Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1815: another universe

Lin Beichen looked down.

The finger directly sank into the Galaxy screen.

It was as if a curtain of water had been inserted.

There is no obstruction in the slightest.

And the thin Xinghe screen is not as good as a piece of paper, but his fingers are not exposed from the other side.

This feeling is like...

The fingers reached into another space.


Lin Beichen looked at the other two.

Wu Shanglong and Li Chenyuan looked at each other.

"I'll try."

Wu Shanglong reached out and entered the Galaxy screen.

Half of the arm was not in it, but it didn't show from the other side of the Xinghe screen.

"It seems to be able to enter."

He was eager to try.

Li Chenyuan was a little excited and said, "Could it be the dimension space left by His Majesty the Emperor?"

As a mad believer, he can contact the Emperor immediately for anything.

"You go in and have a look, and you'll know."

Wu Shanglong urged.

The voice did not fall.



A few more screams rang out in the hall.

There is another appearance of possession.

After the 'primitive monster' was possessed, it immediately made a series of screams, and layers of blue-purple smoke immediately emerged from its body.

That was the injury of being scalded by the golden powder of the Great Desolation.

Once possessed successfully and turned into a monster in the underworld, it will be burned by the gold powder on the body, causing serious injuries. Even those monsters at the peak of the new ancestors can't recognize the screams, the flesh is hot, and the Smoke, body rotting...

But it is clear that the gold dust is rapidly consumed.

The 'ancestral monsters' gradually showed their hideous and terrifying strength.

Even Lin Beichen and Wu Shanglong felt tremendous pressure, and their hearts jumped.

"Dead horses are used as living horse doctors."

Li Chenyuan said loudly: "I don't have time to explain, brothers, come here..."

He stepped forward again, exerted the decisiveness a leader should have, and greeted everyone who had not yet been possessed, =.

Glancing at the young and flustered faces, Li Chenyuan said solemnly: "The other side of the Xinghe screen may be the backhand left by the emperor, or it may be a more terrifying place, but we have nothing else. Choose, I will lead the way, if you want to fight, come with me."

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and got into the Galaxy Screen.

Such as passing through the water curtain portal.

disappeared instantly.

Lin Beichen said: "Everyone enters one by one, I'll stop."

To be honest, at this moment, he somewhat admired Li Chenyuan.

Is a qualified leader.

As for the others?

All of them have donated blood and been drank by monsters in the underworld. They don't know when they will suddenly explode and become the 'primitive monster'.

However, at this time, they really cannot be abandoned.

Fifty-two people entered the Galaxy Screen in turn.

The 'ancestor monster' on the opposite side has already rushed frantically, bursting with power that is infinitely close to the ancestor level. Before the shot, the entire hall began to vibrate wildly, and the blue-purple mist surged frantically like boiling water.

"I can't stop it."

Lin Beichen immediately pulled back and entered the space of Xingheping.


"This is where?"

He surveyed his surroundings.

The ground is ruined soil, no grass grows.

The endless fog is surging.

The key is that the color of this fog is clearly blue-purple, which is almost exactly the same as the power aura of the previous 'ancestral monsters'.

"The situation is not quite right."

Wu Shanglong's voice sounded: "We seem to have broken into the hometown of the monsters and have fallen into the trap."

Lin Beichen's heart sank.

He looked back.

A golden 'Gate of Light' floated in the air about half a meter above the ground, the size of which was exactly the same as the 'Xinghe Screen'.

The good news is that the 'primitive monster' in the hall did not rush in through the door of light.

Lin Beichen thought for a while, grabbed a gold ingot, and ejected it directly.


Although he shot through the door of light, he disappeared in another dimension.

"This door should be a two-way street."

He breathed a sigh of relief.

In other words, you can go back.

At this time, Li Chenyuan brought everyone else together.

The unfamiliar space allows them to breathe.

But the surging fog and the dilapidated land all indicate that this place does not seem to be the back-hand dimension space left by the emperor, but more like an unfamiliar world.

"I feel that the breath of life is passing."

Li Chenyuan said: "The space here seems to be endlessly extracting my lifespan."

"I feel the same way."

"The qi, blood and essence flowed uncontrollably."

"This is not a world of strangers at all."

"More than that, have you found out that in this dimension, there is no real tidal wave of the Great Desolate Universe at all, it is completely different energy."

"Yes, this means that once the infuriating energy in our body is consumed, it cannot be replenished. Every time we make a move, we will become weaker."

"You said... Could this be another world?"

"Could it really be the legendary underworld?"

The other mad believers talked a lot, and they all found out that they were all bad signs, and their expressions were not very good.

Although there are no complete monsters here, this time and space is depriving them of their lives.

If you stay too long, death will still come.

"Leave a mark near the 'Gate of Light', and then we go to explore around, maybe we can find other discoveries... Don't worry, wait until dawn, we will go back through the Xinghe Screening Gate, and the hall should be safe."

Li Chenyuan comforted everyone.


According to the previous inference, after dawn, those ancestor monsters will disappear, the temple door will open, and everyone may still have a chance to survive.

After setting up the mark, everyone chose a direction and began to explore.

There was no division.

Soon, thousands of miles around were searched.

It was all deserted.

The dilapidated wasteland, with no grass, gave Lin Beichen the feeling of being desolate and lonely like the moon, and it didn't seem like there was any sign of life.

Wu Shanglong took out the Hulk Dragon directly from his crotch.

A roar roared.

The green giant dragon turned into a 10,000-meter-long giant, floating in the air, carrying everyone, and soaring into the sky.

After a while.

The crowd stood on the dragon's back with dull expressions.

Lin Beichen looked at the planet under his feet, and his whole body was a little dazed.

So is the world that the Xinghe screen leads to another universe?

They rode the green giant dragon and flew away from the land, only to realize that what was under their feet was not a dimensional space, but a huge planet.

Look around.

The stars twinkled in the distance.

A huge blue-purple star, twinkling in the distant starry sky, emits some kind of energy, just like the sun in the prehistoric universe.

Another universe?

In Lin Beichen's heart, a storm surged.

"Look, over there..."

Li Chenyuan suddenly exclaimed.

Following what he pointed, Lin Beichen's pupils also shrank suddenly.

I saw that behind the huge blue-purple star, a huge body suddenly and slowly floated over.

The body is so huge that the huge star in front of it is like a child, less than half of his body.

This is the first time that Lin Beichen and others have seen humanoid creatures after they came to this universe.

So huge, is it a legendary giant?

"No, he's dead."

Wu Shanglong exclaimed.

"Yes, it's a huge corpse."

Lin Beichen also discovered that the incomparably huge human body was actually dead, without the slightest vitality, just like a dead star.

"It's the forbidden army."

Li Chenyuan got excited and said, "Have you seen the broken armor on his body? I'm sure that it is the Imperial Imperial Army's forbidden army... This is a strong forbidden army."

Lin Beichen also saw it.

In this universe, there is actually such a huge corpse of a human forbidden army general floating around.

The physical appearance can reach this level, at least at the ancestor level.

The real ancestor.

And it is definitely a high-level existence in the ancestors.

For some reason, Lin Beichen suddenly remembered the two empty seats on the second-level high platform in the Emperor's Temple.

That is the seat above the twenty-four ancestors.

Could this huge corpse be the owner of one of those two seats?


Goodnight everybody

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