Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1457: Cry for me

"Lin Beichen... The old man is at odds with you."

   Huo Xuan trembled in anger.

   His two sons died in the hands of Lin Beichen.

   This is really double the enemy of murder.

  Especially the second son Huo Jianlin, this is the ‘Purple Real Flowing Water’ Qualification for Demon Cultivation, the Huo family’s greatest hope in the future, but he was screwed off his head alive in front of him.

   is over.

   Everything is over.

   Huo Xuan was really terrified and painful, and his body was shaking violently.

   "boring reaction, stupid nonsense."

   Lin Beichen sneered disdainfully.

   "Come here, kill him... kill him."

   Huo Xuanzhen's eyes were red, as if his reason was swept by anger, he screamed and waved his hand.

   The Huo family guards and strong men hiding in the dark had to attack together, turning into stream shadows, attacking Lin Beichen.

   There is even more bursting arrows shot.

   At the same time, the magical formation in the hall was silently urged, forming a terrifying void of devilish coercion, and heavy power rushed to Lin Beichen.

   In order to support Deshengtan, the Xuanxue God Sect still gave a lot of resources.

   But all this is useless.

   Lin Beichen didn't even need to shoot.

  'Red One' standing beside him, with purple flames shining in his eyes, just stomped lightly.


   The hall shook.

   The air waves visible to the naked eye, centered on it, radiate out in a circle.

   Those strong men who forced their shots didn't even have time to react, just like rice husks in the wind, they were swept up by this terrifying air current, exploded directly in the air, turned into blood mist and dispersed.

   There was a sudden rain of blood in the hall.

   The guests shouted in exclamation, and they backed away, fighting back.

   ‘Red One’ is the main level combat power of the 22nd-tier domain.

   What's more, in their spirit, they still preserve the combat experience and instincts from a long time ago. The control of power is beyond imagination. In this hall, no one can resist it.

   Huo Xuanzhen, even though he is a strong master of the High Lord level, is weak and pitiful in the face of the terrifying power of the'Red One'. He was affected by this terrible wave of air, and if he was hit hard, he retreated with a bleeding arrow in his mouth.

   "Domain master..."

   He was terrified, hissing and roaring.

   This level of power caused his anger to be extinguished, and he felt uncontrollable panic and panic.

   Seeing that something is wrong, some people just turned around and fled.

   They didn't dare to rush towards the front door where Lin Beichen was, but they all flew towards the back door of the hall.

   But the truth is always cruel.

   bang bang bang.

   The few people who had just escaped, flew back like a cannonball at a faster speed than they did when they fled, slammed into the ground, turned into **** patties, and died on the spot.


   The hall shakes.

   The back door, together with the rock wall on which it was located, was directly knocked open like tofu.

   The second red monster nearly four meters tall appeared.

   It is almost exactly the same as the red monster that crushed Huo Jianlin in the previous palm, except that it was slightly touched by a few inches, and there was no difference.

   The red metallic light flashes, and the body structure is completely different from that of normal people. It doesn't look like a living being.

   Everyone in the hall felt choked by bursts of suffocation.

   A red monster is already an unstoppable nightmare.

   Now there is a second one?

   However, before they could react, something more terrible happened.



   The stone walls on the left and right sides of the main hall were also knocked out of big holes like sand walls.

   Two blue monsters broke through the wall and entered.

   Except for the color and height, their body structure looks exactly the same as the two red monsters before. They also erupted with tyrannical and terrifying coercion, and their aura erupted like a mountain torrent, suffocating everyone.


   Two blue monsters possessed themselves and made roaring costumes towards the crowd.

   Tearing waves of mental power swept across the hall, and the air was surging like a hurricane wave. The guests who were already trembling with fright could not help but fall to the ground one by one, screaming and struggling...

   They can't understand what is happening at all.

   What is this red and blue monster?

   Lin Beichen still holds this kind of power in his hands?

   In front of absolute power, all the resistance is like a joke.

   Occasionally someone tried to flee unbelief, but was quickly intercepted by four monsters. They were torn into pieces like scraps of paper.

   Blood is like rain.

   The stump flies horizontally with a broken arm.

   Huo Xuanzhen's face was as pale as paper.

   He never dreamed that the crisis of the Huo family would come so quickly.

   There is absolutely no one in the hall right now, who can stop Lin Beichen's slaughter and torture.

   Their only hope is that the elder and leader of the Xuanxue sect, aware of the movement here, quickly rushed to support.

   Especially [Void Prophet].

  Even Prince Qi, who was holding the [Xie Yue Hammer] in his hand, was defeated by three moves. There should be no difficulty in dealing with Lin Beichen and his monsters.

   So all I need to do now is to delay time.

   He believed that [Void Prophet] would definitely come to save himself.

   At this time, Lin Beichen's voice echoed in the entire hall like an unquestionable command from the King of Nine Heavens.

   "Kneel down, or die immediately."

   The revenge eyes sharp as a sword swept across the crowd.



  Many guests simply couldn't bear this kind of pressure, so they knelt on their knees, shivering.

   Only Huo Xuanzhen, with a distorted expression, stood gnashing his teeth and refused to kneel.

   "Master Lin, please be forgiving."

   "The Huo family was the culprit who betrayed the Luyuan Star passersby, and we were all forced to come to the banquet."

   "I would like to follow Master Lin."

   Someone kowtows begging.

   Lin Beichen walked slowly into the hall.

   He didn't even look at these people who were desperately begging for mercy.

   just faintly said: "It's a bit noisy."

   Then in the next instant, the begging for mercy disappeared instantly.

   Because of those who begged for mercy, they all died.

   bang bang bang.

  Blood fog is permeated.

   The most hard-working people begging for mercy were killed by Lan Yi and Lan Er just like mosquitoes.

   Lin Beichen walked through the hall.

   Everyone knelt down at his feet.

   He snapped his fingers softly.

   Outside the hall, the scum tiger, who had recovered its normal size and shape, walked in slowly, holding the bodies of Yi Shunan and Lu Chao who had closed their eyes.

   The moment he saw these two corpses, Huo Xuanzhen's pupils shrank suddenly.

   Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

   Lin Beichen slowly walked towards the ceremony stand, towards him.

   "My friend is dead."

   "They died because of me."

   "Huo Jia must bury them for them."

   He stared at Huo Xuanzhen, and said one by one: "After today, there will be no more people from the Huo family on Luyuan Star Road... No, even the dog of the Huo family will die."

The cold and cruel tone of    seemed to make the temperature in the whole hall drop rapidly.

   Huo Xuan really wants to say something.

   Hongyi shot directly, pressing the giant palm lightly.

   Click, click, click.

   Huo Xuanzhen broke his legs and kneeled on the ceremonial stage involuntarily.

   The broken bone stubble pierced the muscle, and the blood stained the ground.

   Lin Beichen stretched out his hand and cleared the table on the ceremonial table that symbolized the power of the Huo family, and then placed the bodies of Yi Shunan and Lu Chao on it.

   Then set a spiritual position and offer tribute.

   Huo Jianlin's head is one of the tributes.

   "Now, everyone, bow down and salute to my friends."

   Lin Beichen stood on the ceremonial stage, turned around and looked at the people, like a paranoid who was drowning in anger and reason, and said: "Cry to me."

   Everyone then ‘wailed and cried,’ like a mourning concubine.

   Because of those who don't cry, and those who cry too slowly, they were killed by four red and blue monsters.

   "It's so terrible to cry."

  Lin Beichen walked over slowly, grabbed Huo Xuanzhen’s hair, pressed his head down hard, and slammed it against the ceremony stand, saying: "Kow my head to my friend."

   bang bang bang.

   Huo Xuanzhen was dizzy, staring at Venus, blood was flowing on his forehead.


Fourth more.

Good night brothers and sisters

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