Hello, Heir

Chapter 1597: Sorry, I love you (10)

For a moment, she felt that her entire body wanted to be torn apart, and she could not increase her pain!

She held her heart in her sore hand, and bent down, as if she could no longer stand up.

With tears in her eyes, she looked up at the door of the emergency room and suddenly felt guilty that she had wronged him once.

Yao Teng ... Yao Teng ...

Si Jingyu only felt dark before his eyes, and then the whole person knew nothing.

Shi Jinyan hugged Si Jingyu with his eyes and hands, preventing her from falling to the ground and looking down at the woman in her arms. At this moment, his mood was very complicated.

When the leopard suddenly turned his gun at Si Jingyu, he was panicked, but calm.

Because he knew that he had time to shoot him.

He aimed at the leopard, feeling that he would be killed in one shot, and then he pulled the trigger, but the imaginary gunshot did not sound.

At that moment, he suddenly realized what it was, and it was too late to stop the leopard.

It was as if all the panic in this life was condensed at that moment, and his eyes widened, it was hard to imagine what would happen if Leopard's attack hit Si Jingyu!

But at this moment, he saw Yao Teng, who had been smashed and unresponsive, as if he had been suddenly stimulated by human potential, and rushed directly to the leopard!

He didn't have the energy or time to **** the gun in Leopard's hand. The only thing he could do was use his flesh and blood to stand in front of Si Jingyu!

The gunshot sounded, and Shi Jinyan was touched and shocked.

He always knew that Yao Teng liked Si Jingyu, and he knew in college, but he never expected that Yao Teng's love would reach such a level ...

The time at that moment was too short, it was too short to think, so Yao Teng's movements were instinctual.

It turned out that in his instinct, Si Jingyu was so important!

At that moment, Shi Jinyan, who was always a jar of vinegar, suddenly found that his love was too narrow.

He used to be jealous, opposed Yao Teng, and even taunted him with words, but at that time, he was grateful to Yao Teng.

Without Yao Teng, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Shi Jinyan glanced worriedly at the emergency room. He silently called in his heart: Yao Teng, live.

Even if you've done idiots before, this time, we write off.

So live.

He took his eyes off, held Si Jingyu, and instructed the small police officer next to him: "I'll take her to the doctor. What's the matter ... please contact me in time."

This remark fell, without waiting for the small police officer to speak, and holding Si Jingyu straight away.

Si Jingyu was just a bit anaemic after she became pregnant. At this moment, she was too emotional, she fainted, hung up some glucose, and took a good rest in the ward for several hours.

Worried about Yao Teng, she might have been unconscious for a whole day and soon woke up.

She opened her eyes blankly, and the smell of disinfection water in the hospital told her that she was still in the hospital, so ... what happened before the coma was not a dream.

She sat up shyly, because she was too anxious, and her head was dizzy for a while, but soon, a pair of warm hands held her shoulders.

Si Jingyu calmed down, set Dingshen and turned to look at him, and found that Shi Jinyan was sitting beside her.

Si Jingyu grasped his hand, "What about Yao Teng? How about Yao Teng ?!"

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