The a cappella singing was not over yet, Xu Nuo took the volunteer to do experiments repeatedly, teaching him how to breathe and demonstrating how to use the breath.

He managed to teach a person who sang out of tune and had unstable breath to be able to sing like a real person.

Coupled with the occasional display of singing skills, the students on the scene listened very seriously.

Strictly speaking, Xu Nuo taught the same thing as the usual teacher, but because of his identity, the students paid more attention than usual.

This is the buff brought by his celebrity status.

However, even with his celebrity status, his courses were also recognized by everyone.

No need to prepare lesson plans, no manuscripts, just play casually, randomly select people to teach on stage.

Everyone who was selected to go on stage had obvious improvements and progress in singing, which could not be achieved by relying on the aura of celebrity.

No one suspected that these were all agents, because Xu Nuo casually selected a reporter who kept raising his hand to teach on stage.

The tone-deaf reporter caused laughter as soon as he opened his mouth, and then a few minutes later, his singing showed great improvement.

The dean of the Conservatory of Music nodded approvingly: "Did you notice that he didn't prepare any scripts from beginning to end, and he didn't even bring any materials when he went on stage, and he sang without a script. Everyone he called on stage had different singing habits, but he only took a few minutes to let them master the basic skills. With this level, let alone being a lecturer, he could be an associate professor."

A male teacher continued: "Some of the people he called on were not from our college, and they were wearing clothes from other colleges. They must have heard that there was a class and came here temporarily. Their foundation was very poor, but in just a short time, they sang well, which was amazing!"

Zhang Feng smiled slightly: "It seems that what was spread online is not groundless. The singers of Fanxing may have received his guidance. Even if he is a lecturer at this level, no one can say anything, right?"

Dean Liu nodded and said: "The college has already planned to hire him as an external lecturer."

The students in the audience were very excited. Seeing the people who went on stage, one by one, they turned from tone-deaf to folk gods. They couldn't hold back their excitement and raised their hands to go on stage.

"That was my roommate just now. He sang at such a level that even dogs would run away. But now he seems to be doing well?"

"He can turn stones into gold!"

"It's amazing. I have to go up and try it!"

Time passed quickly. Xu Nuo was teaching while asking people to come on stage to demonstrate. The bell rang in the middle of the get out of class. He wanted to let everyone take a break, but no one moved.

"Teacher Xu, we are not tired!"

"Yes, we don't need to rest!"

Xu Nuo was speechless. You don't want to rest, but I do. You have no eyesight.

Fortunately, the class was not long. Xu Nuo drank a sip of water and continued to teach.

More than 800 people were fascinated by his singing, especially when Xu Nuo demonstrated how to sing in the middle, the whole audience applauded continuously.

A good class almost became a concert.

"Okay, today's singing skills have been explained. Students who have questions can ask questions."

A boy raised his hand: "Teacher Xu, I remember that you didn't sing so well at the graduation party last year. How did you sing so well?"

Xu Nuo smiled: "I also learned slowly, and it took a lot of time."

Immediately, someone asked again: "Did you also use the method just now?"

"Yes." Xu Nuo nodded. Lin Wanqing taught him in this way.

From breathing techniques to pronunciation methods, everything is taken care of.

"Who did you learn from?"

Xu Nuo paused: "Uh, from a famous singer."

"Senior Lin Wanqing?"

Xu Nuo pointed at him: "You are naughty!"

Can you say this? You definitely can't say this. The teaching method just now is to feel the pronunciation of the throat, the inhalation of the abdomen, and even the vibration of the chest. Physical contact is inevitable. If you tell others, it will ruin Lin Wanqing's reputation.

There was a good-natured laugh at the scene.

The students did not dwell on this point too much. Although the outside world had long assumed that the two were together, since the parties did not say anything, they would not continue to ask.

The next questions were much more serious, and everyone was asking questions about singing.

Xu Nuo looked at the time, "Students, I'm sorry, our class is about to end, and I can't answer everyone's questions one by one. If you still have questions, you can find Professor Sun after class, after all, he is the teacher of this course."

The students sighed: "Is it going to end so soon?"

"Time is too fast!"

Professor Sun was speechless. Usually, he never saw students so reluctant to leave in class.

"Teacher Xu, can you sing a song for us?"

As a singer, it is not uncommon for students to ask him to sing during class, especially since this course is originally about teaching singing.

The students were able to wait until the end of get out of class to make this request, which was considered to be very disciplined in class.

Although Xu Nuo had been demonstrating today, he only sang a few sentences and did not sing a complete song. This was a pity for all the students who came here for his reputation.

Xu Nuo looked at the time and hesitated for a moment, "It's time to end the get out of class. If you're any later, you won't be able to catch up with the meal."

"We're not hungry."

"It's just a meal. You won't starve to death if you eat later."

"Just sing a song."

Xu Nuo glanced at the group of leaders in the audience.

Zhang Feng and Dean Liu in the audience also said: "This can be a song."

The promise is no longer pretentious, "Okay, I will give you a song today."

The students applauded hard and took all the trouble to squeeze in just to hear him sing.

Xu Nuo thought about it, and the songs for the students should not be too negative, and love songs would not be appropriate. It would be better to have positive songs.

But it’s not good to keep taking chicken blood.

Xu Nuo scanned the audience, looked at everyone's expressions, and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He picked up the microphone: "There are more than 800 people in the auditorium today, but I found a very serious problem, a problem that everyone has."

Xu Nuo didn't sing directly, but made a surprising statement that whetted everyone's appetite.

"What's the problem?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Xu Nuo shook his head, "Principal Zhang and Dean Liu are strong and successful in their careers, but they also have this problem."

Zhang Feng frowned, somewhat confused as to what was going on.

Dean Liu was stunned.

The scene suddenly became a little commotion.

Both the vice-principal and the dean have problems? Good guy, are you going to fire?

Xu Nuo continued: "The teachers are experienced and winners in life, but I see the same problem from you."

The teachers also began to whisper.

"What's going on?"

"Why are we still involved?"

Xu Nuo glanced at everyone and continued: "The students here are young and promising, but you also have problems."

The students were no longer calm.

"The same goes for comrade journalists. You have high professional standards and rich experience, but you also have problems."

Now everyone was not calm anymore. Everyone with more than 800 people present had problems.

Someone couldn't help it anymore: "Teacher Xu, what's the problem?"

"Yes, why do we all have them?"

Xu Nuo sighed: "It's not just you who have a problem, in fact the whole school has a problem."

Zhang Feng's expression changed, and he was worried that he would say something outrageous, so he wanted to interrupt him several times.

Xunuo raised his hand and pressed it, signaling him to calm down.

"In fact, since I walked into the school today, I have discovered this problem. This problem is called "unhappiness."

Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He almost thought that he had promised to criticize the education system, but he was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

If he really wants to criticize the education system, there will be enough reporters to drink from him.

Looking at everyone's reaction, Xu Nuo smiled: "I see the same unhappiness on each of your faces. Why? It's obvious that you either have a successful career or have unlimited possibilities in the future. Why can't I see the same unhappiness on your faces?" Where’s the smile?”

The question left the entire audience speechless.

Yes, why are they unhappy?

Is it because of academic difficulties? Is it a career setback? Or emotionally frustrated?

Seeing that everyone was deep in thought, Xu Nuo said, "I'll give you a new song. I hope you can cheer up. Being famous is not the goal. Making yourself happy is the meaning."

Xu Nuo walked to the piano and sat down, put on the microphone and said, "I will give you a song called "Daoxiang"."

The students who were still thinking suddenly became excited and no longer thought about why they were unhappy.

New song!

Play the piano!

Just because of this last song, this lesson was not in vain.

"Daoxiang", a song released by Jay Chou in 2008.

2008 is a special year for everyone. Too many things happened this year, including natural and man-made disasters, the Olympic Games, and the financial crisis.

If there is any year in the 21st century that is most remembered by Chinese people, it must be 2008.

After that disaster, Jay Chou went against the norm and did not write those cool songs that criticized the current ills. Instead, he wrote a warm song with all his tenderness, and expressed his hope that this song would give everyone a warm feeling of happiness.

This song makes people who are rebuilding their homes after the disaster seem to have received a dose of inner healing medicine.

In 2008, "Daoxiang" was everywhere in China.

Both the music circle and the public have given this song the highest praise - it's not bad.

"Daoxiang" is such a song that is not bad.

Among Jay Chou's many songs, some people criticized him for "Nocturne" as a slobbery song, "Dongfeng Po" for being filled with rhetoric, and "Nunchaku" for what the hell it was.

But "Daoxiang" has almost no such sound.

Love knows no bounds, and sometimes this love goes far beyond the song itself.

Xu Nuo raised his hands and stroked the keys.

The melodious emotional sound flows slowly, the melody is beautiful and quiet.

This kind of leisurely feeling makes people can't help but relax.

The auditorium was quiet, for fear of disturbing his singing.

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