Her Majesty Was Pregnant Before Entering the Palace

Chapter 795 I’m looking for daddy

Huang Ying smiled and said: "You are quite smart. Leave her alone. As long as she doesn't hinder us, let her do whatever she wants."

"makes sense."

"By the way, today is the day of the show girl's primary election. I will dress up my master later. It's warm today, so you can bring some of the new spring clothes that the Prime Minister's Mansion sent me a few days ago and give them to me to choose from."

"I'll go right away."

Spring has come and gone happily.

Huang Ying came over to serve Jiang Ning and the three young highnesses for breakfast.

Jiang Ning pushed a bowl of meat porridge in front of Li Tingqian, "Xiao Qian, eat more meat to grow stronger. If you are picky about food, in two years even the Wen Zan will be higher than you."

Wen Zan was immersed in cooking. When he heard this, he raised his head, grinned at his mother, and then continued eating.

Lingzi next to her was picking and choosing, holding a spoon, eating half a spoonful of porridge, and then looking around for a while.

If left to her, one meal could last an hour.

A person is anxious to death.

The two brothers and sisters are completely different. One is easy to worry about, and the other is troublesome.

In Jiang Ning's opinion, Lingzi was completely spoiled by Li Hongyuan.

For two children born together, Li Hongyuan only had Lingzi in his eyes and heart. As long as Lingzi was in front of him, he could ignore everyone else.

Not even with Jiang Ning.

The world is big, but my dear daughter has the biggest heart.

What kind of child can be raised by such a bottomless pampering as the prince?

Just look at Lingzi and you will know.

At such a young age, there are already signs of being coquettish and willful.

Jiang Ning knew that her daughter had been raised crookedly, but she was not the kind of strict mother. She could just give her a few scoldings, but she really couldn't bear to teach her a harsh lesson.

For such a young child, it is absolutely impossible to change those bad habits with a lot of pampering and scolding every day.

This child relies on the prince's father's favor. If he is scolded, he will immediately run to his father and cry. It is really helpless.

At this moment, Jiang Ning saw her biting the spoon and playing with it, barely moving the bowl of porridge, and couldn't help but get angry.

"Lingzi, why don't you eat?" She asked in as gentle a tone as possible.

"I'm not hungry." Lingzi blinked at her with her big black round eyes, "Mom, I also want to learn to ride a horse today. Daddy gave me a little red horse, and I want to learn to ride a horse with Mr. Lin."

"How old are you, and you want to ride a horse? No!" Jiang Ning frowned.

Li Hongyuan was also crazy and doted on this child to no end!

When Lingzi heard this, her big eyes immediately became misty, and she pursed her lips and said, "But Daddy agreed. Daddy also said that he would take Lingzi to the hunting ground for hunting in autumn. Why can Li Tingqian and Li Wenzan ride horses?" , I can’t?”

"Who said Wen Zan can do it? He can't do it either! Brother Xiao Qian can do it because he is older and taller than you!" Jiang Ning said with a straight face, "Eat well and don't finish the rice in the bowl. , you are not allowed to go out to play!"

"I do not want……"

Lingzi pursed her lips, tears falling down, put down the spoon, twisted her butt, jumped off the chair, turned around and ran out.

Jiang Ning said angrily: "Lingzi! Where are you going?"

"I'm looking for daddy!"

"Don't go! Come back to me for dinner!"

"Woooooo, daddy!" Lingzi ran away without looking back.

Xiaoman was squatting at the door, nibbling carrots. When he saw the little princess running out crying, he jumped up and followed her.

Jiang Ning called her: "Xiaoman, bring Lingzi back to me!"

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