Hello Chang’an

Chapter 47: I remember you!

Chapter 47 I remember you!

Although there is only one change, the feeling is very different.

At this moment, Chang Sui Ning could increasingly understand his previous indifference.

She was subconsciously looking at the other person's clean face, and the other person's eyes fell on her arms.

To be precise, it was on the arm held by Yuan Xiang—

Yuanxiang was too eager to learn, so he just grabbed her and took her aside to talk, but he forgot to let her go.

Cui Jing frowned: "Cui Yuanxiang—"

"Captain!" Yuan Xiang came back to his senses, quickly put away his gossip, stood at attention and raised his hand to salute.

Chang Suining also raised his hand.

"Captain Cui." Mingluo saluted with a decent smile on his face.

"I wonder what the saint has to say?" Cui Jing asked in a routine manner.

Mingluo looked around and said, "Why don't you go to Governor Cui's study to talk?"

Cui Jing: "No need to bother."

Chang Suining immediately understood: "Farewell."

"Have someone take this gentleman to a side hall to sit down for a while." Cui Jing told Yuan Xiang.

Yuan Xiang responded.

When Mingluo saw the young man leaving the front hall, he looked at Cui Jing and said with a smile: "Ten days later, Your Majesty will go to Dayun Temple in person to pray for blessings and fast for three days. When the time comes, you will also ask Governor Cui to accompany you."

Cui Jing said "hmm" and said, "Just for this matter, there is no need to bother the female historian to come here."

Mingluo smiled: "Today I went to Zheng Guogong's mansion on the order of the saint. Since I was on my way, I came here."

Cui Jing said noncommittally: "Thank you."

Knowing that he would have to send someone off at the next moment, Mingluo was about to say something more, but suddenly he heard a noisy and chaotic movement outside the hall.

"Don't stop me!"

"I'm going to find His Highness, I miss His Highness!"

"General Dian, please don't make things difficult for us..."

"Why don't you let me go find His Highness!"

"Last time you trespassed on Jingshan Gongling Mausoleum...you almost got punished!"

"I can break in, but I want to see who can stop me!"

Chang Sui Ning, who had just walked out of the front hall, saw several Xuance Mansion soldiers chasing him. The man being chased was very tall. He was wearing a blue robe, with a bag on his shoulder and an unsheathed bag in his right hand. holding a scimitar, looking very annoyed.

As he spoke, he attacked the person who blocked him.

Although he was tall, his movement was unusually fast and powerful, and every move brought strong wind. One of the soldiers received a slap on his shoulder and took several steps back.

"Point General!"

"I told you not to stop me, otherwise I'll be rude!" The tall man frowned with thick eyebrows and looked strangely stubborn.

As he spoke, he still wanted to rush forward.

"In the name of the Governor and General Chang, we will protect the general and we will never let the general leave Xuance Mansion!"

"You...are all bullying me! I'm going to tell His Highness!" The man's eyes turned red with anxiety, and he pulled out his scimitar with a "clop" sound.

The expressions of several government soldiers changed when they saw this. Even if they were not trying to stop anyone but just saving their lives, they could only deal with it with their swords.

"Here... Xiaolangjun, please stay away first!" Seeing that the soldiers were clearly outnumbered, Yuan Xiang quickly stepped forward to help.

Looking at the fight in front of him, Chang Sui Ning frowned slightly.

Before she could avoid it, the next moment, the sharp sword in the hand of one of the soldiers was kicked away by the man.

The man's strength was astonishing, and the sword was extremely fast, carrying the cold spring wind, and flew straight towards her door!

Chang Suining's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously leaned his body back -

She dodged extremely quickly, and the sharp sword came to her in just a split second. The blade narrowly passed half an inch above the tip of her nose and flew sideways over her head. Because of her haste to dodge, although she dodged the sword, her body leaned too far back. This body was far from flexible without the strength to support it. Chang Sui Ning knew very well that this time she fell on her back with a thud. The inevitable.

Everything happened in just one breath—

The next moment, she suddenly felt a big hand holding her waist from behind. The hand was extremely powerful and held her upright.

When Chang Suining was able to stand firm, he subconsciously turned his head and looked around, only to see a face very close to him, with a pair of dark and cold eyebrows slightly wrinkled. What he was holding in his hand was the one that had just flown out. sword.

He didn't stop, raised his sword and flew forward to stop him.

His sword moves are profound and restrained, and his body moves are dizzying to watch—

Seeing Cui Jing also coming to stop him, the man's expression became more aggrieved and angry, and his offensive gradually became brutal.

Chang Suining frowned.

A Dian's mind is like that of a three-year-old child. He will lose his mind when he is stubborn. Cui Jing and others obviously don't want to hurt him, but if this continues, someone will have to get hurt before they can stop.

The next moment, her eyes fell on the baggage that the man had dropped to the ground during the fight.

The baggage was half unraveled at this time, and some snacks, broken silver, and a child's gadgets were scattered out.

Chang Suining quickly stepped forward to pick up the things and asked aloud: "Whose bamboo dragonfly is this?"

The tall figure in the fight suddenly paused with his hands and stopped fighting: "Mine!"

"Don't touch my dragonfly!" He gave up the fight here, pulled away, and ran towards Chang Suining.

Seeing the bamboo dragonfly picked up by the "young man", Cui Jing's expression changed: "Be careful!"

Several soldiers also secretly said that it was broken. That gadget was the treasure of the general. He had to take it with him when he ate and slept, and no one was allowed to touch it! - I was already annoyed at this time, wasn’t the young man rushing to find a cut?

Cui Jing stepped forward quickly, only to see the "young man" with a high ponytail taking two steps back in the face of the menacing man.

At the same time, he handed the bamboo dragonfly out and said with a smile: "Give it back to you."

The "young man's" smile was sincere and harmless, completely devoid of hostility or threat. It silently calmed the man's arrogance. He snatched his bamboo dragonfly away. Before he could do anything, he only heard the other party curiously ask him: "You Going to Jingshan Gongling?”

The man said angrily: "I just want to go!"

"Are you looking for someone?" Chang Suining asked again.

"Well!" The man covered his bamboo dragonfly, frowned and nodded: "I want to find His Highness! Your Highness lives there!"

Chang Suining: "But Jingshan is far away. It will rain and thunder tomorrow."

Upon seeing this, Cui Jing raised his hand to stop his subordinate who was about to step forward again.

He looked at the girl who seemed to be chatting, but was actually very seductive. Every question she asked was just right to attract and comfort the man. Every action and every word she spoke was purposeful, making the people in front of him incomprehensible. Think about other things and do other things.

When he heard the word "thunder", the man's expression immediately changed.

He has the body shape and appearance of a middle-aged man, but his eyes are still as clear and innocent as a child's, and when he stares round, he looks like a nervous puppy.

"You...how do you know there will be thunder?"

"My guess."

"Was your guess accurate?"

The boy nodded confidently: "Yes, I'm very good at it."

Several government soldiers looked strange. Who would believe this? They just deceived a three-year-old child.

But... isn't their General A Dian just a three-year-old child?

"Then..." The man glanced at the clear, cloudless sky and visibly flinched: "Then I will wait for two days until it rains before setting off."

Then he said to the young man in front of him: "Thank you for reminding me."

All the soldiers: "..."

The man thanked him, blinked his eyes suddenly, and walked around Chang Suining twice curiously, as if confirming something.

Suddenly, he said loudly: "I remember you!"

Good afternoon everyone! Have you eaten?

(End of chapter)

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