Hello Chang’an

Chapter 392: Stop chirping over there (please give me a monthly ticket)

“…These can all be learned!” Granny Jin said: “Since others can do it, it means it can be learned, it’s just more difficult to learn!”

As he said that, he took his granddaughter's hand and patted it: "Most people will choose to avoid things that ordinary people find difficult, and are unwilling to spend time studying and exploring. But if you don't avoid it, you will face the difficulty. , then you can be one step ahead of most people, and you can take advantage of this opportunity!"

Luo Xi's heart surged when he heard this.

Finally, I heard my grandmother say: "But as your Excellency just said, you have to listen to your own opinions. Just think about it carefully and don't be in a hurry."

A little anxious, Luo Xi opened his mouth to speak, but his grandmother and the governor continued: "But Xi'er is young and has no experience. This is true. You have to learn everything slowly. After all, it is not ready-made. If you tell me in time, you will definitely not be able to relieve your worries immediately..."

Luo Xi was a little confused after hearing this. What did grandma mean?

The next moment, I saw my grandmother showing a reserved but confident smile: "But old lady, maybe I can..."

Luo Xi: "?"

Grandma first pointed out her shortcomings to recommend herself? !

Ms. Liu was also startled. She subconsciously tugged on her mother-in-law's sleeves and reminded her in a frightened voice: "Mom, you are already sixty years old..."

"How can it be sixty? I have only lived for fifty-nine years and three months in total!" Granny Jin didn't care and said with a smile: "Besides, what's the point of age? It's just a number! I Now that I can run and jump, Xi'er is only eighteen years old, and I am only eighteen years old and four hundred and ninety-five months old!"

"..." Ms. Liu forced out a complicated smile.

Luo Xi was also speechless for a moment. Unexpectedly, her grandmother was actually the same age as her... Three generations of her family were the same age as hers.

But I have to say that my grandmother was very "scheming" when it came to taking advantage of the opportunity to express herself. Her words were funny and broad-minded, which shows that she is very good at talking and communicating with others. And he can calculate the years, months and months so clearly, and it shows that his brain works very fast, he is not bad at calculations, and he is a good settler...

Isn't such a talent just a timely brick in a workshop?

With all these things, how could she, a yellow-haired girl who couldn't speak clearly, compare to her?

Can't compare, can't compare at all.

If it was a competitive relationship, she would be pushed to the ground and beaten by her grandmother at this moment.

Sweat broke out on Luo Xi's forehead.

"Sir, what do you think?" Granny Jin folded her hands in front of her and asked Chang Suining with a smile.

Chang Suining smiled sincerely: "To be honest, I have also liked you for a long time, but you are the elder and I can't open my mouth. It's great to hear you have such thoughts at this time."

These words were true, and they didn't seem to be fake at all. Granny Jin's smile immediately turned into a golden flower, while Luo Xi became even more weak. She understood that she seemed to be a grandmother's addition.

But...it’s also good to have the opportunity to add hair!

Or maybe he was infected, Luo Xi mustered up the courage and said: "Sir, Luo Xi is also willing to study in the workshop!"

Chang Suining asked: "Porcelain making workshop or silk weaving workshop, which workshop would you rather enter?"

Shen Sanmao needs to take charge of the four workshops, but each of the four workshops also needs dedicated people to take care of it, so Chang Sui Ning needs to know where Luo Xi is going from the beginning.

For example, Yuan Miao, after meeting Li Tong today, has decided to study in the porcelain making workshop.

Luo Xi hesitated after hearing this, and tried to ask in a low voice: "Sir...can I go to the shipyard?"

Chang Suining was a little surprised: "Are you interested in shipbuilding?"

Luo Xi nodded lightly: "Your Majesty allowed me to go and copy the books in the collection earlier. I happened to see a few old books with machine-made drawings..."

She has been strangely attracted to it ever since.

In fact, thinking about it, this attraction is not accidental. She has been fond of carving since she was a child, and has always been particularly interested in objects such as the Luban Divine Lock, but she has not had the opportunity to delve into it in depth.

Chang Suining said clearly: "The restrictions in the shipyard will be more stringent, or more tiring. Have you seriously thought about it?"

Luo Xi nodded without hesitation, but then he couldn't help but look at his mother and grandmother.

"Xi'er has something she wants to do, and she has the opportunity to do it. Grandma naturally agrees!"

Liu's unspoken words were blocked by her mother-in-law's words of approval.

Forget it, I just went to the shipyard to learn how to build ships. Maybe it was just to settle accounts. Anyway, it wasn't like getting on a warship to fight Japanese soldiers... just go ahead and do it.

As for which workshop she would work in, Granny Jin's intention was to see where the governor needed her to go.

Timely bricks will naturally be moved wherever they need to be.

Chang Suining thought for a while: "Then you go to the silk weaving workshop."

The silk weaving workshop is different from other places in that it will focus on hiring female workers. If Grandma Jin can serve as the owner of the silk weaving workshop in the future, it will be more convenient to manage the female workers. As a woman, it will be easier to detect problems in time and provide adjustments and solutions.

After Chang Sui Ningchu left, Luo Xi's mood was still floating, and she still felt that everything happened suddenly. For a daughter who had been confined to her boudoir since she was a child, walking out of the house and going out to do things was said to be a journey in life. It’s not too much of a twist.

Furthermore, something very sudden is...did she actually become colleagues with her grandmother?

It turns out that the only difference between grandparents and grandchildren becoming colleagues is a grandmother who is good at fighting for opportunities.

But... to say that he is a colleague is to flatter himself too much. After all, my grandmother is the owner of the preliminary workshop, and she is just a female preliminary shipbuilder.

Shipbuilding girl…

This title made Luo Xi suddenly laugh in her heart. This title was a bit funny, but she read it again and again in her heart. She gradually no longer wanted to laugh, but felt an inexplicable feeling of cherishing it.

It was like...she suddenly had an identity that was truly her own.

It's not someone's daughter or someone's future wife, but a person who will be able to do what he wants to do.

In fact, these days, when no one knew, she mostly felt helpless and confused.

Her younger brother follows her father and the others every day to study the affairs of the governor's office, but she can only pass the time with her mother embroidering, and occasionally reading, but what's the use of reading? Is it to appear that he is knowledgeable enough so that he can marry into a better family?

But since her father's rebellion, her marriage was destined to be difficult. She was already eighteen years old and had missed the best age to discuss marriage.

These days, she often hears her mother's worries about her marriage. Her mother once said to her with great distress: "Poor me, Xi'er, my good years are wasted in vain..."

Yes, great years...

Luo Xi also felt a bit pity.

She doesn't want to waste her time anymore, but it doesn't necessarily mean that she has to be married to be called "not wasted", right?

Today she suddenly had a clear outlet.

From now on, she will never waste her years again.

After returning to his residence, Luo Xi happily packed the clothes with his grandmother. It didn't mean that he was going to move out now, but he planned to pick out some clothes that were convenient for going out.

After Luo Guanlin came back with his son, he was dumbfounded when he learned about this.

"...Xi'er wants to go to that shipyard?" Luo Guanlin frowned and looked at his old mother: "Mother also wants to work in the workshop?"

"How can the mother not discuss such a big matter with her son?" "Discuss? Xi'er and I can make our own decisions. What should we discuss with you?" Mother Luo came as soon as she saw her son's frown. Qi: "Besides, I've told you before that I am the head of the family now, not you. Do you have no ears to listen or no brain to remember?"

"..." Luo Guanlin's temples jumped as he heard this.

"Also, why do you think I have to go out to do things when I'm young? Am I too busy?" Mother Luo threw away her hand and hit the palm of her hand with the back of her upper hand: "Tell me, who is in this situation now?" Made by hand!"

Luo Guanlin: "..."

Why did he get involved in his fault again?

His head really hurts.

"We can do whatever we want, and stop chirping over there!"

While Mother Luo was talking, she took her granddaughter inside to make the next plan. She no longer glanced at her son: "Who will be the pillar of this family in the future? You may not know!"

Since arriving at the Governor's Mansion, although she seems to have settled down on the surface, she is still uneasy in her heart. This uneasiness is all due to her son's ignorance!

I can't stand these arrogant things at all!

She looked at Wang Wangshan and others, and they all had the momentum to catch up with the latecomers!

Nowadays, Wang Wangshan's family members live in Jiangdu City. I heard that three or four members of the Wang family have been selected by Wang Changshi, and the young nephews and nephews of the Wang family are also preparing to enter Wueryuan... If this continues, I'm afraid, She was asked to live outside the governor's mansion instead, and she moved out of the governor's mansion in despair to make room for Wang Wangshan's wife!

She couldn't afford to embarrass anyone and couldn't swallow this anger.

No matter what, it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for yourself, and to hope for your son, it is better to stand up for yourself!

Late at night, through the half-open window, Luo Guanlin saw the lights still on in his old mother's room from afar. He sighed helplessly and blew out the lights to fall asleep.

The governor lives in the courtyard, Chang Sui Ning Ye has just turned off the lights.

As sleepiness surged, Chang Sui Ning was still thinking about things in Jiangdu in a daze. The stalls for preparing workshops had been set up. Jiangdu's move to attract talents had already attracted many craftsmen, and next came Meng. Lie, Shen Sanmao and Sister Li Tong are here. As time goes by, A Che, Yuan Miao and Luo Xi slowly catch up, and the number of available people will slowly increase...

As for the posts of directors of Wuer Academy, Literature Museum and Arithmetic Museum, she has appointed one person each from the Gu family and the Yu family. They are both talented and famous people in Jiangdu, enough to convince the public.

Most of the gentlemen responsible for teaching students came from these two families, and all those who had been handed in invitations were used.

Chang Suining plans to select the directors of the remaining three hospitals through assessment and recommendation. After all, whether it is a farmer, a worker, or a doctor, they all rely on their ability to make a living, and reputation is not the most important thing.

There are teachers in each of the five halls to teach on demand, and the affairs of the halls are managed by the director and the deans of each hall. However, there is still a lack of a director to take charge... This director is equivalent to the minister of the Imperial Academy, and needs to stay permanently to preside over the affairs of the second hall. .

For this reason alone, Chang Sui Ning himself does not meet the conditions.

But she had someone in mind and thought it would be a good fit.

This person is capable, ambitious, visionary, and knowledgeable, and he has a good reputation among the literati from a poor family...

Just thinking of what he said when they parted, Chang Suining felt that the other party would not come to Jiangdu in a short time.

Chang Suining turned over and thought about how to get the person. The sack method was not very suitable, and it must be difficult to impress the other person with inducements...

As for showing affection...it doesn't seem like there is much affection to show.

Thinking of the word "love", Chang Sui Ning suddenly opened his eyes.

By the way, maybe she can write a letter to Cui Jing and ask him for help.

After having an idea in mind, Chang Sui Ning fell asleep contentedly.

The next morning, Chang Sui Ning met with Wang Changshi, Yao Ran, Luo and Wang to explain the affairs of the governor's office. When he was about to return to the army, he received a box and a letter from Qinghe. .

The letter was written by Cui Lang, and the things were also given by Cui Lang.

Chang Suining opened the letter and realized that the box contained books from the Cui clan... to be precise, they were copies that Cui Lang secretly copied.

Cui Lang cried in the letter that it took him several months to copy these dozens of volumes, and his hand was almost broken. If the handwriting was not beautiful or inappropriate, he asked the master not to dislike it and find someone else to copy it again. Just copy it.

He also told her quietly that he would continue copying when his wrists had recovered better. He specially put them in a box alone and copied them with a lock. He thought they were somewhat precious.

Chang Sui Ning was very shocked.

The Cui family sent Cui Lang back to Qinghe's old house to reflect and asked someone to urge him to study... It would be better for him to secretly copy the books and send them out. Isn't this a mouse in the rice vat?

If this was a member of her family, she would have to beat him up a few times, but since he wasn't, she couldn't help but feel relieved.

This apprentice is really good.

Chang Suining showed a pleased and immoral smile.

But then I thought about it, Cui Lang was able to copy these books with his own hands... isn't that an indirect way of being motivated and eager to learn?

It’s really a win-win situation.

In a corner where no one knew, only the situation where the Cui family was stolen quietly came to pass.

It is worth mentioning that Cui Lang copied more than these books, as well as several long-lost medical books -

A few days later, in the Imperial Medical Hall of the Capital, Qiao Yumian looked at the copied medical book in her hand and saw that it even carefully recreated and depicted the human body's acupuncture points, and couldn't help but chuckle.

"The painting is quite decent..."

At this moment, classes in the Imperial College were about to end, and all the things that needed to be done were done. Qiao Yumian moved a stool and sat under the ginkgo tree in the courtyard, carefully flipping through the pages and looking at the pictures that had been carefully painted one stroke after another. The medical book in her hand.

Medical books are precious, but a person's thoughts are even more precious than medical books.

When it was getting dark, Qiao Yumian returned home holding the medical books.

After Qiao Yubai returned home from class, he went into the study to read. Chang Suining had sent many copies of the book collection back to Qiao Yang. Qiao Yubai was very obsessed with them and threw himself in the study as soon as he had free time.

Qiao Yang, who was tired of petting the dog, didn't read a few books and spent all her free time with Ah Wu.

But there was no delay in fishing. Ah Wu was now a little older and was already a puppy that could take care of itself. Now whenever Qiao Yang went fishing, she would be followed by a fat, yellow-and-white mixed-haired puppy with a wagging tail.

Speaking of fish, Mrs. Jijiu is stewing fish in the kitchen at the moment, and the aroma of the food is wafting in the small courtyard in the early autumn evening.

At this moment, Wei Shuyi, who had just returned from duty, got off the sedan outside Zheng Guogong's mansion.

When the concierge came forward to salute, he said with a smile: "My husband came back just in time, and someone just sent me a letter. It was for my husband, and it was not sent to my husband's courtyard before."

With that said, he took the letter and handed it over.

Thanks to book friend miya2022 for the 20,000 starting coins. Thank you very much, but I am busy at the end of this month, so I will definitely add more updates next month! Thank you to Book Friends 20220903214219568, Shushu Book Friends 001, Book Friends 20221030183831917, Book Friends 20221028215508860, Bookertw, Sparkling, Not Alone and other book friends for their rewards. Thank you for your monthly votes!

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