The two hugged each other and slept like this, time flowed like water, and the night passed slowly.

The first rays of the morning sun pierce the darkness, and the city covered in darkness comes to life once again.

Hard-working office workers, humble students, uncles and aunts who go to the morning market, and the flow of people who come and go has become the blood of this class-divided city.

Gao Yunchuan sat casually on the chair, wandering outward, ignoring the head teacher who was standing on the podium and giving a special lecture.

His mind was on the garden in the academy, on the boring gym equipment, and on the cafeteria where lunch was being prepared.

And the necklace that Bai Yan turned into was worn by him around his neck and hidden under his black shirt, not that the necklace couldn't see people.

It was mainly Bai Yan's own request.

"Brother Gao, Brother Gao..."Lu Feng, who was Gao Yunchuan's tablemate, also didn't listen to the head teacher's post-war summary.

After all, Lu Feng and Gao Yunchuan all got full marks in the battlefield practice class, so there was naturally no need to listen to the post-war summary of the head teacher, who mixed him with weak people.

Therefore, Lu Feng chose to bump Gao Yunchuan with his elbow, "Brother Gao, will you find a chance to skip class later?"

At this time, Gao Yunchuan's outward thoughts returned, "Xinhe Internet Cafe?" "

Hey, hey, hey~ Brother Gao understands me!"

Gao Yunchuan silently calculated in his brain, "3, 2, 1

!" "Bell bell bell!"

The crisp and cheerful bell rang for the end of class.

"Let's go

!" "Okay, Brother Gao!" In

an instant, two figures jumped down from the window in turn, so fast that everyone present did not react.


teacher: Õ_Õ all students: ⊙ω⊙

"Go and chase!"

The head teacher who reacted, left a sentence and hurriedly ran out of the classroom to chase the two who jumped off the building.

There was a lot of talk in the classroom.

"No, how did Brother Gao hear that he was about to jump off the building when he came on stage to receive the award

?" "It can't be Brother Gao introverted, right?" "Fart! Do you want to listen to what you're talking about? People who can play with Lu Feng are introverted

?" "Hey, hey, hey, if you want me to say that you just don't understand, what is this called, this is not about fame and fortune, and Gao Ge doesn't want to be fascinated by fame and fortune!"

"I'll go! Do you want to listen to what you're talking about?"

However, everything that happened in the classroom now has nothing to do with the two of them, Gao Yunchuan and Lu Feng acted like the wind, and ran to the school wall in a puff of smoke.

The two of them jumped over the fence after dividing five by two, and until this time the head teacher was also able to come, but only saw two figures climbing over the school wall.

Climbing over the wall, Gao Yunchuan has an extremely graceful posture, landing perfectly, like a white crane, and the movement form is extremely elegant.

In contrast, Lu Feng's landing seemed a bit wild, and after "plopping" the sound of a heavy object landing, Lu Feng also landed successfully.

Gao Yunchuan patted the dust on his hands just now in order to climb over the wall, and his movements were elegant like a noble son of a family, "Old rule, I'll land on the net first." "

Well, got it... Dad?" Lu Feng's voice was natural at first, but it was not until the last word dad came out that it had begun to tremble.

Gao Yunchuan, who was still taking care of himself, didn't notice this detail, "Yohe, why are you so polite to me today?"

"The relationship between the two of you is really good." A

mature and steady middle-aged man's voice came.

Gao Yunchuan's body stiffened, and he raised his head with difficulty.

Gao Yunchuan: [○・'Д ́・ ○]

I saw a middle-aged man with a resolute face standing not far away, although the man was weathered, but still had an elegant aristocratic style.

Although the smile is friendly, there is always a breath of superiority on his body.

At the first moment when he saw Lu Wuxian, Lu Feng decisively chose to hide behind Gao Yunchuan.

"Lu... Uncle Lu, you... How did you...... Why are you here?"

Gao Yunchuan, who had always been unable to change his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him, now even stammered.

Gao Yunchuan is annoyed now, except for chagrin, he is annoyed! Why is his mouth so bad?

In front of other people's sons, he will take advantage of other people's sons and destroy them!

"Hehehe~" Lu Wuyan let out a chuckle and stretched out his big hand to stroke Gao Yunchuan's head, "Two little guys, even if you want to skip class, you have to participate in the next commendation meeting, right

?" At this time, Lu Feng, who had been hiding behind Gao Yunchuan, poked his head out weakly: "Can you not participate, Dad?"

"Em..."After pondering for a while, Lu Wuxian gave the answer, "You don't need to participate in the N PC.

"But Xiao Gao must participate as the main character.

Lu Feng silently glanced at Gao Yunchuan's sharp eyes, as if to say, as long as you don't participate, you see how I will deal with you when I am liberated later.

Due to the oppression of the power, Lu Feng could only reply disheartenedly: "Okay, I will also participate." "


The vast playground was filled with a dense crowd at this time, but the crowd was surprisingly quiet at the moment.

There is no other reason, this time it was not Su Bald from the academy who came to organize the commendation meeting, but

Lu Wuxian, the mayor of Liuyun City! Lu Wuxian stood on the podium with the microphone, and it was also filled with a gentle smile, "Students, teachers, hello everyone

!" "Hello mayor!" A burst of neat applause, accompanied by the neat three words "good mayor"

swooped like ocean waves.

"Okay, okay! Next, you don't have to applaud, otherwise it will be like accompaniment, after all, this is a commendation meeting, not a concert~"

Although Lu Wuxian is the mayor of Liuyun City, he does not have any shelf, and he quickly let the students put down their nervousness.

"Okay, then this time it is mainly to commend the two outstanding young talents who have appeared in our school.

"As we all know, this beast riot in Xicheng District is not as simple as everyone seems, it can be said that it is full of dangers, and the slightest carelessness will kill you. "

And in this alien beast riot, the distribution of alien beasts also has an unreasonable level, and the level of alien beasts in the periphery of Xicheng District is high.

"At this time, I have to mention that Gao Yunchuan and Xu Jin, two excellent classmates, they are very agile to see through the special situation of this alien beast riot.

And successfully organized a large number of students to move to a safer area, and even two of them teamed up to kill a three-grade beast to ensure everyone's safety.

"So here, I intend to present the Disaster Wish Award to the two of them. As

he spoke, two medals appeared in Lu Wuxian's hand, one in the shape of a rainstorm as a whole, and the other in the shape of a large dark cloud.

"The Disaster Wish Award is divided into seven categories, from low to high, namely, heavy rain, tornadoes, dark clouds, thunder, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and earthquakes.

"These seven levels can effectively improve your social status.

Lu Wuxian personally pinned the medal to the chests of Gao Yunchuan and Xu Jin.

"Thank you, Mayor.

In such a public occasion, the two can only say the same kind words.

"Hahaha! you don't have to be polite to me" Lu Wuxian turned to look at all the students, "Tonight, in the central area, Zilin Pavilion, I invite all the students of Liuyun City to a dinner party. "

Don't come without coming~".

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