Hello Chang’an

Chapter 509: I'm too late (asking for a monthly ticket)

This begins when Chang Sui Ning heard a poem in Luzhou City—

Chang Suining stayed in Luzhou for a few more days and went to the Luzhou garrison camp to inspect. After that, she proposed to walk around and did not let the Luzhou governor accompany her.

Chang Suining walked among the wells in Luzhou City, very relaxed and relaxed, but the governor of Luzhou felt uneasy. Every hour he asked people to find out where Chang Suining had been, what he had done, and whether he had met anyone. , I heard something I shouldn’t have heard.

In the eyes of the governor of Luzhou, Chang Suining was doing a private visit incognito, and he didn't trust him...but there was nothing he could do about it. Who let him have a record of falsifying accounts? This left an impression in front of Shang Feng that he was a liar. , will inevitably be suspected.

But he has learned from his previous experience, knowing that Chang Sui Ning holds the handle, and he has been very content with himself recently. However, at the beginning of the implementation of the new policy, it is inevitable that there will be problems of one kind or another...

The governor of Luzhou repeatedly checked the existing problems with his subordinates, and for a time he achieved the ultimate in self-correction and self-examination.

Chang Sui Ning had seen most of Luzhou's current situation, but he was unexpectedly satisfied with what he saw.

The governor of Luzhou was good at digging into the camp and had a flexible mind. He was not a man who just copied things mechanically. Under his rule, Luzhou had always been relatively prosperous. Now that he is willing to obey Chang Suining's arrangements and conscientiously implement the administrative orders, the progress is faster than that of other states.

As for the problems, there are indeed them, but in Chang Sui Ning's view, they are all within control. Chang Sui Ning does not want to use this act to blame and make people feel uneasy at all.

There are very few people in this world who can do things that are truly flawless. On the contrary, the reason why most people are easy to use and controllable is that they have some minor problems that are not harmful to the general body.

In the afternoon of this day, Chang Suining randomly found a lively teahouse facing the street, ordered a few pots of new tea, and listened to the excitement for half a day.

The news in the teahouse was the most complicated, but what Chang Sui Ning heard the most after sitting down was his own name.

Most people were talking about Chang Suining rushing to Yuezhou to treat the people suffering from the epidemic. Some well-informed people also learned about Li Xian's rebellion and said: "...In order to win the war, the Korean prince ignored the lives of the people and resorted to creating a plague. It was in vain." The insidious means of harming the people, and then the government wanted to show off, but after hearing the news, he directly raised his troops to rebel! "

Most of the people heard about this for the first time. They were shocked when they heard the news and hurriedly asked the man for the follow-up.

"However, the matter was exposed and he failed to succeed! He then fled to Yuezhou City, but was intercepted by Chang Jie Envoy! Chang Jie Envoy ordered him to be hung on the Yuezhou City Tower to calm the anger of the people of Yuezhou -"

The sound of relieving oneself immediately sounded everywhere.

Chang Sui Ning heard this and was about to praise this person for how well the news was restored. Then, he heard the man say: "Even God can't see it. That Korean Duke hung on the tower for seven days. For seven days The scorching sun never sets, and thunder breaks out on a sunny day! It’s not until this person dies that it suddenly rains heavily..."

Everyone around sighed and sighed: "It can be seen that what we always do is in compliance with God's will!"

Shepherd's Purse laughed twice and echoed: "That's right!"

Who doesn't like to hear their elders being praised?

At another table, someone else brought up the hot topic nowadays: "...you said, our Jiedushi envoy casually donated 7 million guan to the northern garrison. With such a generous gesture, who is the ancestor of Changjie envoy?"

Many people gathered around and started chattering. A scholar stroked his short beard and said: "If you ask me, it must be..."

When the scholar said this, he smiled confidently and paused just right.

Everyone hurriedly looked at him, and while listening attentively, they only heard this man say: "That must be a rich or noble family."

Suddenly there was a "bang" sound everywhere, and someone waved his sleeves: "Isn't this nonsense!"

Some people burst into laughter, and the waiter came over to refill the tea and also laughed and struck up a conversation.

At this time, a young scholar quickly ran into the teahouse holding a piece of paper and shouted: "...Mr. Qian Shen finally has a new work!"

The scholar who threatened that Changsui Ningzu was either rich or noble quickly stood up and looked with bright eyes: "I'd like to borrow some insights!"

Luzhou is only five hundred miles away from Jiangdu. Qian is famous and is highly sought after by literati here.

Many literati gathered around, and someone started reciting the "Essay on Sacrifice to Yuezhou" with a rising and falling voice. When he read the angry part, blood surged in his tone, and everyone everywhere was shaken.

Chang Sui Ning heard it and couldn't help but nod his head and said: "It's really a good poem."

Mr. Luo wrote this poem very quickly. Before she returned to Jiangdu, such a good poem rushed to greet her.

"It's more than just a good poem!" The scholar who brought this poem here responded: "It's simply mind-blowing, with the power to penetrate clouds and crack rocks!"

Chang Suining nodded, her praise was superficial.

The scholar started chatting with her: "My little brother Guan has a good temperament. I guess he has read a lot of poems and books, but he also likes Mr. Qian Shen's poems? Have you ever heard of the book "Guan Jiang Du Sacrifices to the Sea to Give to the World"? "

Chang Sui Ning dresses simply, but if you look closely, you can find that she is a woman. Nowadays, due to the rise of women's work in the vicinity of Jiangdu, many women often wear robes and tie their hair for the convenience of traveling. It is not uncommon for women to dress like Chang Sui Ning -

When the scholar looked at Chang Sui Ning, his eyes were always slightly narrowed. He obviously had poor eyesight and could only tell a person's general age and temperament. Preliminarily believing that it was a little brother in front of him, he mistook the somewhat tough voice as belonging to an overly gentle young man.

Chang Suining smiled and nodded: "I've heard of it."

"That piece of writing for the world is very different from today's piece!" The scholar raised his hands and began to analyze eloquently: "...This piece of "Essay on Sacrifice to Yuezhou" is based on the innocent suffering people, and compares the evildoers to "Tiger Wolf", every word is like a knife piercing the bone, making people gnash their teeth and hate it, but after reading it, I feel that there is still a right way in the world! "

However, the "right way" expressed in Luo Guanlin's poem did not hesitate to return all of it to Chang Sui Ning.

The scholar added: "What is even more valuable is that what Mr. Qian expressed in his poem is completely realistic. There is no exaggeration at all. It is actually true..."

Chang Sui Ning felt that there were still some exaggerations, especially her achievements.

But Chang Sui Ning didn't feel guilty at all, and was only relieved that her husband had indeed complied with her proposal. He was really a good person.

The scholar is still thinking: "Brilliant, wonderful..."

Chang Suining nodded in agreement, clearly exaggerating the facts, but it still made people feel that it was completely realistic. He firmly believed that the whole picture was in the poem, which was indeed brilliant.

"My little brother's accent sounds like Mandarin, but are you from the west?"

Chang Suining nodded: "Exactly."

"Then, little brother, you must have heard a lot about Chang Suining's deeds along the way!" The scholar simply sat down next to Chang Suining and talked.

On the table next to Chang Suining, shepherd's purse and others were immediately on guard, silently watching the scholar's movements. A guard had quietly touched the arrow in his sleeve.

Chang Sui Ning didn't notice any difference, but he poured a cup of tea for the scholar in an easy-going manner.

"Thank you, little brother." The scholar picked up the cup, drank half of it to quench his thirst, and then continued: "Little brother, I heard on the way that the people of Yuezhou wanted to build a temple for Chang Jie Envoy in gratitude for his kindness. "

Chang Sui Ning really didn't know. He shook his head and commented: "There is no need to build a temple. Yuezhou is full of waste and is waiting for development. It is better not to be extravagant." The scholar disagreed and said: "How can it be called something that the people want? It’s extravagant!”

Or he was short-tongued when drinking tea. The scholar reacted and coughed slightly, with a much calmer tone: "Little brother, I know something, and the people have some support... This is a good thing."

"Furthermore, the people of Yuezhou may not have to come up with this money." The scholar said: "I heard that a wealthy businessman in Suzhou is willing to invest... This wealthy businessman is also a rare gentleman. It is said that this time he will save the people suffering from the epidemic. All the medicinal materials were provided by him, and not a penny was taken from him!”

Chang Sui Ning suddenly realized, Dai Zifa.

He sent medicinal materials beforehand and built the temple afterwards. What a great person.

In this way, Ming Jin's death was indeed a suitable death. How could a death be considered a good deal when one person died but his blessings were so endless.

Seeing that it was almost dusk outside, Chang Sui Ning asked someone to pay the bill, stood up and said goodbye to the scholar. When he walked out of the teahouse, he passed by a scholar who had come in a hurry.

The scholar was stunned for a moment, his feet suddenly stopped, and he looked back and saw Chang Suining's back disappearing. He stayed in the same place for a while, his mouth moved, and his eyes gradually widened -

At this time, the scholar also came out. Seeing that he was a friend, he asked, "Yan Ming, why are you here?"

"I'm here to look for you. Just now..." the scholar said, "I seem to have seen Changjie Envoy!"

"Chang...Changjieshi?!" The scholar was surprised: "Seriously? Where is it!"

"Here he is! He just came out of the teahouse and passed me by!" The scholar pointed to the direction Chang Suining left: "Wearing a green robe, he looks seventeen or eighteen years old... His aura is exactly the same, so he can't be wrong! "

I just left, Qingpao, seventeen or eighteen years old...

The scholar suddenly froze: "You can't..."

It can't be the "little brother" who had tea with him just now!

"Yan Ming, are you really right?!"

"Last year when the plaque was hung in Wueryuan, I saw it from a distance. Although I couldn't get a closer look, the momentum... must be unmistakable! Let's do the math. Changjie envoys returning from Mianzhou should have passed by From Luzhou!" The scholar regretted: "Just now I stayed in the same place without even saying a word of greeting!"

"..." The scholar's face fluctuated, and he was about to cry: "You are nothing at all..."

When it comes to missing out on opportunities, it has to be him!

He talked to Changjie Envoy for so long, and he even drank the tea poured by Changjie Envoy... However, he never even reported his name!

Opportunities came to him like a rainstorm, but he quickly dodged them without getting involved in them at all!

The scholar suddenly ran out, trying to pursue the cyan figure, but to no avail.

When he was feeling regretful, he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly ran to the corner of the street again.

Seeing that there was no one there like before, the scholar hurriedly asked the old man selling sesame cakes on the side: "Dare I ask, where is the Taoist who told people's fortunes here at noon today?"

The old man just said: "I left a long time ago."

The scholar stood there in despair, when his friend came up panting: "...Why are you running so fast? Who are you looking for?"

"Yan Ming, you don't know something..." The scholar's face was full of tears but he said, "Today at noon, I passed by this place and met a man who called me out. He said that if I look at my hall, I will meet a noble person today..."

Hearing the words, he became interested, and seeing that the Taoist had a good temperament, he took out a few coins from his body and asked the Taoist to elaborate.

The Taoist told him not to be careless and to pay more attention, otherwise the opportunity would be fleeting.

He frowned immediately, feeling that he had encountered a liar - this kind of ambiguity, if you can make up an explanation for both gains and losses, what is he if he is not a liar?

If he has never met the noble person, can't the other party explain that he missed the opportunity because he didn't pay attention?

His demeanor made him resist the urge to take back the few pennies, and he immediately walked away.

But who knows…

If he had been any more fragile, he would really be sitting on the ground crying right now.

After hearing the whole story, the friend was also stunned, and immediately felt endless regret - now that the introduction of talents in Jiangdu City has been tightened, it is already difficult to squeeze in... It is wonderful to meet Changjie Envoy today. self-recommendation opportunities.

But he could only pat his friend's shoulder and comfort him: "It doesn't matter. As long as we work in Huainan Road in the future, we can be regarded as working for the regular envoy..."

The two of them sighed and left together, but the Taoist with white hair and beard who was not found was watching the sunset under an old jujube tree. After a moment, he left with a smile and his hands behind his back: "It's time to leave..."

Chang Sui Ning left Luzhou City early the next morning.

Chang Suining had her last "casual meal" at the Luzhou governor's house last night. During the dinner, the Luzhou governor suddenly told her his story, explained the problems that existed in Luzhou in detail, and promised that she would We will make up for the shortcomings as soon as possible, and we will live up to the cultivation and expectations of Master Jiushi.

Chang Suining felt that striving for perfection was not a bad thing, so he nodded happily.

The governor of Luzhou secretly wiped his heart and said to his staff afterwards: "She was really waiting for me to confess." 】

After sending Chang Suining away, the governor of Luzhou breathed a sigh of relief and even had an extra bowl for lunch.

At noon, the sun was blazing, and it was no longer suitable to continue on the road. Chang Suining led the people to find a tea shed along the way, where they could rest for a while, enjoy the cool air, and feed the horses water.

Half of the cavalry led by Chang Sui Ning were leading the way, and the other half were following behind. Although there were only a dozen people around them at this time, they all had swords on their waists and were imposing. Other passers-by in the tea shed did not dare to approach when they saw this. They only occasionally glanced at him from a distance, but they always quickly looked away.

But soon there was an exception.

A gray-robed Taoist holding a green donkey came slowly and asked with a smile: "My noble man is traveling far, do you need to ask for divination?"

Just when shepherd's purse was about to wave her hand to let people leave, Chang Sui Ning was slightly startled when he heard the sound, and turned around unexpectedly, immediately showing a look of joy.

She put down her tea bowl and stood up, raising her hand to signal the guards not to stop her, and stepped forward.

Looking at the approaching girl, the Taoist smiled again and asked: "This noble man, do you need to ask a divination?"

Chang Sui Ning smiled and said: "If I meet an immortal today, everything will go well, so why bother asking more questions?"

How can "resurrection from the dead" not be considered an immortal?

Tianjing laughed loudly, and quietly watched for a moment the aggressive spirit that was clearly visible in the girl's eyebrows. It seemed that even her bones had changed silently, and she raised her hand and bowed deeply: "I am late for the appointment. I kept you waiting for a long time." ." (End of this chapter)

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