Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 794 Love to give birth or not

The sky revealed a dim light, and Li Hongyuan opened his eyes and woke up.

In front of him was the Crown Princess's smooth back, with a few strands of blue silk hanging on her shoulders, which highlighted her skin as white and soft as fresh snow.

Li Hongyuan leaned over and kissed her gently on the back, and her warm scent immediately filled his nose.

Jiang Ning woke up and pulled up the quilt to cover herself. Her voice was a bit lazy: "I want to continue sleeping. If you want to get up, please go out quietly."

After waiting for a long time, there was no movement behind.

Jiang Ning thought he fell asleep again, so she turned back to look at him.

Unexpectedly, he was looking at me.

"The look in your eyes, if this were in the wilderness, I would think you were going to cook me and eat me." Jiang Ning said, "Are you reluctant to leave me?"

"The Beauty Nest is the Tomb of Heroes."

Li Hongyuan said as he lifted the quilt, got out of bed and picked up his clothes to put on.

Jiang Ning suddenly thought of something, straightened up quickly, and shouted outside: "Where is Huang Ying?"

Huang Ying immediately opened the curtain and came in. She saw Li Hongyuan dressing, and called two little maids to help him dress and comb his hair.

She herself came to serve Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning said: "Nothing else is urgent, just bring the medicine first."

"It's ready. I'll bring it to you right away." Huang Ying hurriedly went out and called Xia Chu to bring a pile of clothes.

When Jiang Ning got dressed, Huang Ying delivered the medicine to her.

Li Hongyuan glanced at the medicine bowl in her hand and said calmly: "You just don't want to have children with me anymore."

"In no mood."

Jiang Ning drank the medicine in one gulp as she spoke.

Li Hongyuan snorted: "I love life or not."

"I really don't like life." Jiang Ning gave the empty bowl to Huang Ying, and then took a glass of water to rinse her mouth.

"I don't believe it. You will never have children with me again."

"I don't know what will happen in the future, but I can be sure that I don't want to give birth now." Jiang Ning stood up, walked to the window with her hair down, stretched out, and smiled refreshedly, "Today It’s a good day for the army to set out, won’t Your Highness go and give your green tea to brother?”

Li Hongyuan got dressed and suddenly asked: "I've always wanted to ask you, you always say that Li You is a green tea man. What does this mean?"

"It doesn't mean anything special. I just feel that he is far less innocent and harmless than he seems on the outside."

"This is natural. If he was innocent, how could he come back alive from Silla." Li Hongyuan said, "I'm leaving first."

Jiang Ning turned around and said, "We agreed to teach me how to ride horses and archery."

"Aren't you going to ask Lin Shimo for advice?"

"I just want to see if he is really capable. I still need you to teach him."


Li Hongyuan answered briefly and walked out.

Jiang Ning came out after washing up and saw Li Tingqian bringing Wen Zan and Ling Zi over to say hello.

Chun Lai put the breakfast on the table and whispered to Huang Ying: "I went to the kitchen just now and heard the maid over from Jin Liangyuan saying that Jin Liangyuan also wants to cook herself."

"Really? Maybe Jin Liangyuan is not used to the food we eat here."

"No, she wants to use her cooking skills to attract His Highness the Crown Prince." Chun Lai curled her lips disdainfully, "I guess she heard that our master's cooking skills are very good, and the Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince are very happy, so she wants to imitate her."

Huang Ying said softly: "She has been in the East Palace for a long time. Your Highness has not seen her in the eyes. It is normal for her to be anxious."

"But she didn't want to think about it, does our master rely on his cooking skills to win the favor of the emperor and His Highness? People like him because it is the food cooked by the master. It is not because of the food that people like the master. The order is reversed, and she still wants to Attracting the Crown Prince, is this not a dream?"

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