"Oh, then what evidence are you going to come up with?" Bai

Yan seemed to be attracted by some interest and asked.

Gao Yunchuan had a smile on his face, and Nunu said, "Say it in advance, don't do it~

" "Hmm."

After seeing Bai Yan nodding in agreement, Gao Yunchuan pretended to speak in a deep voice: "I remember that it was a snowy season, and the sky was fluttering with thin snowflakes.

"If you don't hurry up, you'll be the fluttering snowflakes."

In fact, Bai Yan has begun to believe a little in his heart that Gao Yunchuan has not changed much.

Because Gao Yunchuan's character has been difficult to figure out since he was a child, he can be serious one second and humorous the next.

He will be meticulous in everything he does, but he will make a joke or two when the atmosphere is extremely oppressive.

He is not only a patient who is extremely dependent on tobacco and alcohol to release stress, but also a gentle and delicate observer who will notice changes in the feelings of others at any time.

In the final analysis, Gao Yunchuan's personality is a little moody.

He will talk and laugh one second, and be cold and serious the next.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to imitate Gao Yunchuan's natural and smooth emotional changes.

However, Bai Yan still pretended to have a cold face and stared at him coldly, because she wanted to know what the extremely evidenceful thing in Gao Yunchuan's mouth was.

Facing Bai Yan's cold face that did not smile, Gao Yunchuan really had no way to be serious.

"Okay, good..."

Gao Yunchuan opened his fingers and counted the characteristics of Bai Yan's body, and some trivial things of life living with him.

"On the third finger of your left hand, there is a small plum blossom birthmark inside the pad of the second joint, and there is a cloud-shaped birthmark on the inside of your left thigh.

"On the fourth toe of the right toe, there is a mole that is not big or small.

"The second knuckle of the middle finger of my left hand was cut by a kitchen knife 14 years ago while cooking, but the kitchen knife doesn't seem to hurt you in any way.

"But you still cry and cry out for me to bandage your wounds. "


, and..." "Whew!"

A white pillow whistling hugged Gao Yunchuan, followed by Bai Yan's annoyed and angry voice, "Okay! I know it's you! Needless to say!!" At the moment when the pillow hugged Gao Yunchuan

, his head buzzed, and he seemed to see the grandmother he had never seen before.

"Bridge Bean Sack!" Gao Yunchuan silently raised his hand, "My CPU needs to be rebooted."

"Ah, are you okay?" And at this time, Bai Yan also realized that the damage to Gao Yunchuan from the pillow she had just now seemed to be a little high.

Hurriedly jumped out of bed, came to Gao Yunchuan's side, put Gao Yunchuan's head on her slender white thighs, and gently massaged his temples.

Whispered softly, "How's it going?"

Bai Yan's soft voice was full of caution and unconcealed apology.

Gao Yunchuan finally said goodbye to his grandmother, whom he had never met, and opened his eyes again, and the tip of his nose lingered with the fragrance exclusive to Bai Yan.

And most of Bai Yan's magnificent face was blocked by the mountains around her, revealing only a pair of eyes, like Qiushui full of worries.

Gao Yunchuan turned around, buried his head in Bai Yan's flat lower abdomen without a trace of fat, did not look at Bai Yan, and wrapped his arms around her willow waist.

"Something's wrong!'s big thing!" Seeing

his appearance, Bai Yan probably understood that Gao Yunchuan should be fine, but she still felt funny when she saw him looking like a big dog who had been wronged.

Gently stroked Gao Yunchuan's head with her jade hand, and said in a tone like coaxing a child: "What's the matter~ Talk to my sister~

" "You let me see my grandmother who I have never met!"

Because his head was buried in Bai Yan's lower abdomen, Gao Yunchuan's originally low voice also became muffled.

"Hehehe~" Bai Yan let out a cheerful chuckle like a silver bell.

"Then I'll tell you good news, how about

it?" "What good news?"

Gao Yunchuan was attracted to interest, and even the big hand that got into Bai Yan's pajamas stopped doing nonsense on Bai Yanliu's waist.

"Of course it is..."Bai Yan pretended to pause mysteriously, and looked at Gao Yunchuan meaningfully halfway through speaking.

"What's it?" Gao Yunchuan asked curiously as he got up and left Gentle Township with difficulty.

Suddenly, Bai Yan's left and right hands pinched Gao Yunchuan's cheeks and began to ravage almost madly, his voice was light and proud, "Of course, you are not my opponent, and you are not qualified to play a little temper~

" "Mud... "Gao Yunchuan, whose cheeks were ravaged crazily, did not have a word that could be understood by normal people.

But Bai Yan, who has lived with Gao Yunchuan for several years, can guess what he wants to say.

Leaning over and hanging his head, his eyes full of pride.

"What if I don't talk about martial arts?"

"You're a rookie now

~" "What do you want~"

Gao Yunchuan, who endured endless humiliation, never thought about swinging and lying flat, and finally when Bai Yan leaned over and bowed his head.

He seized the opportunity, pressed Bai Yan's head with both hands, and with a fierce force, the two lips kissed together again.

Bai Yan has been busy provoking, completely ignoring the need to guard against this little rookie, one didn't pay attention, and his head was pressed down violently.

After that, there was a warm touch on her lips, Bai Yan's pupils shook violently, and then she hugged Gao Yunchuan and deepened the kiss.

After a long time, the two let go, and Gao Yunchuan lay on the side of the bed, panting heavily.

And Bai Yan was lying on the side and looking at him with a smile, her forearm supported her head, Bai Yan's every move in front of Gao Yunchuan was full of charm, and at this time he even drew a circle on Gao Yunchuan's chest.

"How's it going? I said that you can't fight me~

" "Really." Gao Yunchuan, who had eased up, turned to look at Bai Yan who was smiling, and said with a serious expression

: "I suspect that you are not a crane at all, you are a succubus!" "Heh~ You are wrong~" Bai Yan's white fingers wandered back and forth on Gao Yunchuan's body, and he smiled and groaned: "I am a fox spirit~ but not a succubus~"

The next moment, Bai Yan, who had been lying on Gao Yunchuan's side, suddenly disappeared.

Gao Yunchuan, who was shocked, immediately got up to look for it, but in the end he returned in vain.

Just when he was at a loss, Bai Yan's voice came from the quilt that had turned into a ball on his bed because of the two of them playing:

"Yo Yo Yo ~ Look! This beast master can't find his own beast and cry and make trouble, so pitiful~"

Hearing this, Gao Yunchuan rushed over and lifted the quilt.

I saw that a little white fox with a snow-white body was lying in the quilt, with a pair of charming fox eyes, shining with a cunning light.

"You see I'm a fox spirit~

" "Hehehe~" Gao Yunchuan couldn't help but let out a chuckle, and finally reached out to hug the little white fox and ravaged it with his big hands.

After that, he hugged him in his arms and covered the quilt

, "Then my little white fox will sleep with me~" The next moment, the white fox turned back into Bai Yan again, "Then I will sleep with you for one night~".

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