Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1801: Remaining old boat

Have all the banned troops on this floor already died in battle?

Lin Beichen's mood became complicated.

He thought of something.

The entire Emperor's Temple has a total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine floors.

Could it be that there is a race of the past suppressed on every floor?

Prison of all races!

Could it be that this place is really suppressing all races?

Thinking of this, Lin Beichen's mood became even more complicated.


In the distance, several dazzling purple streamers broke through the layers of blockades and rushed towards the winding and dilapidated ancient road.

It is the powerhouse of primordial demons.

The zealots were suddenly facing a formidable enemy.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

The one-armed, one-eyed old guard smiled faintly and continued to walk forward, not intending to take action.


Dozens of sword beams shot up from the broken and broken blade in front of the roadside tombstone in an instant, with unparalleled suffocation, turned into a sword net that filled the sky, and instantly strangled the few primordial demon warriors and turned them into blood. rain!

It is the deceased strongman of the forbidden army!

Lin Beichen and the other fanatics exclaimed together.

At this moment, everyone understood that it was the will of the strong guards who had died in battle. It had not dissipated, but was still imprinted in the void of the ancient road, defending this only safe road and not allowing any foreign enemy to invade.

What kind of fighting spirit is this?

Even if the body is rotten and broken, the will is still imprinted on the void.

Even death cannot take away their fighting spirit.

Lin Beichen couldn't help but stop.

He bowed deeply to the tombstones on both sides of the ancient road.

Infected by his action, the other fanatics also imitated and saluted the powerful soldiers who died in battle.

The one-armed, one-eyed old **** showed a hint of relief on his face, and then urged directly: "Let's go, it's already piles of dead bones, and there's nothing worth worshiping... Send the tribute to your Majesty earlier. , is the most important.”

The crowd quickened their pace.

After a stick of incense, the time came to an end.

With the broken knife in his hand, the old soldier slashed out with one knife, opening a door in the void.

Beyond the door is a black corridor.

"Let's go."

He urged the crowd.

The young man in white led the fanatics and walked into the passage behind the door.

Lin Beichen entered the passage, looked back at the old pawn, and said, "Senior, do you have anything to say, you want the junior and others to tell His Majesty?"

The old soldier lowered his head and remained silent for a while.

Before the gate was completely closed, he said: "I hope my emperor will know that the secret language war department of the forbidden army has fought for 30,000 years and will not disgrace its mission."

The voice fell.

The door is completely closed.

Lin Beichen and others were silent in the black passage.

Many mad believers obviously did not know that such secrets were still hidden in the Emperor's Temple, and they were all shocked.

"You talk too much."

The young man in white looked at Lin Beichen and said, "Our only mission when we enter this room is to deliver the tribute to His Majesty. As for the rest, we shouldn't ask, and can't ask... Do you understand?"

Lin Beichen nodded without refuting.

This young man in white is the leader of the mad believers and should know some information.

These tributes, placed in the imperial capital, are not particularly valuable. Those top-level ancestor families can take out this wealth, and they only have a symbolic meaning in the entire Christmas ceremony.

But from the mouths of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, these tributes are extremely important to the Emperor.

Among them, I'm afraid there is something weird.


The young man in white led the fanatics to move on.

Soon came to the third floor.

Using the key to open the door on the third floor, he came to a world of airspace surrounded by white clouds.

Prison of all races.

On this floor, which clan is imprisoned?

Suddenly, the sea of ​​clouds ahead broke open.

An ancient bronze ship came floating in the air.

The sails on the ship are hunting, with two ancient characters painted on them—


The Emperor's Guard, Tracer War Department.

"You are finally here."

A voice came.

Lin Beichen followed the voice, his heart beating wildly.

But on the mast, a man was bound with black chains, a mutilated man without arms and legs.

He was wearing the armor of the ancient forbidden army, his hair was as pale as snow, but his eyes were like two bright suns. He released a powerful coercion, looked at the crowd, and said, "I am Zhou Zhou, the navigator of the 'Fuyun', please upload it. "

The young man in white waved his hand, and the fanatics boarded the ship with tributes.

Jingle clatter.

Zhou Zhou's black chains were tied to the mast, and it vibrated violently. One after another, energy flowed out of its body and injected into the bronze ancient ship, urging the ancient ship to break through the clouds and accelerate its flight.

Lin Beichen observed carefully.

It was found that on this ancient ship, only the navigator Zhou Zhou was alone, and no other banned troops were seen.

Along the way, I never saw the enemy of the Imperial Army.

"Senior, why is this world suppressing this alien race?"

Lin Beichen asked again.

He simply ignored the warning of the young man in white.

"This is the third floor of the Prison of Ten Thousand Clans, suppressing the Yu Clan among the ten thousand clans in the past."

Zhou Zhou's body is disabled, but he is very easy-going, smiling and explaining: "In ancient times, the Yu Clan used to be a big clan among the ten thousand clans. People, Your Majesty's expedition, destroy it, contain it and suppress it here, and I'm the Tracer War Department in charge of confinement..."

Feather clan?

Could it be the legendary birdman?

He ignored the frequent gazes of the young man in white to stop him, and said, "Senior, in this prison of ten thousand races, is it possible that every floor is suppressing an alien race?"

Zhou Zhou said, "That's true."

Lin Beichen said: "In the expedition, why didn't you kill all the tribes, but imprisoned in this prison?"

Zhou Zhou smiled and said, "Perhaps it's because the ten thousand clans adhere to the prehistoric universe after all, and it's difficult to wipe them out completely. Maybe it's because of other reasons... these are only known to Your Majesty."

Seeing that Zhou Zhou's attitude was so good, Lin Beichen couldn't help asking more.

"Why did the senior tie himself to the mast?"

he asked again.

Zhou Zhou said: "My limbs were all chopped off by the strong men of the feather clan, unable to regenerate, and became a waste person. Only by tying myself to this mast and uniting with the ancient ship can I drive the ancient ship."

When Lin Beichen heard the words, he was in awe.

Later, through Zhou Zhou's remarks, everyone knew that the forbidden army in the third floor, like the second floor, started to attack the Yu clan one year before the arrival of the tribute, and opened up a new way. safe waterway.

In this way, everyone successfully passed the third floor.

When the door was closed, the man who tied himself to the mast smiled and sent everyone away. That picture was deeply imprinted in Lin Beichen's mind.

In his mind, there are many questions.

According to legend, the Emperor's Imperial Army, who was invincible in the universe, turned out to be a 'jailer', guarding the alien races in the prison of all races, preventing them from going out to harm the human race.

But since it's a prison, why don't you see all kinds of torture tools?

When the Emperor imprisoned these people here, didn't he think about setting up some special formations or suppression methods so that these alien races could no longer threaten the Imperial Army?

In the first three floors, the war between the alien race and the forbidden army was so brutal and cruel. If this goes on, wouldn't it be possible for the alien race to rush out?

And was the betrayal of the saint back then related to this prison of all races?

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