Hello, Heir

Chapter 1244: Lin Xier's thoughts (6)

Si Jingyu felt that she was sober for a moment.

Lin Xi'er cried and couldn't stop crying, Zhuang Nina's voice was still drowsily: "What's going on? What did he admit? Xier, please stabilize and tell us what's going on!"

Lin Xi'er cried and drew, "I know I shouldn't give you a voice so late, but I'm so uncomfortable, oh oh, I talked to him, I asked him if he was sorry for me, he He also said that I was thinking blindly and thinking too much, but I asked it several times in a row before he finally admitted it! "

When she said that, there was another whining cry across the phone, and in the middle of the night, those who heard it were sour.

The first thing Si Jingyu thought of was the child, "Hill, what about your daughter, Yuanyuan?"

Lin Xier pumped, "Daughter is sleeping, oh ... what am I going to do now?"

There was an unwillingness and resentment in her voice, as well as a hint of confusion.

This scene reminded Si Jingyu of her original moment when she discovered that Shi Jinyan and Bai Ye came out of the hotel. Some of her were unbelievable.

Si Jingyu sighed, calmly: "Do you think you can forgive him?"

Lin Xier and their group of people have discussed this issue before, in case the husband derailed, just kick it out.

But now, when it really happened to her, she was silent for a moment.

Now that she has her daughter Yuanyuan, who wants a family torn apart?

Lin Xi'er's silence made Zhuang Nina awake, and she asked, "Did you talk to him?"

Lin Xier nodded, "Talk, I have already proposed a divorce."

"What did Zhuo Zhuo say?" Zhuang Nina asked.

When Lin Xi'er said here, he was a little angry. "He said he didn't want to divorce."

"Don't want a divorce, what will he do next?"

Lin Xi'er cried and said, "He said that he had nothing to do with that Chang Yuxin. They are now broken."

Si Jingyu frowned. "So, is that person still working in Lijiang? Zhang Zhuo plans to return to Lijiang in the future? Xier, it is not a long-term separation between husband and wife!"

Lin Xier continued to cry, "I know, I said that he would not be allowed to go to Lijiang in the future, he did not agree."

Zhuang Nina was furious, "What does he disagree with ?! What does he plan to do? No divorce here, and there is still a connection with Xiaosan? I also want to sit and enjoy the blessing of the people! You work hard at home He looks at the child, that's what he thinks? "

Lin Xi'er cried and couldn't help crying, "I'm going to call his parents and divorce. I thought about it, even if this time passed, I won't be able to handle it for the sake of my daughter. The guise of forgiving him, and I feel that he has no intention of repentance. "

Si Jingyu also wanted to say, of course, there is no intention of repentance. If you really know that you are wrong, how can you not agree not to go to Lijiang?

He didn't agree not to go to Lijiang, but made it clear that he couldn't put up that Primary Three.

Zhuang Nina asked again, "What did his parents say?"

She said, "His father said, it's a matter for both of us. I want to divorce, think about it, and let me take the child and go back with him."

Si Jingyu: What is this? !!

Zhuang Nina was going to scold her mother, "What kind of people are this! Now that his son is derailed, he asked you to take your child back with his son? Their family really has face!"

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