"I am Wen Zan and Ling Zi's father after all."

"A beast is not fit to be a father."

"I..." Li Hongyuan took a deep breath, couldn't bear it anymore, and gritted his teeth, "Do you think that I did that to you just to bully you?"

"You make trouble after drinking, what kind of gentleman are you?"

"It was indeed my king's fault last night. But the matter has come to this, what can I do to calm you down?"

"Don't appear in front of me again."

"This king can't do it."


Jiang Ning's eyes were red with anger, and his voice was hoarse, "I hate you."

Li Hongyuan frowned: "I was wrong last night, don't cry. I won't be like this in the future."

"I do not believe you!"

At this time, there were already sounds of servants walking in the yard outside.

It was getting brighter.

After a while, Huang Ying and Chunlai will come in.

Jiang Ning was a little anxious: "You still don't leave!"

"Aren't you going to kill me, are you willing to let me go now?"

"Are you going to go or not!"

"Okay, I'll go."

Li Hongyuan turned and walked out, walked to the door, and turned back, "I don't know when you were pregnant. But this time last night, I will never forget it. Since you are my wife, you can only be my wife in this life." King's."


Li Hongyuan lowered his eyebrows slightly, opened the door and walked out.

The mother-in-law sweeping snow in the yard was startled when she saw him come out of Jiang Ning's house.

Huang Ying came over with water and saw that his hand covering his neck was stained with red blood, so she hurried forward and said, "Is Your Highness feeling unwell? Come to the wing, and this servant will bring you the medicine."

Just let him out like this, and soon everyone in the Jiang Mansion will know that King Yu came out of Seventh Girl's room injured.

No matter what the relationship between them is, daring to stab Yu Wang is not a small crime.

What's more, what are the two doing in the bedroom this early in the morning?

It is also bound to lead to daydreams.

Huang Ying wouldn't just let him go.

Li Hongyuan also knew how bad it was, so he followed her to the wing room, healed the injury on his neck, and then covered it with a cloak, so he couldn't see anything.

"Your Highness, are you okay?" Huang Ying asked.

"It's okay." Li Hongyuan stood up, "Go and see Jiang Ning, she must not be feeling well."

Although he bullied her drunkenly last night, he also knew in his heart that it was indeed a hard toss.

Knowing the taste, he is really too presumptuous.

When I got up early and saw a lot of bruises on her body, I couldn't help but feel a little guilty in retrospect.

Hearing this, Huang Ying guessed something in her heart, sighed, and after sending him out of the courtyard, she hurried back to Jiang Ning's room, only to see a hairpin dropped on the ground, and the hairpin was still stained with blood.

Jiang Ning was sitting in a wheelchair with long hair, looking out the window with a dazed expression.

"Girl." Huang Ying put down the basin, walked in front of her, and saw the suspicious color of her collarbone that was exposed.

This is just exposed, not exposed, I don't know what it looks like.

It was too much.

Huang Ying scolded King Yu in her heart, supported Jiang Ning and said, "Girl, this servant has asked someone to boil a bucket of water. You can wash it, and you will feel better."

Jiang Ning glanced at her: "Has he left?"

The voice is very calm.

"My servant gave His Highness some medicine and sent him out." Huang Ying said softly, "Miss, let this servant keep watch for you in the future? It's all your fault, my servant, who slept so hard at night that I don't know what happened in the girl's room."

"Nothing to do with you."

"Girl, are you taking a bath?"

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