Hello, Heir

Chapter 1698: Leaving the Xiao family? (9)

At least, I can help you later.

In a word, let Princess Fei feel warm inside like spring.

At the same time, a bold idea suddenly came to mind.

Yeah, leave Xiao's house.

Brother Qi Xiu had a good time leaving the Xiao family. Why can't she?

As for Ding Jian ... Can she hide in the Xiao family all her life because of fear?

Think about it. If you lived this life in the Xiao family, it would be better to leave the Xiao family.

She took a deep breath. "Pray for Brother Xiu, I will think about it."

Xiao Qixiu nodded, and then followed her out. "The main thing you have now is to study hard and get your diploma in your hands. You don't have to think about anything else."

Princess Fei nodded.

Two people went far, Xiao Munan came out from behind a big tree.

He clenched his fists and stared at the two figures in the distance. Although he couldn't hear what they said, but the appearance of the two men and women made him feel extremely dazzling.

He lowered his head, and suddenly a flash of brutality flashed in the gloomy eyes, and the man turned sharply and hit a trunk with a punch.


After Fei Fei separated from Xiao Qixiu, she went to the villa and planned to review her homework. She was about to take an exam. After she got the credits, she could graduate.

She was walking forward, and her cell phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

Ye Feifei picked it up. After seeing the number above, she slightly looked around and immediately looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to this side, she answered the phone.

Opposite the phone, a voice of a middle-aged man came, slightly vicissitudes, but with a feeling of excitement, "Oh, my father has found a job!"

This man is exactly Ye Fei's father.

Upon hearing this, Princess Fei's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Hey hey, yes, really. Alas, my dad was owed a **** debt some time ago, but now it's okay, and my dad has found a job, I want to tell you that you don't have to worry about home what."

Princess Fei listened to the warm, thick voice, but felt that her nose was sore.

Dad thought he owed a sum of money, but he didn't know that all of this was a trap set by others.

"Oh, my dad is going to be a security guard this time. It costs 6,000 yuan a month! Our family spends 2,000 yuan a month, and there are 4,000 left. One year is 50,000. I owe others 2 100,000, it will pay off in four years. "

When Princess Fei heard this, she sighed deeply again. Dad, you are still too naive!

200,000 usury, profit rolling, you can only pay off the interest on usury every year.

And ... there is still that woman at home, how could it be clear?

"Oh, Gao Meimei didn't call you? I banged her last time and she didn't dare to call you again for money."

Gao Meili was her father's stepmother.

After her father sent her to the Xiao family that year, she got a sum of money, and with that money, she married her current stepmother.

Although Dad sold her that year, their father-daughter relationship was very good.

Because my father was really powerless to support her, I felt that sending her to the Xiao family means she was sent to Jinwo and Yinwo. Food, clothing and accommodation were very good. And after that, every week, the children adopted here could see her. Once parents.

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