Hello Chang’an

Chapter 504: Planted in the beast's den

 Chapter 504: Fell into the beast's den

Arlan was discovered by patrolling soldiers three miles away from the military camp.

Because Li Xian had given strict orders before when searching for people, the soldiers patrolling in the nearby area had seen Arlan's portrait, and she had an exotic face that was easy to recognize.

Arlan was found in a coma, and no one knew how she came back.

After Li Xian and his confidants agreed on the plan, and while waiting for preparations to be made, he took the time to meet with Arlan.

Arlan has woken up, but he is still very weak.

Li Xian had already listened to the military doctor's explanation of her condition. All five fingers on her left hand had been severed. In addition, she had some other skin injuries. She had not eaten for at least two days, and her body was extremely weak. It was a good thing that she was able to survive and was found.

Li Xian walked into the tent where Arlan was temporarily housed and looked at the woman lying on the bamboo couch. The injury on her hand had been treated and bandaged, but the blue dress had not yet been changed. It was now in tatters. Covered with dark blood and muddy grass clippings.

Seeing Li Xian come in, Arlan turned sideways and barely raised his upper body.

Li Xianwei did not get too close and stood still seven steps away from her. There was no pity in his eyes, nor did he step away. He just confirmed and asked: "Arlan, who took you away that day?"

"General, it's Chang Suining..." Arlan's voice was as weak as the wind, and blood oozed from his overly chapped lips when touched.

Li Xian looked at her: "She was the one who hurt you like this?"

"Yes...she forced me to explain how I made the poison, and then had my fingers cut off one by one..." Arlan's voice was still weak, but the nails of his right hand held in front of him were tightly embedded in the gaps of the bamboo couch. There was hatred in his eyes.

Li Xian slightly raised his eyebrows: "So, you told the truth?"

"...Yes." Arlan lowered his eyes: "If this were not the case, there would be no chance of escaping alive. Arlan has not avenged his revenge and does not want to die..."

She looked ashamed but not regretful, and bravely raised her eyes to look at Li Xian: "Arlan leaked something that shouldn't have been leaked...please punish the general."

She forced herself to half sit up, then knelt down on the couch with her head lowered, her thin body trembling almost imperceptibly. In Li Xian's eyes, she looked like a scarred little animal.

Such a dangerous little beast was injured outside. After desperately escaping, it crawled back to him, knelt down and begged him for punishment...

After all, he had tamed it by himself, so he should be obedient.

And he knows better than anyone else where Arlan's lifeline lies - if she wants to "revenge", she can only continue to rely on him.

This feeling allowed Li Xian to regain some sense of control in such a situation, so he looked at Al Lan with satisfaction, and there was no blame in his tone: "Let's recover first."

With that said, he led the people out.

He never got close to Arlan - he knew Arlan's methods, but he was still hesitant about her escaping.

But right now, he couldn't care less about investigating and verifying it, so it was better to be careful.

When he walked outside the tent, Li Xian told his confidant He Shan: "When you leave, you must remember to take her with you."

If Arlan's knife can still be used, it will still be useful at critical moments. It would be a pity to lose it.

Hearing Li Xian's footsteps fade away, Arlan lay back on the couch with all her strength and looked towards the top of the tent - Li Xian seemed a little suspicious when he treated her, but she could always find a chance...

At this time, the military doctor asked her if she needed to change clothes. She also had some skin injuries on her body that needed cleaning and medicine.

Arlan nodded and said feebly: "Can you please ask someone to bring my suitcase? Thank you..."

The military doctor knew that Li Xian valued her and quickly explained.

Due to the complicated task of counting grain, grass and baggage, everything was still being prepared when it was getting dark. Li Xian was worried that bad news for him would come at any time. In order to avoid changes if it was too late, he wanted to lead 10,000 cavalry to clear the way to Yue. Go to the state, and let the other soldiers slowly follow behind with food and grass.

But before leaving, he had to resolve some troubles first to avoid any problems later.

On the battlefield, when Li Xian and his men were counting the 10,000 cavalry, the "trouble" in his eyes took the initiative to find them.

Li Xian made such a big move to gather troops and left the camp with food, grass and baggage, which naturally aroused the confusion of many generals.

About seven or eight people came over and asked about Li Xian's arrangements.

Li Xian had no intention of saying much to them: "I suddenly received an imperial order and needed to change my strategic plan. This is confidential. You can just follow the order and act."

Those people exchanged glances with each other. Some people stopped asking any more questions, but some people still took a step forward and cupped their hands and said: "Now the battle of Tanzhou has not yet concluded. The deputy commander is not in the camp. The commander suddenly ordered the evacuation at this time, but there was no trace of it. I'm afraid it will make the soldiers uneasy!"

Although many marching strategies are secret, as generals, if they don't even know where they are going, how are they going to fight this battle?

To be honest, Xiao Min is not here at the moment, and at least half of them have limited trust in Li Xian, which is not enough to support them to blindly follow him.

Then two more people came forward and asked Li Xian for instructions on how to go to the army.

Li Xian looked at them with a sneer: "Are my military orders unsettling the military's morale, or are you trying to take the opportunity to disturb the military's morale?"

The expressions of the three people changed slightly, and when they were about to speak again, they suddenly heard a soldier coming to report quickly, and it was said that Xiao Min had secretly colluded with Bian Jun and had rebelled. This time he took the opportunity to leave the camp and wanted to go to Tanzhou, but he was already on the way. Killed on the spot!

There was an uproar everywhere.

The three generals who stood up were even more shocked - something happened to Deputy Commander Xiao? And was he executed for colluding with Bian Jun? !

"Impossible!" One of them said resolutely: "There is absolutely no way that Deputy Commander Xiao will collude with Bian Jun! There must be something fishy about this matter. How can the commander be so hasty and kill someone!"

"That's right, it's impossible for General Xiao to rebel on the battlefield!"


There was also an incredible noise all around.

Li Xian looked at the generals with sharp eyes: "Although the evidence is solid, you still want to defend the rebels. Isn't this an opportunity to disturb the morale of the army?"

He raised his hand decisively: "Take down all these Xiao Min accomplices!"

Li Xian was prepared, and immediately someone came forward and held down the three generals.

Seeing that there was nothing they didn't understand, the three people struggled and said angrily: "Young Master South Korea has accused us of unwarranted crimes in just a few words. I dare you to ask where is the evidence that can convince the public!"

Li Xian looked at them with a smile but not a smile: "My commander's words are evidence."

As for convincing the crowd, that's even simpler. Those who don't obey will be killed until they do!

Li Xian ordered the three men to be taken to the military platform and beheaded in public, declaring their "crime", and ordered all lieutenant colonels and above to watch the execution, which was called "to serve as a warning to others".

The three people were forcibly taken to the room, and they said angrily: "Li Xian, if you act like this, you will not end well!" Li Xian seemed to have not heard anything, and told Yan Chenglu beside him: "Anyone who is watching the execution dares to question or Anyone who pleads for mercy will be punished by his companions!"

Therefore, this torture viewing is also a test of obedience, and it is telling everyone that those who are unwilling to obey will end up like those three people.

Military lieutenant colonels and above were quickly summoned. Everyone suddenly learned that Xiao Min had rebelled and had been executed, and they were unable to react in time.

Most of them intuitively did not believe that Xiao Min would rebel, but something happened suddenly, and they were in a mess. Some people tried to stand up, but they were mostly held back by their colleagues around them.

When marching outside, you only have to obey the commander's orders. Military orders are like "mountain", which means that this place is destined to be more oppressive than elsewhere. This oppressiveness is absolute and barbaric. In many cases, there is no real reason to explain. Even just a word of doubt can be instantly accused of violating military orders.

If Xiao Min was still alive, they would have dared to stand up and ask for justice. But now that they heard that Xiao Min was dead, they seemed to have lost their backbone and did not dare to come forward rashly.

But some people still chose to stand up and express their dissatisfaction, and not surprisingly, they were all put on the military stand to wait to be beheaded.

Fear spread faster than the plague, and the remaining people were panicked when they saw this.

Li Xian looked at everyone with a stern expression: "Who else questions the fact that Xiao Min rebelled?"

The surroundings suddenly became silent, and at this moment, a loud voice sounded from behind: "Do you have any evidence for what Mr. South Korea said?"

Anyone who dares to bring up evidence at this time is obviously a tough guy, and this tough guy is no one else—

The captains standing at the back stepped out of the way one after another, with expressions full of surprise: "Deputy Commander Xiao!"

"Deputy Commander Xiao is still alive!"

Looking at the people approaching, Li Xian frowned suddenly.

He was not surprised that Xiao Min was still alive. He had indeed arranged for Xiao Min to be killed, but no news had been sent back yet. The reason why he had asked people to release the news about Xiao Min's execution in advance was just to manipulate the situation. people's hearts -

But what surprised him was that Xiao Min came back...

No, in other words, the one who left the camp today was not Xiao Min at all!

Xiao Min, escorted by his confidants, stepped onto the military commanding platform and raised his voice: "The saint has issued an order to investigate the fault of the Korean public for causing the plague, and to remove him from the post of commander-in-chief. The imperial envoy delivering the order is on the way! This time he The gathering of troops is actually an act of rebellion. I hope you will make a judgment early to avoid being unjustly accused of being a rebel!"

While Xiao Min was speaking, a hidden arrow suddenly struck him, but his confidants were already on guard and blocked the cold arrow with their swords.

There was a sudden vibration everywhere.

Li Xian gritted his teeth secretly and looked at Xiao Min with murderous intent - so Xiao Min had known the news a long time ago, and he was just deliberately pretending to leave the camp today!

As everyone knows, this is not entirely correct. Xiao Min does not know the news that the imperial envoy is on his way. What he said just now is just a nonsense to win back people's hearts.

But there is support for this nonsense - his future master has already told him that the king will definitely punish Li Xian this time, so that he can take precautions in advance.

Xiao Min has always believed in Chang Suining's words. Today, he realized that Li Xian was suspected of sending him away, so he tried his best and finally got the answer.

His future lord had given him a sneak peek of the answer in advance. If he could still watch Li Xian cause chaos in the army, how could he have the dignity to do things in front of his lord in the future?

Seeing the commotion and uproar around him, Li Xian sneered and denied: "The current saint is my biological aunt, and it is nonsense to accuse me of being a rebel!"

Xiao Min looked at the crowd, suddenly drew his sword, and said loudly: "Xiao will never stop those who insist on following Li Xian's rebellion, but he will also never be lenient!"

He mostly treats others in a peaceful manner, but once his murderous aura as a general is revealed, it is also very frightening.

When the two insist on their own opinions and the truth is temporarily difficult to distinguish in the eyes of most people, the test is who is more popular.

Seeing Xiao Min forcing people to loosen the bonds of the generals who were being held on the ordering platform, some people began to walk towards Xiao Min and stand there.

More and more generals stood past. Most of them did not speak, but their attitudes were clear and firm.

Some of them were originally loyal to Xiao Min, but most of them had always remained neutral. They did not want to take sides in the army, but they also knew the truth about the plague. Li Xian and Xiao Min were involved in this incident. They all saw the completely different character and style revealed in the incident.

Even based on his character, they trust Xiao Min more.

Putting aside the determination of the truth, under such circumstances, they are not willing to follow an unscrupulous madman - the other party does not need to take the lives of Yuezhou people and sick soldiers in mind, and naturally can use them up at any time. abandoned.

No matter what such people do, they are not worthy of following them.

The people's hearts that were not valued by Li Xian in the past are now falling apart, visibly cutting off his way out.

Seeing that the number of people standing beside Xiao Min was increasing, Li Xian almost crushed his back teeth. He was very aware of people's tendency to follow the herd. If this continues, more people will choose Xiao Min...

Li Xian was forced to give up the last layer of disguise. As he raised his hand, suddenly sharp arrows flew from the dark place and stabbed Xiao Min and others.

While Xiao Min and others were resisting, Li Xian ordered his men to charge forward.

Half of the more than 10,000 cavalrymen behind him also defected, but Yan Chenglu commanded nearly 10,000 troops. At this moment, under Li Xian's instructions, he immediately ordered to draw his sword and charge.

There are also some people who actively choose to turn to Li Xian, not out of trust in Li Xian, but because they follow their uneasy ambitions in this troubled world and want to follow suit.

But the tilt of the situation was obvious. Xiao Min had already made arrangements, and soon had people control the crossbowmen who were secretly firing arrows, and quickly formed a formation to stop them.

Following Li Xian's order, Yan Chenglu led his troops to break through the barrier. While fighting with all his strength, he heard a general on the opposite side shout: "...Li Xian has been defeated. Are you sure you want to waste your life trying to delay him?"

"General Xiao has an order. Anyone who turns around at this moment can be given a lighter sentence! Anyone who insists on following will be punished without mercy!"

This was meant for ordinary soldiers. Most of them just followed the orders of their respective captains, but Xiao Min did not want to cause large casualties in civil strife.

News of Li Xian's defeat spread quickly. In the chaos of the fighting, Yan Chenglu looked back in disbelief and saw Xiao Min leading his army in pursuit.

And in the short space of time when he turned back, a blade suddenly penetrated his chest.

Yan Chenglu turned his head stiffly and saw that the one who took action was actually a captain under his command. He was afraid that if the situation was not going well, he would take his head as punishment.

"Damn it..." Yan Chenglu gritted his teeth: "They are all beasts...!"

This bunch of damned beasts are so beastly... He has fallen into a den of beasts!

Yan Chenglu was so angry that he suddenly raised his strength and used the last bit of his strength to wipe the captain's neck with a knife. He immediately fell to the ground with a plop and stared at the direction in which Li Xian escaped, refusing to close his eyes.

(The lunch box is ready and is being delivered by the rider. It will be delivered tomorrow. Please give me a monthly pass!)

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