Hello, Heir

Chapter 1598: Sorry, I love you (11)

Si Jingyu's remarks just dropped, the ward door was suddenly opened, and the small policeman stood there panting, staring straight at Si Jingyu.

Inexplicably, Si Jingyu suddenly felt a slight mention of her heart. She shook Shi Jinyan's hand and opened her mouth, but suddenly she didn't know what to say.

She even repelled at this moment to hear the little police officer speak, because he said ...

"Sister! Captain, the captain wants to see you for the last time!"

The voice of the small police officer was choked with a deep sadness.

Si Jingyu was suddenly stunned.

The last side ...

The last side!

She lifted the quilt and held it down, but after just two steps, her feet were soft again, and she almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, there was a strong arm around, holding her, and then when she didn't respond, she hugged her horizontally and strode out!

There is still some distance from the obstetrics and gynecology department to the emergency room, not even in a building. Shi Jinyan's pace is very fast. Three minutes later, Si Jingyu has arrived at the door of the emergency room.

Outside the door, the policemen were red and swollen one by one, staring at the emergency room. The emergency room door had also been opened. It was here that Si Jingyu was put down by Shi Jinyu.

She felt that everything in front of her felt desperate, and it was full of despair!

She took two steps forward, and saw a familiar middle-aged couple hurriedly coming from a distance. They were Yao Teng's parents. When Yao Teng was in trouble, the two were still in the field, apparently at a rush. With the charm of wind and dust servants on his body.

They walked too fast, and when Si Jingyu was next to him, Si Jingyu was about to say hello, and saw that they bypassed her and came directly to the doctor.

Mother Yao grabbed the doctor's hand. "What's the matter? Doctor, how is my son? How was he hit? What is he doing now? What are all these people crying here?"

Her madness and unreasonableness made Si Jingyu suddenly feel red eyes and a sore nose.

She is also a mother now and understands the feelings of Mother Yao at the moment!

The doctor sighed. "Sorry, we tried our best."

In a word, Mother Yao immediately let go of his hand, firstly shocked, but then suddenly grabbed the doctor's hand again like crazy, "Doctor, please, I beg you to save my son! I The son cannot die! I kneel down for you! "

She said that she was going to kneel, but the doctor hurriedly supported her, as if she had seen this situation countless times. It was irrational and unreasonable. He shook his head. Mother Yao, "Don't do that, the doctor ..."

Suddenly, Mother Yao went crazy, and turned her head and yelled at Father Dao: "I blame you, I blame you! He was going to be a police officer. I didn't agree, I said there would be a threat, but you left it alone, and you default He! Well now, my son is in trouble! We have only one son, ohh ... what's the use of earning so much money at home ?! "

When she said that, she looked at the doctor again, "Doctor, save my son, as long as you save my son, all the money in our family will be for you! Whoooooooooooooooooooohhh ..."

The doctor shook his head. "He is awake, you should go and see him and tell him a few words."

A word reminded Mother Yao that she hurriedly released the doctor and rushed into the emergency room.

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