Hello, Heir

Chapter 1697: Leaving the Xiao family? (8)

Princess Fei was stiff.

She lowered her head to see only the black leather shoes and straight trousers.

Her heart tightened unconsciously, slowly raising her head, her eyes were hazy, and she saw a figure of Yushu facing the wind.

There was a hint of loss in Princess Fei's heart, but she suddenly felt ridiculous.

What are you looking forward to?

She reached out, took the other's tissues, wiped the corners of her eyes, and then wiped her nose roughly, then sobbed, "Pray for brother."

Yeah, how could the person who came here be a young master, it must be Brother Xiu.

More than a year ago, when she had a fight with Huang Manning, Xiao Qi was unfair and punished Huang Manning for half of her living expenses, but she was punished to go to the ancestral hall and kneel to copy the house rules. She refused to run and ran out, hiding quietly alone.

At that time, how much she wished the young master could find her.

But she waited here for an hour, he didn't come, and he didn't come for two hours.

She was frozen in the snow and ice, but he never came.

Until the end, it was Brother Qi Xiu who found himself, took her back to the villa, and made a thick brown sugar **** tea for her to keep her warm.

Thinking of this, her heart sank again.

Yeah, what are you looking forward to?

In the past two years, hasn't she been tempted by the young master yet?

But what time did she not let her down?

If you didn't really care about her, how could it be a fight and treat her like that?

Thinking of this, her tears burst out again, she lowered her head and tried to push the tears back, and then saw Xiao Qixiu squatting down and looking straight at her.

His warm, jade-like face gives a warm feeling, with a warmth that makes people feel safe.

"Well." He spoke in a voice similar to his people.

Princess Fei nodded.

Xiao Qixiu sighed and said suddenly, "Well, leave Xiao's house."

Leave Xiao's house?

This is already the second person to say so to himself.

She also wants to leave the Xiao family!


She bit her lip and shook her head. "Pray Xiu, you don't know, you don't understand, I ..."

Having said that, he suddenly couldn't say it.

She sighed and stood up. "Pray Brother Xiu, I'm fine."

Things like today should have gotten used to, haven't they?

So does it make sense for her to cry so emotionally today?

She took a deep breath, suppressed the bitterness inside, and smiled at him, "Pray for brother, rest assured, I'm fine."

Seeing her look, Xiao Qixiu pursed his lips and wanted to say something, but suddenly, he couldn't say anything. After a while, he suddenly said, "Well, I already said to Mr. Xiao Lao, I want to go to work. "

Upon hearing this, Princess Fei was shocked and looked at Xiao Qixiu in shock!

Xiao Qixiu is the master's playmate. Two people have been inseparable since childhood, and they are also the most valued by Xiao Qi!

Xiao Qixiu was clever from a young age and had excellent academic performance. Although he had been with him for school for his younger age, two years ago, the old gentleman had decided to let him go to work in the royal world.

He is now the general manager of Royal Prosperity and has a bright future, but now ...

Princess Fei was anxious, "Brother Qiu, how can you do that? You ..."

When Xiao Qixiu heard this, he laughed directly. "Well, this is a decision I made long ago and has nothing to do with you. I'm telling you about this now, but I just want to say that even if you leave Xiao's house, you can live well Fine, at least I can help you in the future. "

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