Heretic Apothecary Genius

Chapter 836 Battle Saint Emperor

"Hmph, I'm already the Holy Emperor, above this world, even if this is a powerful killing formation born in the chaos, it doesn't make any sense to me, bang..." The emperor looked at the big formation, although he looked It seems that the world is changing, but how can it affect him, he just waved his sleeves.

With a bang, the surrounding space vibrated, and layers of environment disappeared. In an instant, there was a large formation of lore around, and the surging force pressed down, and at the same time, a giant stick smashed down from above.

The golden cudgel, the treasure of chaos, smashed down with the potential to destroy everything.

"The boss of the seven heaven-defying sages was able to refine the sacred monument into the treasure of chaos. It's really good. After tens of thousands of years of being trapped by his own strength, he can escape as much as the only true sage. It's a pity that you followed the wrong path." Man, bang..." Facing the horrific ruins of the golden cudgel smashing the mountains and rivers, the emperor still said calmly and just raised his hand.

With a bang, the golden cudgel was thrown out abruptly. Qi Tian is strong enough, and the golden cudgel is also strong enough. But the emperor has become a saint, and the power of this blow is just like when Ren Jie faced it at that time.

"Push..." Qi Tian didn't really hit the emperor, he was injured and flew into the formation. The next moment, other killing formations in the big formation were oppressed, resisting the emperor so that he couldn't pursue Qi Tian.

"Boss, how are you doing?"

"Boss, are you okay?"

"Monkey boss, what's wrong with you?"



Inside the big formation, although they each perform their duties, Niu Erer, Hu Hu, and Gu Xiaobao can independently lead one party, and they can still contact each other immediately when they have reached a sufficient level.

Seeing that Qi Tian made a sudden attack with the help of the formation, was blown away by the blow, and even came back spurting blood, flew heavily into the sky, and then fell into the formation again, he was very worried.

"Flash..." Qi Tian spat out blood again, but his aura remained undiminished, and at the same time his face showed an extremely belligerent expression, he laughed and said: "The Patriarch is right, haha, but that's it, saint, this It’s a saint, I thought what a saint can do, but that’s all.”

It turned out that Qi Tian had just communicated with the man-machine alone. When Ren Jie mentioned the emperor's situation, Qi Tian also felt itchy. He really wanted to meet the emperor alone, but Ren Jie didn't stop him. He just gave him such a chance.

After Qi Tianzhen fought, although he was severely injured, he didn't care about the emperor's power. In his opinion, what the Patriarch said was right, this mother is at most a hypocrite.

After Qi Tian made such a move, everyone else felt itchy.

"Okay, you can't do it yet. Without the cooperation of the Chaos Supreme Treasure, it still can't work. After all, he took that step, and his lethality is still very powerful. Others can't take risks. Everyone is ready. Today we will fight with this false saint." Have fun, psychedelic three lives, past life, present life and the next life, come all over again. Doesn’t he think he can see through everything, let’s see if he can be so powerful. Also, don’t rush to face it head-on. After the Patriarch was seriously injured, he dare not act recklessly now, he is slowly probing, we will slowly practice with him, and gradually bring out the power of the formation." Ren Jie stopped immediately.

Surely we can't let everyone continue to come like this, Qi Tian is the most powerful, with the golden cudgel as a treasure of chaos, it's okay for him to try it, other people can't do it.

Then Ren Jie immediately started to arrange, and the sound of his arrangement was heard by everyone.

"What, no way, Patriarch... what did you say, did I hear correctly?"

"Really, aren't you lying to grandpa, kid?"

"This guy is considered a false saint, but he can hit Qi Tianfei with a single blow, which is absolutely extraordinary. It's good that you can live. How did you hurt him?"

"Master is so handsome, I knew it, Master is so handsome!"

"Interesting, no wonder his expression is a little abnormal, that's why."


Because the emperor didn't act immediately after stepping into the Sacred Valley of Fallen Fall, and Ren Jie didn't let everyone fight their fate to turn to the battle formation immediately, but it just operated normally, especially the adjustment of strategy, the pressure on everyone was reduced a lot.

Qi Tian experimented with this, and everyone felt a lot more relaxed. Anyway, they can listen to Ren Jie's affairs at all costs, even saints can fight against them, but the pressure in their hearts will be uncontrollable. There is no way to do this, after all, the other party is the first saint in this world.

And under that holy prestige, Ren Jie can fight, Qi Tian can be better. Others are not feeling well. If there is no Meteor Sacred Valley and the Ren family formation to cooperate with the overall resistance, many individual people will lose their combat effectiveness.

This made everyone feel a lot more relaxed, and after hearing what Ren Jie said, everyone reacted in any way. In short, they were very happy and joyful.

"He pretended to press with his fingers, trying to crush the owner of the family, so the owner gave him some blood. He wanted to seal the world with the holy soul, and the owner of the family fought with him for the holy soul. The owner of the family is not afraid of anyone in this regard. We are not normal people, and there are some changes when we reach the realm of the Holy Soul. In addition, just now, the Holy Soul broke through to the Saint Realm by accident. In the same situation as him, he suffered some injuries, so he at this moment That's why you are so careful." Ren Jie immediately said a few simple words, Ren Jie did not exaggerate, but deliberately expressed the situation in this way.

He is very aware of the pressure brought by the emperor at this moment, and Ren Jie also released the holy soul at this moment to help everyone offset the pressure of the holy power. In addition, he made Qi Tian attack to let everyone know that this saint is nothing more than that.

As for the details, Ren Jie didn't say much about the sequence. On the one hand, it is unnecessary now, and on the other hand, he also wants to give everyone confidence.

"Boom..." Ren Jie exploded when he said this.

"What, son, what are you talking about, you...your holy soul has reached the realm of a saint, doesn't that mean, have been sanctified?"

"Huhu just said, the Patriarch is the most powerful, beat him to death..."

"Really... is this true? The old man heard it right, this..."

"Good job, haha, from now on, the Patriarch of my Ren family has really become a towering tree, who can protect our Ren family. In the future, if Uncle Liu and Aunt Liu have something to do, you will have to be our backer, haha... "

"Wow...Master, awesome, so awesome..."


"Hey, really!"


The effect of this blow caused a hundred times stronger reaction than just now. When Ren Jie said that his holy soul was different, people who knew him very well nodded, even some people who had fought and practiced with Ren Jie knew very well that Ren Jie has always been super strong in this respect.

But I still didn't expect that Ren Jie said at the end that although it was only a holy soul, it was a step taken after all.

God, that's a saint. Although it's just a holy soul, according to this rhythm, the Patriarch... Patriarch's sanctification is just around the corner.

No wonder, at this time, they really understood why the Patriarch survived the pursuit of the emperor, and why they felt so much less pressure from the emperor's huge holy power after the Patriarch spoke of the power of the holy soul.

As members of the Ren family, everyone feels extremely proud at this moment.

And Qitian, Niu Laoer, Tianjian Taoist, Dragon Tortoise, Qilin Immortal King, Xingyun Immortal King, Phoenix Immortal King, Black Dragon Immortal King, etc. have lived for tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years or even longer. Even more emotional.

But the most excited, excited, and happy, because Ren Jie is the head of the family in the minds of all of them.

"Is it just these little tricks? Boom..." At this moment, after several trials, the emperor found that the opponent did not attack, and he felt something was right in his heart, and fantasies abounded around him. Even if he was a saint, his state of mind had reached a whole new level. , above this side of heaven and earth.

But I don't know why, but some of them still affected him. Although they didn't waver, they also made him a little annoyed.

So the emperor finally made a move, waved one hand, and instantly the golden light swayed like an imperial decree. All kinds of light flowed on it, and the words flickered. There was a rule, and there were seven kinds of avenues.

"Lore." At this moment, amidst the excitement of the crowd, seeing that the emperor couldn't help but make a move, Ren Jie naturally would not be polite, and directly led the formation to strangle the emperor with the lore formation.

This killing formation is the unique killing formation of the Fallen Sacred Valley. Li Heng controlled this killing formation to deal with Ren Jie and the Ren family. It's just that at this moment, Ren Jie is controlling, Ren's family members are fully mobilizing, and Ren Jie has combined the essence of the medicinal properties deposited in the original Holy Medicine Valley into one, and the power is much stronger at this moment.

Just now, Ren Jie was like chatting, not taking it seriously, and the inadvertent conversation had completely let everyone down.

The coercion and influence of the emperor and saint have been reduced to the minimum, and their mental state has reached the strongest before they know it. Ren Jie, as the head of the Ren family, has led the family all the way to this day. No one knows the situation of everyone in this family better than him, and no one can inspire their fighting spirit and fighting spirit better than him.

"Real dragon body protection, bang..." The emperor bombarded with condensed seals with both hands, and the real dragon rotated around his body. The position of the holy emperor, the power of the real dragon emperor, surrounded by real dragons, the body can gradually condense into shape, really like a real dragon The dragon is resurrected.

"You're also called a dragon, let me show you what a dragon is, little ones, go and play with them." Ren Jie raised his hand, and in an instant the Nine-Nine Yin-Yang Zhenshen Banner he was carrying on his body had also been integrated into the cloud. In the sacred valley, nine weapon spirit dragons have already flown out, and each of them has a powerful force, and they directly pounce on it.

For a moment, the sound of the dragon chant was earth-shattering, and the powerful real dragon protecting the body of the emperor transformed into a real dragon, and fought with the Qi Linglong of Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner.

At the beginning, this real dragon thought it could surpass the nine weapon spirit dragons with the power of the sage's condensed illusion, but it was only when it was really killed that it realized that it was a big mistake. The nine weapon spirit dragons condensed by Ren Jie are the weapon spirits of the Jiujiu Yinyang Zhenshen Banner, and each of them has a huge origin. At this moment, they almost completely have their own lives, so powerful that they are terrifying, and they all have their special powers.

When you really fight, the wisdom is completely different.

"Bang bang..." Not long after, the emperor's incomparably powerful body-protecting real dragon, which was no worse than the treasure of chaos, unexpectedly tore apart nine weapon spirit dragons, and the power around the emperor's body exploded.

"Go to death, bestow death!" The emperor was furious, and pressed the seal formula with both hands, and the two words instantly enveloped the nine spirit dragons.

"Swoosh..." In an instant, the nine spirit dragons ran faster than anything else, and they got into the formation in an instant, without giving the emperor another chance to make a move, and the surrounding lore formation was even more powerful. The peaks of the Meteor Sacred Valley condensed their strength, and the large formation lore continued to bombard them.

"Hmm..." The emperor snorted, it was the sound of anger. The situation has happened several times, and the pursuit has not yet come to fruition. Instead, he was trapped here and was surrounded and killed by the opponent using the Sacred Fallen Valley. He is a dignified saint, the holy emperor in the world, how could he be like this.

"Ren Jie, and your Ren family, today I will let you all know that the holy prestige cannot be violated. Let's disappear from the world together with the Sacred Fallen Valley. Boom..." The emperor's figure continued to improve, and he was killed there. Under the oppression of the might of the formation, it continued to improve, and the next moment the jade seal in his hand had appeared. The sage holds the treasure of chaos in his hands, its power is beyond imagination, and it is many times stronger than when the emperor went all out to urge him to deal with the golden-winged roc, but at this moment, the seal characters above are circulating, and the real dragon soars, covering the world and killing everything. The hand keeps getting bigger, and it is directly suppressed and crushed down.

The emperor showed his ferocity at this moment. Since the Ren family controlled the Sacred Falling Valley and used the Sacred Falling Valley to deal with him, he would directly wipe out the Sacred Falling Valley together, completely erasing it from the world.

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