Hello Chang’an

Chapter 441: Have you ever been betrayed by anyone?

Chapter 441 Have you ever been betrayed by anyone?

 As Chang Sui'an shouted "Grand Governor", Chang Suining soon saw Cui Jing.

Cui Jing looked past Chang Sui Ning, and after freezing behind her for a moment, he suddenly asked her: "Do you want to see the moon?"

Chang Suining reacted and subconsciously looked up at the sky. He looked around for a moment, but saw no trace of the moon: "...Where is the moon?"

"Now we are hiding behind the mountain." Cui Jing looked at her and suggested, "We can ride horses to chase her."

"Racing a horse to chase the moon?" Chang Sui'an nodded first: "Ning Ning, this is good, go for it!"

Chang Suining nodded to Cui Jing and smiled with interest: "Okay, let's go and give it a try."

Cui Jing immediately said: "Prepare your horse—"

"Be prepared..." Changsui An wanted to tell the soldier to prepare three horses, but Yuan Xiang pulled him aside and interrupted him.

Yuan Xiang pulled Chang Sui'an away and lowered his voice: "Chang Langjun, I have something important to tell you..."

Chang Sui'an was pulled by Yuan Xiang for seven or eight steps. When he looked back, he saw that his sister had left with Governor Cui.

Chang Sui An just wanted to shout "Wait for me", but he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly looked at Yuan Xiang who was still holding him: "Brother Yuan Xiang, I'm afraid you have nothing to say to me, right?"

Yuan Xiang held the post of deputy general in the Xuance Army. After Chang Sui'an joined the army, he called Yuan Xiang "Brother Yuan Xiang" according to his seniority in the army. However, Yuan Xiang still had great respect for him and still called him "Chang Lang". "Jun", the two of them just talked about each other -

At this moment, Chang Sui'an had suspicion in his eyes and asked again: "Brother Yuanxiang, are you trying to get rid of me on purpose?"

Yuan Xiang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I couldn't hide it from Chang Langjun's eyes..."

Seeing that he guessed correctly, Chang Sui An was a little complacent and understood completely: "I thought it was a little strange just now. How could Governor Cui suddenly invite Ning Ning to admire the moon? It turned out that he had important matters to discuss with Ning Ning alone - "

"...?" The smile on Yuan Xiang's face froze for a moment.

Well, he thought Chang Langjun finally found out the authenticity.

On top of this "true and false", Chang Sui'an is very confident - he is different from others. Others didn't know that Governor Cui's marriage proposal was an act, but he was an insider. Others always misunderstood Governor Cui's proposal. Ning Ning is interested, but he is clear in his heart!

But many times, he has to pretend to be "unaware". After all, if people know that it was just a show, it would be the crime of deceiving the emperor.

Chang Sui'an, who feels that he has a clean family, conscientiously plays the role of "the uncle-in-law that most governors ask for but cannot get".

Chang Sui'an realized that his insight had improved a lot, and he confidently said to Yuan Xiang: "Brother Yuan Xiang, next time something like this happens, all you need to do is wink at me. No need to pull, I can take care of it myself." meeting."

This is true. His life in the military this year has been tempered both physically and mentally, and not a single day has been in vain.

Yuan Xiang nodded in agreement with a pleased expression - it could be seen that Chang Langjun did have more insight now. Although the insight was in the wrong direction, there was something there.

"Servant Wei!" Chang Sui'an suddenly said and looked at the person.

Yuan Xiang turned around and saw that it was Wei Shilang walking over with his unsightly entourage.

Looking at Chang Sui'an who was saluting him, Wei Shuyi asked with a smile: "I just looked at it from a distance, and it seems that I saw Chang Sui'an here?"

"Did Minister Wei also come to see Ning Ning?" Chang Sui'an asked, "Ning Ning just left with the Governor—"

Wei Shuyi smiled noncommittally: "It doesn't matter."

Cui Ling's security thief had a good eye, and it seemed that he spotted him coming here from a distance.

"Mr. Chang, do you have some time to talk?" Wei Shuyi turned to greet Chang Sui with a smile.

Chang Sui'an nodded.

Although he and Wei Shuyi didn't have much interaction when they were in Beijing, they were by no means strangers.

Chang Sui'an's biggest characteristic is that she is easy-going and friendly, and she can chat with anyone, including liars on the street and ants passing by.

While the two were walking and chatting, Chang Sui'an asked curiously: "...Why did Wei Shilang suddenly ask about His Highness the Crown Prince?"

"Nothing." Wei Shuyi said slowly with a smile: "Being in the Xuance Army, it is inevitable to be curious about the life of the person who originally founded it."

Chang Sui felt at ease, and said with some embarrassment: "That's all I know. I heard my father and others mention it accidentally... The early death of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was a scar in my father's heart, so I never asked him deeply. ”

After separating from Chang Sui'an, Wei Shuyi returned to the tent and sat down behind the small table, with a look of thought in his eyes.

He was holding a high-grade white jade teapot, slowly turning it in his hand and looking at it.

After just talking to Cui Jing, he had accepted the fate of this trickster and was ready to deal with it to the end. But perhaps because he had made a decision in his heart, it was no longer a mess, but allowed him to start thinking calmly. Some details -

There was a light blue monogram on the bottom of the teapot... Later, he guessed that the reason why Chang Sui Ning chose to leave the Zhoujia Village Kidnapper's confession in his car when he was in Hezhou was to use the teapot to identify him. The identity of Wei Jiazi.

This tea pot was given to his mother by Princess Chongyue.

The first prince and the eldest princess Chongyue are twins and have a deep relationship. It makes sense that the first prince can recognize the monogram of the eldest princess Chongyue...

However, he always felt that he was missing something important.

This was an intuition, and there was another thing that he had always doubted in his mind - what was his mother hiding from him about the former prince?

He was already aware of such a major event as the resurrection from the dead. Is there anything else that he couldn't say?

The mother said that she had sworn to keep the secret of her old friend... Does this old friend refer to the former prince or the eldest princess Chongyue?


When "she" first appeared in Hezhou, why was the handwriting of Princess Chongyue used in the confession book?

Later, "she" probably didn't want to make him suspicious, so when copying scriptures at Dayun Temple, she deliberately used two kinds of handwriting to make him believe that "she" was just copying the handwriting of Princess Chongyue, including later climbing the Tailou to paint, She also calls copying—

But now that he knew the truth, he couldn't help but wonder why a person would subconsciously choose the handwriting of a compatriot sister when he first experienced the "resurrection of a dead body", when he was confused and unprepared for everything. ?

If he wanted to forcefully explain the matter, he could of course come up with thousands of reasons for "her", but no matter which reason it was, everything he could think of seemed a bit far-fetched.

And the more you think about it, the more "far-fetched" details seem to appear.

The only thing that was clear to him at this moment was that the relationship between the First Crown Prince and Princess Chongyue was not only a deep affection, but also seemed to be so close that it was strange...

This strange answer is probably the secret that his mother swore to keep, right?

Wei Shuyi worked hard, meticulously, and tried to recall the rumors about Princess Chongyue.

The eldest princess was frail and sickly, but she was able to kill the Beidi general in front of the battle. Some said she killed him with poison, while others said she lured her with her beauty first... But the latter theory was only circulated in secret, and his mother-in-law heard about it once. , was so angry that he almost struck at the door with a knife, thinking it was just a baseless speculation aimed at a weak woman.

But even if he kills her with poison and then cuts off her head... for a weak woman to kill herself, it takes a lot of courage, right?

The eldest princess's ambition to protect the country is undoubtedly respectable, but now that she thinks about it carefully, it's a bit "suspicious", isn't it?

As he was getting drunk, Wei Shuyi put down the white jade teapot, leaned back, closed his eyes, and lightly pressed his temples with his long white fingers.

In a daze, he tried to describe the appearance of Princess Chongyue in his mind. The first thing that came to mind was the howling wind and snow in Beidi and the endless snowfields.

There is still some snow in the mountains that has not completely melted.

A white horse appeared on the mountain path. From a distance, it looked like a shooting star looming and disappearing.

Looking closer, we can see that they are two people riding two horses, one white and one black, followed by a brown and black dog shadow. The white horse was in front, and the **** the horse was wearing a fox fur cloak. As the horse's hooves slowed down, she grabbed the reins with one hand and pointed to the bright moon that finally appeared with one hand: "I've caught up."

Cui Jing, who was following closely, rode beside her and looked with her at the crescent moon in the mountains that seemed so close.

The two dismounted one after another, and Chang Suining found a relatively flat rock nearby and sat down.

The black chestnut that followed him had his tongue sticking out of his mouth and clouds of white steam.

Chang Suining put his hands on the stone beside him and straightened his legs. He turned to look at Cui Jing and motioned for him to sit down too.

Cui Jing said warmly: "No need, stand and look, it seems to be clearer."

Chang Sui Ning stopped trying to persuade him and concentrated on watching the moon, which was hard to catch up with.

The new moon in Emei is as bright as a hook. The moonlight shines on the unmelted snow, casting a cold light like broken stars, illuminating the high mountains clearly.

This place is quiet, far away from the hustle and bustle, like a place outside the sky.

Cui Jing turned his head and looked at the girl who was looking up at the moon.

She rarely showed a relaxed expression, raising her arms and raising her head, her thick ponytail hanging down behind her, and her eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with an unreal brilliance by the moonlight.

She sat there, feeling relaxed and integrated with her surroundings, like a fairy who absorbed the breath of heaven and earth and used it to heal herself.

Cui Jing never broke the silence. He stood quietly on the side of the stone and watched quietly.

Until she spoke, her voice was as light and casual as the wind: "Cui Jing, after a war is over, do you also like to be alone like this?"

Cui Jing replied: "Yes."

"I guessed it a long time ago." Chang Sui Ning said: "When you reminded me in your letter to relax and heal, I knew that you must be the same."

Cui Jing slightly curved her lips: "Well, I can't hide it from His Highness."

"But you and I are not alone at this time." Chang Suining's tone was still casual, but with a hint of seriousness: "Cui Jing, you are very different from others."

Cui Jing looked at her and saw that she was still looking at the moon, but she was speaking to him: "When you are here, I feel at ease even if I am free, and I will not be distracted by you. There is no need to hide or worry. No need to be defensive."

She needs to be on alert most of the time, and going short means danger, so this is doubly valuable.

Hearing this, Cui Jing's deep and cold eyebrows softened, and a smile appeared: "I didn't know that I could be of such use."

His voice was slow and clear, and he valued every word carefully: "It seems that His Highness believes in me more than others."

"It's you who treated me far better than others. Even if you don't say many things, I'm not stupid." Chang Suining turned to look at him as he spoke and said, "At this moment, standing and admiring the moon doesn't make sense. You will see more clearly, you are just blocking the wind for me, right?"

The mountain wind was blowing from this direction, and most of it was silently blocked by his body.

Looking into the young man's star-like eyes, Chang Sui Ning smiled and said, "You have done so much. If I don't believe you anymore, wouldn't I be such a piece of shit?"

Cui Jing was about to speak, but saw that her expression and smile were a little slow. As soon as she finished speaking, she covered her mouth and yawned.

Cui Jingruo noticed something: "Has Your Highness been drinking?"

"It's just a glass of fruit wine."

Cui Jing asked subconsciously: "...Do you feel drunk?"

"No, I'm just a little sleepy." Chang Suining yawned again, but still remembered to comfort Cui Jing: "But don't be afraid, even though I'm drunk, I won't do anything without reason this time."

She justified her name by explaining: "I have always been a good drinker. When I get drunk, I just fall asleep. That time it was really a misunderstanding - I accidentally fell into the pool, and I mistakenly thought you were a Japanese soldier, so I took action." Hurt you."

Listening to the gradually drunken words, Cui Jing was silent for a moment. He discovered that when she showed signs of being drunk, not only did she look like she would fall asleep the next moment, she also seemed to be very talkative.

But he knew how to protect her face and nodded: "Since you are sleepy, I will take you back to rest."

"That's fine." Chang Suining stood up, but his figure was slightly swaying.

Cui Jing, who was already on guard, quickly held her arm.

But she raised her hand and put it away: "You don't need to help me, I can walk on my own."

She looked at the road under her feet steadily and said seriously: "Please hold on to this road, it's a little wobbly."

"..." Cui Jing was surprised and laughed silently.

He said sincerely: "Your Highness has promoted Mr. Cui, but I'm afraid I won't be able to support him in this way -"

He'd better help her.

But she suddenly realized something was wrong and retorted to herself: "What a joke, how could the road be shaky?"

It could be seen that her reason was working very hard to fight against the drunkenness, and her amazing willpower actually worked here. After a moment, she said frankly: "Thinking about it, I am probably drunk."

Listening to her serious self-analysis, Cui Jing's smile deepened: "Yes, I will take you back right now."

Chang Suining: "It's hard work."

The mountain road was steep and slippery, and seeing that she didn't look like she could walk well. If she were to ride a horse down this mountain road, it would not be safe for both of them to ride on the same horse. Cui Jing asked, "Shall I carry His Highness down the mountain?"

Chang Suining: "It's hard work."

Seeing this, Kuroli began to actively drive the horses - this was a newly acquired skill. Recently, Kuroli practiced herding horses in the army every day, which made the horses very miserable.

Cui Jing carried Chang Suining on her back and walked as smoothly as possible step by step.

Chang Sui Ning lay on his back, seeming quite relieved. She gradually closed her eyes. After a moment of relaxation, she suddenly asked as if she was dreaming: "Cui Jing, have you ever been betrayed by someone?"

She added: "I mean, someone you are very close to and trust..."

She was going back to Jiangdu soon, and there was such a person waiting for her in the governor's house of Jiangdu.

When he was in Dongluo, Meng Lie had sent a letter to her about the information he had found, and she was almost certain.

I haven’t finished this paragraph yet. I’ll continue writing half a chapter tomorrow. Good night~

(End of chapter)

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