Hello Chang’an

Chapter 391: "Keep well" and "Keep wealth"

 Any noble and proud person from a noble family has been crushed along the way.

Moreover, the person in front of her was her benefactor, the benefactor who had saved her and indirectly saved the Yuan family. Regardless of whether the other party agreed or not, she did not feel that her kneeling was humiliating.

When Yuan Miao knocked his head on the ground, he heard a voice above his head asking: "Can you settle accounts?"

"Yes!" the boy replied: "My sister's account is the best among the clan!"

As the legitimate daughter of a noble family, she was preparing to marry and take charge of the middle class in the future. She learned to manage the family and settle accounts at an early age, which was the most basic thing. Yuan Miao was two points smarter than ordinary people.

Chang Suining looked at the boy: "What's your name?"

The boy who had just turned ten years old was thin in stature but had a straight back. At this moment, he raised his hand to salute, without shying away from the severed finger, and said seriously: "Reply to the Governor, my boy Yuan Hao, the words are boundless."

He had witnessed his grandfather and parents die under severe torture. He resented the Korean prince Li Xian who chopped off his fingers and forced his family to be killed. He also resented the court and officials everywhere indiscriminately.

But his sister told him that the new governor of Jiangdu had saved his sister, and it was precisely because of this governor that Uncle Zheng Chao of Xingyang was able to righteously kill his relatives, reverse the situation, and indirectly save the remaining members of the Yuan family.

On the way, he also heard many rumors about the governor Chang, both good and bad.

But after entering Huainan Road, only the good ones were left - everyone said that she was a good official, and a very powerful one.

He also wanted to become more powerful in order to protect his sister, the only relative left in the world.

At this moment, after Yuan Hao answered, he slightly raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him.

She is taller than an ordinary seventeen-year-old woman, with a figure as tall and tall as a bamboo. She looks a little thin but not delicate at all under the wide official robe. She is wearing a crimson provincial governor's uniform, and the color used to embroider the coat of arms on her shoulders is The silk threads have smooth texture and sparkle in the afternoon sunlight.

She asked: "Yuan Hao, Yuan Miao...are you all short of water in the five elements?"

Yuan Hao was stunned for a moment.

"Then we're right." Chang Suining showed a smile: "The most indispensable thing in Jiangdu is water."

Yuan Miao, who was still kneeling where he was, was stunned. Did he agree to keep their siblings?

"Let's go change into clean new clothes first." Chang Suining had already raised his feet and left: "I have some important things to do now, and I will send someone to find you later."

"Yes!" Yuan Miao quickly moved his knees and bowed again in the direction Chang Suining left, crying with joy: "Thank you, Lord Governor!"

The ups and downs of the past six months are truly over at this moment.

Yuan Hao came to his senses and hurriedly helped his sister up.

Tears rolled down Yuan Miao's eyes, but her face was full of smiles: "Ah Hao, we have a family!"

Yuan Hao nodded, looking at his sister's excited and happy expression, he always felt that her sister seemed to trust the governor Chang too much... The experience along the way had clearly made her no longer trust anyone, but When facing the governor Chang, my sister seemed to have turned back into the same sister who was still in her boudoir.

Judging from this point alone, this Chang Governor... is really powerful.

Yuan Hao looked at the crimson back through the open hall door, gradually disappearing in the afternoon light.

Chang Suining returned to the inner courtyard of the Governor's Mansion and asked people to invite Li Tong and Shen Sanmao over.

While waiting, Chang Suining and Meng Lie were standing by the lotus pond talking. The couple Liuhuo, who had been living in the inner courtyard of the Governor's Mansion, were not far away and were raising their son after returning from the army.

Hui Qi swung his tail impatiently, and a dragonfly happened to fly by, so he immediately chased after it.

Luohuo roared and chased Nizi angrily.

After all, it was young and quickly threw away its old father. It ran all the way to the backyard and saw a familiar figure.

The autumn air is crisp and the breeze is pleasant. A green donkey is grazing under the wall.

Gui Qi shook his shiny fur, held his head high and walked over with cheerful little steps.

Zhufeng raised his head and continued to eat grass.

Guiqi lowered his head and ate with it, chewing up the grass like a strong wind passing by.

The bamboo wind had just moved to another place, and when it returned, they came together to chew it together.

While the donkey and the horse were busy gnawing grass, Shen Sanmao quickly entered the inner courtyard, straightened his clothes and robes outside the hall, and then walked in to salute Chang Suining.

Li Tong arrived soon.

Both of them were very unfamiliar with Meng Lie, so Chang Sui Ning introduced him first. When talking about Meng Lie, she gave the same explanation. His surname was Meng, a businessman, and he was an old friend from Beijing. She also added "one of my own" ".

"Then the Mengdong family will stay in the Governor's Mansion instead of me, and work with Sister Li Tong to supervise the preparation of the four major workshops."

Meng Lie was the most proficient in doing business, and during these days he also helped Chang Suining secretly find many useful skilled craftsmen.

"Is this really going to happen?" Li Tong's eyes lit up.

Chang Suining smiled and nodded at her: "Yes, now that we have the money, the time is ripe, and we can start. In the past few months, thanks to my sister, I have been busy with everything for me."

"When it comes to running government-run workshops, Xuanzhou has the most experience. In the future, we will inevitably have to deal with the government and the Ministry of Industry. If there is anything we don't understand, we will have to ask my sister for advice."

Li Tong understood and nodded happily: "Don't worry, I will take root in your place from now on, and I will keep an eye on these four workshops for you!"

Now there is another reason to stay in Jiangdu openly and honestly.

"I don't want to trouble my sister to do everything myself. I happen to have a girl here who is over fifteen years old. She is literate, knows etiquette, can do accounts, and is smart -" Chang Sui Ning said: "I want her to follow me. My sister is working around me and trying to learn how to run a workshop."

Li Tong blinked: "Are you good-looking?"

Chang Suining nodded: "It looks good."

Li Tong immediately smiled: "Okay, it's best to find a few more, and I will help you teach them well!"

She liked her beautiful sister the most, but it was hard to see her when she was in and out of the army. She found it boring to be alone.

Hearing Li Tong say "find more sisters", Chang Sui Ning couldn't help but think of Luo Xi, who was also literate. It would be a pity to be bored in the backyard all day long, but for this kind of thing, one has to listen to Luo Xi himself and the Luo family. It just means it.

Chang Sui Ning suppressed this idea for the time being and continued to make arrangements for the workshop. She looked at Shen Sanmao who was listening carefully.

Seeing Chang Suining looking at him, Shen Sanmao, who had personally done everything in the academy these days and had lost a layer of skin, looked even more respectful, waiting for her to speak.

He originally thought that the girl was going to ask him about the construction progress of the remaining three schools of Wuer Academy or the money consumption. He was mentally prepared to answer, and he also had the ledger in his sleeve.

"Sanmao, next time you supervise the construction of the academy, you try to hand it over to your subordinates, and slowly assign the errands." Hearing this, Sanmao Shen was startled for a moment, and thought that he was going to do it. Reflecting on what he had done wrong, the next moment, he heard the girl continue to say: "After that, you will follow the Meng Dong family and learn how to run the workshop-"

Shen Sanmao became more and more stunned and subconsciously followed Chang Suining's gaze towards Meng Lie, only to see Meng Lie nodding towards him.

Chang Sui Ning looked back at Shen Sanmao and smiled: "After the four major workshops are completed, you will be the chief steward and manage the four major workshops for me."

Shen Sanmao suddenly widened his eyes: "Girl...!"

Did he hear it correctly? The girl actually wants to hand over all four major workshops to him to take care of? !

"Originally, I wanted to place you in Wueryuan as the director of the Agricultural Science Museum." Chang Sui Ning said to him with a smile: "But after thinking about it, I still feel that I have given up my talents."

Shen Sanmao's strength is not so much his knowledge of farming as his good at research. What first attracted Chang Sui Ning to him was the word "odd".

A man with strange ideas and skills, who has been working at the lowest level for many years, and who is very familiar with the ways of the world. Such a rare talent should not be limited to agriculture.

The intelligence network also needs to be operated. Meng Lie cannot stay in Jiangdu forever. Chang Suining must find someone who can manage the four major workshops for a long time. Next, Ache will also study with Meng Lie, but he is too young and unsophisticated. , still need to be tempered slowly.

After much thought, Shen Sanmao is the most suitable person in all aspects.

Chang Suining did not hide his trust and respect, and said with a smile: "When the workshop is completed, all your wonderful ideas can be used in craftsmanship."

Shen Sanmao's lips trembled with excitement, and for the first time in his life, he had the experience of speaking too late to think over his head: "Actually, compared to crafting miracles... villains prefer making money!"

The reason why he studies everything is because he wants to make money to pay off his debts.

He doesn't have so much love and affection, he has always been just a poor man trying to make money!

However, all his strange skills and tricks were considered by the world to be dishonest and dishonest, and were not recognized at all. Moreover, because his creditors kept a close eye on him, he still lived in poverty despite being tossed around.

Over time, making money seemed to have become an obsession engraved in his bones.

But after saying this, Shen Sanmao felt a little regretful. The girl told him about the great cause of industry, but what he said about making money was totally wrong!

Just when she was about to make amends, the smile on the girl's face became brighter and brighter: "The workshop is also used to make money, so you are the one who belongs to this great stewardship."

Shen Sanmao blinked his suddenly sour eyes and asked for the first time not so confidently: "Girl, you...are you really going to hand over all four workshops to this villain?"

He was just a charlatan.

I originally thought that if I could work as a small steward and manage dozens of people, my life would be at its peak, and I would be able to honor my ancestors when I die, but now...

Chang Suining asked him back: "Do you think you can't do it well? Or are you unwilling?"

Facing those smiling eyes, Shen Sanmao felt the sourness in his eyes rushing straight to Tianling Gai, causing the blood all over his body to surge rapidly. After a moment, he suddenly dropped his robe and knelt down, with his hands on the ground.

His voice was slightly hoarse but firm and powerful: "The villain will do his best to keep the workshop safe and rich for the girl!"

It was not as flattering and complimentary as usual, and there were no fancy words. There were only four sparse and ordinary words like "keep good" and "keep rich".

After exiting the hall, Shen Sanmao still felt a sense of unrealistic emptiness under his feet.

Shen Sanmao left here and raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"Uncle Cat, why are you crying?" Aman, who was waiting outside, came up to him and was startled: "Did the girl reprimand you?"

Shen Sanmao shook off the sleeve held by Amang, held it behind his back, and walked forward leisurely.

Aman's eyes lit up when he saw this: "...The girl praised you? Uncle Cat, have you been 'promoted' again?"

"How many people did the lady give you to take care of this time? Ten?"

"a hundred?"

"There shouldn't be thousands of people!"

Aman had been paying attention to Shen Sanmao's expression and reaction as he spoke. When he said this, Aman was extremely excited and bounced like a horse melon.

Aman walked and jumped for a long time, and then Shen Sanmao deliberately talked about the girl's appointment to him in a light and gentle tone.

"...Four major workshops?!" Aman stared: "Uncle Cat, do you understand these?"

"If you don't understand what you're learning today, you'll be able to understand it tomorrow?" Shen Sanmao glanced at him and continued walking forward: "What do people need their brains for?"

Aman followed: "Then who do you plan to learn from?"

"The girl has found a good teacher for me." Shen Sanmao thought about it and said, "I will have to meet with this teacher privately later..."

Therefore, when the sky was getting dark, Shen Sanmao found Meng Lie with two bottles of good wine bought at his own expense.

At the same moment, Luo's mother "Grandma Jin", her daughter-in-law and granddaughter, and shepherd's purse were leaving for Chang Suining's residence.

"Commander Hao..." Granny Jin tentatively asked with some uneasiness: "Your Excellency is busy with everything, so he suddenly called us over, but what stupid thing did my unfilial son do to cause trouble for you?"

She looked at the unfilial son with a stinking face all the time and acted like a donkey unwilling to go to work, fearing that sooner or later the millstone would be turned over! No matter how good-tempered his boss is, he will be annoyed by him sooner or later!

"The girl didn't explain clearly what happened." Shepherd's Purse said with relief, "But please rest assured, Auntie, I guess it's not a bad thing."

Granny Jin thanked shepherd's purse and felt a little relieved.

Chang Suining had already bathed, and had rarely changed into a loose and soft moon-white dress. Her slightly damp black hair was half-covered. She was sitting cross-legged on the couch by the window. On the small table in front of her was a pile of official business that she was dealing with. .

From time to time, a gentle evening breeze drifted in from the window, swaying with paper, ink and the fragrance of soap locust on the girl's body.

When the three people from the Luo family came in, Chang Sui Ning just put down his pen.

Grandma Jin took her granddaughter and daughter-in-law to salute.

Chang Suining asked them all to sit down and talk, explaining why they came.

Grandma Jin was very surprised when she heard this. It turned out that the Lord was not doing this for her unlucky son, but for her good granddaughter?

"Sir, what do you mean, do you want Xi'er to go to a workshop and learn how to work?" Luo's wife, Mrs. Liu, felt both flattered and uneasy: "But Xi'er has a reserved temperament and has never dealt with others. I'm afraid that she I will live up to your generosity..."

Luo Xi, who was still unable to regain his composure, hesitated to speak, only to hear his grandmother speak first.

See you tomorrow (`)

(End of this chapter)

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