Hello Chang’an

Chapter 46: The "relics" of the late prince

Chapter 46 The “relics” of the former prince

Of course it wasn't the first time he saw his sister wearing men's robes, but... why was his sister always keeping men's robes in her carriage?

In just a short while, not only had I changed into my robes, but my bun was also loosened and tied back into a fresh ponytail. It was so fast...it would be a pity not to do magic!

In the car, Xi'er, who was bending over to pack up the beaded hairpin and other things that had been torn off by his girl, was also full of confusion - the girl had a bad mind, and although she had forgotten many things, she seemed to have suddenly learned many things. This person with a bad mind actually has his own comings and goings, losses and gains... In fact, he is very particular about his ethics.

"Xi'er and A-Zhi are waiting in the car." Chang Sui Ning said, "A-Che can just follow you in."

Everyone should say "yes".

Chang Sui'an came back to his senses and nodded slowly.

Chang Suining followed him and walked towards the gate of Xuance Mansion.

Chang Sui'an showed Chang Kuo's token. Although the guard recognized him, he also checked it carefully.

After making sure it was correct, we let people in.

The moment Chang Sui'an stepped into the door of Xuance Mansion, Chang Sui Ning was in a brief trance.

She raised her eyes and seemed to see a young man in black armor entering the door, and familiar figures greeted and surrounded the young man -

‘His Royal Highness is back! ’

‘Your Highness, A Dian has been disobedient again during your absence these days! ’

‘The food wasn’t delicious, and he stepped on the roof of the back hall! ’

‘Your Highness…I didn’t mean it! ’

'Hahaha, don't scare him with His Highness...'


Chang Suining slightly curved his mouth.

"Ning Ning, my father also told me something. I have to meet a general." Chang Sui'an discussed with her sister in a low voice: "How about you wait for me in the front hall later?"

Chang Suining nodded and responded: "Brother, please do your work with peace of mind. I won't walk around randomly."

She just wanted to come in and take a look.

This was a place she would dream about countless times when she was in a foreign land.

Everything here is like a bonfire, using her memories as firewood. No matter how long it burns, it will never go out. Even if she is in the darkest or coldest place, she can always cuddle up to this fire to keep warm.

"You don't have to be too nervous and restrained." Chang Sui'an comforted him: "The people in Xuance's Mansion just look at them coldly and a little fiercely, but they are all very nice people. Dad often said that this is his second home." It’s a home, so you don’t have to be afraid here.”

Chang Suining nodded.

Although there were no exquisite snacks and greetings in Xuance Mansion, it was definitely not a home away from home experience. However, as soon as Chang Sui Ning entered the front hall, some soldiers brought tea.

There was no one else in the huge hall, which seemed a little empty and deserted. Chang Suining did not sit down, but looked at the furnishings in the hall.

The hall is full of old things, but they have been wiped clean and bright.

A picture of the young general taking off his sword and placing it on Lan Qi flashed before Chang Suining's eyes.

Her eyes subconsciously looked at the Lanqi, which was empty, with no sword or crossbow.


She had seen it in Cui Jing's hands before.

The crossbow named "Wan Yue" does have a saying - whoever has the ability to take over the post of general of Xuance Army in the future will be handed over by Chang Kuo to that person.

Therefore, it is understandable that it belongs to Cui Jing now.

But what about the sword?

After searching for a moment, Chang Suining finally saw the sword named "Yaori" on the incense table in front of the hall.

It was properly placed horizontally on the sandalwood frame, as if it were being enshrined... but it wasn't like it was really enshrined -

Chang Suining looked at the sacrificial incense burner with a complicated mood.

Behind the incense burner, the silver-white scabbard looked like snow, and the faint light flowing quietly seemed to contain countless broken shadows of the past years. Chang Sui Ning seemed to be pulled towards it by those broken shadows.

She often believed that humans, horses, and swords were all sentient, so they should all have their own names.

With a name, it seems that there is life and a bond with these thousands of worlds.

This silent bond made the girl in front of the incense table slowly raise her right hand.


A woman's scolding voice, which was not serious but was filled with coldness, suddenly sounded: "Who dares to touch the relics of His Highness the late Crown Prince!"

Chang Sui Ning turned around when he heard the sound.

The young woman with a fair and cold face, accompanied by a group of palace maids, wearing the official uniform of Shi Qianfei, was none other than the head of Gu'an County, Mingluo, who had just appeared at the flower party of Zheng Guogong's mansion today.

Facing those eyes with silent pressure, Chang Sui Ning calmly explained: "I was distracted for a moment, no offense intended."

Hearing this answer and looking at the face that had not been covered up with much modification, Mingluo frowned almost imperceptibly.

"Who are you and why do you come to Xuance Mansion?" she asked in a condescending tone.

Now that he was closer and looking at the Gu'an County Lord, Chang Sui Ning's unknown and strange feeling surged up in his heart again as they looked at each other.

Before she could answer the other party's question, a figure walked in quickly, raised his hand and said: "The history of women in the Ming Dynasty."

Mingluo then moved his eyes away from Chang Suining and said slowly to the visitor: "Is Governor Cui in the house? I have a few words from the sage's instructions that I need to convey to Governor Cui."

Yuan Xiang said: "Female Shi, please wait a moment. We have sent someone to invite the governor to come."

Mingluo nodded lightly.

"Eh? Young Master, why are you here!" Yuan Xiang saw Chang Sui Ning and was surprised and then suddenly realized: "I know, are you here with the Chang family's husband?"

Chang Suining nodded: "...Yeah."

She finally figured it out. The other person yelled "Little Prince" from the bottom of his heart. He obviously didn't remember seeing her at Dayun Temple a few days ago - or in other words, the other person still didn't know about the "little man" on the way back to Beijing. "He" is the identity of the daughter's family.

Still treating "him" and Chang's wife as two people.

Since the Lord of Gu'an County was not Yuan Xiang's superior, he didn't have much scruples. At this time, he grabbed Chang Sui Ning and pulled him aside to talk.

"Xiao Langjun... I finally see you!" Yuan Xiang lowered his voice, but could not hide the eagerness in his eyes.

Chang Suining looked at him puzzled.

Yuan Xiang said in one breath: "The thing is like this... I met Mrs. Chang's wife by chance a few days ago. I always felt that she looked very familiar. I thought about it for a long time, and it wasn't until last night that I finally realized... The reason is that Mrs. Chang's wife and Xiao Lang You look very much alike!"

Chang Suining: "..."

This sudden realization...is really unnecessary.

What Yuan Xiang said is not an exaggeration.

He tossed and turned again last night and thought about it in the middle of the night. Suddenly he sat up and felt so blessed that he finally solved the confusion that had been hanging in his mind for many days!

But then, another doubt came.

The young man looks so much like the girl from the Chang family. Didn't anyone in the Chang family suspect anything?

"Little Master, have you ever seen that girl from the Chang family?" Yuanxiang's outrageous curiosity made him particularly enthusiastic: "...When Master was born, did he have a twin sister or an elder sister?"

This is really important to him!

If he doesn't understand it, he won't be able to sleep well!

Just when Chang Sui Ning looked at him in bewilderment and tried to give him some advice on whether he needed to drink some medicine to recuperate, the footsteps coming from outside the hall made her subconsciously look up.

The person who came was none other than Cui Jing.

But there are quite a few changes from what I saw before.

Chang Suining looked at his face - this man was finally willing to shave off the light green stubble.

I secretly vowed that when I have the saved manuscripts again in two days, I will set the update time during the day! (If I could have...)

(End of chapter)

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