Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 998: Borrow a pig

When Lin Beichen heard it, he couldn't help the corners of his mouth staggering.

   So a group of people calculated deliberately and played for a long time. In the end, was it actually lonely?

   This is not right.

   I'm **** the protagonist after all.

   A power projection of Wei Mingchen, hit it for a long time before it exploded, and then met a clone of someone, and was directly hung up and hit.

   If you encounter Wei Mingchen's deity, wouldn't it be unnecessary to fight, this guy can stare at himself to death?

   This feeling is really exhausting.

   "Unexpectedly, the tricks were exhausted, but in the end we lost."

  The patriarch of Fenglei Great Sword Clan Mei Huashuo couldn't help being short of breath.

   "At this point, it's useless to regret, so plan how to deal with the revenge of the Great Desolate Temple."

  The resilience of women has been re-planned.

   But in any case, the atmosphere is very depressing.

"Who would have thought that this Wei Mingchen was so cautious that he planted a power projection in the body of the ordinary elder of the Immortal Sword Sect. The formation used to isolate the outside world had a gap for him, otherwise, Before killing Light Sword Wuji and the others, Wei Mingchen will never come back..."

  【Wind and Thunder Swords】Mei Lin's heart is also unwilling.

Man proposes, God disposes.

  Although this time almost wiped out the top swordsmanship forces such as the Indestructible Sword Sect, the Wuding Flying Sword Sect, the Bone Sword Sect, and the Falling Sun Great Desolate Clan, they have also suffered heavy losses.

   The patriarch of the Sanguang clan, Zhen Rulong, died in battle, the plum paintings were dying in the wind, and the flowers are not peanuts, it is better to die...It can barely be regarded as a loss for both sides.

   But then, it was too much trouble.

   Wei Mingchen's phrase "the hunt begins" has caused tremendous psychological pressure on everyone, and it shrouded everyone's heart like a strong entanglement.

   A Wei Mingchen alone is already terrifying.

   In addition, there is also the Great Desolate Temple that has ruled the host Zhenzhou creatures for countless years...

   The world is so big, where can I be accommodated?

   There seems to be no place to stand.

   Lin Beichen turned his head and glanced at the priest Qin.

   This is a very thick thigh.

   You must hold your hand tightly.

   In silence, suddenly changed and regenerated.

   In the lava space, another hand stretched out from the void as if crossing the surface of the water, and then tore the backhand with a stabbing sound, as if tearing paper, tearing the void barrier open.

   Everyone's hearts were beating wildly, and once again, they ran the profound energy vigilantly for the first time, and they waited in full battle.


   Here again?

   Wei Mingchen came so soon?

   In the next instant, a head with gray hair emerged from the gap in the void barrier.

   followed by a green bamboo stick.

   There is a wine gourd hanging from the stick.

   "I am an old chess player."

   Mei Lin took a long breath.

   Everyone took a closer look. After confirming, they almost exploded their throats and returned to their chest cavity.


   Chess came out, saw the chaotic situation in the lava space, and then looked at the injuries on everyone's body, his face was suffocated, a little guilty, and said: "I seem to be late?"

   Everyone was silent.

The goddess lady official Lin Daren rushed directly, opening her mouth just to condemn: "You are so embarrassed to say? Didn't you let you haunt Wei Mingchen? Why did he rush here? If the Lord Qin didn't appear in time, we all had to be him. The soul is under the sword."

   "Ah this..."

   Qi Lao rarely blushed, and said vaguely: "My old man has been fooled by that kid, and he was deceived by his power projection. I am careless..."

  Today's plan, chess is always the key figure.

   In the end, he made a mistake.

   "His strength is more terrifying than before."

   The priest Qin suddenly spoke and said, "He awakens much faster than we thought, so I can't blame Qi Lao."

   "Qin Lian Shen is right."

   Old chess reconsidered immediately.

   Seeing this scene, Lin Beichen's heart was a little strange.

   It seems that Mr. Qi is quite a little jealous of the mysterious female official, Lord Lin. With the posture of being as high as when he first appeared on the stage, he would explain with a guilty conscience when he was reprimanded...

   The relationship between this character is a bit complicated.

   "Everyone, don't worry too much."

   The mysterious female official glared at the old man before turning around.

Her gaze swept across the faces of everyone, and slowly said: "Before you made up your mind to resist the tyranny. When confronting the Great Desolate Temple, you should have expected that there will be such a day, even if the plan is perfect this time. It was hidden for a while, and it could not cover up a lifetime. In the end, the Great Desolate Temple will definitely find out the truth, and then take a step back and say, is there any truth compared to the Great Desolate Temple? If they want to deal with any empire on this continent, Sect, temple, do you need a reason?"

   After hearing the words, everyone acquiesced in their hearts.

   There is nothing wrong with the crime that you want to add.

   This is an old saying.

   Nowadays, the Great Desolate Temple, the style of behavior, is basically ‘no need to resign if you want to commit crimes’.

   Lin Beichen almost laughed.

   This seems to make sense.

   But to sum it up, it is actually a layer of meaning——

  Early death is also death, late also death, so don't care too much, it is better to die early and super live.

   So speaking, speaking is an art, pay attention to talking and singing...

   呸, is to pay attention to the order of priority.

   Look at what the mysterious female official Lin said, the expressions of everyone turned out to be quite calm.

  The mysterious female official said again: "What's more, this time the sniper of the Great Desolate Temple is successful, and the Dark Moon God can successfully merge and come completely. With one more **** species that resists the Great Desolate Temple, our chances of winning will increase a bit more."

   After hearing the words, everyone looked lively again.

   Not bad.

   The blockade this time was not completely fruitless.

   "How long will the Dark Moon God have before it can fully integrate successfully?"

   Huafeihua asked directly.

   "Alright, soon."

   The priest Qin looked at the large magma space deep in the tunnel, and there was some expectation on his face.

   "Then shall we continue to stay here and wait for the full arrival of the Dark Moon God?"

   Merlin asked the aspirations of several strong swordsmen.

   The mysterious female official shook her head and said, "No, there is the priest Qin and Lin Beichen here. Baiyun City is already one of the safest places, not to mention..."

Having said this, he looked at Mei Huashuo, Hua Feihua and others, and said: "What's more, the situation has changed, and we must immediately remedy it. Chief Mei, Palace Master Hua, you need to return to your respective sects as soon as possible, and start the aftermath as soon as possible The plan is to evacuate from the original mountain gate and clan site to prevent the chasing of the Great Desolate Temple. One day later, one more day is in danger."

   "Not bad."

   Meihua Shuqiang nodded while taking advantage of his breath.

   Hua Fei Hua also nodded: "Yes, although the sword conference has not ended, but the result is doomed, we really want to hurry back...City Lord Lin, do you still need your help in this matter?"


   Lin Beichen was startled, and said: "How can I help?"

   Flower is not ikebana: "borrow a pig for a use."


   After Lin Beichen stayed, he immediately reacted.

   They want to borrow "Flying Pig".

   killed the white-haired and armor-clad tribe by himself and snatched four flying pigs. It is known as one of the fastest flying species. If you fly back on a pig, you should save a lot of time.

   "Those pigs, now they belong to my master."

  Lin Beichen thought for a while, looked at Lu Guanhai, and said: "Master is no longer, little teacher, would you like to say something?"

  Little teacher?

   Everyone immediately looked towards Lu Guanhai.

   Lu Guanhai's white, delicate, cold and arrogant face suddenly bulged out with blue veins.


One more

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