Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1816: boat cross

Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, in this strange cosmic space, I would meet the peak ancestor-level powerhouse in the forbidden army.

Meeting old friends in a foreign land.

It is a pity that this rare powerhouse of the human race has already died.

"I feel a little cordial."

A fanatic opened his mouth slowly.

After his reminder, everyone else also reacted. Indeed, after the appearance of this huge corpse, the suffocating depression in everyone's heart disappeared.

This giant corpse of the forbidden army floated in the dark and lonely void, but it still exuded coercion, as if it was fighting against the tide of dark energy in the surrounding space.

And this kind of coercion made Lin Beichen and others feel comfortable.

"Go and see."

Lin Beichen urged.

Wu Shanglong rode the green giant dragon and scurried in the direction of the giant corpse of the forbidden army.

It looks close, but it's actually far.

With the speed of the green giant dragon, it took an incense stick of time for everyone to arrive in front of this huge corpse of the forbidden army.

Looking up.

It is as huge as Mount Tai.

The 10,000-meter-long green giant dragon looked like a caterpillar in front of the giant's body.

"It is indeed the armor of the forbidden army, yes, although this armor is broken, but the shape is unmistakable, cloud shoes, tiger armor, eagle helmet..."

Li Chenyuan didn't hesitate to spend his true energy, and flew up to observe. The more he observed, the more excited he became.

Lin Beichen is also observing.

The martyr of the Imperial Army was sturdy and well-proportioned. He didn't know how many years he had been dead, but his face was still lifelike, shimmering with a faint golden color, as if he could open his eyes and come back to life in the next instant.

His face is very delicate. At first glance, he seems to be an enthusiastic and cheerful scholar, but in combination with the armor that is riddled with holes, he also has a fierce iron-blooded spirit.

"It's been a tough battle."

Wu Shanglong observed it carefully and said, "If I'm not mistaken, his enemy is the kind of ancestor monster we encountered before, but it is stronger and more terrifying... Look at these injuries, there is a dark cyan color at the break of the armor. There is also residual blue-purple energy in the wound."

Lin Beichen also discovered this.

He pondered and said, "It's been a while since we came to this universe, but it seems that those ancestor monsters have not chased after them and are still staying in the hall. Why is this?"

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't think of a reason.

"Everyone, come and see."

Li Chenyuan, who has been flying up and down like a busy honey bee, transmits sound from the waist of a giant body tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Lin Beichen and several people flew over.

"Look, there's a nameplate here."

Li Chen Yuan said.

Sure enough, on the waist of the huge corpse, there was a huge light-gold nameplate hanging. If you stood on it, it would be like standing on a vast and boundless plain, and the writing on it was raised like a series of steep mountains.

"In the emperor's forbidden army, whether it is a **** or a **** general, there is a nameplate on his body, called 'identity card', which was originally created by the emperor to remember his identity. , if even the 'identity card' is lost, the above number will be used as a record..."

Wu Shanglong, a descendant of the Imperial Guard, knew this very well and explained it.

ID card?

In Lin Beichen's heart, another wave was stirred up.

This is interesting.

There is "The Internationale" in the front, and an ID card in the back.

The emperor himself, or the emperor's side, must have a traveler from the earth to plan for it, otherwise, many coincidences cannot occur at the same time.

"The boat is self-righteous?"

Li Chenyuan read out the name on the nameplate.

This deceased martyr of the Imperial Army, whose name is Zhou Ziheng.

Good name.

Lin Beichen suddenly had an association again.

There is no boat in Yedu.

Could the name of the Imperial Army come from this poem?

This is also a poem on earth.

"The ID number is 000003."

Li Chenyuan recognized the number on it, with a look of shock on his face, and said: "The emperor created the forbidden army, and the order of joining the forbidden army is the number. The number 000003 means that the order of this person joining the forbidden army is 3, which is regarded as the forbidden army. The pioneers of the start-up era.”

Another person said: "Isn't this earlier than the twenty-four ancestors?"

Everyone's heart froze.

For the original emperor and the Imperial Army, the timing of joining can explain a lot of problems.

Especially like the third person to join the Imperial Army, he must have risen together with the emperor in the dark era of storms, and must be a peerless sage among the human race.

Earlier than the twenty-four ancestors.

A high probability means that this person must be stronger than the twenty-four ancestors.

"Has anyone heard of this senior Zhou Ziheng's name?"

Lin Beichen said and looked at Wu Shanglong.

He is a descendant of the Custodians, maybe he knows something.

But Wu Shanglong shook his head slowly.

"Never heard that my parents, the uncles and aunts I know, didn't mention this person."

He thought about it carefully and gave the answer.

Lin Beichen was a little disappointed.

Since he is a martyr of the Imperial Guard ranked so high, why didn't he leave a little clue?

"I... seem to have heard of it."

Suddenly, a slightly timid voice sounded.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but it was a young girl in the tribute group. She had a beautiful face and light freckles on her cheeks, like a little girl next door. In addition, she was covered with gold powder. Set fire, actually a little shy blushed.

This girl had a very low sense of presence before, and she seldom spoke.

"This beauty, have you heard of it?"

Lin Beichen was overjoyed and asked with a smile, "Haha, what's your name, tell me quickly."

To deal with girls, he has many tricks.

"In Xia Qinruo, he is a member of the Qin family of Emperor Xing' Wangeguan. Because he likes to read since he was a child, he especially likes to read a lot of unofficial history records. In the book, I once mentioned the legends of His Majesty the Emperor in his early years. It is said that before the Emperor established the Holy Empire, there were two servants by his side, named Zhou Ziheng and Niaofeijue, who followed the Emperor and fought against the galaxy, although The reputation is not obvious, but the strength is unfathomable..."

The freckled girl whispered.

This kind of unofficial history is generally not favored by the mainstream public opinion on the Emperor Star today, and is even considered a banned book. Especially in the past few thousand years, various legends and stories about the Emperor have been banned by the parliament and the cabinet.

Qin Ruo peeked at this kind of novel in private, and if it was spread out, it would cause a lot of trouble.

So she never dared to say it before.

But after hearing that it was very meaningful to determine the identity of the martyr of the forbidden army, he was asked by Lin Beichen, so he said it carefully.

When everyone heard this, they all took a breath of cold air.

Is there such a history?

If he hadn't seen this 000003 forbidden military boat arrogantly, then what Qin Ruo said would definitely be regarded as an unreliable unreliable historical record, but now... this is the truth, it is the real history.

"According to this view, Senior Zhou Ziheng is the Emperor's servant boy. He has such a close relationship and has always been by His Majesty's side. Does his appearance here mean that the Emperor is also in this universe?"

Li Chenyuan is worthy of being the emperor's first dog licking, and everything is immediately associated with the emperor.

But Lin Beichen had to admit that Li Chenyuan's association this time made sense.

Before, everyone had been asking, where did the emperor who was supposed to be sitting quietly on the golden throne of the Emperor's Temple disappear and disappeared?

Now there seems to be an answer.

Since the emperor's closest comrade-in-arms came to this universe, the probability of the emperor appearing here is very high.

Li Chenyuan was obviously excited.

He wants to find the Emperor.

In his opinion, as long as the Emperor is found, all problems can be solved.

Whether it's the ancestor monsters in the temple, or the corruption, chaos, and decadence of the current holy emperor... For others, these difficulties are like a moat, and the emperor can easily and completely solve them.

And this is actually one of the reasons why Li Chenyuan, the eldest son of the ancient family of nobles, joined the tribute group wholeheartedly and came here.

Even if it is death, he hopes to die in front of the emperor.

Report everything that happens in the outside world to the emperor.

Ask the emperor to reappear and save the human race.

"Senior, please rest in peace."

Li Chenyuan mourned in the void.

And then hurried on the road.


Lin Beichen spoke suddenly.

He sensed something, and when his body moved, it turned into a streamer, and came to Zhou Ziheng's palm, his eyes lit up.

"follow me."

He dived down.

Everyone fell into Zhou Ziheng's palm.

The delicate skin lines, to everyone, seem like deep ravines, and at the intersection between the island pattern and the star pattern, in an area like a huge basin, there is a light golden light group floating.

"what is that?"

Wu Shanglong said curiously.

Lin Beichen didn't speak.

He approached slowly, then stretched out his hand.


A sword cry instantly resounded through the void.

The golden light flickered.

A golden long sword flew out from the ball of light, and instantly arrived in front of Lin Beichen, paused slowly, and flew around Lin Beichen several times, as if it was a curious baby, looking at a stranger.

Finally, it groaned.

It fell into Lin Beichen's palm.

Lin Beichen subconsciously held the hilt of the sword.

Start with warmth.

It's like stroking a lover's skin.

The sword shape is simple and simple.

It is one meter two long and ten centimeters wide. The material looks like a rock pine pattern, but there are many faint cracks like spider webs. The golden light that flickered before is from these cracks.

Above the blade, there are many large and small gaps.

It was left over from a fierce battle.

The moment he held the sword, Lin Beichen had an illusion, as if he was a child with many scars. After a great battle, all his comrades around him died, leaving only one of them, terrified in the dark. After hiding for countless years, after seeing him, he finally mustered up the courage to find his relatives.

This sword is incomplete.

But psychic.

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