cannot be used by oneself, wouldn't it be like drawing water from a bamboo basket?

If according to what Guan Lin said, the governor must have calculations in everything he does, then it is inevitable to give appropriate restraints to those literati.

It's just that the temperament and values ​​and habits of literati are different from those of craftsmen. How to restrain them requires careful control of propriety.

When Wang Yue had already begun to think, he heard the girl say in a very relaxed tone: "I have no intention of restraining the Literature Hall and the Arithmetic Hall."

Wang Yue couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What if they find another place after completing their studies?"

Chang Suining: "Most literati value loyalty and the friendship between teachers and students. If conditions permit and I am not too bad, I believe many people will be willing to stay in Jiangdu."

"Of course what your Excellency said is correct, but there are always some people who have different intentions, and financial and silk interests also move people's hearts..." Wang Yue said: "If your Excellency does not give you restraint, there will be many people who will join others."

"Then let them invest elsewhere." Chang Sui Ning said without hesitation: "Even if three out of ten can be used by me, and the rest are scattered everywhere, I already have a huge advantage."

She said: "Literature is different from others. Literary spirit is like water. Only when it flows can it be integrated and understood. It can be used by the world. Even if they cannot be used by the 'small self' for a while, they can always be used by the 'big self'. So why not let them You decide where to go.”

Facing those slightly smiling eyes, Wang Yue suddenly fell into confusion after hearing these words.

Everyone is touched at different points. Sometimes people themselves are not aware of what touches them, until the touch suddenly appears in a very accidental manner -

At this moment, the "small self" and "big self" mentioned by the girl were beyond Wang Yue's expectation. This feeling was like when he accidentally opened a door and saw a peach paradise, and he was in a pleasant surprise. Looking in the direction of a figure and her finger, she saw that beyond the peach garden, the misty clouds and mist dispersed like a curtain, revealing a more vast and majestic mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

Wang Yue felt that he should say something and took the opportunity to praise and flatter him, but for some reason he was stuck in this state of shock and could not speak for a long time.

He has the means, the foresight, the vision, the talent, the will to protect the country, and the heart to bring peace to the people, but he doesn't flaunt himself...

What's even more valuable is that she is still so young...she is like this now, and the future will be even more promising!

Although she is a girl, she is so outstanding, what else is there to fault?

Isn't this the lord he dreams of meeting?

After lying down for half my life, I finally meet the Lord of Ming!

Wang Yue even felt his eyes getting hot.

If you can maintain the status quo, your mind will not slip, and your heart will not lose... Such a lord, he will be willing to follow him not to mention three years, even thirty years, three lifetimes!

He is different from Luo Guanlin. Once he, Wang Yue, decides on a lord, he will definitely stick with him until the end!

Although fear of making new choices is also a reason...

But the excitement and admiration he felt at this moment was definitely not fake!

There was a brief gap, and Wang Yue failed to hear clearly what Chang Suining said.

"...Whether it is Wueryuan or the Four Major Workshops, many of the remaining details must be gradually improved." As Chang Suining spoke, he stood up and faced Wang Yue and Luo Guanlin: "What I did was just choose a path. However, there will be thorns and wolves blocking the way along the way. It is destined to be difficult for me to move forward alone—"

As the girl raised her hands, the wide sleeves of her crimson official robe fell in front of her face, leaving only a pair of dark and bright eyebrows.

She saluted Wang and Luo: "I will rely on these two gentlemen for help in my journey from now on."

The girl's posture is not flattering and humble, but she is humble and sincere.

There are too many people she needs to rely on. Today, the officials of Jiangdu, the people in the governor's office, and even the subordinates of the military department are all her reliance on her journey.

Luo Guanlin stood up slowly and raised his hand to return the salute: "This is a matter within our scope, and it is not enough for you to perform this salute."

Beside him, Wang Yue finally came to his senses suddenly, stood up, and raised his hands, his voice was slightly trembling: "Wangshan is willing to cut thorns and wolves for you, and I am willing to walk this path with you!"

Luo Guanlin turned around and saw Wang Yue with tears in his eyes.


At such a young age, Wang Wangshan has become like this?

Is it also one of the ways to keep pets?

However, this "means" was very effective. Seeing this, Chang Sui Ning personally stepped forward to help Wang Yue, who was still bowing deeply.

"Since I'm lucky enough to be favored by my husband, Sui Ning will definitely live up to his love."

Hearing this, Wang Yue shed a tear in his eyes and raised his sleeve to wipe it away.

"..." Luo Guanlin on the side turned his head silently, not wanting to take another look.

After Chang Suining left the meeting hall, Yao Ran came up to greet him and saluted.

"Have you been there before?" Chang Suining asked.

"Yes." Yao Ran followed Chang Sui Ning half a step behind and whispered: "I thought they were two young boys. Only when I met did I realize that the older one was from the girl's family. After she met her subordinate, Only then did he dare to tell his full name - Yuan Miao, born in the Yuan family of Luoyang."

The Luoyang Yuan clan who was almost exterminated by Li Xian.

Chang Suining was stunned, and the face of a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl flashed in his mind.

"Seeing that she didn't seem to be telling lies, my subordinates asked her to wait at the side door with her young brother. I wonder if you can recognize this person?"

Chang Suining nodded: "I recognize it."

At that time, when she was providing disaster relief outside Xingyang City, she accidentally rescued Yuan Miao who was being hunted by Li Xian's men.

After that, the entire Yuan family was demoted to common people and sent away from Luoyang. Yuan Miao asked Zheng Chao to bring her a letter to thank her.

At that time, this little girl said in the letter that she and her younger brother would immigrate with her tribe... How could she come to Jiangdu to look for her at this time?

Did the Yuan clan members encounter any accident?

Chang Suining soon met Yuan Miao and his brother.

"Yuan Miao has met with the governor Chang."

Seeing Chang Sui Ning, Yuan Miao first pulled his younger brother to kneel down and kowtowed to Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Suining looked at the two siblings who knelt down and kowtowed. His eyes fell on the boy's right hand, which was missing two fingers, and said: "There is no need to perform this grand ceremony. Get up and tell me why you came."

Yuan Miao was wearing a gray and unfitting robe, dressed as a man. Because he had lost a lot of weight, his complexion had also become much darker. In just half a year, the last trace of childishness had faded from his eyes.

A quick glance shows that I have suffered a lot in the past six months.

Yuan Miao did not say any more meaningless complaints, and only explained the truth to Chang Suining about what happened.

Most of her family members were accustomed to living in fine clothes and food, and could not bear the pain of migration. There were many internal strife along the way. Because her direct lineage was almost wiped out, only she and her younger brother were left. She came forward several times to mediate the conflicts, but those people were not convinced and instead held a grudge against her.

On the way, she passed through a small town and stayed there for several days due to rain. One night, a tribesman tricked her into leaving the inn where she was staying, and conspired with others to knock her unconscious in order to sell her.

Fortunately, her younger brother was alert and informed the tribe in time, and she was barely saved.

But after she woke up, the tribesman did not receive any punishment worth mentioning. The elders in the tribe were either silent or impatient with her "aggressiveness" and actually said with a cold face: "The situation in the tribe is like this now. Do you still think you are the eldest daughter of the Yuan family? 】

Yuan Miao suddenly understood that in the past, the noble clan was migrating in troubled times, like rats crossing the street, often encountering robbery, bullying and humiliation. However, she and her younger brother could not bring any help to the poor clan, but were instead a drag.

Drags are not eligible for preferential treatment.

After that time, the last layer of dignity in the clan seemed to be torn away. The situation for her and her younger brother became increasingly difficult. The young clansman who once wanted to sell her for twenty taels of silver was even more provocative and vented his anger. Act of.

Once, she and her younger brother only got half a piece of moldy pancake.

The younger brother was sensible and comforted her, telling her that she would soon be able to relocate to a new home, and everything would be fine once there.

Will it get better?

Yuan Miao doesn't think so.

Since the death of her grandfather, father and mother, she and her brother have been homeless. Instead of being able to protect her and her younger brother, the remaining tribesmen resented her and her younger brother even more in the current unbearable predicament because of their father and grandfather's wrong decisions.

Thinking of what she heard along the way, Yuan Miao finally made a decision. She was going to Jiangdu.

The younger brother said: "Sister, there are Japanese soldiers there!" 】

She said: [But there is also a governor there. 】

So she ran away secretly with her young brother.

No one from the Yuan family came to chase them.

The real difficulties are all on the way to Jiangdu.

Yuan Miao did not mention the difficulty of the journey, but once again knelt down to Chang Suining with tears in his eyes: "...I also know some big characters, I am willing to do anything, and I can learn anything! I just ask you to give me and my younger brother a place. The place!" (End of this chapter)

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