Hello Chang’an

Chapter 508: An unknown person is not enough to kill

Chapter 508: An unknown person is not enough to kill

The woman in purple said cowardly in a low voice: "This servant is too drunk and is afraid that he will lose his temper after drinking..."

Ding Su didn't hear her small voice and said with a loud smile: "Ru Yue, this is a gift from Master Jiefang, don't refuse it!"

There was no emotion in the lowered eyes of the woman in purple. She said no more after hearing the words. She said "yes" obediently and drank the drink in one gulp.

She frowned slightly, and it seemed that she did not drink often, but she still said to Chang Sui Ning: "Thank you, Lord Jiushi, for the wine."

After saying that, he respectfully poured tea for Chang Sui Ning.

Chang Sui Ning nodded, said "Thank you", and motioned for her to put down the tea cup.

The woman in purple pushed the tea cup in front of Chang Sui Ning, then stood up and saluted, bowed and stepped aside. After a while, she raised her hand and pressed her temple lightly. She also looked like she was drunk.

Seeing this, the governor's wife secretly curled her lips, and secretly said with a flirtatious tone in her heart, "Ruyue, since the envoy also praised you for playing well, just play another song."

The woman in purple looked at Ding Su subconsciously. Just when she was about to speak, Ding Su, who was in high spirits, smiled and waved to her: "Go on!"

The woman in purple could only sit back and pick up the lute again.

The music soon started playing again, and the atmosphere in the hall was harmonious. However, halfway through the song, the music suddenly sounded out of order.

Everyone looked at it, and the woman in purple knelt down in panic, hugging her pipa: "...Ru Yue was really drunk, and she lost her temper and played the wrong note. Please punish her."

"This..." Ding Su was very tolerant of beauties, but he was afraid of spoiling Chang Suining's elegance, so he apologized to Chang Suining: "My concubine is not allowed to be on the stage, please don't be offended, Lord Envoy..."

"It's okay." Chang Suining looked as usual.

When Ding Su saw this, he waved his hand to the woman in purple: "Why don't you retreat quickly?"

"Yes..." The woman in purple was holding the pipa and was about to retreat when she heard Chang Suining say: "Wait a minute."

The woman in purple raised her head slightly.

Chang Suining looked at her and said: "I didn't know that Miss Ruyue was not good at drinking. I didn't think about it properly. I saw that Miss Ruyue's face was really not good. It would be inappropriate for me to go back like this, and I just happened to do it this time." There is a sister who is proficient in medical skills accompanying me, so why not let her come and take a look at Miss Ru Yue? If nothing happens, I will feel at ease."

"Why bother me so much, Sir? My maid is fine..."

Chang Suining said: "Since he is the favorite person of Ding Prefecture, how can he say that he is troublesome?"

When Chang Sui Ning finished speaking, shepherd's purse had already left and went to invite Qiao Yumian.

Qiao Yumian and Dr. Sun followed Chang Sui Ning to Jiangdu, which was a decision made after careful consideration.

Ding Su was quite flattered by Chang Suining's attitude. He quickly asked Ru Yue to thank Chang Suining: "Quickly thank you for your kindness!"

Ru Yue put down her pipa and walked up to Chang Sui Ning again to salute: "My maid, thank you Chang Jie Envoy..."

Chang Suining nodded lightly to her, and Ding Su motioned Ru Yue to wait for the doctor in the side pavilion.

When Ru Yue was about to retreat, she glanced at the untouched tea cup in front of Chang Suining, and a trace of struggle flashed in her lowered eyes. In just a moment, the struggle suddenly disappeared.

She raised her hand without warning, changing her cowardly and weak attitude of supporting the willow, and swept towards Chang Sui Ning like a strong wind.

And in the right hand she raised, she was holding a dagger. The sharpness of the dagger's blade and the swiftness of the holder's movements left no doubt that once it touched the skin, it would break bones and muscles. .

In the flash of lightning, Chang Sui Ning leaned back suddenly. When the dagger narrowly missed his chin, Chang Sui Ning simultaneously raised his right leg that was sitting cross-legged and kicked the food table in front of him violently. The food table flipped over and hit hard Di Fei crashed into the purple-clothed woman.

The woman in purple was hit in the abdomen by the food table, staggered back and fell to the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

This only happened in a short moment. There were screams in the hall. Ding Su was the first to react. He woke up in an instant, slapped the table and stood up, saying urgently: "Get her!"

The woman in purple still wanted to sit up and attack Chang Sui Ning, but she was already controlled by two guards on the left and right.

Chang Suining stood up unhurriedly.

The governor's wife suddenly came back to her senses, stood up, pointed at Ru Yue, and said in shock: "...You are such a foxy girl, you really have no good intentions! What kind of mad dog disease do you have!"

How dare you assassinate Lord Envoy!

Even if he came to assassinate her, she wouldn't be so frightened and angry!

Fortunately, Mr. Jishi responded in time. If something really went wrong with Mr. Jishi today...the Ding family would still have a lot of people alive!

Mrs. Shenzhou Governor came from a merchant's family. She was plain in appearance but impulsive. At this moment, she was scared and angry. Her three souls and seven souls almost left her body and ascended to heaven. She walked forward in a few steps and pointed at the woman in purple tremblingly. With trembling lips, she said to her husband: "...I have told you a long time ago that this woman cannot be kept! She was asked to come out to play horse hanging, but she said no. The aunts wanted to teach her, but she did not learn. She just hugged her every day. Po Pipa stayed in the yard! This thing doesn’t belong to our Ding family at first glance! I guess you must have guessed it!”

She is not the main wife who cannot tolerate others, otherwise the five concubines in the family would not be able to get together so harmoniously!

"...Madam!" Ding Su was a few years old, and when his wife was frightened and said that it was a good thing or not, he hurriedly asked someone to take her down to drink the soothing soup.

Looking at Chang Sui Ning walking towards him, Ding Su said first, "Master Jie Envoy, this matter was indeed caused by an oversight by a lower official, but it was definitely not ordered by the lower official!"

"I know." Chang Sui Ning lightly kicked the fragment of the tea cup. The green bricks soaked in the tea soup had a strange dark color.

Ding Su saw this and his heart tightened - Ru Yue poisoned Lord Jishi's tea!

He looked at Ru Yue again and saw that the blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth was also black, obviously indicating that she was poisoned.

In just a short moment, Ding Su, who had sobered up, understood everything.

Chang Suining looked at Ru Yue.

She couldn't drink herself, and she knew the embarrassment of being drunk in public, so she would never persuade others to drink, especially if the other person was a weak woman - but this weak woman was not weak at all.

From the moment Ru Yue stepped forward to pour the wine, Chang Suining noticed that there was a callus on the tiger's mouth of the opponent's right hand. It was definitely not the mark of playing the pipa. Instead, it most often appeared on martial arts practitioners, especially those who frequently used bows and arrows.

But this was not enough to confirm anything. Chang Suining just paid more attention without leaving any trace at first.

The opponent's method of poisoning was very clever. Under the cover of her sleeves, Chang Suining couldn't even see the specific actions clearly, but this did not prevent her from giving the opponent a try with the glass of wine.

Facts have proved that this is a very adaptable assassin.

After being forced to drink poisonous wine, he could still remain calm and calm, and use the right excuse at the right time to try to leave to detoxify himself. But at this time, she was "made difficult" by Chang Suining again, so that she could not escape.

She must have realized that Chang Sui Ning was suspicious of her, and she knew that once the doctor came, her poisoning would be exposed. Rather than sit back and wait for death, she had no choice but to give it a try.

"Tell me! Why did you assassinate Changjie Envoy!" Ding Su's face was as cold as frost, and his eyes were no longer as loving as before. The purple-clothed woman with bleeding mouth glanced at him with a sneer, her eyes were cold and arrogant, showing no signs of cowardice and shyness, as if she was telling him to shut up.

"..." This unfamiliar and disgusting look made Ding Su feel uncomfortable.

Chang Suining raised his hand and twisted the **** chin of the woman in purple to make sure there was no other poison hidden in her mouth, and then asked Ding Su: "When was the person brought back to the house?"

"Sir, it was a month ago..." Ding Su replied, his heart falling again.

Chang Sui Ning knew clearly that the assassination of her today was not a pure accident, but had been prepared for a long time - if she had not appeared here today, this woman would always find an opportunity to do it if she followed Ding Su in the future.

It can be regarded as a patient and planned assassination.

"You seem to be quite a master at what you do as an assassin." Chang Suining looked at the woman in purple and said, "I guess you should be very skilled as well, but it's a pity that you fed yourself poison. If you don't have time to make a real move in the future, you'll kill him first." Poisoned himself."

The woman in purple was angry. What did she mean by feeding herself poison? It looked like she was some stupid thing that had gone wrong!

The purple-clothed woman stared closely at Chang Sui Ning, gritted her teeth and said, "You are lucky today..."

"Indeed, I have a great destiny." Chang Sui Ning smiled and looked at her slightly: "Therefore, an unknown person is not worth it."

The girl's calm look was filled with indescribable arrogance. The woman in purple became angry again, feeling that the assassination was not only a failure, but also infuriating.

"But someone who can train assassins like you will not be an unknown person - tell me, who is your master?"

The woman in purple turned her face to one side and said, "You don't have to waste your time with me, just kill me."

"Your Excellency, hand this person over to a lower official for trial." Ding Su looked solemn and ashamed: "This lower official must give an explanation to your Excellency!"

Chang Sui Ning was noncommittal. Seeing Shepherd's Purse approaching with Qiao Yumian, he turned around and said, "Sister, please help me see if this person can be saved."

Qiao Yumian was shocked when she saw the mess in the hall and the woman being held up. She first confirmed that Chang Sui Ning was not injured before nodding and stepping forward.

During this time, Chang Suining told Ding Su: "Maybe someone can search her residence. There should be an antidote."

Since the other party had just made an excuse to leave, he thought there should be a solution.

Ding Su made arrangements immediately.

"If she can still be saved, please give her to me." Chang Suining said to Ding Su, "Let me take her back to Jiangdu and examine her slowly."

Seeing that she seemed to have some suspicions in her mind, Ding Su realized his interest and stopped taking the matter blindly. However, he became increasingly anxious and panicked because of the lack of opportunities to make up for his mistakes.

Because of this, Ding Su didn't dare to sleep a wink all night. Instead, his wife, who drank the soothing soup, snored loudly.

After a good night's sleep, the governor's wife opened her eyes at dawn the next day, sat up suddenly, and said, "I told you before, Naru Yue is not a good person at all, but you are like a drunken soup by her, something will happen now." Come on!"

Ding Su, whose eyes were blue and black: "..."

Soon, his old mother and five concubines also came after hearing the news, and surrounded him with questions and lectures.

"Let's see if Master Lang still dares to indulge in beauty, and he is seduced away by Hu Meizi..."

"..." Ding Su looked at the beautiful concubine who was speaking. If he wasn't obsessed with beauty, how could she stand here and say this?

But Ding Su was also really scared. He slowly realized that this well-known preference in him used to seem harmless to him, and even a bit romantic... But in the current situation, once someone with serious intentions is exposed, If he takes advantage of it, the consequences will be too much for him to bear.

Ding Su stood up suddenly and walked out decisively.

"...Master Lang, what are you doing!"

Several beautiful concubines exchanged frightened glances, looking at the master's back, it turned out that... she was quite determined to commit suicide?

Ding Su was not so extreme. He went to apologize to Chang Suining and express his stance.

But Chang Suining's attitude was non-committal. She didn't mention punishing him, nor did she say anything about it. She only said that she would wait until she found out.

Ding Su was heartbroken. It seemed that the envoy really took this matter to his heart. The credit he had made by following him in sending troops to Hanshui, after this, may no longer exist or even be owed.

Hey, you have to be more careful on the way forward.

Chang Suining took the female assassin and left Shenzhou in the afternoon of that day, leaving Ding Su behind to regret it.

In fact, Chang Suining doesn't have too many thoughts of blaming Ding Su, but if she wants to prevent such things as much as possible, she can't appear to be too talkative on the surface, otherwise it will only make the people below her relaxed and careless.

Moreover, Ding Su is indeed easy to be exploited, as was the case when he almost conspired with Cao Hongxuan to rebel - it would be good to scare him appropriately, as it would refresh his mind and be more vigilant, which would help him work well.

If you accidentally get scared and want to jump over the wall, then try another one.

After leaving Shenzhou, Chang Suining went to Guangzhou.

Previously, the governors from various states in Huainan Province gathered in Jiangdu. On the way back, the governors who had received a lot of errands laughed bitterly and joked that the New Deal was like planting vegetables. After they took the vegetable seedlings back, they had to carefully plant one-third of their own acres. land.

Therefore, they jokingly said that the entire Huainan Road was the vegetable garden of Jiangdu Changjiang, and they were like "stinky vegetable growers".

Shao Shantong, the governor of Guangzhou, didn't think so. In his opinion, he was just pretending to grow vegetables temporarily. What he held in his hand was not a hoe, but a sword waiting for rebellion!

Not long ago, when Chang Suining led his troops to Mianzhou, Shao Shantong heard the news and was secretly excited. When he heard the news later, he suddenly realized with some disappointment - oh, he was not rebelling, he was going to save people.

But it doesn't matter. After this encounter, Lord Jiedushi has gained more reputation and popular support. This cornerstone of the rebellion has become stronger!

With this fervent thought in mind, Shao Shantong worked particularly hard. The enterprising spirit of Guangzhou was actually two-fold that of Jiangdu.

After Chang Suining came to Guangzhou, he also discovered this. He was very satisfied with the progress of everything under Shao Shantong's rule. He praised it generously and finally said with joy: "Guangzhou will have great potential in the future."

Shao Shantong's eyes were bright and he responded solemnly: "Yes!"

[There is a lot to be done] - Can he not understand the code hidden behind this!

After leaving Guangzhou, which was "promising", Chang Suining headed towards Luzhou.

In Luzhou City, which was still five hundred miles away from Jiangdu, Chang Suining met someone he had been waiting for for a long time.

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Thanks to book friends Yanzhihu 1, Shi Gan Dang Dang, Ending__, book friend 20240326163533327, book friend 20190309182538302, book friend 2017062110182958 and other book friends for their rewards~

good night, see you tomorrow.

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