Looking at the number of fans at the bottom of his account that had reached over four million without realizing it, Jiang Lingxi decided to ignore the title "Xibao".

Lu Zhengzheng quietly changed the subject, "Sister Xixi, Sister Tong said that your account is about to grow weeds again. When Liangchuan has free time, take a few more photos and weed the account."

 “Well, okay.”

It was Lu Zhengzheng's turn to be shocked by this refreshing feeling.

   Although Sister Xixi’s photography skills were not very good in the past, she still loved taking selfies.

 But since that time when I fell off a cliff and almost drowned myself, I had completely changed when I woke up.

Love to take selfies has turned into not taking any photos at all.

Moreover, she is so horribly sharp that every time she tries to secretly take a few photos, she is caught immediately.

 Having been caught several times in a row, she no longer has the courage to take candid photos.

The proposal to take photos this time was actually readily agreed to.

 It feels a bit unreal for some reason.

“Remember to send me a photo after you take it.”

"Ah good."

 She wanted to ask what it was for, but unfortunately she didn't dare.

As soon as the car arrived at the airport parking lot, Jiang Lingxi received a call from Xu Ling'an.

“Sister, have you arrived at the airport?”

Jiang Lingxi looked up at the plane that was slowly taking off not far away, "Well, it just arrived."

“Sister, I’m in the waiting room now with the crew. I wanted to see my sister off.”

Jiang Lingxi: “…”

 You didn’t think so, you came directly!

Jiang Lingxi took Lu Zhengzheng to the VIP waiting room where the crew was located, and at a glance she saw Xu Ling'an holding flowers in his hands and a suitcase at his feet.

 The person sitting next to her made her couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Mr. Zhang actually came with us!

Jiang Lingxi took the carefully decorated bouquet and said, "It's very beautiful. But is this suitcase also for me?"

Xu Ling'an nodded, "They are all shelf-stable food, as well as pickles and other items made by grandma herself. If you have enough food over there, you can use these as an appetizer. It's not good to eat instant noodles."

“Go back and thank grandma for me.” Jiang Lingxi looked at Zhang Nachuan, who was standing up on crutches, “Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for coming over.”

“It’s not hard work, An An is worried, she prepared food for the whole night, and the old man just helped deliver people and things.”

After finishing what he was doing, Wei Xiao came over, looked at the flowers in Jiang Lingxi's hand, then looked at the suitcase next to her, and said softly, "An'an, this girl is really considerate."

“That’s right, my sister is the best in the world.”

 Wei Xiao: “…”

 How come I didn’t know this girl was a girl before?

 Zhang Nachuan stood quietly aside with a smile on his face.

Even though Miss Jiang was not related by blood to the child An An, he could feel that the child was closer to Miss Jiang than to him.

However, after knowing those past events, An An was still willing to call her grandpa and talk to him, which was enough for him.

The VIP lounge is not small, but as more and more people join in, it becomes increasingly noisy.

Xu Ling'an was not one of the people who needed to board the plane, but she and her grandfather occupied two more seats.

Just as he was about to stand up and say goodbye and leave, the noisy lounge suddenly became silent.

 Everyone looked towards the door.

Even though it was the second time we met, some people still couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

With that perfect face and proud figure without any flaws in front of him, even Luan Feng, who was following behind and pulling a suitcase, was so handsome that he was made a little inconspicuous by the contrast.

It was even more refreshing to open his mouth, "I'm not late, am I?" "No, no," the actor standing closest shook his head and stepped aside subconsciously, "Mr. Chong, please come in quickly."

 Chong Yin nodded slightly and stepped forward in short boots. The people in front of him suddenly opened a way to the center like Moses parting the sea.

Jiang Lingxi looked away and heard Mr. Zhang on the side let out a light sigh as he looked in the direction of Chong Yin.

 “Mr. Zhang?”

 Zhang Nachuan looked away, "Who is the one who came in just now?"

 “Chong Yin, an actor who just joined the group.”

 “This Mr. Chong doesn’t look like an actor.”

“Many people in the crew feel the same way,” Jiang Lingxi looked over when she saw Zhang Nachuan, “Has Mr. Zhang seen that Mr. Chong?”

"That's not true." Zhang Nachuan hesitated for a moment before shaking his head. "It was more than ten years ago. I was invited to attend a high-standard calligraphy and painting auction. At that time, a young man took a picture of Yuan Zhao. The final work of the year, the financial resources are amazing, and the young man is really good-looking, I can't help but be impressed. "

"However, the person I saw at that time was probably not Mr. Chong. After all, more than ten years have passed, and no matter how much he takes care of you, he can't still be so young. That person back then may be Mr. Chong's brother! "

“I see. That appearance is indeed unforgettable.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Lingxi noticed the eyes looking this way not far away.

  Bland, but also secretly mysterious.

That Chongyin seemed to have heard the conversation between her and Mr. Zhang.


Zhang Ye stopped Zhang Lingxuan from rushing into the backyard with a grimace.

“Ling Xuan, the old man is really not here today!”

Zhang Lingxuan looked at the arms stretched in front of him and sneered, "Why, if grandpa is not here, can't I, my biological granddaughter, sit in the backyard?"

"That's not what I meant," Zhang Ye had no choice but to put his arm down, "The main reason is that the old man is not here and there is no one in the backyard. Why don't you hang out in the front yard first and wait for the old man to come back?"

“Isn’t my poor little cousin living here now? Why, she’s not here today either?”

Zhang Ye opened his mouth. Could he say that An An, the girl, had said early in the morning that she was going to see her sister off at the airport, but the old man without saying anything asked the driver and Dian Dian went with her?

If you tell me, the person in front of me is probably going to explode!

“An An also went out early in the morning and is not here.”

“Then I’ll go in and wait.” Zhang Lingxuan reached out and pushed Zhang Ye’s shoulder impatiently, “I just want to wait in the backyard for grandpa to come back, but I don’t believe he won’t even allow this!”

Zhang Ye didn't dare to stop her anymore after seeing her aggressive look.

Although he is valued by the old man, he cannot be compared to Zhang Lingxuan, a blood-related granddaughter.

Looking at Zhang Lingxuan's back, he sighed, knowing that it would make the old man unhappy, so why bother!

 When no one is around, the second courtyard behind the museum is always very quiet.

 Zhang Lingxuan used to come to visit her under various pretexts when she had nothing to do, but this was the first time she came here until the recognition party that took her several days to digest.

 As soon as she entered the courtyard, she found that there had been some changes.

There is an exquisite swing frame in the garden, and a few soft pink cushions are placed on the beauties in the pavilion.

 But it is the east wing that has changed more.

Although the door of the room is closed at the moment, the window is opened for ventilation. When you look in, you will see an exquisite boudoir.

Huanghuali bed, sandalwood desk and dresser. If she recognized the dowry on the dresser correctly, it was grandma's dowry. Not only was it beautiful, it was also an antique. Her mother had been coveting it for several years, but now it was so irritating. The thorn was placed for Xu Ling'an to use.

 Look at the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall again...

  If Zhang Lingxuan was just a little angry when she was blocked from entering at first, now her whole face is gloomy and almost dripping with ink.

After a while, he took out his cell phone that had been ringing and connected it. Without waiting for the person opposite to speak, he said: "Hey, Chen Rui, don't you want my grandpa to come forward and put in a good word for your brother? I just thought of a good idea. You find a place, I’ll go over now, and we’ll have an interview.”

She didn’t believe it yet. She couldn’t deal with a little girl who had just grown up in a slum!

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