The plane passed through the clouds, and Jiang Lingxi looked out through the small window next to it.

There are layers of white clouds, and when the sun rises, the rays are shining brightly, and every cloud reaches the Phnom Penh.

It is undoubtedly a beautiful scenery, but it feels a bit dazzling if you look at it too much.

Lu Zhengzheng thoughtfully handed over a silk eye mask, "Sister Xixi, we have about two hours to land before landing. Do you want to take a nap?"


Before taking the eye mask and putting it on, Jiang Lingxi glanced at the two people sitting across the aisle on the other side.

But this time her focus was not on Chong Yin who took out a book and read it seriously after getting on the plane, but on Luan Feng who was sitting near the aisle.

The other person probably doesn’t fly often. He misread the seat number when he got on the plane and almost sat in the wrong seat.

He was reminded by her before going to sit down opposite.

 At that time, she was quite close, and she smelled a very light, almost non-existent aroma from this person.

It was so faint that it took a few seconds for her to remember that the scent seemed familiar to her.

Last time, I smelled it on Sheman.

Luan Feng, She Man, if she remembered correctly, these two people never met seriously at all!

If Luan Feng is the culprit who ruined She Man’s face, then why did this person do this?

She didn't think about the reason even after thinking about it.

But even if the murderer is not Luan Feng, he should be related to Luan Feng.

Unfortunately, my phone needs to be turned off now, so I can only tell Shen Yunqing about this discovery after getting off the plane.

 Opening my eyes again, I heard the voice of the stewardess reminding me that the plane was about to land.

Jiang Lingxi patted Lu Zhengzheng, who was still sleeping soundly next to her. This girl had slept much more deeply than she had.

There is an unknown Chong Yin in the crew now. Even if there are Hu Zi and Chang Ning assigned by Shen Yunqing to protect her, she probably won't sleep as soundly as usual.

 Regardless of past and present life, as long as she still has the ability to protect herself, she will not entrust her life to anyone's hands!

After getting off the plane, the crew members helped to place the suitcases. They only had to follow the large group out of the airport.

Wei Xiao did a good job of keeping things secret. The outside world didn’t even know that the crew had moved to Liangchuan for filming.

 There will naturally be no fans coming to pick him up at the airport.

 “There will be a new colleague of yours soon…”

Jiang Lingxi hadn't finished speaking, Lu Zhengzheng was still listening carefully.

 Suddenly an additional person appeared next to the two of them.

She is a girl wearing a light blue sportswear and carrying a white backpack. She has short hair that is not much longer than that of a boy, a healthy wheat complexion, and clean and handsome facial features.

 “Teacher Jiang, I am Changning.”

Had it not been for the recognizable voice, the visitor would have been identified as a boy, which would not be inappropriate at all.

To be honest, Jiang Lingxi originally thought Chang Ning was a boy. After all, the name could be either male or female.

 Now that I find out it’s a girl, I can still accept it.

"Hello," the little girl smiled with a particularly familiar smile. Jiang Lingxi was stunned for only a moment. He recovered and nodded to her. When he turned around, he saw Lu Zhengzheng was still in a daze, "This is your new colleague."

 Lu Zhengzheng: “…”

How did this happen? She was not mentally prepared at all!

Instead, Chang Ning grinned at her, showing his bright white teeth. He took out a piece of chocolate from his pocket and handed it over. He was the first to speak: "It's almost dinner time. You're hungry. I'll treat you to some chocolate. It's alcoholic."

Lu Zhengzheng was infected by the smile in front of her and subconsciously took it, "Thank you."

“You’re welcome, this is my first time as an assistant. You are my senior, so I don’t want to please you.”

Lu Zhengzheng was successfully amused, and the unfamiliar feeling of meeting for the first time was instantly gone.

Jiang Lingxi knew it when she saw this, so she didn't need to worry.

With Chang Ning’s familiar and cheerful personality, he will definitely get along well with Lu Zhengzheng in the next month.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the girl take out two more chocolates from her pocket, "Teacher Jiang, do you want to eat them?" Since he knew that he would be an assistant to the old lady for a while, Chang Ning, after receiving the order, could be regarded as I temporarily tried to learn how to be a qualified celebrity assistant.

I heard that celebrities, especially female celebrities, would not eat anything in order to lose weight. She was not sure whether she would eat this chocolate **** teacher.

Jiang Lingxi took away the two chocolates in her hand and said, "Thank you. I'm one year older than you. You and Zhengzheng can just call me Sister Xixi."

Changning looked a little surprised, "Sister Xixi, do you even know how old I am?"

“I heard from Yunqing that you were adopted by Wujue. At that time, I thought you were only over ten years old.”

“Hey, let me tell you, sister Xixi, don’t be deceived by someone’s appearance. Some people look young, but in fact, ahem…”

 “No need to say it, I understand.”

Jiang Lingxi smiled and nodded, thinking of what Mr. Zhang said after meeting Chong Yin.

 The old man thought he saw two people, but she thought it was more likely that they were the same person.

The word "Zhuan Youshu" means comfort and praise to ordinary people, but for people like magicians, it can really be achieved at some cost.

Lu Zhengzheng was chewing chocolate and listening to the conversation between her new colleague and Sister Xixi next to her, with a look of surprise on her face.

It turns out that Mr. Shen was worried that Sister Xixi would only bring her as an assistant to film in such a remote place, so Baba sent a new assistant!

 It should be much easier by then.

 Thinking of this, her eyes at Chang Ning suddenly became a little more eager.

 Wei Xiao didn't show any surprise when he saw Chang Ning, who looked like a tomboy.

When Jiang Lingxi saw this, she knew that Shen Yunqing had already expressed her anger with him in advance.

After leaving the airport, we got on the bus waiting outside the airport. Without waiting to see the scenery of Liangchuan City, the bus carried everyone and continued on their way.

But this time we only drove for about an hour, and the car stopped in a spacious yard.

They will have lunch here, transfer to a modified vehicle that can travel across the Gobi Desert, and set off again with supplies.

 The meals had been prepared when they arrived, and there were several large round tables, all serving local specialties.

Wei Xiao said and sat down casually, but the seats were still somewhat particular.

Lu Zhengzheng felt that he was a senior in front of Chang Ning, so he volunteered to take Chang Ning to the assistant's table. He went over and saw that there were two adjacent empty seats next to Luan Feng, so he planned to let Chang Ning sit next to Luan Feng.

The main reason is that I am afraid that I will feel uncomfortable sitting next to Luan Feng while eating.

 Being in front of a handsome guy, you have to take into consideration your image.

“Zheng Zheng, let me sit here.”

Changning, however, walked towards the other seat first. When he saw Lu Zhengzheng looking over, he blinked, "I don't like people next to me who are more handsome than me when I'm eating."

 Lu Zhengzheng: “…”

Hearing it really, Luan Feng said: "..."

He couldn't help but chuckle.

 “This is the first time I’ve heard of this and this habit.”

"That's not the case," Chang Ning met Luan Feng's eyes, and his tone was a little more provocative, "I'm sorry for my personal habits!"

 “Well, I respect some people’s personal habits.”

Lu Zhengzheng, who could only sit in the middle position between the two of them: "..."

 Why do you suddenly feel that the atmosphere is tense?

 Fortunately, the next meal was fairly uneventful, if you ignore the fact that the two of them were always secretly poking at each other for the dishes they wanted to eat.

 After eating and drinking enough, change your car and hit the road.

 The modified car can seat four to five people, excluding the driver.

Jiang Lingxi had just gotten into one of the cars with Lu Zhengzheng and Changning. As soon as he sat down and turned around, he saw Wei Minmin and Pei Xinyuan meeting Chong Yin and Luan Feng outside the car window.

Looks like her car is quite popular!

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