After a game of words, Chong Yin and Luan Feng retreated.

Wei Minmin was so proud that she pulled Pei Xinyuan over and got into the car.

Jiang Lingxi waited for her to sit down and buckle her seat belt, "What did you and Chong Yin say outside?"

"He didn't say anything. He said there were some parts in the script that he wanted to talk to you, the heroine and one of the screenwriters, so I told him that I know you. You definitely don't like discussing work in the car. It's better not to force others to do anything. And you definitely liked the playing cards I brought more than talking about the script, so he retreated!"

Jiang Lingxi looked at the brand-new deck of playing cards handed to him, and reached out to pick up the "King" on the top.

 Talk about the script, it’s probably just an excuse.

 Perhaps, this person wanted to get to know her better by talking about the script.

 Although powerful people are somewhat arrogant, such people will only be more cautious than ordinary people when doing things.

 Because a lot of bets will be placed at one time, it is difficult to bear the consequences of failure once it fails.

Chong Yin has now arrived at the set. As expected, the next step is to contact her.

Happy to find out!

 After all, she had also thought about exploring this person's background, but she hadn't started yet.

Even though she had just lost an opportunity to test each other, as Wei Minmin said, it was too late for her to get irritated on the way, and she really had no time to deal with Chong Yin's temptation.

Let’s first see how patient this person is.

 “What are you going to play?”

“I can play Landlords, compete with each other, find friends, run fast, and explode golden flowers!” Wei Minmin looked proud, “It depends on what you want to play.”

Although she had never played any of what Wei Minmin said, and it was even the first time she had heard of it, Jiang Lingxi was still very calm, "I'm not saying that the car won't arrive at its destination until night, so let's just have fun. When you’ve had enough, switch to another one.”

 “Okay, I’ll shuffle the cards. Watch me show off my fancy skills!”

As soon as Wei Minmin arrived, Lu Zhengzheng stood up from his original seat to give up his seat, and consciously moved to the back seat to sit with Pei Xinyuan.

Looking at her skillful card-cutting movements, she asked, "Sister Minmin, why did you think of bringing playing cards with you when filming?"

"You'll know after you stay in the Gobi desert for a while." Wei Minmin said, without delaying the shuffling, "There will always be a day when you have finished watching the videos downloaded on your mobile phone and tablet. By then, , this playing card is very useful.”

Wei Minmin dealt the first shuffled card to Jiang Lingxi and said with a proud tone, "This time I not only brought playing cards, but also brought a game console that can hold batteries, checkers and flying chess, and a pair of mahjong! "

Lu Zhengzheng: "..." She gave him a thumbs up with admiration.

No wonder she saw that Sister Minmin had the most suitcases, and one of them was filled with entertainment toys for passing time.

Such a comparison, it seems that her assistant did not think it through well.

  I never thought of bringing some gadgets for leisure and entertainment.

Pei Xinyuan also had a knowledgeable expression on her face. She thought that a big star like Wei Minmin would have to live in the atmosphere at all times. She didn't expect that this hobby is as down-to-earth as that of the general public.

 Well, I will regret my cards!

 This is not allowed.

 Hands-on celebrities are not allowed either!


 In the car behind.

The car window was half-opened, and the gentle breeze dispersed some of the dullness in the car, and also brought in the laughter and laughter from the car in front.

Luan Feng took the driver's seat. He held the steering wheel with his hands and moved his ears. He heard Jiang Lingxi grabbing Wei Minmin's deceitful voice, and twitched the corner of his mouth without any trace.

These people actually really played their cards right!

 Looks really boring.

He then glanced at Chong Yin who was resting in the back seat with his eyes closed, "Sir, is the Chang Ning next to Jiang Lingxi the same little girl who was snatched away back then?"

"That's right," Chong Yin's eyes moved slightly, "It seems that the other party is not ignorant, and it seems that he wants to protect Jiang Lingxi."

Luan Feng pursed his lips and nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching sarcastically, "Who makes them always flaunt justice."

 At lunch, he and Chang Ning naturally didn't just dislike each other as soon as they met.

 That confrontation at the dinner table was a small temptation.

This time, he was able to alarm the immortal and unconscious disciples. This Jiang Lingxi is indeed extraordinary.

Chongyin chuckled: "That's good, things are getting more and more interesting!"

Let’s see who is slightly better next!


 A deck of cards was played for nearly two hours.

 It was Wei Minmin who said she wanted to play at first, but she was the one who finally said she didn't want to play anymore.

"I hate playing with people who can count cards!" Wei Minmin looked at Jiang Lingxi accusingly, "I worked so hard to teach you how to play, can't there be less calculation and more sincerity between people?"

Jiang Lingxi closed her eyes and concentrated while listening to the sound of shuffling cards in her ears, not even bothering to pay attention to her.

 The other three laughed together.

Lu Zhengzheng coughed softly and stopped laughing, "Sister Minmin, I won't play poker anymore. When we get settled in the place, we can play mahjong with you when we have time, right?"

“Okay, as long as you don’t take your sister Xixi with you.”

Lu Zhengzheng suddenly wanted to laugh again.

 This is a severe blow!

 “Look outside!”

Pei Xinyuan reminded several people in the car to shut up and subconsciously turned to look out the window.

It turned out that the crew's motorcade had left the city before they knew it, and what they saw was the rolling hills and grasslands, as well as the mountains and blue sky beyond. Occasionally, you could see a fleet of grazing sheep.

The sky is high and the sky is high, and the colors as far as the eye can see are extremely vivid.

Lu Zhengzheng took out the mobile phone specially used for taking pictures in his backpack. First, he impromptuly recorded a scene outside the car window. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the silhouette of the person in the front seat who turned his head and looked out the window. His heart moved and he switched to the camera mode. "Click" 'Sound.

Jiang Lingxi looked back at her when she heard the sound.

Lu Zhengzheng immediately understood and forwarded the photo he had just taken.

Jiang Lingxi took out the cell phone that had just vibrated twice in her pocket.

First, she saved the photo that Lu Zhengzheng just sent her, and then clicked on another unread message.

Changning: [Sister Xixi, I think I have met Luan Feng before. 】

Jiang Lingxi: [Did you test it out during lunch? If you have seen him before, then Luan Feng might also recognize you. 】

Changning: [It is possible. 】

Jiang Lingxi put down her cell phone and squinted at the dazzling sunlight outside the car window.

Changning was adopted by Wujue and was regarded as his disciple.

That Luan Feng, if nothing else, is Chong Yin’s subordinate.

Chang Ning and Luan Feng have met before, so can she guess that Wu Jue and Chong Yin have also met before. Even if they have never met, these two are aware of each other's existence.

This unknown contest may have already begun.


It is inevitable to be a little tired after riding in the car for too long. The excitement at the beginning of the ride is gone. People in the car begin to fall asleep and wake up intermittently, and then wake up and sleep again.

Until the car suddenly bumped, Jiang Lingxi woke up with a jolt. When she opened her eyes, she saw the setting sun that was about to disappear on the horizon outside the car window.

Not far ahead, a large courtyard appeared on the originally deserted roadside.

When I got closer, I could clearly see the big illuminated sign standing at the gate of the courtyard.

 Accommodation, meals, shops, repairs, supplies.

 The main focus is a comprehensive service!

The convoy drove into the yard, and the sky turned completely dark.

 The car door opened, and people got out of the car one after another, holding on to their dangling legs.

 This is the last store entering the Gobi Desert!

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