Facing a man whose physical strength far surpassed hers, she truly realized how weak and powerless she was at this moment.

What's more, she has a disabled leg, so she can't escape.

She didn't know what state Li Hongyuan was in at this moment.

But he was indeed drunk before.

Since he was drunk, how could he find his room accurately?

Or, in fact, he didn't necessarily know that this was her house?

Either way, it's enough to be embarrassing.

Jiang Ning's angry kicks were of no avail.

In the end he succeeded.

Toss for a long time.

until exhausted, and finally passed out.

She wakes up first.

It was dim outside, and there was no movement at all.

When Jiang Ning moved a little, he felt sore all over his body as if his bones were broken.

The pain in her body reminded her of what happened last night.

At this time, she was not wearing anything, and Li Hongyuan was still lying beside her, sleeping with her eyes closed. He still had one hand on her waist.

Realizing Jiang Ning's situation at this time, a rush of blood rushed straight to his forehead.

She casually touched a teacup by the bedside and threw it at Li Hongyuan's head.

However, her hand was held by Li Hongyuan before it fell down.

He opened his eyes, his gaze was cold: "Why, are you going to kill me?"

"You...shameless! Shameless!" Jiang Ning cursed in a low voice, wishing to kill him with his eyes. It's just that she didn't dare to yell loudly in front of her.

If the servant girl is alarmed...

She dare not imagine.

He Li is not ashamed, and He Li is fooling around with King Yu. This is a shameful thing, and he deserves to be called a shameless whore.

Li Hongyuan said indifferently: "If you say such things with your current appearance, it is inevitable that you will be suspected of being flirtatious."

Jiang Ning lowered his head, and realized that the quilt had slipped off because he sat up and hit him with something...

She hurriedly grabbed a piece of clothing to cover herself, and said in a low voice, "Get lost."

Li Hongyuan lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

Jiang Ning turned his back.

He picked up his clothes and put them on one by one.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jiang Ning hurriedly put on her clothes.

After she finished dressing, she realized that Li Hongyuan had been looking at her.

"This king didn't do what happened last night on purpose. But, this king felt very happy." Li Hongyuan looked directly at her, and said in a leisurely manner.

Jiang Ning sneered: "Do you feel happy? You shameless bitch! I have reconciled with you. We are not husband and wife. Why do you do this?"

Li Hongyuan took a step forward, raised her chin, looked at her beautiful face, "The matter of reconciliation is not my king's will."

"I don't care if you like it or not!" Jiang Ning opened his hand, "Get out immediately, and never come to Jiang's house again!"

"I still want to see my son and daughter."

"Don't look!"

"...You're a little unreasonable."

"I told you to get lost, did you hear that?!" Jiang Ning picked up a hairpin casually, "I'll pretend that today's incident never happened. Don't come here again. Otherwise, I'll kill you!"

"Are you really good at it?"

"You can try."


After speaking, Li Hongyuan walked up to her, took her hand, and aimed the hairpin at his neck: "Kill it."

Jiang Ning raised the hairpin and inserted it without hesitation——

Li Hongyuan felt a pain in his neck and hurriedly avoided it.

Even so, the hairpin had already cut a wound on his neck, blood was overflowing.

He raised his hand to cover his neck, and said in amazement: "Are you really doing it?"

Holding the hairpin, Jiang Ning said in a serious tone, "Believe me, if you weren't King Yu, you would have died eight hundred times."

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