Lin Beichen had thought about it before, why bother to use the forbidden army to suppress these alien races, and let the ancestor-level powerhouse directly enter, and the autumn wind sweeps the leaves away, wouldn't it be better?

But now it seems that I can think of it, how can the emperor and the high-ranking people in the Imperial Army not think of it?

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine floors.

Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine aliens.

Counting the human race itself, it is just ten thousand races.

Just thinking about it, the door on the fourth floor in front was opened again.

This time, inside the gate is a world with beautiful mountains and rivers, with immortal aura floating in the air, it doesn't look like a prison or a battlefield.

A heavily armored elderly Imperial Army stood at the door to greet him.

The teleportation formation of the fourth-layer prison is intact.

Everyone was directly transported to the 121st floor.

Lin Beichen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there are some levels of teleportation formations that are intact and still have teleportation functions. Otherwise, if they keep going like this, I am afraid that it will take several years to truly reach the top.

"Come with me."

The forbidden army on the 121st floor was a ghost with a black cloak covering his entire body, as if he wanted to completely hide his body in the darkness.

In fact, the entire 121st floor is a world of darkness, and the rich darkness is like thick and thick ink that cannot be dissolved.

The aura emanating from the black cloaked Imperial Army was not considered strong. He was probably only at the star level, and he held a torch in his hand.

The flames burned cracklingly, bursting out circles of pale yellow light.

The dim light enveloped Lin Beichen and others.

"Don't leave the scope of the mask, follow my footsteps."

The voice of the master of the Imperial Army is very old, but his steps are fast.

The crowd followed closely.

Lin Beichen had a hunch that there were countless terrifying demons lurking outside the range shrouded by the lights. If anyone stepped into the darkness and lost the shelter of the lights, they would instantly become prey in the devil's mouth.

He quickened his pace and followed closely behind the black cloaked army. He couldn't help but ask, "Senior, what is the origin of the foreign race being suppressed by this layer?"


The Imperial Guard master replied.


Lin Beichen had never heard of this race.

He was about to continue asking when suddenly, in the darkness beside him, there was a burst of strange hissing noises, not like birds or animals, but...

While Lin Beichen was still thinking about adjectives, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

Just looking outside the torch's aperture, in the darkness, the fiercely black claws suddenly stretched out. Under the brilliance of the torch, they melted and smoked like a candle, but they suddenly grabbed the shoulders of a mad believer. Pull him towards the far darkness.

This mad believer himself is also a peak of the star-monarch level. He was caught by the black claws that melted. He couldn't struggle and could only keep screaming.

"Looking for death."

The old imperial guard was angry, and the torch in his hand burst into light, shining into the darkness over there.


The sound of vaporization sounded.

Between the light and the flames, Lin Beichen suddenly saw that there was a monster in the darkness with a ferocious face like a monkey, but it had a human shape, with a bat-like flesh-winged monster behind it. Under the light of the torch, it instantly turned into a cloud of blue smoke.

more than one.

The light of the torch has great damage and restraint to them, and their figures recede deeper into the darkness.

Is this the bloodthirsty race?

Lin Beichen came to the mad believer who was scratched.

I saw four scratch holes in his entire left arm, deep to the bone, black blood and mucus were gushing out of the wound, and the shockingly thick black on the surface of the skin was spreading.


A sword light flickered.

However, it was the leader of the young man in white who took out his sword and directly chopped off the left arm of this mad believer.

The sword is stern.

The black bloodthirsty energy in the body of the wounded was also chopped off.


Under the light of the torch, the black blood and the broken arm disappeared instantly.

The fanatic covered the wound on his left arm, a black line appeared on his forehead, but found that his left arm could not be regenerated by surging qi and blood.

"Bloodthirsty can not only hurt people, but also alienate the deceased into their own vassals. Little guys, be careful and never step out of the lights."

The old forbidden army inspected the mad believer's injury, reached out and picked a spark from the torch, pressed it out on his broken arm, and finally helped his broken arm regenerate.

Then he held the torch high and continued to lead the way.

Lin Beichen began to ask questions like a baby again, and said, "Senior, why don't you see other forbidden troops?"

The old forbidden army said, "It's all here."

Lin Beichen was stunned for a moment, then he reacted immediately and said, "There is only one senior left in the forbidden army on this floor?"

"No, I mean, it's all here."

The old imperial guard held up the torch in his hand and said, "The light of this flame was brought by them. They will always be there, it's just a different way."

Lin Beichen stared at the torch and seemed to understand something.

The old forbidden army seems to be very willing to communicate with Lin Beichen because he has been stationed in this dark world for too long.

Along the way, he talked a lot.

It's like an old man who always likes to chat about some past events when he meets his grandchildren.

"In the beginning, when everyone chose Bingzhuren, they chose me. Do you know why?"

"Because I am the youngest."

"But now, I have gray hair, loose teeth, and a hunched back."

"Child, if you can come back here one day and can't see me, then look for this torch, it will definitely exist, even if it emits a faint light, it will never go out, it will be in this darkness In the one hundred and twenty-first city, it has been burning."

"Bloodthirsty, afraid of this light."

The old man brought everyone to the end of the prison.

The flame melts the void.

A new door appeared in front of him.

"The road ahead will be very dangerous, you have to be careful, even the Imperial Army may not be able to protect you."

The old man instructed, holding a torch, standing in the vast darkness, smiling and waving his hand.

It's like an old man who wants to send his children back to the city for work and school after the New Year, standing at the entrance of the village in the darkness of the early morning, reluctant to part, but pretending to be happy.

On the next 122nd floor, until the 721st floor, the teleportation formation was completely available, which was a lot more comfortable.

Lin Beichen also discovered the pattern.

The higher the number of layers, the more powerful and terrifying the aliens imprisoned in it.

The combat power of the forbidden army stationed in it will also be stronger.

This kind of formation, weapons, and battle formations that had not been seen before finally appeared. With the help of various powerful external force methods, the Imperial Army suppressed various alien races such as the Fish Race, Sand Race, Owl Race, and Lightning Race in the prison. middle.

Seeing the horrors of those alien races, Lin Beichen couldn't help but be shocked.

As long as it is a prison with more than 700 floors, any alien who breaks through the prison and enters the prehistoric universe will cause huge damage to the human race world.

The faces of the fanatics also became more and more silent.

The secrets in the Emperor's Temple made them tremble.

They even doubted that if this continued, they would be able to deliver the tribute to the Emperor alive.

However, the good news is that the follow-up teleportation formation of the Prison of Ten Thousand Clans is basically preserved. Every floor is greeted by the strongmen of the forbidden army, and they go directly to the next floor through the teleportation formation, and there is almost no danger.

About a day later, everyone came to the 7415th floor.

The teleportation formation here is cut off again.

It was also here that they encountered the biggest trouble.

Because the forbidden army on this floor has been wiped out.

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