Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 835 Prepare to slaughter the saint! !

Ren Jie's holy soul and sea of ​​consciousness, as if they had been burned by fire, had lost their vitality, had begun to wither, and began to shatter and collapse.

But when the sage's realm of Taoism was shattered by the impact and melted into countless light spots, it was like drizzle moistening the earth, instantly bringing new vitality and new hope.

Suddenly, Ren Jie had a feeling that after he couldn't breathe, he could suddenly breathe in air again.

The feeling of being alive again, suddenly sober, feeling the changes in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The realm of the sage's theory of Dao was destroyed, but it turned into a light spot, turned into power and merged into his body.

This gave Ren Jie's sea of ​​consciousness and Ren Jie's holy soul a chance to be reborn from Nirvana. This kind of opportunity is rare, not to mention that it is almost impossible in Ren Jie's state. became possible.

Ren Jie's holy soul was nourished and recovering quickly, but the fight and burning just now, this nirvana brought new changes to Ren Jie's holy soul.

The power transformed into the last moment of the sage's realm of Taoism nourishes and restores Ren Jie's holy soul and sea of ​​consciousness, and at the same time helps Ren Jie for the last time. Ren Jie touched the holy soul realm he had elevated to, and he always felt that the road was not very clear, and he didn't know how to go next.

This time, vaguely using the power of this sage to discuss the Tao, he actually felt and realized the existence of this road.

The holy soul and the sea of ​​consciousness are not just as simple as recovering, but also saw a way. In an instant, the holy soul after Nirvana produced new changes.

"Boom..." Although he didn't radiate power in an instant like the emperor to make all the existence in this world feel, but Ren Jie found that he had already taken a step beyond the limit, and his holy soul had really begun to step into it. The realm of saints.

When he really stepped into this realm, he felt the existence of a kind of avenue. There are not many avenues flowing in this world, and each of them is indispensable to truly form this world.

And at this moment, the space restriction arranged by the emperor's holy soul became less terrifying.

The holy soul completed the breakthrough, Ren Jie didn't stop, didn't think too much. He wasn't that excited. All along, he was used to a certain part of his own strength being raised in advance, and then gradually reached a certain level.

Especially in his realm, he has always been ahead, and it's okay to lead again this time. As for sanctification, he was far less expected and excited than the emperor and the others. For him, it was just to strengthen his own strength and make it easier to deal with the enemy.

"Boom..." The next moment, Ren Jie's holy soul erupted, directly breaking the space restriction, and instantly urged the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner to turn into a giant dragon, flying with him.

This time, because the holy soul has reached the realm of a saint, it is faster to control the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner. How much slower.

" could this be..."

"No, that's not from this world."

"No wonder, no wonder, he came from another place, he knows the sea to have such things..."

"Damn it, you dare to break my restriction... Boom..."


The emperor's holy soul was damaged, and he backed up after being shaken, his heart was full of anger.

I am a saint, the first holy emperor between heaven and earth, how could such a thing happen. But after all, he is a generation of heroes, and now he is even more powerful after being sanctified. Although he has suffered some injuries, he is strong enough after all, and he recovers quickly after running around.

Only Ren Jie was desperately wounded, and the injury of Saint Lun Dao that shocked the Holy Soul at the end was difficult to heal completely for a while, and it eased a little, and he began to think seriously.

At this moment, he didn't expect that Ren Jie could break through his space restriction and leave. The emperor didn't have time to think about other things, so he went after him again.

A majestic saint, who proclaimed himself the Holy Emperor, chased and killed hundreds of millions of miles but failed to kill a hated enemy. If this spread, wouldn't it become the five biggest points of him as a saint. Killing, no matter what, he must be killed .

Moreover, at this moment, the emperor still has a thought, after killing Ren Jie, he must study the scene in his sea of ​​consciousness.

How did the emperor know that because of him, the sage's discourse had been destroyed, Ren Jie was reborn because of this, and the holy soul had a chance to be reborn from nirvana and promoted again.

The emperor just remembered the few breaths he felt, which made him not calm at the moment. Thinking of Ren Jie's words, Ren Jie's ignorance of him as a saint, it was even more difficult for him to be like before. After becoming a saint, he thought Totally in control.

Because when he was colliding with the sage, he could feel the aura inside, which was completely beyond his comparability.

This feeling... is just like... It's not comparable to people who have just reached half-saint and Ren Jie or the only true saint and Golden Winged Roc when they are at their strongest.

This made his heart start to feel weak, so he rushed forward with more urgency.

But this time, it is obviously not so easy. Firstly, they distanced each other, and secondly, Ren Jie had already broken the space restriction, and the emperor could not catch up. It can also be broken quickly.

Chasing farther and farther, the emperor became more and more annoyed, and now he regrets why he didn't take down Ren Jie in one go.

If he had used the Primal Chaos Treasure's Yuxi from the very beginning, or had gone all out, without relying on others, or thinking that he could control everything, he might have directly taken down Ren Jie long ago.

Fortunately, it turned out to be like this. After watching Ren Jie burn the holy soul, he turned out to be stronger. This change also made the emperor's heart a little confused, not as calm and calm as before.

Even if he couldn't figure it out, how could this be? Impossible.

After thinking about it, the emperor blamed all the reasons on those phantoms in Ren Jie's sea of ​​consciousness. Thinking of this, he felt a little ashamed.

It's like a person from a mountain village climbs a hill and calls himself the king, invincible in the world. The emperor thought that all the time just now, but after Ren Jie felt those phantoms in his sea of ​​consciousness, his heart was suddenly shaken...

"Hmm!" Suddenly, the emperor stopped, because the Sacred Valley of Meteor was already thousands of miles away.

At this moment, the Sacred Falling Valley is very peaceful, and above the Sacred Falling Valley, a monkey is staring at him in mid-air. Although it has turned into a human form, the emperor is now a saint. The hoop can be seen even more clearly.

He lured himself here on purpose! !

At this moment, the emperor suddenly understood what was going on. If he hadn't hesitated before, as a saint, what would he be afraid of in this world, but now...

"Haha... I just said that you will be fine, good job, okay..." At this moment, Qi Tian, ​​who had been standing above the Sacred Fallen Valley worriedly, rushed forward when he saw Ren Jie appearing. A bear hug.

Ren Jie is kind to him, he is like a father to Hu Hu, and he is also the backbone of the Ren family. Now Qi Tian has an extraordinary closeness to Ren Jie no matter how he looks at it.

"Huh?" He gave Ren Jie a bear hug, and then Qi Tian raised his head and looked in the direction of the emperor. Thousands of miles were nothing to him, but he was curious about the current situation.

"Huh!" Finally came back, Ren Jie also let out a long breath. Although in the end he narrowly escaped death and the holy soul was reborn from nirvana, the thrill of being hunted down this time is definitely more than any previous one.

Seeing Qi Tian looking back strangely, Ren Jie hit Qi Tian on the chest with his fist, and then said: "It's okay, I was sent down by the head of the family, you go down to preside over the big formation, he will come, tell everyone, and prepare to slaughter Holy!!"

Prepare to kill the saint! !

Hearing Ren Jie's words, Qi Tian was taken aback for a moment, then rushed down with a big laugh, and at the same time let out a loud roar: "Ren Jia Erlang, prepare to slaughter the saint!!"

"Boom..." The emperor stopped thousands of miles away, and when he heard these words, he suddenly became furious.

Tu Sheng, who do they think they are?

"I'm very annoyed, do you want to say that you are a saint, and you still proclaim yourself the saint emperor. Do you remember what my Patriarch said to you before, that you are also worthy of being called a saint, but since you said so, then you hypocrite The saint is just as happy as it is, but what the head of the family has said is true, and you will definitely be slaughtered as a false saint.” Ren Jie looked in the direction of the emperor, as if they were talking face to face, thousands of miles apart. talking.

The emperor was really angry: "False dare to say that I am a false saint. I am a saint in this world. Originally, I thought you were a genius, and I was my servant. I wanted to give you some opportunities, but I never... ..."

"Haha..." Suddenly, Ren Jie burst into laughter, so much that the emperor couldn't continue speaking.

The emperor was inexplicably laughing, and stared at Ren Jie: "Why are you laughing?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm laughing at you. Except for a person like you who likes to deceive himself and others, brags and doesn't pay taxes, and has a thick skin that has no limit. The head of the family blushed for you, remember what you said just now, did you do anything just now. The head of the family admitted that he escaped from the dead, but you actually said that you wanted to give the head of the family a chance, did you explain it for your embarrassment just now, you are still a saint, My Patriarch sees that calling you a hypocrite is just flattering you, you have no guts at all, failure is failure, if you don’t kill, you don’t kill..."

"Look at it, if you are really capable, you don't have to be so scared that you don't dare to come forward thousands of miles away. The owner of this family is going to bring you here. Don't you think you are a saint? Don't you artificially sweep everything away? ?You sacrificed everything in the world just for yourself. You think that you are strong enough not to be afraid of everything. Today, Patriarch Ben will lead the Ren family to destroy you. "

"If you can't even be firm on this point, you're really nothing." Ren Jie didn't show politeness to him, pointing at the emperor who had stopped thousands of miles away, he started training directly.

It feels like a parent scolding a child.

It is clear that it is to provoke you, but as Ren Jie said, if a person who has practiced all the way and has gone against the sky to the point where he is now, if he does not dare to come here as the only sanctified person in this world, then he is considered a successful person. Holy, it would be a joke too.

The point is, if he can't pass his own test, so what if he is a saint, if he can't even pass his own test, how can he be called a saint.

"Very well, I will see what tricks you can play, no matter where you are from, here, I am a saint, I am a holy emperor, I rule everything, boom..." The emperor obviously thought of a lot in an instant, Especially thinking of the aura Ren Jie felt in the sea of ​​consciousness, it made the emperor who thought that everything would be fine when he entered the realm of a saint see a way, and he really wanted to see it again. And he walked all the way, how could he be afraid of these things after becoming a saint, even if the other party controlled the Falling Sacred Valley, so while speaking, the emperor had already stepped forward, and instantly appeared above the Falling Sacred Valley.

And the moment he appeared above the Sacred Falling Valley, the entire Sacred Falling Valley formation suddenly turned around, Ren Jie's figure also disappeared in the Sacred Falling Valley, the surrounding world had disappeared, and the emperor seemed to have left the original place. Fang Tiandi is ordinary.

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