Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1456: Slaughter comes

Screams came from the crowd.

   Some guests who were not strong enough were caught off guard and were directly smashed into flesh by the boulder.

   The pungent smell of blood makes the atmosphere of the banquet deteriorate instantly.


   Huo Xuan was really furious.

   On an occasion like today, there are still people who dare to make trouble?

   Don't accept my Huo family?

   daring to smash the gate of the Deshengtan headquarters in public, it must be a few diehard elders among the demons.

   It seems that I really want to show these old guys a little bit of color.

   Kong Zhiyue, Shen Zichen and other guests suddenly got up and looked towards the broken door.

   Huo Jianlin even burst into purple light in his eyes, and his body surging with a powerful aura. The long purple hair danced wildly, like a blazing flame, and said: "Where is the rat, still not showing up?"

   The diffuse stone dust dispersed.

   "Don't let him go."

   "Who. Kill."

   Suddenly there was a shout to kill outside the hall.

   But it stopped abruptly soon.

   bang bang bang bang.

   More than a dozen figures, as if they were thrown into rags and sacks, fell heavily through the broken door of the palace, smashed to the ground severely, and fell to pieces.

   Someone in the hall exclaimed.

   The warm breath of blood permeated.

  The figure that fell in was all a strong man from the Huo family. They were covered in blood, their limbs were broken and twisted, and those who were already dead could no longer die.

   Huo Xuanzhen and Huo Jianlin were surprised at the same time.

   is just smashing the palace gate, maybe it can be considered a provocation.

   But if you kill directly, then it's a war.

   The nature has completely changed.

  According to the law promulgated by [Void Prophet] after entering Liuyuan City, no matter who dares to do such a thing, he must resist his life.

  These stubborn demon elders, are they crazy?

   A not-so-good premonition surged in my heart.

  At this time—

   step to step.

   A clear footstep came from outside the hall.

   The sunlight outside the hall poured in.

   The figure that appeared at the door of the Shattered Palace came back from the light.

   The dazzling light outlines a tall and handsome figure.

  The white robe and the silver skylight complement each other, showing the worldly distinction and excellence.

   Behind him is a dazzling light outside the door.

  The light poured in from the tips of his ears and temples, like beams of light, shining and rendering dust invisible to the naked eye, flying like a tiny stream of fireflies, rendering his body like a mysterious God of War coming from the light.


   Everyone could not see his face for a while.

   only felt the mysterious and powerful aura, rushing toward their faces, like a sacred mountain pressing on the top, making their hearts tremble.

   "Ten interest."

   A cold voice came from this person: "Not from the Huo family, within ten breaths, let Laozi roll... Otherwise, after ten breaths, we will bury the Huo family together."

   is like a real murderous aura, erupting like a mountain torrent. With this mysterious white-clothed man as the center, it instantly filled the entire hall, which was suffocating.

   The guests were in an uproar.

   At this time, after his pupils adjusted to the dazzling light, Huo Xuanzhen finally saw the true face of the uninvited guest.

   "Lin Beichen?"

   He was surprised and shocked, then his face showed ecstasy.

   This is really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. It is all effortless.

   I thought that this little **** had already died in the battlefield of the ancient ruins, but unexpectedly came out alive and appeared here.

   Huo Xuan really let out a long sigh of relief.

   As long as the stubborn elders of the Profound Snow God Sect are not coming to fight, then he can definitely handle other situations.

   Huo Jianlin also let out a long sigh of relief.

   He stared at Lin Beichen with a cruel sneer on his face.

   During this period, how many times he dreamed back at midnight, he couldn't help but wake up with a smile, and couldn't help but want to thank Lin Beichen in person.

   If it wasn't for Lin Beichen to kill his own brother, then the Huo family's heir would not be his turn to be the younger brother.

  The guests who had figured out the identity of the visitor calmed down.

   A little Lin Beichen could not scare them.

  The desire of Kong and the faces of Shen Zichen, a trace of disappointment flashed away.

   I thought it was someone who came, but I didn't expect it to be a moth fighting the fire.

   Today's Liuyuan Star Road has changed.

   No matter how strong Lin Beichen is, can Prince Qi be strong?

   Lost the backer, this junior will not pose any threat to the Huo family at all.

   The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became optimistic.

   "Father, this little flea, leave it to me to deal with."

   Huo Jianlin is confident.

   Huo Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

   just right.

   Take this opportunity to let everyone see with their own eyes, the terrifying aptitude of the "Purple Extreme Real Flowing Water".

   By the way, those who have ambitions should be shocked, and let them know that the post of General Marshal of the "Hoarfrost Army" has been settled, and they are not qualified to covet it.

   "Quick battle and quick decision."

   Huo Xuanzhen smiled and nodded, and said, "The banquet will continue."


   Huo Jianlin floated up, slowly approaching the gate, and the dazzling purple magic energy gleamed all over his body, which directly exploded the pressure of the peak 20th-level lord level.

   Terrible talent for magic repair.

   Huo Jianlin, who inspired the ‘Purple Extreme Flowing Water’ aptitude, actually crossed the fifth stage in less than three days and jumped from the fifteenth stage to the top of the lord level.

   Such a cultivation base is indeed qualified to challenge Lin Beichen.


   Lin Beichen stood at the door of the shattered hall, indifferent to the coercion of the Void Demon Qi rushing towards his face.

  He doesn't have any language.

   just counted down silently in my heart.

   "Hahaha, Lin Beichen, there is a way to heaven, you don't go to hell, you break in. Today, let you see how terrible the top-level magic cultivation talent'Purple Extremely Flowing Water' is..."

   Huo Jianlin had the winning ticket, as if looking at the prey in the cage, he approached Lin Beichen.

  He knows Lin Beichen very well.

  【Broken Body Invisible Sword Qi】It is indeed a discoloration that everyone hears.

   But on his body, there is a protective treasure ‘Jade Entangling’ from the [Void Prophet], which can withstand the strongest attacks under the 21st-level domain master, so he has no fear at all.

   However, what everyone did not expect was that it was not Lin Beichen who shot.

   is a huge red hand that stretched in from behind Lin Beichen, outside the broken palace gate.

   The giant red hand is very peculiar, shimmering with a faint metallic color, like some kind of alchemy item.

   just a slight pinch.


   just crushed the majestic Void Demon Qi on Huo Jianlin's body.

   smashed the protective equipment that was summoned in a hurry [Jade Panzang].

   also crushed Huo Jianlin's bones.


   The hall shook.

   A giant red monster over four meters high broke through the front wall of the hall and stood beside Lin Beichen.

   Its body is tall and hideous.

   The red metallic luster makes it impossible to see what kind of creature it is.

   Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded.

   The crowd is like petrification.

   This picture is too shocking.

   is as powerful as Huo Jianlin, but like a little chicken, pinched by this red monster, shattered all resistance...

   Does it exist at the domain master level?

   "The ten breaths are over."

   Lin Beichen slowly said: "Today, you all have to die."

   The icy eyes are like a life-threatening sword intent, and everyone feels that their soul has been reaped mercilessly wherever they glanced.

  Red Huo Jianlin, who was already in a coma, stretched out in front of Lin Beichen.

   He stretched out his hand slowly and pinched Huo Jianlin's head.

   "Death starts with this waste."

   The voice fell.

   Lin Beichen twisted his wrist and twisted this great head three hundred and sixty degrees.


   Like picking a watermelon, he unscrewed the head of the future hope star of the Huo family, who possessed the ‘Purple Real Flowing Water’ aptitude, and held it in his hand.


   The blood of revenge is flowing in the air.


   Huo Xuanzhen on the ceremonial stage trembled and his eyes were splitting.

   He shook his body and almost staggered to the ground.

   My son died too soon.

  So that he didn't react, and he never had time to help.


There is one more.

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