Here Comes the Immortal Swordsman

Chapter 1846: star pendant

the same night.

different moons.

The dark red ancient moon, standing on the ground, can clearly see the previous rounds of craters, like a wrinkled abstract painting, rendering the night of Yunyao Jiexing into a broken and charming darkness. Red.

Yue Hongxiang sat on the roof and looked up at the moon.

And where is the person she misses?

It has been more than half a year since I came to Yunyao Jiexing.

This legendary birthplace of the sky formation technique, this sacred place of sky formation technique that has declined in the eyes of countless people, is now a fragmented world.

It is said that because of the countless celestial formation masters cultivating and engraving the formation technique, this world star and the surrounding starry sky are covered with countless messy **** formation patterns, causing the heaven and earth to change and become chaotic.

To put it simply, Yunyao Jiexing is like a piece of paper. It has been written and painted by too many people, and too many lines are drawn in a mess, and it has completely lost its original appearance.

Many sky formation masters with outstanding cultivation have long since left this overused place to find a world star that is more suitable for cultivation.

Yue Hongxiang came here after abolishing the strength of nine bulls and two tigers. In half a year, the harvest was not small.

After all, Yunyao Jiexing is the birthplace of the sky formation technique.

According to rumors, it was here that the great Holy Emperor, His Majesty, met the fifteenth ancestor of the Heavenly Array who was just a little wandering girl at the time.

Yue Hongxiang's obsession with the sky formation technique made her feel like a duck to water on this world star, and her harvest was huge.

She is like a sponge, eagerly absorbing all the knowledge here.

Whether it is the profound meanings of the major schools of sky formation, basic secrets, or various legends related to sky formation and the ancestors of sky formation, she is very interested in them, and they will not refuse.

Half a year passed quickly like running water.

Looking at the dark red moon above her head, Yue Hongxiang first had the idea of ​​leaving here.

"Engraved patterns, proverbs, mantras, reverse seal seals, Zheng seal seals, official seals, thirty-six strokes, three strokes, one child... Yunyao Jiexing's thirty-six celestial formations, seventy-two basic formations, I almost It's all mastered."

"Right now, there is only the legendary technique of 'star carving pendant', and there is still no clue."

The stars are carved.

The profound meaning of the life of the ancestor of the sky formation.

Once circulated in Yunyao Jiexing, it is the highest sky formation technique announced by the ancestor of the sky formation. It is said that it contains the strongest formation avenue in the prehistoric universe. It can connect yin and yang, change the world, and turn the world upside down.

Ten thousand years ago, the founder of Tianzheng personally engraved the monument, and explained the profound meaning of the technique of 'carving stars and falling' on the monument.

Legend has it that when the monument was born, thousands of thunders and thunders bombarded the monument at the same time.

But the founder of the Heavenly Array fought against the Dao of Heaven with his supreme supernatural powers, allowing this monument to survive.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that the patriarch of the Heavenly Array of the fifteenth bloodline is a sage with a broad mind and a broad mind.

She once determined to spread the Dao of her body all over the world, so that any descendant of the human race with talent in sky formation can find a cultivation path and enter the hall.

"Let the human race magicians be like dragons."

This is the opening remark on the town monument.

Because of the existence of the town monument, Yunyao Jiexing was once extremely prosperous.

Unfortunately, something happened later.

The Patriarch of the Heavenly Formation left Yunyao Jiexing.

After all, the monument is hard to beat the heavenly way. It had cracks at first, and then gradually began to shatter again.

Finally, in the ninety-ninth year after the Heavenly Array Patriarch left, this monument, which contained the supreme meaning of the Heavenly Array technique, wailed on a dark and windy night, and then exploded and self-destructed.

Countless sky formation masters wept bitterly and sighed.

Someone tried to repair the town monument, but ended up dying.

After all, how terrifying the wrath of Heaven is, who can resist it except the Patriarch of the Heaven Array?

After that, all kinds of true and false 'star carving pendant' profound meanings were circulated inside and outside the world.

Countless celestial formation masters have exhausted their entire lives, but they cannot completely restore this supreme secret technique.

Later, the supreme secret technique was lost.

Mainly because, even when the monument was still there, no one could fully comprehend the profound meaning of it.

Even so, because of the 120 years of existence of the monument, the human race's sky formation technique has also been carried forward.

Many geniuses created their own sky formation techniques under the inspiration of 'The Stars Pendant', and established schools one by one, making the application and influence of the sky formation techniques infiltrated into the human empire and all aspects of human life.

"Unfortunately, what later generations discovered and realized was not the real 'star carving' after all."

Yue Hongxiang looked at the moon and felt sorry in her heart.

Her talent is extremely high, and she received the 'sacred position' presented by Lin Beichen. After she came to the prehistoric universe, she continued to practice hard. She also studied in the Holy Land of Doctor Taoism. Accomplishments have reached the realm of returning to nature.

Peek through thirty-six schools and master seventy-two techniques.

He wanted to take another step forward, but the bottleneck was unbreakable.

What is missing now is the true supreme meaning.

Yue Hongxiang felt that if she could take a look at the secret technique of 'Star Engraving Pendant', she would definitely be able to break through the bottleneck and touch the real secret of the Heaven Array lineage.

For the past few months, she has been chasing.


"Now it seems that there will be no real 'star carving pendant' true meaning on the stars of Yunyao Realm. Maybe it has spread to other places?"

Yue Hongxiang looked at the dark red moon, her eyes a little blank.

Where can I find the lost true biography?

When will I find it?

Only by touching the supreme meaning of the sky formation technique can it play a role in turning the tide on the battlefield of the Tianyu Galaxy.

I was afraid, but when I stumbled with white hair and found the true biography, the war over there was over.

He was afraid, he couldn't wait that long.

go back?

Or continue to search?

Yue Hongxiang sat under the dark red full moon until dawn, unable to make up her mind.

The morning mist was thin, blocking the sight.

"Ni'er, you haven't slept all night. Come down and have some porridge."

From the courtyard below, a kind voice came.

Kind Granny Lin, said hello to Yue Hongxiang.

Granny Lin is the landlord, an ordinary aboriginal woman from Yunyao Jiexing. She has no husband and children.

On the first day Yue Hongxiang came to Yunyao Jiexing, she met Granny Lin by chance and rented her house.

"Thank you, mother-in-law."

Yue Hongxiang jumped off the roof.

Granny Lin's porridge is delicious.

She has a quirky personality, many tenants find it difficult to get along with, and will leave the lease after a long stay. Only Yue Hongxiang feels that such a lonely old man is actually not easy. As long as she can be more tolerant and forgiving, she can get along very well good.

And it turns out that it is.

Now, after half a year, the two of them get along well. Granny Lin, who is sarcastic and sarcastic towards others, is soft-spoken, warm and tolerant towards Yue Hongxiang, just like her own daughter.

"Ni'er, is there something difficult?"

Granny Lin asked with a smile, "You've been staring at the moon in a daze these past few nights. Are you homesick?"

Yue Hongxiang nodded while drinking porridge and said, "Well, I want to go back."

"Then what you were looking for, have you found it?"

Granny Lin asked with a smile.

"Not yet..." Yue Hongxiang replied casually, but she was stunned and said, "Mother-in-law, how do you know that I'm looking for something?"

Granny Lin smiled and said kindly, "I also know what you are looking for."

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