Hello, Heir

Chapter 1599: Sorry, I love you (12)

Si Jingyu watched as Mother Yao heard the doctor's words, rushed into the emergency room, and her footsteps stopped suddenly.

She stood there silently for a while, and then suddenly heard the loud crying of mother Yao in the ward, and the low whimper of father Yao.

Her heart was a little stunned, and she couldn't help but take two steps forward, but the emergency room at this moment was like a flood beast, and the door seemed to cut off life and death, making her afraid to move forward.

When she bit her lip and her body was weak, Dad Yao suddenly came out and saw Si Jingyu and waved to her: "Yao Teng wants to see you."

Si Jingyu clenched her fists and walked two steps forward. She slowly walked into the emergency room, and at a glance she saw blood-stained cotton wool next to him, and a man on the bed dying.

He was cleaned at this moment, showing a handsome face, but his face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood, and even the undulations on his chest seemed undetectable.

Si Jingyu's gaze, when looking at the past, found his gaze, also staring at her quietly.

She hurried forward two steps, reached out and held his big hand, and then said, "Yao Teng ..."

Yao Teng seemed to feel her here, and a weak smile appeared. He said in a low voice: "Jingyu, don't cry."

Si Jingyu didn't shed tears at first, but when she heard this, the tears that seemed to have dried up came to her eyes again.

She bit her lip and nodded severely. "Okay, I promise you, I won't cry, will you be alive?"

The tone of prayer was crying.

Yao Teng continued to laugh, "Jing Yu, I'm sorry."

Si Jingyu shook her head, "No, you are not sorry for me, I just need you to live well."

Yao Teng said again, "Jingyu, can you promise me one thing?"

Si Jingyu bit her lip fiercely, and blood was leaking from her lips, but she didn't notice it, she didn't seem to feel the pain, she choked and said, "As long as you live, don't say one thing, one hundred Anything works! "

Her tears fell to his face with this sentence.

Yao Teng moved his cheek. His other hand tried to wipe away the tears, but he found that he had no strength to raise his arm.

He opened his mouth and tried to leave the last few words in the world.

"Jing Yu, Shi Jinyan is a man, so live with him."

Si Jingyu cried and shook her head, crying especially badly.

But Yao Teng's words passed into her ears word by word.

He said, "Jingyu, promise me not to find out why."

He said, "Jingyu, I don't want you to see me in darkness, hate me forever."

He said, "Jing Yu, I'm sorry."

He said, "Jingyu, I love you."

Then he finally closed his eyes.

No matter how she called, she never opened her eyes again.

He loved her for thirty years.

From birth to death, there was never anyone else in my heart.

Even when she was dying, it was her name that was called the most.

Si Jingyu looked at his serene and peaceful face, crying silently, crying to the end, without tears, she held his hand, feeling grief as if all the internal organs would be severely choked together, so that she could not even breathe Dare, she couldn't stand her waist until it finally fainted ...

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