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Chapter 1243: Lin Xier's thoughts (5)

Si Jingyu thought of it, picked up her cell phone directly, and called Zhuang Nina.

Since they pulled her out of this discussion group, they were trusting her, so she couldn't persuade each other.

The phone rang and was answered.

Si Jingyu asked, "Nana, what kind of person is this Xi'er's husband?"

Zhuang Nina hurriedly explained, "Sister, in fact, I have not been optimistic about him. He is with you at an age, but after graduating from college, he went to Lijiang to teach. There is no formal income. Every year I earn money, I just go everywhere. I do n’t think What sense of responsibility? After marrying Xier, she still lives with her parents, and there is no marriage room. And Xier is pregnant, and the two are still on their honeymoon. I am not optimistic about Zhang Zhuo, but Xier likes him. No one can persuade romance. "

Si Jingyu heard this and sighed, "I think this matter is basically certain, Zhang Zhuo must be derailed. But what should Xi'er do?"

Zhuang Nina also had a glimmer of hope, "Sister, maybe it makes us think too much? Zhang Zhuo, I have also seen it, looking at a very honest person, why is it ..."

"Well, Nana, for this matter, you'd better give Xier a shot, and let her be prepared."

She thought of the matter of Zhang Zhuo's derailment, and Lin Xi'er said it was impossible without any thought.

She knew that Lin Xier must have trusted her husband very much, otherwise he would not have such a reaction.

But now ...

Zhuang Nai-ton paused, and hummed.

Hanging up the phone, Si Jingyu went to the group to see that Lin Xi'er had disappeared and he should go to negotiate with Zhang Zhuo.

She sighed, got up and poured a glass of water, took two sips, and then went to the second bedroom door and listened.

I just feel that in such a quiet night, everything seems to be covered with a layer of mystery.

She washed her face and still couldn't sleep, so she simply picked up her phone and opened the hit show.

After seeing one o'clock in the evening, she finally felt that her eyelids were a little heavy. She put down her cell phone and lay down and fell asleep.

In her dream, she seemed to be back in her youth.

Shi Jinyan was wearing a white shirt, carrying a schoolbag, walking indifferently on the campus. All the exquisiteness around the campus was not comparable to him alone. It seemed that all the light was concentrated on him alone.

She fell in love with him at first sight.

However, before she started pursuing him, she discovered that he had a childhood friend: Bai Yan.

But just now, Bai Ye and her are still in a dormitory.

She liked Shi Jinyan and became a girlfriend with Bai Ye.

But she will never forget that day. She blushed and said to Bai Ye that when she likes Shi Jinyan, Bai Ye told her: "Jing Yu, I'll tell you a secret, and Jin Yan will not let anyone say .I'm actually Jin Yan's girlfriend. "

At that time, Si Jingyu only felt that her secret love had ended before it had begun.

She thought that she liked Shi Jinyan, but she simply liked it, and there wasn't too much love in it, and it would always fade after a long time.

But I did not expect that the more they contacted, her eyes would always be attracted to him until that night ...

In her sleep, when she was about to return to the night when the nightmare started, the phone suddenly vibrated.

She opened her sleepy eyes and saw that there was a QQ conversation in the discussion group of the mobile phone.

She paused slightly, picked up her mobile phone, opened it subconsciously and put it in her ear. Opposite the cry of Lin Xi'er: "Woohoo, Zhang Zhuo admitted!"

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