Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 997: The hunt officially begins

In this line, Wen Qingzhong has Secondary Two, and Secondary Two has a trace of blood...Well, it doesn't fit Sister Qin's personality.

   Or, the former sister Qin just didn't want to show it?

  Also, after disappearing for so long, why did Sister Qin's strength become so powerful?

   And now it has become a pair of sword wings again.

   looks like a ‘Light of Lord’s Asylum’ Shinto combat technique.

   But if you look closely, it is not.

   is stronger and more beautiful.

   I remember that when I was attacking the temple to test the gods, Sister Qin did not have such strength and was almost driven to despair.

   At that time, she was saving her strength?

   Still, it was really just a little bit of strength at the beginning, but during the period of disappearance, what did Sister Qin do, so that part of her former strength was restored?

   Lin Beichen prefers the latter.

   After all, the situation at the time was not like a disguise, and there was no need to disguise. The little priests of the Temple of the Sword Lord of Yunmeng City also suffered casualties during that battle.

   And in some legends, this one has slaughtered a god.

   So the current sister Qin should be able to beat Wei Mingchen, right?

   Lin Beichen muttered in his heart.

   But he soon realized that he was too worried.

  Because it's more than enough.

   is simply a unilateral crush.

   With the movement of the sword wings of Lord Qin, the stream of nine feathered swords burst out of the air, not only dissolving the oncoming golden ‘Tathagata Palm’, one of the feather swords streamed directly through the shoulders of Wei Mingchen.

   A translucent wound appeared on Wei Mingchen's body.

   He looked down suspiciously.

   "Are you fully recovered?"

   Wei Mingchen keeps changing his body shape, his tone is cold and indifferent, with a hint of mechanical doubt: "This shouldn't be, you were backlashed by the heavens, it is impossible to recover, you..."


   A beam of feather sword light bombarded him.


   Wei Mingchen was bombarded and flew out directly, hitting the rock wall, forming a ‘big’ shaped depression, and the rocks fell one after another...

   "A strong power, but not your peak of the day."

   Mingchen Wei was still calmly analyzing under such circumstances.

   I saw the dark golden mysterious light and flame suddenly soaring.

   There are also hundreds of dark golden profound energy lightsabers condensed around him, densely floating around his body.

In the next moment, when Wei Mingchen pushed his palms forward, forbidden power was activated, and the still floating dark golden splash suddenly shot out all over the sky, like a golden dance, dyeing half of the void into gilt color. Sweeping towards the main priest Qin and shot away.

   He started to get serious.


   The priest Qin stagnates in the void, and on the wings of the sword behind, the feather swords continue to split and fly, forming a storm of blades, like meteors piercing the sky, almost to the point that the naked eye can hardly catch...


  Lin Beichen widened his eyes and said, "This is... have the two Yingzhengs opened up face to face?"

   Boom boom boom!

   Flying swords of different colors continue to collide and explode, exploding in the sky a group of gold and silver flames, like bright and beautiful fireworks.

   In the sound of this continuous bombardment, the victory and defeat began to lose balance.

  The silver feather sword sword has an endless source of light, and it is constantly suppressed, pushing the golden blade storm back...

   In the end, the dark golden flying sword could no longer withstand the bombardment from the silver feather sword.

   Boom boom boom!

   A series of silver feather swords bombarded Wei Mingchen's body like a storm.

   Wei Mingchen tried his best to condense the dark golden profound energy into armor, and protect him. Under the continuous bombardment of the terrifying energy of the silver feather sword, he kept backing away.


   He crashed into the stone wall behind again.

   The whole person sunken in.

   "It's very powerful, but it's not at the level of a false god, it's interesting..."

   Wei Mingchen's calm voice came from the depression in the rock wall.

   Lin Beichen's eyes were filled with doubts.

   This guy is still not a flesh and blood person, he is about to be blasted out of shit, and he doesn't even scream?

   Boom boom boom!

   The silver feather sword continuously blasted into the hollow of the stone wall.

   The terrible energy was constantly vented, and the entire underground lava space shook frantically.

   "Here is going to collapse."

   Xiao Ran and others showed fear on their faces.

   The silver silk thread formation on the square stone wall, under the bombardment of the feather sword of this degree, began to crack, which obviously couldn't bear it for long.

   Seeing disaster is about to happen.

   The priest Qin stopped suddenly.

  Silver smoke flowed from the cavities.

   The smoke gradually subsided.


   A tattered figure fell from it.

   is Wei Mingchen.

   This lofty noble son was in a panic, his black robe with gold rims on his body was already damaged, his limbs were broken, his snow-colored hair was messy, and that handsome face was covered with dust and golden blood...

   "The power of the third-level heaven and human realm."

He is still calm as a machine with no emotions: "You broke the taboo vow, but you haven't recovered to your original peak state. You should not show up in order to save that kid and expose yourself. From now on, you will face the endless chase of the Great Desolate Temple, and you will not survive long."

   The priest Qin did not speak.

   A line of silver sword light, like a meteor piercing the night sky, madly bombarded Wei Mingchen's broken body.

"It's useless."

   "Kill me, you can't destroy the memory, I will still know, the news can't be hidden..."

   "Since you broke the taboo oath, the Great Desolate Temple does not have to abide by the original agreement, Qin Lian, get ready to escape."

   Wei Mingchen did not evade.

   He let the feather sword shoot through his body.

  His figure was quickly dissipated in the light of the silver feather sword.

   At this time, he turned his head to look at Lin Beichen.

   "And you, after seeing your potential and background, I decided that I won't give you any more opportunities for growth. The same is true for you. Start escape."

   Lin Beichen frowned.

   This product is about to be cut to death by Sister Qin, and she is still so bold.

   Could it be...

   A strange idea emerged in his mind.

   "The hunt has officially begun."

   Following Wei Mingchen's last words that were as cold as profound ice resounded through the entire face, his body was finally completely annihilated in the endless silver feather sword light.

   The priest Qin stopped his attack.

The sword wings behind    slowly turned and disappeared.

   She fell back on the Broken Stone Bridge.

   "Venerable, he... is Wei Mingchen dead?"

   Mei Hua Shuo, supported by Mei Lin, couldn't help but tremble and asked.

   After this battle, he has run out of time.

  The only people who were thinking were the Fenglei Great Sword Clan and his grandson Mei Lin. If Wei Mingchen did not die today, it would be a disaster for everyone present today.

   The priest Qin looked at him and shook his head gently.

   The light of expectation in Mei Huashuo's eyes, like a candle in the wind and rain, quickly dimmed.

   Other people's hearts also trembled suddenly.

   "Didn't he have no bones left?"

   Huafeihua couldn't help asking again.

   Her injuries were also extremely serious, even if she returned to the Scent of Scented Sword Mansion alive, she would have to barely survive in the future.

[]    paid such a high price, he didn't even kill Wei Mingchen.

   "That is his clone."

   The Lord Qin said: "Wei Mingchen has mastered a magical power [clone]. The one who came here today is one of his three clones, not the main body."


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