Heretic Doctor Useless Consort

Chapter 1017 The head of the family! Divine Kingdom Warriors [ask for a monthly ticket]

There are subtle voices that have been abrupt! Dissipating from the void where they were, Rong Mo hugged the little leopard beside him in his arms with dark eyes.

Coincidentally, Ye Batian also ignored it at the same time! He took the empress into his arms, and held his old father Ye Wuji with one hand.

"You..." But of course the empress couldn't be so "obedient". When she realized it, she wanted to push away the chest, but she couldn't.

Because she happened to be able to clearly see that there was a huge crack that was slowly opening in front of them, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

This is not the key point, the key point is that in all directions of them, such a gap has surrounded them, and the emptiness of Sen Miao comes out of it, chilling and cold.



The Dragon Emperor's eyes suddenly darkened, it knew what it was, so it said decisively, "Get ready, I will send you into the space crack, after that! Life and death are up to you."


People like Liao Zongming, Hua Qianfang and others were frightened by these words, but the Dragon Emperor didn't give them any time to think about it, and it already roared, "Dragon! Chaos."

As soon as this sound comes out!



All the people on the back of the Dragon Emperor could only hear the huge explosion scattered in their ears! It was so loud that their eardrums were pounding, and they all temporarily lost their hearing.


There's no after that.



Many people were split apart the moment they lost their hearing! Riot swallowed up little cracks in the surrounding space, so none of them could see.

Those gaps that were originally opened in all directions have suddenly grown larger in an instant, even bigger than the Dragon Emperor's body. If they didn't enter the space gap, they would definitely enter this gap.

And Dragon Emperor!

It is stabilizing the cracks in space! While hoping to transport everyone safely in various domains, he looked at these gaps with serious eyes and worried, because he knew very well that this was not an ordinary gap.



The Dragon Emperor who was in the process of maintaining stability hadn't been thoroughly investigated, but Rong Mo grabbed his dragon tail! And dragged into the space crack where he, Xiao Rongyi and Ye Qianli were.

same moment!


Those big rifts came, and the position where the Dragon Emperor was originally was clearly intended to devour the Dragon Emperor! It's a pity that the Dragon Emperor has been dragged into the space crack by Rong Mo.



But without the countless cracks in the space where the Dragon Emperor maintains stability, the stability will be lost immediately, and the people in the cracks will really go to their own destiny.


Kingdom of God.

Peerless County.


Following a clear sound of smashing the ground, it suddenly fell and smashed away like a meteor from the sky, and immediately there were a series of figures, who had already heard the sound and surrounded them.

Immediately afterwards——

"Why are mother and child dizzy?"

"Maybe it's because the realm is too low to withstand the divine power competition? That's not right, the area where they landed is the shortlisted area!"

"Take it away first, let the priest check it out."

After a discussion, the group of people who came up decided to carry away the mother and child who fell to the ground and passed out immediately, and let the priest who presides over the competition check it out.

And the mother and son who were surrounded by them for observation were Ye Qianli's mother and son who fell out of the space crack, but the mother and son seemed to be dying, so they fell into the shortlisted area of ​​a certain competition.


If Ye Qianli was awake, she must have looked dazed, completely unaware of why she was "so lucky", she obviously didn't participate in any competitions, and she didn't know the big ticket that surrounded her and her children How are you?

But she was in a coma. Although Rong Mo protected their mother and child very well, the space was turbulent! And those big rifts that have been working in the follow-up still have a great impact on their family.

After all, those "cracks" were obviously aimed at the Dragon Emperor, and they also seemed to have discovered the "whereabouts" of the Dragon Emperor in the future, so they naturally made efforts to attack Rong Mo's family.


"Why can't this little baby be broken apart?" The group of people who were planning to carry the mother and child away quickly found that no matter how they tried to break it apart, the child was still tightly hugging his mother's neck.

But the divine master checks are separate! Adults have adult gods, and children have children's gods, and if they can't be carried over together, then they will be unlucky.

The point is, they still can't wake up the mother and son, so what's the matter?

"That's easy, just smash the kid's hand, and break it apart?" A female voice in the crowd suggested nonchalantly.

"It's said that the most poisonous woman's heart, Lin Qing, you didn't bury this name."

"That's right, Lin Qing, this little baby looks so cute, can you do it?"

"Lin Qing, you can do it! Come here."

"If I come, I will come. Otherwise, if you want to be punished by the god teacher, I don't want to." After the woman who was bullied by everyone said this, she approached Ye Qianli's mother and son really ready to get started.

This is a woman in her thirties who is very dusty and her clothes are very revealing, but her cultivation level is definitely not low. After carefully looking at the mother and child on the ground, she sacrificed a small hammer.

"Lin Qing, don't you really want to do it? If you disable the divine treasure, it won't end well." A burly man nearby couldn't help persuading him.

"That's right..." The rest of the big men couldn't bear it, after all, the small half of Xiao Rongyi's face, no matter how you look at it, looks like a picture, very attractive.

"I'm going to be careful when I do it." Lin Qing knelt down and said, and even brushed away the messy hair on Ye Qianli's face.

for a while...

"Wow! Mother is also a beauty!"

"It's so beautiful, no wonder such a beautiful baby can be born."

"Tsk tsk! The father of this child is really blessed. His wife is beautiful and his son is lovely. He is a winner in life."


A large number of men have expressed their highest level of envy to Rong Mo, whom they have never met. After all, the biggest dream of these odd jobs is to save enough money for their wives, marry a good wife and have a son.

But what the men didn't pay attention to was! After hearing their praise, Lin Qing's eyes, which were originally staring at Ye Qianli's face, darkened a bit.

Because this Lin Qing has a concubine who has been with her for many years, but that concubine was recently seduced by a young and beautiful little goblin. Ye Qianli's beauty naturally reminded her of that little goblin.

Yes! The wicked Lin Qing, the moment she swung the small hammer, she gathered a super power into the hammer, and in an instant——

"Buzz!" The little iron hammer suddenly emitted a cold black glow, and countless poisonous snake mist lingered on it, which stunned the big men who were still admiring.

"Lin Qing! What are you doing?!" A big man with a quick reaction tried to hold Lin Qing's hand, because he could see it! Lin Qing's hammer will not only maim the child, but even the child's mother will suffer.

ps: 1. Brain Hole Question 2—In connection with the context, do you guess that the prince and the leopards will be in the same place? [28 coins will be rewarded for the correct answer on the main body] Reminder: The thread has been buried, if you find the buried thread and write it down, you will be rewarded if you answer incorrectly~

2. Push up, there will be 4 or 5 updates during the day.

3. A monthly ticket red envelope of 20,000 coins was issued, and you can get it by voting, okay~

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