Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1845: It's time for her to come back

The three envoys left.

took away more than a hundred heads.

No matter what, I have to go back to do business.

After leaving the headquarters of the Special Law Enforcement Agency, the three envoys stopped at the same time and looked back at the Special Law Agency building.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the three of them felt that there was a cloud of blood suspended above the sky, like a sea of ​​blood hanging upside down. The black building set off like a **** in a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

When the wind blew, the roar and laughter of the bloodthirsty ghost emperor could be vaguely heard in the distance.

The three of them shivered in unison.

There is an illusion of walking around the gate of hell.

The new deputy general bureau around the Special Law Bureau is simply ruthless and insane, and it is simply a murderer.

More than three hundred people.

They are all big figures who used to be famous and surnamed in the imperial capital. Whether it is strength, cultivation, or nobility, they can be regarded as part of the top of the pyramid of the entire human empire.

After all, fanatics are going to see His Majesty the Holy Emperor, so they cannot be selected from the commoners, they must be children of great nobles.

Although these people were convicted of treason and wanted to be hunted down, when the Tribunal, the Enforcement Court, and the Royal Forest Army chased and killed them, they just ransacked their homes and killed many unimportant clansmen, generals, and slaves.

No one really madly mutilated the heads of the core members of these families.

Even four or five-year-old children were not spared.

This kind of person can only be described as a murderer.

Even the three special envoys who have seen all kinds of killing scenes, Lin Beichen will be full of fear at this time. Once it falls into the hands of such a crazy murderer, it will definitely be a nightmare in this life.

The three of them each took some heads and went back to do business.

At the same time, this **** slaughter also spread in the imperial capital, and as if it had wings, it radiated rapidly toward the entire imperial star with the imperial capital as the center.

There are hundreds of millions of people in the imperial capital, and soon they all knew that a murderer named Li Shaofei was dispatched by the Special Law Bureau, who headed more than 300 people on the execution ground in one breath.

"Dog thief."

"Li Shao must die."

"The most vicious spy in a thousand years."

"Evil is full of evil, and it is extremely vicious."

"One day, if Li Shaofei is executed by the empire, I will definitely buy him a piece of meat and eat it myself."

In the imperial capital, countless people cursed Lin Beichen behind their backs.

After all, there are actually many sympathizers for those who were convicted of treason, not to mention their relatives and friends, who had been secretly trying to rescue these people before, and suddenly learned that all their efforts were in vain. With the news that they were slaughtered, why don't you want to drink Lin Beichen's blood to eat flesh and sleep?

"I swear, I will kill Li Shaofei."

"Kill Li Shaofei to avenge my friend."

"I swear to kill Li Shaofei."

"I swear to kill Li Shaofei."

Some radical martial arts experts have already begun to take action in secret to avenge those tragic deaths.

Some assassination operations against Lin Beichen are already being planned intensively.


"My lord, the situation is not quite right. Someone is deliberately stirring up public opinion and destroying your reputation."

Gongsun Longquan reported worriedly.

To be honest, she couldn't understand the decision of Lin Beichen's slaughter mad followers, and she deeply disapproved of it.

Even if you want to kill these people and take the credit in your own hands, you can let your subordinates do it, there is no need to go into battle with your shirtless.

This time, he has completely become the target of public criticism, provoked public anger, and made countless enemies.

"Destroy your reputation?"

Lin Beichen leaned back on the big chair and put his feet on the table, shaking and laughing, and said, "Hehe, do you think I still have such a reputation?"

Gongsun Longquan was speechless.

You now think clearly.

Why didn't you show mercy at that time?

When she joined Lin Beichen, she felt that the chief director had a very harmonious way of handling things, but she did not expect such a big thing to happen now.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Gongsun Longquan asked.

Lin Beichen gritted his teeth and said: "Why don't you ask me? I made such a big noise and made such a big noise. Of course, I want to take credit. Next, I will send people to the parliament, the cabinet and Huiyao City to ask for credit."

Gongsun Longquan: "..."

Is credit so important?

She couldn't understand Lin Beichen at all.

I always felt that Lin Beichen was not like this before. This was not the chief director who was dedicated to the people and defended the glory of the emperor with an iron fist.

Could it be that as officials get bigger and bigger, power can really change a person completely?

Lin Beichen touched his chin and said, "By the way, I heard that Li Ying, the old patriarch of the Li family, has fallen into the hands of the Cabinet Tribunal. Find a way to find out where he is being held and find a way to rob Coming here is also a great achievement.”

Gongsun Longquan: "..."

"As ordered."

She saluted, turned and walked out of the office.


Lin Beichen suddenly stopped her.

Gongsun Longquan turned to look at him with a puzzled expression.

"Take a few reliable masters to protect Xue Ning'er secretly." Lin Beichen tilted his head and said lightly: "Nowadays, many people want to deal with me, I am afraid that some despicable people will have no bottom line and secretly will be detrimental to her... You protect her for me."

Gongsun Longquan was startled.

She looked at Lin Beichen, the expression on the man's face was serious and clear, and his eyes were as clear as spring water in an autumn mountain stream.

Compared with before, nothing seems to have changed.

From this man's pupils, he could not see the imaginary fascination with power.

At times like this, at least he still remembers that little woman.

Perhaps, this is the reason why he chose to follow the force in the first place.


Gongsun Longquan turned around and walked outside the office.

The posture is swaying, like a water lotus blooming in the turbulent current, proud, stubborn and fragile.



Tears galaxy.

The Holy Land of Doctor Road.

Priest Qin slowly opened his eyes from the retreat.

She took out her phone and checked WeChat.

There is no message reply on the dialog box.

The [Acacia into the Bone] swordsmanship document that I sent in the past, still quietly appeared in the chat box, and it was the only conversation record.

As if nothing happened.

But for some reason, Priest Qin always felt that what he sent, that person received.

He must be still there.

She didn't believe that the scourge died.

Slowly walking out of the book world, Priest Qin stood on the top of the mountain behind Qiuzhi Academy, looking down at the densely packed courtyard of the bookstore.

Today, the Institute of Knowledge-seeking is becoming more and more prosperous.

After that battle, other major colleges have declined, and Qin Lian's prestige has been achieved, and it has also opened the prelude to a new era of knowledge-seeking colleges.

The best of the major colleges have all gathered here.

Moreover, due to the effect of the [Nutrition Express], the 'Book Emperor' Kong Shan Yingquan, who should have turned into bones, has not died. Although he has not completely recovered his strength, he has the possibility to take charge of the academy.

This is also one of the reasons for the strong and hurricane rise of the Institute of Knowledge.

Priest Qin rarely participates in the daily operations of the academy.

Today, she is more like a mascot, a legend, for the students to look up to and chase after.

Priest Qin actually wasn't interested in matters in the academy.

"In this retreat, my strength has reached the peak of the emperor level. It's time to do that. After so long, that stupid little girl who died of infamy for her love should also come back."

Priest Qin muttered to himself.

Above his head, three full moons are like a jade plate, hanging high in the sky.

The moon is like frost.

In the wind, long silver hair jumped like a waterfall.

Moonlight is always easy to miss.

Priest Qin remembered a lot of things and people in Yunmeng City back then.

Now, everyone is scattered all over the world.

That guy controls everyone's joys, sorrows and sorrows, and makes everyone care and miss... He will never die so easily.

He must be working hard somewhere.

Then let us work together.

Just as rivers end up in the sea, and stars belong to the universe forever, the head priest Qin believes that one day, everyone will get together and see each other again.

See you.

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