Xu Nuo played the piano and sang softly:

"If you have too many complaints about this world,

If you fall, you won’t dare to move forward.

Why do people have to be so fragile and depraved? "

As soon as the song started, many people were stunned for a moment.

The teachers here all study music. As soon as this song started, it turned out to be a combination of hip-hop and folk songs.

Hip-hop songs are mostly filled with violent words and other content.

Or it’s a small watch with a big gold chain, and when the sports car drives away, the girl hugs it.

Even the promised hip-hop style masterpieces such as "Nunchaku" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" have not been able to fundamentally reverse the situation of hip-hop.

Negative energy, illegality and crime are the mainstream of hip-hop.

This song "Daoxiang" has a leisurely melody that makes people relax from the heart. Although the singing style has a hip-hop style, the lyrics are full of positive energy.

Because there was no preparation in advance, it was just a live piano solo, missing the sounds of crickets and cicadas, and the unique charm.

But the sound of the piano is enough to bring everyone into memories. Listening to the music, the mood seems to relax.

The song of promise echoed in the auditorium.

"Please turn on the TV and see how many people are there,

Work hard and go on bravely for life,

Should we be content?

Cherish everything even if you don’t have it. "

The students suddenly understood, no wonder Xu Nuo asked them why they were unhappy, or rather they were not unhappy, but in an intermediate state between happy and unhappy. This state is called unhappiness.

Obviously they are in their best years, around the age of twenty, and have a lot to do in life, but they don't seem so happy.

Living in the Magic City, at the Magic City Media University, studying in top universities, and living in the prosperous Magic City, they should be happy people.

Many people began to reflect, why are they unhappy?

After listening to the singing, they realized that they were not satisfied.

Zhang Feng also fell into deep thought. Before he became the vice principal, he thought about working hard to climb up every day.

Later, he finally got his wish and became the vice-principal, and his inner ambition quickly spread.

Above the vice-chancellor there is the principal, and above the principal there are other universities.

Desire never ends.

The reporters were also silent.

The profession of a journalist may seem glamorous, but behind the glamor is sweat and tears.

They are always chasing big news.

Unhappiness is the state of most people.

The economy is developing rapidly and the material is prosperous, but the soul seems to be stuck in the same place, unwilling to move forward with the times.

During the chorus, Xu Nuo’s fingers danced on the piano and she sang softly.

The sound in the auditorium was naturally not as good as "The King of Masked Singer", and there was even noise occasionally, but everyone thought this song was so beautiful.

"I still remember you said that home is the only castle,

As the Daoxiang River continues to run,

I know the dream of my childhood with a slight smile,

Don't cry and let the fireflies take you away,

Country songs are always relied on,

Go home and go back to the original beauty. "

The piano playing speeds up and the rhythm becomes a little stronger.

The imagery of the lyrics is overwhelming.

Zhang Feng closed his eyes, and what came to his mind was the scene of running in the endless rice fields as a child.

In the small river next to the rice fields, some people were happily playing in the water, and some were catching small fish and shrimps.

In the night sky, there are flickering fireflies.

Fireflies are environmental indicator insects that have extremely high environmental requirements. The closer to the city, the fewer fireflies there are.

This is the taste of the countryside, a scenery that is not found in the bustling magic city.

Zhang Feng suddenly found that his long-term fatigue seemed to have slowed down a lot.

It feels like I have really returned to the carefree home of my childhood.

Not only him, but others also gradually relaxed.

Xu Nuo glanced up. Many students closed their eyes and showed long-lost smiles.

It is a state of visceral relaxation.

The cicadas were chirping and the wind was blowing the wheat waves. The students seemed to have returned to the summer in their memories.

With bare feet and gurgling streams, people who grow up still miss the childhood days that they can’t get back.

When you are exhausted both physically and mentally, it is actually not suitable to listen to passionate songs that are as exciting as chicken blood. This can easily lead to increased fatigue.

Sad songs are also not suitable as they can make people feel even more depressed.

The reason why so many people are unhappy today is not only because they are affected by various emotions, but also for a simple reason - it is Monday morning.

"Monday Syndrome", everyone will be infected, whether going to work or school, Monday means the beginning of pain.

So listening to such a leisurely song "Daoxiang" at this time has a surprisingly good effect.

Although there was no applause, it was obvious that everyone was intoxicated.

In the interlude, Xu Nuo played the piano leisurely.

This is not a competition or a class, but more like a communication.

The teachers were intoxicated, and the reporters took pictures carefully for fear of disturbing Xu Nuo's singing. The students were intoxicated, and the singers were happy and contented.

"Don't give up so easily,

Like I said,

Dreams that cannot be pursued,

Just change your dream,

Color your life brightly,

First paint love with your favorite color. "

Dreams are meant to be chased, but what should I do if I can’t chase them?

Han Xin once said: "Don't dream an unrealizable dream."

If you can't pursue a dream, it's better to change it.

It may sound a bit like a sarcastic remark, but this may be the truth.

If you are not that material, it is better to change a path as soon as possible.

Sometimes choice is more important than hard work.

The students were thoughtful.

This group of people is most likely to fall into confusion. They have just experienced three years of hard study in high school. Suddenly they relaxed and fell into a situation of drawing swords and looking around.

Perhaps changing a dream is the real solution.

At this time, the piano sound suddenly stopped.

This sudden stop was keenly captured by the people who were immersed in the music at the scene.

The sudden pause made many people who closed their eyes to appreciate it open their eyes.

A two-second pause is actually a small trick in music or video creation. A sudden pause can often produce unexpected effects.

For example, this silent pause is also used in "Nunchucks" and "Dragon Fist".

Everyone opened their eyes and cast inquiring eyes towards Xu Nuo on the rostrum.

The music sounded again, and Xu Nuo sang with a smile:


Success and fame are not the goal,

Making yourself happy is the meaning,

The paper plane of childhood,

Now it finally flies back to my hand."

It was as if everyone looked up and asked Xu Nuo with their eyes, and then Xu Nuo answered with his singing.

Whether it was teachers, reporters or students, they all felt as if they were hit by something.

This feeling of being suddenly moved when concentrating attention may be unforgettable in this life.

They remembered what Xu Nuo said before singing, "Success and fame are not the goal, making yourself happy is the meaning."

Success and fame, this word is used to describe Xu Nuo as a little petty.

He is not successful, but in the limelight.

In terms of music, no one in the entire Chinese music scene can beat him.

In terms of variety shows, he made two consecutive shots, both of which were the first in the entire network.

In terms of literature, "Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils" was released and Luoyang paper was in great demand.

And he was only 23 years old.

Ordinary people at this age would want to walk with their noses up to the sky if they had such achievements.

But there was no trace of pride and complacency in him, as if he was still that immature student.

The paper airplane is more like a symbol of childhood. The student sitting in front was startled, carefully tore off a piece of paper, and folded a paper airplane.

The song continued.

"The so-called happiness,

I was tired of chasing dragonflies barefoot in the field,

I was scared of being stung by bees when stealing fruits,

Who is laughing secretly,

I leaned against the scarecrow, sang and fell asleep in the wind."

The sense of picture, this is the feeling of everyone who heard this paragraph.

Chasing dragonflies, picking fruits, scarecrows, are all beautiful memories of childhood.

Listening to the song, it seems to be back in the rice fields and smell the fragrance of rice.

"Oh, the guitar is more crisp in the afternoon in the sound of insects,

Oh, the sun shines on the road, so you are not afraid of heartbreak,

Cherish everything, even if you don't have it."

Another golden sentence.

The whole song is like a prose poem, "Success and fame are not the goal" "Cherish everything even if you don't have it."

Plain and simple, but every word is a gem.

Xu Nuo continued to sing.

After the chorus was repeated, the singing ended, leaving only the piano sound quietly echoing.

It was another 30-second piano solo. Many people know that Xu Nuo likes to use this kind of long solo in songs.

The prelude of "You Once" lasted several minutes, and the final outro of "Boundless Oceans and Skies" was also a scene that was enshrined in the gods.

At this time, the lecture had exceeded the time limit by ten minutes, but the students who hated the delay the most were not impatient at all.

They listened quietly, knowing that the song should be over soon, they still couldn't help but hope that the song would be longer.

The piano sound ended.

Xu Nuo stood up and bowed.

The people at the scene woke up from a dream and applauded wildly.

No one expected that Xu Nuo was not only a good lecturer, but also sang like a spring breeze, healing their fatigue.

"Rice Fragrance", as if every word carried the power to warm people's hearts, they experienced the long-lost sense of happiness.

Xu Nuo picked up the microphone and had a lot to say, but in the end he only said two words: "get out of class dismissed!"

The applause lasted for a long time.

Suddenly, a paper plane flew to the rostrum, circling in the air and flying towards Xu Nuo.

Xu Nuo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously reached out to catch it.

The paper plane of childhood seemed to have really returned to his hands.

Xu Nuo showed a warm smile, and he nodded to the student who threw the paper plane.

The reporters pressed the shutter frantically.

At this moment, the music and the paper plane seemed to form a closed loop.

Xu Nuo bowed to express his gratitude and left the auditorium.

The reporters woke up from their dreams, ran out of the auditorium like crazy, and surrounded Xu Nuo.

It was the students who came out of the auditorium who helped him out, and a group of people surrounded the reporters in reverse, so Xu Nuo was able to successfully leave the encirclement.

After having lunch with Zhang Feng and others, Xu Nuo had not yet returned home, and the Internet was already lively.

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