Neither the Shanghai Media University nor Xu Nuo himself publicized the fact that Xu Nuo was going to give a lecture.

They only informed the students before the class.

However, everyone still underestimated the students' ability to spread information.

Soon, the Internet knew about this matter.

The media immediately exaggerated it, and it became a hot search.

# Nuoyan went to Shanghai Media University to give a lecture!

# Can you give a good lecture if you can write songs?

Some media even watched the excitement and made a big fuss. It was obviously just an outstanding graduate returning to school to give a lecture, which was a normal thing, but they said that Xu Nuo returned to school to teach.

The out-of-context quoting of journalism was fully reflected.

However, after a while, "returning to school to give a lecture" became "returning to school to teach", and then immediately became "promoted to associate professor".

Some media even said that "it will take less than two years to be promoted to professor" and if he continues to work hard, "it will not be a problem to become the dean at the age of 30."

The news spread more and more outrageous, and some netizens vowed that "this is paving the way for a career in politics."

The School of Music of Shanghai Media University was shocked, and Zhang Feng, who had been promoted to vice president, was confused.

Since the news was exposed, the traffic of Shanghai University, which usually has few visitors, has suddenly increased.

Reporters, star chasers, and spectators all rushed to Shanghai Media.

Listening to the staff's report, Zhang Feng snorted coldly, "It's nothing more than some people can't bear to see Xu Nuo's glory, so they issued a statement to the public, saying that this is an attempt. The outstanding graduate of our school, singer Nuoyan, was invited as a special lecturer to give a class to students in person."

The staff nodded and recorded it.

The school's official account acted quickly and issued a statement in less than a few minutes.

The statement was sent out. Although it explained the whole situation and broke the rumor that he was hired as a lecturer, there were more people watching the excitement.

According to internal students, Xu Nuo's class starts at ten o'clock.

At nine o'clock, there was a huge crowd at the school gate.

Compared with the graduation ceremony, the security guards were shocked.

After asking around, they all came for Xu Nuo, and the security guards quickly reported the situation.

So Shanghai Media University ushered in the second emergency closure of the school. No one without an appointment was allowed to enter, and even the appointment page was closed.

When the car drove to the gate, Xu Nuo saw the dense crowd outside, clamoring to go in for a visit.

Xu Nuo was so confused, so many people came to visit on Monday morning? What's the fuss?

The security guards had received the notice in advance and let Xu Nuo go directly after seeing the license plate.

The people outside were unhappy: "He didn't make an appointment either! How could he get in?"

"That's right, the display screen showed that it couldn't be recognized, so how did he get in?"

The well-trained security guards didn't even bother to raise their eyelids: "He has an appointment."

The people outside were not stupid, and they understood the attitude of the security guards.

At this point, a car with a license plate other than that of our school can enter so openly, it is most likely Nuoyan's car.

A few well-informed people asked.

"Has Nuoyan arrived?"

"Just arrived? OK, I know."

The phone was hung up, "Nuoyan has already entered."

The people outside wailed.

When Xu Nuo walked to his classroom, he was dumbfounded.

There were people everywhere, densely packed with heads, just like the subway during the morning rush hour. It seemed that he couldn't squeeze in, but there were still people squeezing in.

Xu Nuo tried to squeeze in.

"Brother, let me in for a while."

"You want to go in, but I want to go in too!"

The man didn't even turn his head back, and squeezed in with all his strength.

Xu Nuo stood on tiptoe and looked inside. Wow, the classroom with more than 200 people seemed to be crowded with 400 to 500 people.

Not to mention the seats, the aisles were full of people, and even the sides of the two desks were full of people.

Outside the window, many people were clinging to the window.

Most of the people looked like students, and there were also many reporters carrying cameras.

Xu Nuo was confused. There weren't so many people when he came to the school to recruit people last time. What kind of class can he give?

Xu Nuo walked to the front door and patted the person in front of him, "Classmate, make room for me, I'll go in."

The student was indeed quite polite. He couldn't stand any more, but he was still trying to make room for him.

At this time, someone turned around and found Xu Nuo.

"Ah, Nuoyan is here!"

"Quick, make way!"

Xu Nuo squeezed in with difficulty and sweated all over.

However, there were more and more people in the classroom. Seeing that many people were squeezed to the podium, this class must not be able to be taught.

Vice Principal Zhang Feng and Dean Liu also rushed over, bringing a group of security guards and teachers to maintain order.

"Please all reporters leave immediately!" Zhang Feng issued an order to expel them without hesitation.

"Why? Shanghai Media University should take on social responsibilities. As a star, Nuoyan is giving lectures to students, and the public is paying close attention to this matter."

Zhang Feng was too lazy to pay attention to them and waved his hand: "Please don't disturb the classroom discipline, and ask all the journalists to leave!"

"Students who are not from "Popular Music Singing" please leave immediately!"

The dean was also angry, but no one moved.

This opportunity is too rare, and no one wants to miss it.

Not only that, more and more people are outside, and the dense crowd is squeezing in here.

It is no exaggeration to say that the teaching building is congested.

Seeing that the scene is in chaos, Zhang Feng made a prompt decision and grabbed Xu Nuo and pulled him out of the door.

"Xiao Xu, I'm afraid I won't be able to take the class here today. Do you want to consider going to the auditorium to take the class?"

Xu Nuo was speechless: "That's okay."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work this time. I'll give you a surprise later." Zhang Feng patted him on the shoulder.

"Everyone, I promise to hold classes for you in the school auditorium later. Journalists, please register in an orderly manner. Students will go to the auditorium with their course selection records and student ID cards."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowd dispersed.

Why go?

Of course it’s to grab a spot!

There is only room for 800 people in the auditorium, so I arrived late and there was no room.

Xu Nuo looked at this posture and his whole body was in a mess. He was not so exaggerated in class, and he didn't see anything like this when celebrities came over occasionally.

With such a commotion, all the students who didn't know about it at first also knew about it. It didn't take long for the auditorium to be full.

Many leading professors from the school also came to listen.

These professors are very friendly to Xu Nuo, and they are not fools.

First of all, if Xu Nuo is a school graduate, the higher his achievements will be, the better it shows that they teach well.

Secondly, the reputation of Promise can also give the school a lot of resources.

There are a hundred benefits and no harm. As for what was said on the Internet about letting him be a lecturer, they are 100% willing.

All fools know that it is impossible to really take this path if promised.

At ten o'clock, Xu Nuo appeared on the podium on time.

Professor Sun picked up the microphone and said, "The textbook used for this section of "Popular Music Singing" contains several songs by Nuoyan. After thinking about it, I thought it would be better for him to teach everyone, but I didn't expect to make such a big fuss. , let everyone laugh. Next, leave the class to Nuoyan.”

There was thunderous applause, and the students wanted to clap their hands off.

Xu Nuo set up the microphone: "Thank you Professor Sun for giving me this opportunity, and thank you all the classmates for giving me this face. To be honest, this is the first time I have stood on the podium. Please bear with me if I don't speak well."

The classmates all laughed.

They don't know whether the singing is good or not, but the singing is good.

Xu Nuo cleared her throat: "Today I'm going to talk to you about how to sing. There are many styles of music. Can anyone tell me which style you know?"

This question is too simple. Several people raised their hands in front of me.

Xu Nuo clicked one casually.

"RNB, hip-hop, folk music, bel canto, Chinese style, rap, jazz, rock, and Chinese style..." This classmate finished all the music styles in one breath.

"Very good, please sit down." Xu Nuo pressed his hand, "This classmate is right. We have so many styles of songs. Do we need to learn a singing method for each style? If so, this class will let me I can’t finish it in a year.”

The students burst into laughter.

"So, today I will only talk about three points, techniques, methods and principles. Once you learn these, you will be able to master all styles of songs."

The professors sitting in front nodded.

Xu Nuo continued: "The first step in learning to sing is actually to learn to breathe. The main breathing skills are to relax and control the rhythm of the breath. The best state is to take one breath and just finish singing this sentence. Don't Too much, but not too little, because too little will cause breathlessness, and too much will cause the muscles to tighten, which will make them very stiff.”

The students listened attentively. Many of them came here because of their musical dreams. Now that they have the opportunity to have close contact with top singers, they must seize it.

However, singing is a kind of practice after all, and it is difficult to gain any experience just by talking about it.

"Okay, is there any classmate who would like to come on stage and experience how I breathe?"

The scene suddenly became agitated, and everyone in the auditorium of 800 people raised their hands in unison.

Promise: " won't take so many people."

"The person who comes up later will have to perform and sing. I'll correct his breathing pattern." Xu Nuo added.

Most of the people put down their hands.

It's fun to touch celebrities, but singing is too boring.

Xu Nuo clicked on a boy and ignored the girl with the highest raised hand.

Using the skills learned from Lin Wanqing to teach girls feels a bit like a scumbag, and he might have to sleep in a second bed when he goes back.

"Choose me!" a girl shouted loudly.

Xu Nuo touched his nose: "Ahem, I will touch my stomach and chest soon. Is it okay for men and women to kiss each other?"

"I can!"

Xu Nuo pretended not to hear and asked the male classmate to sing a few lines first.

It may be okay among ordinary people, but in the eyes of professionals, it is not suitable for beginners.

Xu Nuo raised her hand to feel his breathing rhythm and said:

"Every time we inhale, we have to open both the door and the window. What is the door? It's the feeling of yawning, with your tongue flat and your throat cold. What is the window? It's your nose, the part where your nose and mouth are connected. , this action is like smelling the fragrance of flowers.”

The male classmate who came up was like a puppet and allowed to be manipulated by Xu Nuo.

"Take your head up, lift your chest, open your chest, yawn and smell the flowers, and then sing with your breath, which should always remain comfortable."

The boy nodded.

"Very well, try again the way I just said."

The boy sang it again. Although it got better, it was still very bad.

"Let's do this, feel the rhythm of my breathing."

Xu Nuo took the microphone and started singing a cappella.

"I looked at the distant mountains, but missed the turning point.

Suddenly I looked back and realized that you were waiting for me.

Never left. "

The audience was stunned when she started singing.

It was terrifying that such an effect could be achieved even when singing without accompaniment.

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